David Hewett - Nonfiction

Autism Books

David Hewett, ed & Melanie Nind, ed.
Access to Communication: Developing the basics of communication with people with severe learning difficulties using Intensive Interaction (London: David Fulton, 1994). Includes large sections specifically on autism. Reader's comment: very interesting, intelligent, practical and non-dogmatic. http://www.independence.co.uk/bd.cgi/fulton/isb?1853462063 ISBN: 1853462063 (Taylor & Francis). [autism,disability]
David Hewett, ed & Melanie Nind, ed.
Interaction in Action: Reflections on the Use of Intensive Interaction (London: David Fulton, 1998). Includes large sections specifically on autism. Reader's comment: very interesting, intelligent, practical and non-dogmatic. http://www.independence.co.uk/bd.cgi/fulton/isb?1853464619 ISBN: 1853464619 (paperback). [autism,disability]

Autism non-fiction books by David Hewett.
