Autism Books - 1986

Ellen Weber Bell, editor.
Autism, a reference book (New York: Longman, 1986). Part of the series Special Education. ISBN: 0582286212 (hardcover, 215 pages). [autism,se]
Alfred Brauner.
L'enfant dereel (Toulouse: Privat, 1986). 264 pages. [autism,french]
Temple Grandin & Margaret M. Scariano.
Emergence: Labeled Autistic (Navato, California: Arena Press, 1986). Since updated in 1991. This is an autobiographical book by Temple Grandin, with Margaret Scariano. It offers insight into the frustrations that people labeled autistic have during the time they are trying to develop an ability to communicate. This is considered a rare autobiographical account in as much as the majority of the people with autism have not developed such sophisticated communication abilities. Very highly recommended by a number of readers. ISBN: 0878795243 (paperback, 183 pages); ISBN: 0710400632 (Costello, 1986). [autism,account]
Josh Greenfield.
A client called Noah: a family journey continued (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986). ISBN: 0805000852 ; ISBN: 0156181681 (Harcourt Brace, 1987, 371 pages). [autism,account]
Florence Milnes Kozak.
Autistic Children: A Working Diary (Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1986). Part of the series Contemporary community health. Describes the author's work with autistic children, using first a psychoanalytic approach, then a behavioral one. ISBN: 0822953838 (paperback, 172 pages). [autism,account,psychoanalysis,behavioral]
Stine Levy.
Identifying high-functioning children with autism (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana Resource Center for Autism, 1986). 11 pages. [autism,aspergers]
O. Ivar Lovaas.
Behavioral Problems of Autism: Experimental Analysis of Autism (Irvington Pub, 1986). ISBN: 0829007407 . [autism,behavioral]
Daniel Marcelli.
Position autistique in naissance de la psyche (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1986). 194 pages. I also saw the date as 1995. [autism,psychoanalysis,french]
K. Meyers & B. Briesman, ed..
Children Grow Up: Autism in Adolescents and Adults (Lawrenceville, NJ: COSAC Press, 1986). [autism,adult,adolescent]
David Miedzianik.
My Autobiography (University of Nottingham Child Development Research Unit, 1986). US Publication: 1993 by Autism Society of NC. David Miedzianik is autistic. [autism,account]
Lurline Morphett.
Face to face (Adelaide: Education Department of South Australia, 1986). 184 pages. ISBN: 0724389806 . [autism,account]
John E. B. Myers, William R. Jenson & William M. McMahon.
Legal and educational issues affecting autistic children (Springfield, Ill.: C.C. Thomas, 1986). 192 pages. ISBN: 0398052506 . [autism,se]
Marge Penning.
A Language Program for the Severely Language Impaired - Autistic (Michigan Society for Autistic Citizens, 1986?). [autism,behavioral]
Eric Schopler & Gary B. Mesibov, ed.
Social Behavior in Autism (New York: Plenum Press, 1986). Part of the series Current Issues in Autism. Based upon 5th TEACCH conference, 1984. ISBN: 0306421631 (hardcover, 382 pages). [autism,proceedings,teacch]
Eric Schopler, Robert J. Reichler & Barbara Rochen Renner.
The childhood autism rating scale (CARS) for diagnostic screening and classification of autism (New York: Irvington, 1986). Part of the series Diagnosis and teaching curricula for autism and developmental disabilities. Also Western Psychological Services, Los Angeles, 1988. ISBN: 0829015884 (63 pages). [autism]
Frances Tustin.
Autistic Barriers in Neurotic Patients (London: Karnac, 1986). 326 pages. A psychoanalytic view of Autism (Note: the psychoanalytic theories are no longer wide held). Frances Tustin developed a hypothesis that "early-childhood autism is a two-stage illness: the first stage being an unduly close association with the mother, the father often being virtually absent or excluded. Such a child has been described as a `cork child' to plug the hole of the mother's depression and loneliness. The second stage is when this over-vulnerable, 'hot-housed' child inevitably becomes aware of bodily separateness. This is in such a sudden and painful way for it to be a life-threatening disaster. It is traumatic." She seems to have been active in UK and has good contacts with psychiatrists in USA, Italy, France and Spain. ISBN: 0300038402 . [autism,psychoanalysis]