Margaret M. Scariano - Nonfiction

Autism Books

Temple Grandin & Margaret M. Scariano.
Emergence: Labeled Autistic (Navato, California: Arena Press, 1986). Since updated in 1991. This is an autobiographical book by Temple Grandin, with Margaret Scariano. It offers insight into the frustrations that people labeled autistic have during the time they are trying to develop an ability to communicate. This is considered a rare autobiographical account in as much as the majority of the people with autism have not developed such sophisticated communication abilities. Very highly recommended by a number of readers. ISBN: 0878795243 (paperback, 183 pages); ISBN: 0710400632 (Costello, 1986). [autism,account]
Temple Grandin & Margaret M. Scariano.
Emergence: Labeled Autistic (Navato, California: Arena Press, 1991). Updated references. ISBN: 0446671827 (paperback, 180 pages, Warner Books, 1996). [autism,account]

Autism non-fiction books by Margaret M. Scariano.