Non-Autism Books of Interest - 1987

Eugene Braunwald, J. Isselbacher, Robert G. Petersdorf, Jean D. Wilson, Joseph B. Martin & Anthony S. Fauci.
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 11th edition (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1987). ISBN: 0070202915 (hardcover, 2784 pages, 14th edition 1998). [medical,text]
John O. Cooper, Timothy E. Heron & William L. Heward.
Applied Behavioral Analysis (Prentice Hall, 1987). ISBN: 067520223X (hardcover, 651 pages); ISBN: 0675215528 (paperback, Pearson Higher Education, 1987). [behavioral]
William Crook, Laura Stevens & Cynthia P. Cook.
Solving the Puzzle of Your Hard to Raise Child (1987). 368 pages. Includes material on autism. ISBN: 039456054X . [disability]
Zoe Mailloux, ed.
Sensory Integrative Approaches In Occupational Therapy (New York: Haworth Press, 1987). ISBN: 0866566651 (hardcover, 179 pages). [disability,ot]
Robin Simons.
After the Tears: Parents Talk About Raising a Child with a Disability (Harcourt Brace, 1987). ISBN: 0156029006 (paperback, 89 pages); ISBN: 0151039631 (hardcover, 89 pages). [disability,parent,account]