Bernard Rimland - Nonfiction
Autism Books
Bernard Rimland wrote the influential 1964 book Infantile Autism
which did much to convince people that autism was caused by physical
anomalies in the brain rather than by the way parents treat their
Bernard Rimland founded the Autism Research Institute which, among other things,
publishes a newsletter summarizing autism research.
Bernard Rimland is the father of an autistic son who is an artist.
Autism Research Institute
- Stephen M. Edelson, ed & Bernard Rimland, ed.
- Treating Autism: Parent Stories of Hope and Success
paperback, 385 pages.
- Bernard Rimland.
- Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior
(New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1964).
282 pages. An older book that had far-reaching impact, influencing the choices being made as to the method of treatment. Photo-reproduced reprint is available.
ISBN: 0829000615 ; ISBN: 0134643135 .
- William Shaw, Bernard Rimland, Pamela Scott, Karyn Seroussi, Lisa Lewis & Bruce Semon.
- Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD
(Sunflower Press, 1997).
I think its working title was once The Biological Basis of Autism and PDD. Covers yeast, gluten/casein, and vitamin treatments. Initially not in many bookstores; call 913-341-6207.
ISBN: 0966123808 (paperback, 303 pages).
Autism non-fiction books by Bernard Rimland.