Astrophysics (Index)About

de Broglie wavelength

(wavelength of a particle's matter wave)

The de Broglie wavelength of a particle is a wavelength based on its momentum. The particle's wavelength and momentum are related in the same manner as a photon's. For either:

λ = h/p

Louis de Broglie explored the notion that particles might follow rules analogous to photons, and the consequent predictions are confirmed by experiment, e.g., the behavior of an electron moving toward a slit differs regarding whether another (parallel) slit is nearby, exhibiting the same sort of behavior as does a photon, i.e., showing wave-like interference regarding its apparent flight path. The de Broglie wavelength is a key concept in quantum mechanics, the odd system of mechanics that successfully describes the behavior of such small particles. The waves associated with the particles are termed matter waves or de Broglie waves, and such a wave's frequency is termed its de Broglie frequency, defined as:

f = E/h

(This wavelength and frequency implies a wave speed of c²/v, given v, the velocity of the particle, i.e., a wave speed of c or faster, but while the wave's characteristics allow calculation of quantum mechanical effects, it doesn't imply any object moves at that speed.)

(physics,quantum theory,wave,measure)
Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
Compton wavelength
dark matter (DM)
electron scattering
neutron scattering
quantum system
wave-particle duality
