Astrophysics (Index)About

mass fraction

(measure of a constituent of a star, cloud, etc.)

Mass fraction indicates the quantity of a particular constituent (or grouping of constituents) of a substance, as a fraction of the total mass. The term is used in chemistry as well as astronomy.

Mass fraction has a particular use in astronomy to specify overall abundances within stars, clouds, entire galaxies, etc., or the entire universe, with these common symbols for various fractions:

The mass fractions present after Big Bang nucleosynthesis are often listed with a P (for "primordial") subscript: Yp, etc. The values are a topic of research but Xp and Yp are presumed both by theory and by extrapolation of observations to be roughly 0.75 and 0.25, with Zp being very small. One means of determining that part of Y due to additions since the Big Bang is to survey for the ratio between changes to Y and Z over time (ΔY/ΔZ) and to use that ratio to estimate how much current helium was synthesized post-Big-Bang.

Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN)
deuterium (D)
gas fraction
Hayashi track
helium (He)
hydrogen (H)
Kramers opacity law
metallicity (Z)
