luminosity function
(function giving number of stars or galaxies at different luminosities)
A luminosity function for some type of astronomical object ,
is an empirical unnormalized probability density function that yields the number of
them at each possible luminosity .
Example object types are galaxies (galaxy luminosity function )
and globular clusters (globular cluster luminosity function ).
For example, the Schechter luminosity function for galaxies
(aka Schechter function , an example of a galaxy luminosity function ),
which is a modified power law :
Φ(L)dL = Φ* (L/L* )α exp(-L/L* )d(L/L* )
L - luminosity.
dL - differential of the luminosity.
Φ(L)dL - number density of galaxies with luminosity within interval dL.
L* - parameter: a luminosity value around which this function is adjusted, i.e., within the function's regime.
Φ* - parameter: normalization factor: the value of the function at L* .
α - parameter: exponent that fits observation data.
The parameters are chosen to fit observation. Example case:
L* = 1.4 × 1010
Φ* = 1.77 × 10-2
α = -1.15
Other variations of luminosity functions are
galaxy cluster luminosity functions,
planetary nebula luminosity functions ,
and luminosity functions of particular bands , spectral lines ,
or the lines of a specific molecule (e.g., carbon monoxide ).
It is assumed that luminosity functions might evolve, e.g.,
vary with redshift .
Regarding the human eye, the phrase luminosity function is
used with a different meaning, essentially the eye's
sensitivity function , which is also called its
luminous efficiency function .
(model,relation,stars,luminosity,galaxies,function )
Further reading:
Referenced by pages:
conditional luminosity function (CLF)
globular cluster luminosity function (GCLF)
initial mass function (IMF)
luminosity density
planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF)
X-ray luminosity function (XLF)
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