Bryna Siegel - Nonfiction

Autism Books

Bryna Siegel.
Helping Children With Autism Learn: A Guide to Treatment Approaches for Parents and Professionals (Oxford University Press, 2003). ISBN: 0195138112 (hardcover, 320 pages); ISBN: 0195325060 (paperback, 512 pages, Oxford University Press, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0195325065). [autism,parent,se,treatment]
Bryna Siegel.
The World of the Autistic Child: Understanding and Treating Autistic Spectrum Disorders (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996). Discusses diagnostic process and gives descriptions of the differences between Autism/PDD/Aspergers/Retts Syndrome etc. Author worked at the PDD clinic at the Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute at the University of California. Parent: couldn't put it down. ISBN: 0195076672 (hardcover, 351 pages); ISBN: 0195119177 (paperback, 368 pages, 1998). [autism,se,treatment,aspergers,pdd,intro]
Bryna Siegel & Stuart C. Silverstein.
What About Me? Growing up with a Developmentally Disabled Sibling (Insight Books, 1994). Written by siblings of autistic kids. One subscriber found it an excellent book for her 14 year old NT son. ISBN: 0306446502 (hardcover, 296 pages); ISBN: 073820630X (paperback, 316 pages, Perseus Publishing, 2001). [autism,disability,family]

Autism non-fiction books by Bryna Siegel.