(frequency bands within which the atmosphere passes EMR)
An atmospheric window is a band
of frequencies (and wavelengths)
over which the Earth's atmosphere allows electromagnetic radiation (EMR) to pass,
given that the Earth's atmospheric transparency is limited.
To other wavelengths, the atmosphere is opaque, which is
a major motivation for space telescopes.
Major atmospheric windows:
visible (optical) - includes visible light and near infrared (without this window, we would have no daylight).
Within infrared and microwave, there are additional narrower windows,
such as the water hole, which allows the 18-cm and 21-cm line
to be viewed from the ground. The windows vary as to how transparent
they are. Higher altitudes avoid some of the opaqueness, opening
some windows to practical use and generally enhancing all the windows,
the motivation for locating observatories at high altitudes.
Water vapor in air also is a source of opaqueness for some microwave
and infrared wavelengths, and dry air (such as found in deserts,
and in very cold climates) also improves windows for astronomical
Atmospheric windows are a major factor in the behavior of the
atmosphere, i.e., weather and climate, as they influence the
Sun's warming effect and the Earth's cooling that balances
it, i.e., the degree of the greenhouse effect. The windows'
characteristics result from the atmosphere's constituents, its
density, and how the constituents and density are distributed.