Astrophysics (Index)About

well-known survey fields

(well-known fields used by multiple surveys)

These are survey fields used for multiple surveys. Such reuse produces more data for the individual sources within the survey fields, revealing more about the source than would any specific survey or observation. These are often deep fields, where effort has been made to view distant objects; in such cases, there is value in collecting additional information on them from other wavelength-regimes and using newer technology: this assists in study of the observed objects and general conditions within the objects' redshift-regime. Some such fields:

The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) was essentially a number of surveys in different wavelength-regimes of its two fields. The Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) reused and zoomed in on a number of these fields.

Also often used are Baade's Window and the Lockman hole, the former to see into the central region of the Milky Way and the latter, additionally to see out the other side. The zone of avoidance (ZOA) is a place not to use for surveys, being the area where dust makes observations beyond the Milky Way untenable for visible light and many EMR wavelength-regimes; however, it is a target for surveys of the EMR that can penetrate the dust, to discover and study what is behind that dust.

Further reading:
