Astrophysics (Index)About

International Pulsar Timing Array

(organization of pulsar timing arrays)

The International Pulsar Timing Array (IPTA) is a consortium of pulsar timing arrays (PTAs), which aim to detect gravitational waves (GWs) using pulsar-timing observations. The gist of the IPTA effort is the collection and analysis of select PTA data (based upon precision and accuracy) from that of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array (PPTA), the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA), and NANOGrav. As data becomes available, the IPTA also uses data from newer PTA efforts: Indian Pulsar Timing Array (InPTA), Chinese Pulsar Timing Array (CPTA), and MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array (MPTA).

PTAs as gravitational-wave detectors are sensitive to a different range of frequencies than LIGO's and Virgo's 10-10000 Hz regime: the range for PTAs is microhertz and slower (e.g., nanohertz gravitational waves), the presumed detectable sources being binary SMBHs with orbits in this frequency range.

The term IPTA+ has been used for the IPTA's set of data combined with a bit more that is similarly selected.

(consortium,pulsars,gravitational waves,distributed,timing)
Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA)
gravitational wave (GW)
gravitational wave spectrum
Indian Pulsar Timing Array (InPTA)
Parkes Pulsar Timing Array (PPTA)
pulsar timing array (PTA)
