Explanation of College Football and Men's Basketball Combined Ranking Analysis

These are scorings of various rankings of sports teams (college football and men's basketball), where the score is an average of three measures: correlations to a current mean ranking, the degree to which the ranking is in line with all the wins and losses of the season, and the percentage of wins predicted by each ranking.

Two versions are offered: one which takes into account rankings of all the teams in the division and the other that considers only the top 25 ranks, treating each ranking as 1 through 25, with a large 26-way tie. The latter puts rankings of just 25 teams, such as AP and USA on an equal footing with rankings that cover more teams.

Data source is Kenneth Massey's comparison pages:

The structure and detail of this "Combined Analysis" page is analogous to that of the "Correlations", "Wins Explained", and "Wins Predicted" pages. The "combined analysis" rating is an average of the three. See the explantions of the three:

The "overall" ranking is for convenience, and is an average of the four weeks prior to the current week.

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