Astrophysics (Index)About

F-type star

(F, F-class star)
(spectral class of star a bit hotter than then Sun)

An F-type star is a star within the F-class, a spectral class indicating stars with neutral hydrogen lines a yellow-white color, and a surface temperature in the range of 6200-7200 K, a bit hotter than the Sun, with a spectral energy distribution (SED) peaking within the visible range. Main sequence stars of this class are on the order of 1.5 solar masses, 1.5 times solar radius, and a bit brighter than the Sun. Such main sequence stars burn their hydrogen in a few billion years. Characteristics of F-type main sequence stars:

+3 to +4.4absolute magnitude(visual)
1.4-5.1bolometric luminosity(solar)
4-9 billion yearsmain-sequence lifetime

F-type main sequence stars are somewhat Sun-like and a number are within 10 parsecs, making them of interest in checking for extra-solar planets within habitable zones:

star distance type
Procyon A 3.5 pc F5 IV-V
Pi3 Orionis 8 pc F6 V
Chi Draconis A 8 pc F7 V
Xi Ursae Majoris 8.8 pc F8.5G0 Ve
Zeta Tucanae 8.6 pc F9.5 V
Gamma Leporis A 8.97 pc F6 V

(star type,spectral class)
Further reading:
290nm1.1PHz4.3eVbeginF-type star
387nm775THz3.3eVendF-type star

Referenced by pages:
51 Eridani b
calcium (Ca)
FGK star
GRO J1655-40
HD 114762
KIC 8462852
Messier 67 (M67)
Morgan classification
planet demographics
post-starburst galaxy (PSB galaxy)
RR Lyrae variable (RRL)
shell star (sh)
spectral class
Spectroscopic Properties of Cool Stars (SPOCS)
stellar demographics
T4 Automated Photometric Telescope (T4 APT)
