Astrophysics (Index)About

thermal runaway

(situation where heat triggers more heat production)

Thermal runaway is the result of positive feedback from some process producing heat, i.e., raising the temperature of some heat-producing process makes it produce more heat. The term is used for astronomical bodies such as planets and stars. An example of such a process is a global-warming scenario: a situation where an increase temperature causes more greenhouse gas to be produced, leading to a further increase in temperature, and so on.

In stars, the rate of fusion is often temperature-dependent and fusion produces heat; the ignition of fusion typically induces more to take place, and if no contravening factor immediately limits the rate (e.g., diluting and/or using up the fuel), such a thermal runaway follows. If a star has a degenerate core that becomes hot enough to trigger fusion, the generated heat might raise the temperature without decreasing density through pressure, resulting in a thermal runaway, such as a helium flash.

(physics,stars,stellar evolution)
Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
helium runaway
runaway process
