Mary Newport - Nonfiction

Autism Books

Jerry Newport & Mary Newport.
Autism - Asperger's and Sexuality: Puberty and Beyond (Future Horizons, 2002). ISBN: 1885477880 (paperback, 205 pages). [autism,aspergers,adolescent]
Jerry Newport, Mary Newport & Johnny Dodd.
Mozart and the Whale: An Asperger's Love Story (Touchstone, forthcoming). There was a book projected some time ago which I labeled Newport. ISBN: 074327282X (hardcover, 256 pages, due 6/1/2006). [autism,aspergers,account]
Jerry Newport, Mary Newport & David Weddle.
Newport (HarperCollins). Planned book: I'm not certain of the title. Account of Mary and Jerry's marriage. They are both autistic. Note: I'm not certain of Mary's last name. [autism,account]

Autism non-fiction books by Mary Newport.