Astrophysics (Index)About

T Tauri

(T Tau)
(variable star taken as example of young star)

T Tauri is a system of three stars that is the progenitor of the term T-Tauri star used for similar young variable stars. T Tauri was discovered in 1852, discovered to be a binary in 1981, and a triple in 1997, the three now known as T Tau N (for "north"), T Tau Sa and T Tau Sb. The classification-term T-Tauri star was coined in 1945 when what was observed was T Tau N, which can be observed in visible light, while the other two are largely infrared. T Tauri illuminates a nearby nebula, NGC 1555. Characteristics (T Tau N):

T Tauri has proven to have unusual characteristics, giving it continuing research interest, but make it somewhat less of a representative of what are now labeled T Tauri stars.

(star,variable star,binary star,protostar)
Further reading:
/Lookback Years
~0144pc470lyT Tauri
Coordinates:T Tauri

Referenced by pages:
G-type star (G)
spectral type
T-Tauri star (TTS)
variable star
variable star designation
