Olga Bogdashina - Nonfiction

Autism Books

Olga Bogdashina.
Communication Issues In Autism And Asperger Syndrome: Do We Speak The Same Language? (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004). ISBN: 1843102676 (paperback, 288 pages). [autism,aspergers]
Olga Bogdashina.
Sensory Perceptual Issues in Autism: Different Sensory Experiences, Different Perceptual Worlds (Jessica Kingsley, 2003). ISBN: 1843101661 (paperback, 192 pages). [autism]
Olga Bogdashina.
The Theory of Mind And the Triad of Perspective of Autism And Asperger Syndrome: A View from the Bridge (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2005). ISBN: 1843103613 (paperback, 334 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1843103615). [autism,aspergers]

Autism non-fiction books by Olga Bogdashina.
