Thomas A. McKean - Nonfiction

Autism Books

Thomas A. McKean.
Light on the Horizon: A Deeper View from Inside the Autism Puzzle (Future Horizons, 1996). Sequel to Soon Will Come the Light. ISBN: 1885477260 (paperback, 95 pages). [autism,account]
Thomas A. McKean.
Soon Will Come The Light: A View From Inside the Autism Puzzle (Arlington, Texas: Future Education a.k.a. Future Horizons, 1994). Thomas McKean has autism and is a contributor to the AUTISM e-mail mailing list. AUTISM mailing list reader: he explains a lot of stuff we question every day on this list. ISBN: 9994393324 (paperback); ISBN: 1885477112 (paperback, 155 pages). [autism,account]

Autism non-fiction books by Thomas A. McKean.