Autism Books: Non-Fiction by Author
Maureen Aarons (3 titles)
Philip Abrams (1 title)
Christina Adams (1 title)
Janice Adams (3 titles)
Lynn Adams (1 title)
Lynn W. Adams (1 title)
Anne Addison (1 title)
Diane Adreon (1 title)
Kenneth Aitken (2 titles)
Natacha Akshoomoff (1 title)
Donna Alaimo (1 title)
Deborah Golden Alecson (1 title)
Patricia J. Almond (2 titles)
Gerald D. Alpern (1 title)
Anne Alvarez (2 titles)
Juliette Alvin (2 titles)
Edward R. Amend (1 title)
American Psychiatric Association (2 titles)
American Psychiatric Institute (2 titles)
American Psychological Association (1 title)
Johanna Anderson (1 title)
Liz McKendry Anderson (1 title)
Margaret Anderson (1 title)
Stephen R. Anderson (1 title)
Kim Andis (1 title)
Linda Andron (1 title)
Patricia M. Apple (1 title)
Paula Aquilla (2 titles)
Maria Lourdes Arelanno-Carandang (1 title)
Lusia Arendt (1 title)
Joel R. Arick (2 titles)
Cindy N. Ariel (1 title)
Karen Armstrong (1 title)
Eileen Arnold (1 title)
Maxine C. Aston (2 titles)
Richard Attfield (1 title)
Tony Attwood (7 titles)
Tony Atwood (1 title)
Connie M. Aull (1 title)
John Austin (1 title)
Autism National Committee (1 title)
Autism Research Institute (1 title)
Autism Research Unit (7 titles)
Autism Society of America (4 titles)
Autism Society of North Carolina (2 titles)
Autism Treatment Options, Inc (1 title)
Autistic Children's Association of South Australia (1 title)
Virginia Mae Axline (2 titles)
Jean Ayres (3 titles)
Ann W. Bachrach (1 title)
Sandra L. Bailey (1 title)
Jed E. Baker (3 titles)
Linda J. Baker (1 title)
Sidney Baker (1 title)
Sidney M. Baker (3 titles)
Thomas Balsamo (1 title)
Caspian Banki (1 title)
Rebecca Banks (1 title)
Mary Barbera (1 title)
Rachael Bareket (1 title)
Judith Barnard (3 titles)
J. Barnes (1 title)
Gena Barnhill (1 title)
M. Grace Baron (1 title)
Simon Baron-Cohen (6 titles)
S. Barraclough (1 title)
Penny Barrett (1 title)
Judy Barron (1 title)
Sean Barron (1 title)
C. Barthelemy (1 title)
Patricia Romanowski Bashe (2 titles)
Ann Bashford (1 title)
Margaret L. Bauman (2 titles)
Barbara Bazeghi (1 title)
Joy Beaney (1 title)
Dorothy Beavers (1 title)
Gary Beck (1 title)
Victoria Beck (2 titles)
Ronald G. Belcher (1 title)
Paul Beljan (1 title)
Ellen Weber Bell (2 titles)
Allan S. Bellack (1 title)
Scott Bellini (1 title)
Guy Berard (1 title)
Leida Berg (1 title)
Carol Lee Berger (4 titles)
Dorita Berger (1 title)
M. Berger (1 title)
Joel Bergman (1 title)
I. N. Berlin (1 title)
Tracy Bester (3 titles)
Bruno Bettelheim (2 titles)
Carolyn Betts (2 titles)
Dion E. Betts (1 title)
David R. Beukelman (1 title)
Jannik Beyer (1 title)
A. Bicknell (1 title)
Douglas Biklen (4 titles)
Tom Billington (1 title)
Jen Birch (1 title)
Sarah Birch (1 title)
Larry Bissonnette (1 title)
Lucy Blackman (2 titles)
Edward G. Blackstone (1 title)
Lisa Blakemore-Brown (1 title)
Serafina Poch Blasco (1 title)
Frederica Blausten (1 title)
Judith Bluestone (1 title)
Margaret Boarman (1 title)
Cynthia Marie Bodenheimer (1 title)
Olga Bogdashina (3 titles)
Teresa Bolick (3 titles)
Patrick Bolton (1 title)
Andrew S. Bondy (2 titles)
Gerhard Bosch (2 titles)
Jill M. Boucher (1 title)
Mary Elizabeth Van Bourgondien (1 title)
Ann Boushey (1 title)
Dermot Bowler (1 title)
Agatha H. Bowley (1 title)
Brenda Boyd (1 title)
Jenny Clark Brack (1 title)
Michael P. Brady (1 title)
Cherlene Brandl (1 title)
Ellen A. Brantlinger (1 title)
Alfred Brauner (1 title)
Christine Breakey (2 titles)
Charlene Breedlove (1 title)
Peter R. Breggin (1 title)
Avril V. Brereton (1 title)
Marilyn Le Breton (3 titles)
B. Briesman (1 title)
Marlene Targ Brill (2 titles)
John Brine (1 title)
Patricia Brine (1 title)
Marie M. Bristol (1 title)
Steve Broach (1 title)
C. Brock (1 title)
Ted Broer (1 title)
Sarah H Broman (1 title)
Judy Brookhiser (1 title)
Gary Brown (2 titles)
Lou Brown (1 title)
Carolyn Thorwarth Bruey (1 title)
Rhonda Brunett (1 title)
Betsy King Brunk (1 title)
Jean Bryant (1 title)
J. Budde (1 title)
Anita C. Bundy (1 title)
Jamie Burke (1 title)
Mitchell R. Burkowsky (1 title)
Diane Drake Burns (1 title)
Kari Dunn Buron (1 title)
Howard Buten (1 title)
Katherine G. Butler (1 title)
Claudia Buttner (1 title)
Joanne M. Cafiero (1 title)
Phoebe Caldwell (1 title)
California Department of Education (1 title)
Mary Callahan (1 title)
Lindsley Cameron (1 title)
Michael J. Cameron (1 title)
Roxanne Campbell (1 title)
B. K. Caparulo (1 title)
Lisa Capps (1 title)
Don Cardinal (2 titles)
Carole F. Carlson (1 title)
Stella Carlton (1 title)
Edward G. Carr (1 title)
James E. Carr (2 titles)
Denise M Carrier (1 title)
Margaret Anne Carter (1 title)
Shelley Case (1 title)
F. Castle (1 title)
Robert A. Catalano (1 title)
I. Cerniglia (1 title)
Nena C. Challenner (3 titles)
Kelly Chandler-Olcott (1 title)
Tony Charman (1 title)
Joan B. Chase (2 titles)
Marilyn Chassman (2 titles)
Naomi Chedd (1 title)
Eric Y. Chen (1 title)
Michelle Cheney (1 title)
Stella Chess (1 title)
Walter P. Christian (1 title)
Barbara Christopher (1 title)
William Christopher (1 title)
Don W. Churchill (2 titles)
David C. Cipolloni (1 title)
Claudia Clark (1 title)
Barbara Classen (1 title)
John Cleese (1 title)
John Clements (2 titles)
Heather Clewley (1 title)
E. Clo (1 title)
Sheila Coates (1 title)
Cassandra Coe (1 title)
Hubert S. Coffey (1 title)
Donald J. Cohen (7 titles)
Jeffrey Cohen (2 titles)
Judith H. Cohen (1 title)
Marlene J. Cohen (1 title)
Shirley Cohen (3 titles)
Mary Coleman (3 titles)
Michael Collins (1 title)
Paul Collins (1 title)
Luann Colston (1 title)
Community Services for People with Autism (1 title)
Pamela Compart (1 title)
Judy Converse (1 title)
Katherine Tapscott Cook (1 title)
Edith Fairman Cooper (1 title)
James Copeland (1 title)
Mary Anne Coppola (1 title)
Jean-Ronel Corbier (1 title)
Sherry Henshaw Corden (1 title)
Judith Coucouvanis (1 title)
Anthea Courtenay (1 title)
Sharon P. Cowhey (1 title)
Kitt Cowlishaw (1 title)
Phyllis Coyne (2 titles)
Eleanor Craig (1 title)
Rosemary Crossley (2 titles)
Julia Crowder (1 title)
Andy Crowell (1 title)
Beth Crowell (1 title)
Marg Csapo (1 title)
Val Cumine (2 titles)
Mitzi Curtis (1 title)
Eustacia Cutler (1 title)
Richard D'Ambrosio (1 title)
Richard Anthony D'Ambrosio (1 title)
Julie A. Daggett (1 title)
Lorelei Dake (2 titles)
Nancy J. Dalrymple (21 titles)
Laurent Danon-Boileau (1 title)
DAPHNE (2 titles)
Sandra R. Davalos (2 titles)
Amelia Davies (1 title)
Bill Davis (2 titles)
Kimberly Davis (1 title)
Geraldine Dawson (2 titles)
Dennis Debbaudt (1 title)
Janice DeBlois (1 title)
Maud Deckmar (1 title)
Karen DeFelice (1 title)
Karen L. DeFelice (2 titles)
Carl H. Delacato (1 title)
Martine Delfos (1 title)
Lara Delmolino (1 title)
Marian K. DeMyer (2 titles)
Valerie DePalma (2 titles)
Austin M. DesLauriers (1 title)
Max Desorgher (2 titles)
Sandra Desorgher (1 title)
Christine Deudney (3 titles)
Maxine DeVilbiss (1 title)
Dirk Marcel Dhossche (1 title)
Paul Dickinson (1 title)
Irving Dickman (1 title)
Theresa Foy DiGeronimo (1 title)
R. DiLavore (1 title)
Karola Dillenburger (2 titles)
Kathleen M. Dillon (1 title)
Johnny Dodd (1 title)
Edward Dolnick (1 title)
Bryant S. Domina (2 titles)
Anne M. Donnellan (5 titles)
Nancy Douglas (1 title)
Martha Kate Downey (2 titles)
Terri Dowty (1 title)
Barbara T. Doyle (2 titles)
Nick Dubin (1 title)
Janek Dubowski (1 title)
Kate Duffy (1 title)
Glen Dunlap (1 title)
Michelle A. Dunn (1 title)
Elva Duran (3 titles)
V. Mark Durand (1 title)
Alexander Durig (2 titles)
David Eastham (1 title)
Margaret Eastham (1 title)
Laurie Eckenrode (1 title)
Stephen B. Edelson (1 title)
Stephen M. Edelson (1 title)
Joanna Edgar (1 title)
Judith Edwards (1 title)
Andrew L. Egel (1 title)
Sybil Elgar (1 title)
Eileen Eller-Miller (1 title)
Lisa B. Elliott (1 title)
Gregory S. Ellis (1 title)
Kathryn Ellis (1 title)
Polly Godwin Emmons (1 title)
Lori Ernsperger (2 titles)
Robert R. Erwin (1 title)
et al (4 titles)
David A. Ethridge (1 title)
J. Evans (1 title)
Kathy Evans (1 title)
Margaret P. Everard (2 titles)
Karen Siff Exkorn (1 title)
Catherine Faherty (2 titles)
Joan Fallon (1 title)
Families for Early Treatment-North Texas (1 title)
Yvona Fast (1 title)
Judith E. Favell (1 title)
Warren. H. Fay (1 title)
Antonia Felix (1 title)
Pat Fennell (1 title)
Christin Fergus (1 title)
Paulina B. Fernandez (1 title)
Michel Ferrari (1 title)
Pierre Ferrari (1 title)
Helene Fiorentino (1 title)
Barbara Fischkin (1 title)
Anne G. Fisher (1 title)
Michael Fitzgerald (5 titles)
Dana Flanders (1 title)
Marc Fleisher (2 titles)
Echo R. Fling (1 title)
Toni Flowers (2 titles)
Matthew G. Foley (1 title)
Michael Fordham (1 title)
A. Forrest (1 title)
Fosse Health Trust (1 title)
Beth Fouse (2 titles)
J. Tyler Fovel (1 title)
Richard M. Foxx (3 titles)
Selma Fraiberg (1 title)
Mark Frankland (1 title)
Sabrina K. Freeman (2 titles)
Uta Frith (4 titles)
Lori A. Frost (1 title)
Alberto Frugone (1 title)
Ann Fullerton (1 title)
Barbara Furneaux (1 title)
Robin L. Gabriels (1 title)
Elisa Gagnon (1 title)
Ray Gallup (1 title)
Lone Gammeltoft (1 title)
William Garrison (1 title)
Valerie L. Gaus (1 title)
A. Gedye (1 title)
Geneva Centre (1 title)
D. Jay Gense (1 title)
Marilyn H. Gense (1 title)
John Gerdtz (1 title)
Elizabeth King Gerlach (5 titles)
Gunilla Gerland (3 titles)
Mohammad Ghaziuddin (1 title)
Patrick M. Ghezzi (1 title)
Jane J. Giddan (2 titles)
Norman S. Giddan (2 titles)
Penny Rosell Giesbrecht (1 title)
T.R. Giles (1 title)
Christopher Gillberg (5 titles)
James E. Gilliam (1 title)
Gail Gillingham (4 titles)
Jennifer M. Gillis (1 title)
R. Wayne Gilpin (3 titles)
Tessa Gittens (3 titles)
Beth A. Glasberg (2 titles)
Laraine Masters Glidden (1 title)
Jean Goerss (1 title)
Robin Goffe (1 title)
W. Goldfarb (1 title)
A. Good (1 title)
Ian M. Goodyer (1 title)
Jacquelin Gorman (1 title)
Judith Gould (1 title)
Stephen Jay Gould (2 titles)
Jordan Grafman (1 title)
Temple Grandin (8 titles)
Carroll Jean Grant (1 title)
Carol Gray (7 titles)
David E. Gray (1 title)
Susan Gray (3 titles)
Cathy Grayson (1 title)
Gina Green (2 titles)
Phyllis J. D. Green (1 title)
James W. Greene (1 title)
Josh Greenfield (3 titles)
Stanley I. Greenspan (2 titles)
Anne Grice (1 title)
James Grieve (1 title)
Jonathan Griffiths (1 title)
Roy Richard Grinker (1 title)
Gerald Groden (1 title)
Magdalena Grodzka (1 title)
Patty Dobbs Gross (1 title)
Cathleen A. Grossfield (1 title)
J. C. Grubar (1 title)
Vidya Bhushan Gupta (1 title)
Michael J. Guralnick (1 title)
Samuel L. Guskin (1 title)
Steven Gutstein (3 titles)
Richard H. Haas (1 title)
Will Hadcroft (1 title)
Julia Hadwin (1 title)
Kenneth Hall (1 title)
Dawn Ham-Kucharski (1 title)
Robert Lee Hamblin (1 title)
L. Hameury (1 title)
Lynn M. Hamilton (1 title)
Erika Hammerschmidt (1 title)
Martin Hanbury (1 title)
H. Allen Handford (1 title)
Jan S. Handleman (4 titles)
Ruth Elaine Joyner Hane (1 title)
Liz Hannah (2 titles)
Francesca G. E. Happe (1 title)
Kelly Harland (1 title)
John Harpur (2 titles)
Kathie Harrington (2 titles)
Sandra L. Harris (8 titles)
Charles A. Hart (2 titles)
Martha Kennedy Hartnett (1 title)
Virginia Harvey (2 titles)
T. J. Haugen (1 title)
Milada Havelkova (1 title)
Gail Hawkins (1 title)
Torey L. Hayden (2 titles)
Marilyn Hays (1 title)
Kathy Hearsey (1 title)
Lawrence E. Hedges (1 title)
L. Juane Heflin (1 title)
Rebekah Heinrichs (1 title)
R. Hemsley (1 title)
Isabelle Henault (1 title)
Mary Henderson (1 title)
Robert L. Hendren (1 title)
Leslie Henriques (1 title)
Jules Henry (1 title)
Denise Herbaudiere (1 title)
Beate Hermelin (2 titles)
Michael Hersen (1 title)
L. Hersov (1 title)
Matthew Hesmondhalgh (1 title)
Ann Hewetson (2 titles)
David Hewett (2 titles)
Sally Hewitt (1 title)
Beth Heybyrne (1 title)
David A. Hill (2 titles)
Dina E. Hill (1 title)
Paige Shaughnessy Hinerman (1 title)
HMSO (1 title)
R. Peter Hobson (1 title)
Jacques Hochmann (1 title)
Bronwen Hocking (1 title)
Linda A. Hodgdon (2 titles)
Marga Hogenboom (1 title)
Murray Hoke (1 title)
Olga Holland (2 titles)
David L. Holmes (3 titles)
Kathy Hoopmann (1 title)
Rab A. Houston (1 title)
Didier Houzel (1 title)
Fiona Hover (1 title)
Marie Howley (2 titles)
Patricia Howlin (9 titles)
Jill Hudson (1 title)
Ruth A. Huebner (1 title)
Joseph E. Huggins (1 title)
Lynda Huggins (1 title)
Robert Hughes (1 title)
Joan Martin Hundley (1 title)
Fran Hunnisett (1 title)
David Hunter (1 title)
Corinne Hutt (1 title)
S. J. Hutt (1 title)
Deann Hyatt-Foley (1 title)
Hyperactive Children's Support Group (1 title)
Emily Doyle Iland (2 titles)
Lisa Iland (1 title)
Indiana Resource Center for Autism (1 title)
Indiana University, 1968 Colloquium on Infantile Autism (1 title)
The Infinite Mind (2 titles)
Information and Research Utilization Center in Physical Education (1 title)
Irabina Special Developmental School (2 titles)
Green Irene (1 title)
Deborah R. Ismond (1 title)
Jean-Marc Gaspard Itard (2 titles)
Portia Iverson (1 title)
Martine Ives (1 title)
Amy L. Jablonski (1 title)
Teresa M. Jack (1 title)
Jacqui Jackson (1 title)
Kathleen Jackson (1 title)
Luke Jackson (2 titles)
Barbara Jacobs (1 title)
Paula Jacobsen (1 title)
Paula Jacobson (1 title)
Ioan James (1 title)
Claire Jamieson (1 title)
Juliet Jamieson (1 title)
Sibylle Janert (2 titles)
Janice E. Janzen (4 titles)
Carol Jeffrey (1 title)
Audra K. Jensen (1 title)
William R. Jenson (1 title)
Patricia St. John (1 title)
Carol Sue Johnson (1 title)
Catherine Johnson (3 titles)
Jerry A. Johnson (1 title)
Malcolm Johnson (1 title)
Mary Donnet Johnson (1 title)
Ranae Johnson (1 title)
Sandra O. Johnson (1 title)
Therese Jolliffe (1 title)
Curtis J. Jones (1 title)
G. Jones (2 titles)
Glenys Jones (1 title)
R. Jordan (1 title)
Rita Jordan (5 titles)
Kristi Jorde (1 title)
Ole Sylvester Jorgensen (1 title)
Heather Joy (1 title)
Patricia D. Juhrs (1 title)
Karin Stensland Junker (1 title)
Debra Kamps (3 titles)
Lawrence Kaplan (1 title)
Melvin Kaplan (1 title)
Karen Kaplan-Fitzgerald (1 title)
Judy Karasik (1 title)
Paul Karasik (1 title)
Paul Karoly (1 title)
Ursula Kastner-Koller (1 title)
M. Davi Kathiresan (1 title)
Barry Neil Kaufman (4 titles)
Nancy J. Kaufman (1 title)
Samarhia Lyte Kaufman (1 title)
Alan E. Kazdin (1 title)
Theresa S. Kearns (1 title)
Mickey Keenan (2 titles)
Hans E. Kehrer (4 titles)
Julia Kellman (1 title)
Thomas L. Kemper (2 titles)
Roger V. Kendall (1 title)
Diane Kennedy (1 title)
Beth Kephart (1 title)
Ken P. Kerr (2 titles)
Penny Kershaw (1 title)
Rosemary Kessick (2 titles)
Betsey King (1 title)
Judi Kinney (2 titles)
Barbara L. Kirby (2 titles)
David Kirby (1 title)
Kiyo Kitahara (3 titles)
Trudy Klauber (1 title)
Rebecca Klaw (1 title)
Susan M. Klein (1 title)
Ami Klin (5 titles)
Laura G. Klinger (1 title)
Paula Kluth (3 titles)
Vicki Madaus Knapp (1 title)
Peter Knoblock (1 title)
Lynn Kern Koegel (4 titles)
Robert L. Koegel (7 titles)
Lisa Kontente (1 title)
Ellen S. Heller Korin (1 title)
Sam J. Korn (1 title)
Mary Kostantareas (1 title)
Florence Milnes Kozak (1 title)
Martin A. Kozloff (2 titles)
Dirk W. Kraijer (1 title)
Patricia J. Krantz (2 titles)
Janis M. Krempa (1 title)
Maurice Haim Krout (1 title)
David A. Krug (3 titles)
Joanny Kruk-Lasockiej (1 title)
Isaac Newton Kugelmass (1 title)
Linda J. Kunce (1 title)
Martin L. Kutscher (1 title)
Dana Laake (1 title)
Kathy Labosh (5 titles)
Phyllis Haywood Lambert (1 title)
Rhonda Landrus (1 title)
Dara Lane (1 title)
Harlan L. Lane (2 titles)
Richard Lansdown (1 title)
Cornelius Lansing (1 title)
Margaret D. Lansing (4 titles)
Amy L. Lansky (1 title)
Deborah C. Lapidus (1 title)
Mary Lapos (1 title)
Sue Larkey (2 titles)
Barbara LaSalle (1 title)
Marci Laurel (1 title)
Amy C. Laurent (3 titles)
K. R. Lauries (1 title)
G. W. LaVigna (1 title)
Maria Lawlor (2 titles)
Wendy Lawson (4 titles)
Thomas L. Layton (1 title)
Claire LaZebnik (1 title)
Julia Leach (2 titles)
Ron Leaf (1 title)
Martha R. Leary (4 titles)
Norm Ledgin (2 titles)
Robert Lefort (1 title)
Rosine Lefort (1 title)
Brenda Legge (1 title)
Jill Fain Lehman (1 title)
Leicester City Council (1 title)
Leicester County Council (2 titles)
Virginia M. Leith (1 title)
G. Lelord (2 titles)
Reinhart Lempp (1 title)
Ken Lenchitz (1 title)
Kirby Lentz (1 title)
Jonathan Lerman (1 title)
Amy L. Lettic (1 title)
Laurie Leventhal-Belfer (1 title)
Karen Levine (1 title)
Boris Mayer Levinson (1 title)
Jonathan Levy (1 title)
Stine Levy (1 title)
Lisa Lewis (1 title)
Lisa Ackerson Lieberman (1 title)
Keli Lindelien (1 title)
Juli Liske (1 title)
Stephanie Lockshin (1 title)
Stephanie B. Lockshin (1 title)
Catherine Lord (3 titles)
Ole Ivar Lovaas (6 titles)
Deirdre V. Lovecky (1 title)
Ann Lovell (2 titles)
Herbert Lovett (1 title)
Juanita P. Lovett (1 title)
Jax Peters Lowell (1 title)
Joy Lucas (1 title)
Stephen C. Luce (2 titles)
Ian Luepker (1 title)
James K. Luiselli (1 title)
Vicki Lundine (1 title)
Judy Lynne (1 title)
Viktoria Lyons (1 title)
James D. MacDonald (1 title)
Christy L. Magnusen (1 title)
Kerstin Magnusson (1 title)
Zoe Mailloux (1 title)
Anthony Malone (1 title)
Daniel Marcelli (1 title)
Lee M. Marcus (2 titles)
Stephanie Marohn (1 title)
Earle P. Martin (1 title)
Russell Martin (1 title)
Judith Martinovich (1 title)
Juan Martos (1 title)
Johnny L. Matson (2 titles)
Joan Lord Matthews (1 title)
Pat Matthews (1 title)
Catherine Maurice (3 titles)
L. Mawhood (1 title)
Jacques M. May (1 title)
Gary Mayerson (1 title)
Jeanette McAfee (1 title)
Sean McAndrew (1 title)
Estelle McCabe (1 title)
Jared McCabe (1 title)
Patrick McCabe (1 title)
Jaquelyn McCandless (2 titles)
Jenny McCarthy (2 titles)
Lynn E. McClannahan (2 titles)
Kathleen McConnell (2 titles)
M. McCracken (1 title)
Jane Taylor McDonnell (1 title)
Paul McDonnell (1 title)
John McEachin (1 title)
Jason J-Mac McElwain (1 title)
James McGee (1 title)
Kate McGinnity (1 title)
Jill McGrale (1 title)
Thomas A. McKean (2 titles)
T. McKernan (1 title)
Kelly McKinnon (1 title)
Jill McLaughlin (1 title)
William M. McMahon (1 title)
James McPartland (1 title)
Sandra McPherson (1 title)
Kathy Medina (1 title)
Desmond Meldrum (3 titles)
Donald Meltzer (1 title)
Bryce Merlin (1 title)
Gretchen Mertz (1 title)
Gary B. Mesibov (15 titles)
Donald J. Meyer (1 title)
Naomi Meyer (1 title)
Roger N. Meyer (2 titles)
K. Meyers (1 title)
Gerald Mialaret (1 title)
Michigan Society for Autistic Children (1 title)
David Miedzianik (3 titles)
Teodor Mihail (1 title)
Alice Miller (1 title)
Arnold Miller (1 title)
Jean Kearns Miller (1 title)
Nancy E. Miller (1 title)
Neil Z. Miller (1 title)
Paul S. Miller (1 title)
Heather Miller-Kuhaneck (2 titles)
Richard Mills (2 titles)
Minneapolis Children's Medical Center (1 title)
Pat Mirenda (1 title)
Peter Mitchell (1 title)
Dennis E. Mithaug (1 title)
Judith L. Mitrani (1 title)
Theodore Mitrani (1 title)
Peter J. Mittler (1 title)
Steven O. Moldin (1 title)
Harvey Molloy (1 title)
Julia Moor (2 titles)
Susan Thompson Moore (1 title)
Susan Moreno (1 title)
Hugh Morgan (1 title)
Sam B. Morgan (1 title)
Lurline Morphett (1 title)
Fredrick J. Morrison (1 title)
Hannah Mortimer (1 title)
J. Mortlock (1 title)
Alison Morton-Cooper (1 title)
Hugo W. Moser (1 title)
Ada R. Mosley (1 title)
Rebecca A. Moyes (3 titles)
Tito R. Mukhopadhyay (4 titles)
Nell Munro (1 title)
M. Murphy (1 title)
Dinah Murray (1 title)
Elizabeth A Murray (1 title)
Carolyn Murray-Slutsky (1 title)
Jennifer McIlwee Myers (1 title)
John E. B. Myers (1 title)
Brenda Smith Myles (13 titles)
Majia Holmer Nadesan (1 title)
Devi S. Nambudripad (1 title)
Cathy Nance (1 title)
Krishna Narayanan (1 title)
Hiroshi Naruse (1 title)
NAS Autism Helpline (1 title)
Robert A. Naseef (2 titles)
National Autistic Society (14 titles)
National Conference on Autism (1 title)
National Initiative for Autism Screening and Assessment (1 title)
National Institute of Mental Health (1 title)
National Research Council, editor (1 title)
National Society for Autistic Children (9 titles)
Kamran Nazeer (1 title)
Nan Negri (1 title)
John T. Neisworth (2 titles)
David L. Nelson (1 title)
Bobby Newman (4 titles)
Leo Newman (1 title)
Sarah Newman (1 title)
Jerry Newport (4 titles)
Mary Newport (3 titles)
Michael Newton (1 title)
Lila Nielsen (1 title)
Melanie Nind (2 titles)
Elizabeth Nolan (1 title)
Diane Cordero De Noriega (1 title)
Ellen Notbohm (3 titles)
Novartis Foundation (1 title)
Jan Nuyts (1 title)
Colleen Nyberg (1 title)
Marion O'Brien (1 title)
Neil O'Connor (1 title)
Gerald O'Gorman (1 title)
Jasmine Lee O'Neill (1 title)
Kenzaburo Oe (1 title)
Paul A. Offit (1 title)
Andy Ogden (1 title)
Billy T. Ogletree (1 title)
Sabine Oishi (1 title)
Richard Olenchak (1 title)
Rosalind C. Oppenheim (1 title)
Edward M. Ornitz (1 title)
Tabitha Orth (1 title)
Lawrence Osborne (1 title)
Lucille Osterweil (1 title)
Jennifer Overton (1 title)
Sally Ozonoff (2 titles)
Despina Padoudi (1 title)
Tomas S. Page (1 title)
Daniel Paisner (1 title)
Ann Palmer (1 title)
Maria J. Paluszny (1 title)
Jon Pangborn (5 titles)
Madeline Panichelli (1 title)
Despina Papoudi (1 title)
Valerie Paradiz (2 titles)
Betty Paris (1 title)
Clara Claiborne Park (3 titles)
Jonathan Parker (1 title)
Nancy J. Patrick (1 title)
Rhea Paul (2 titles)
Geraldine Peacock (2 titles)
Gavin Peebles (1 title)
Barbara Peerenboom (1 title)
Jessica Peers (1 title)
Theo Peeters (3 titles)
Marge Penning (2 titles)
Roger Perron (1 title)
Jans-Joachim Peter (1 title)
Jill Pierce (1 title)
Richard Pillard (1 title)
Rachel Pinney (1 title)
Janet Poland (1 title)
Richard Pollak (1 title)
Barbara Porco (4 titles)
Connie Post (2 titles)
Carol Potter (1 title)
David Potter (3 titles)
Mo Potter (1 title)
A. Powell (1 title)
S. Powell (1 title)
Stuart Powell (3 titles)
Michael D. Powers (6 titles)
Patricia Ann Prelock (1 title)
Sue Prestwood (1 title)
Marean J. Price (1 title)
Dawn Prince-Hughes (3 titles)
Linda Pring (1 title)
Aidan Prior (3 titles)
Margot Prior (1 title)
Barry M. Prizant (4 titles)
Sally Provence (2 titles)
Beverly Purdue (1 title)
Jeanette Purkis (1 title)
Lise Pyles (2 titles)
Kathleen Ann Quill (2 titles)
Barbara Quinn (1 title)
Campion Quinn (1 title)
Sue Rabin (1 title)
Emilia Murray Ramey (1 title)
Jody John Ramey (1 title)
Peter Randall (1 title)
Kate Rankin (1 title)
Isabelle Rapin (2 titles)
Judith L. Rapoport (1 title)
Tracy Rasmussen (1 title)
Linda Rastelli (1 title)
John J. Ratey (1 title)
Dan Reed (1 title)
Pam Britton Reese (3 titles)
Kenneth F. Reeve (1 title)
Sharon A. Reeve (1 title)
Madelyn Regan (1 title)
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman (1 title)
Robert J. Reichler (5 titles)
Susan Reid (1 title)
Dana Reinecke (2 titles)
Barbara Rochen Renner (1 title)
Adair Renning (2 titles)
Betty Repacholi (1 title)
Maria Rhode (2 titles)
Denys Ribas (1 title)
Ann H. Richard (1 title)
Gail J. Richard (1 title)
Jesse Richard (1 title)
John Richer (1 title)
Shira Richman (1 title)
Bernard Rimland (3 titles)
Suzie Rimstidt (1 title)
Arnold Rincover (2 titles)
Luann Rinner (1 title)
Edward R. Ritvo (2 titles)
Angel Riviere (1 title)
Jacqueline Robarts (1 title)
Lisa A. Robbins (1 title)
Brian Robers (1 title)
Clive Robinson (1 title)
Wendy Robinson (1 title)
John Elder Robison (1 title)
Jhoanna Robledo (1 title)
Adriana Rocha (1 title)
Karen Rodman (1 title)
Ann de Roeck (1 title)
Sally J. Rogers (1 title)
Brigitte Rollett (1 title)
Raymond G. Romanczyk (2 titles)
Craig Romkema (1 title)
Marsha Sarah Rosenberg (1 title)
Sharon Rosenbloom (1 title)
Mira Rothenberg (1 title)
David Rotholz (1 title)
Peter Rowlands (1 title)
Emily Rubin (3 titles)
Susan Rubinyi (1 title)
Lisa Ruble (3 titles)
Ellen Ruskin (1 title)
James Russell (1 title)
Michael Rutter (7 titles)
Carolyn S. Ryan (1 title)
O. T. Ryaskin (2 titles)
Patrick J. Rydell (3 titles)
Gail Ryser (2 titles)
Oliver Sacks (2 titles)
Clare Sainsbury (1 title)
Kristi Sakai (1 title)
Robert S. Sanders (2 titles)
Aida E. Santiago (1 title)
Damian Santomauro (1 title)
Josie Santomauro (2 titles)
Gary M. Sasso (2 titles)
Viki Satkiewicz-Grayhardt (2 titles)
D. Sauvage (1 title)
Dawn Savery (1 title)
Antoinette Savill (1 title)
Jennifer Savner (1 title)
Margaret M. Scariano (2 titles)
Susanne Schaefer (1 title)
Bruce Schaffer (2 titles)
Brenda Scheuermann (1 title)
Mimi Schlachter (1 title)
Carol Schmidt (1 title)
Cindy B. Schneider (1 title)
Edgar Schneider (2 titles)
Adriana Luce Scholer (1 title)
Eric Schopler (24 titles)
Laura Ellen Schreibman (4 titles)
Adriana L. Schuler (1 title)
Craig B. Schulze (1 title)
Wendy Goldband Schunick (2 titles)
Patrick Schwarz (1 title)
Phil Schwarz (1 title)
Jack Scott (1 title)
Pamela Scott (1 title)
Diana Seach (2 titles)
Marc Segar (2 titles)
Cheryl D. Seifert (3 titles)
Lorna Selfe (2 titles)
Thomas B. Selkirk (1 title)
Colleen Sell (1 title)
Birger Sellin (2 titles)
Bruce Semon (1 title)
Susan Senator (1 title)
Karyn Seroussi (2 titles)
Karen Sewell (1 title)
Raphael Bernard Shaberman (1 title)
A. Shah (1 title)
Howard Shane (1 title)
Mary Sharp (1 title)
P. Shattock (1 title)
Paul Shattock (1 title)
Roger Shattuck (1 title)
Jean Shaw (1 title)
William Shaw (2 titles)
Victoria Shea (1 title)
Rachelle K. Sheely (2 titles)
David A. Sherman (1 title)
David Sherratt (2 titles)
Stephen Shore (1 title)
Stephene M. Shore (1 title)
Cory Shulman (1 title)
Kassiane Sibley (1 title)
Chantal Sicile-Kira (2 titles)
Bryna Siegel (3 titles)
Linda S. Siegel (1 title)
Marian Sigman (2 titles)
SIKON (1 title)
Kate Silver (1 title)
Stuart C. Silverstein (1 title)
Karen L. Simmons (2 titles)
Jeanne Simons (1 title)
Robin Simons (1 title)
Linda Rumanoff Simonson (1 title)
Richard L. Simpson (10 titles)
Wallis A. Simpson (1 title)
Liane Gentry Skye (1 title)
Robin Skynner (1 title)
Christopher Slater-Walker (1 title)
Gisela Slater-Walker (1 title)
Virginia Slaughter (1 title)
Donna L. Sloan (1 title)
Mindy Small (1 title)
Catherine Smith (1 title)
Marcia Datlow Smith (2 titles)
Marianne Smith (1 title)
Melinda J. Smith (1 title)
Patty Smith (1 title)
Ruth Snyder (1 title)
Sobfey (1 title)
Alan Sohn (1 title)
Susan Aud Sonders (1 title)
Jack Southwick (3 titles)
Sara S. Sparrow (1 title)
Special Learning Corporation (2 titles)
Rex W. Speers (1 title)
Sheila R. Spensley (1 title)
Virginia Walker Sperry (2 titles)
Beth Sposato (1 title)
Patricia Stacey (1 title)
Ashley Stanford (1 title)
Mike Stanton (1 title)
Cathy Steere (1 title)
John Steffen (1 title)
Annabel Stehli (4 titles)
Harold Steinberg (1 title)
Gill Stevenson (2 titles)
Kathryn Stewart (2 titles)
William Stillman (3 titles)
Kevin P. Stoddart (1 title)
Wendy Stone (2 titles)
Joyce Stratton (1 title)
Ian Stuart-Hamilton (1 title)
Uwe Stuecher (1 title)
Lynley Summers (1 title)
Joanne Suomi (1 title)
Fern Sussman (1 title)
Nina Sutton (1 title)
Shirley Sutton (2 titles)
Wilma K. Sweeney (1 title)
Helen Swinbourne (1 title)
Faye L. Swindle (1 title)
Peter Szatmari (1 title)
Stanislaus Andrew Szurek (1 title)
Helen Tager-Flusberg (3 titles)
Lito Tajeda-Flores (1 title)
Karen Loden Talmage (1 title)
Isaac Tamir (2 titles)
Daniel Tammet (1 title)
Pamela B. Tanguay (1 title)
Digby Tantam (3 titles)
Andor Joseph Tari (1 title)
TEACCH (1 title)
George Thomas (1 title)
Marcus L Thomeer (1 title)
A. Thompson (1 title)
Sue Thompson (1 title)
Adelle Jameson Tilton (1 title)
Elisabeth A. Tinbergen (3 titles)
Niko A. Tinbergen (3 titles)
David Tomlinson (1 title)
Bruce J. Tonge (1 title)
Darold A. Treffert (1 title)
Laura Tremelloni (1 title)
Colwyn Trevarthen (2 titles)
Maryann Colby Trott (1 title)
Luke Tsai (1 title)
Lynda Tucker (1 title)
Ann P. Turnbull (1 title)
H. Rutherford Turnbull (1 title)
Frances Tustin (6 titles)
Diane Twachtman-Cullen (2 titles)
Robert Ullman (1 title)
Aaron Urlich (1 title)
Mary Urlich (1 title)
Mary Lou Vandenburg (1 title)
Latika Vasil (1 title)
Glenn Vatter (1 title)
Peter Vermeulen (1 title)
Rudi Verspoor (1 title)
George Victor (1 title)
Fred R. Volkmar (11 titles)
Ljiljana Vuletic (1 title)
Sheila Wagner (3 titles)
Junee Waites (1 title)
Dale Walker (1 title)
Kate Wall (1 title)
Mitzi Waltz (3 titles)
Alan J. Ward (1 title)
Auriel Warwick (1 title)
Armorer Wason (1 title)
Stella Waterhouse (1 title)
Leslie Waters (1 title)
Linda R. Watson (1 title)
Stanley J. Watson (1 title)
James T. Webb (1 title)
Nadia E. Webb (1 title)
Jo Webber (1 title)
Doris Weber (1 title)
Christopher D. Webster (2 titles)
David Weddle (1 title)
Serena Weider (1 title)
Mary Jane Weiss (3 titles)
Lawrence A. Welkowitz (1 title)
Jude Welton (2 titles)
Danielle Wendel (1 title)
P. T. B. Weston (1 title)
Amy M. Wetherby (4 titles)
Susan Stanhope Wexler (1 title)
Thelma Wheatley (2 titles)
Marci Wheeler (2 titles)
Maria Wheeler (3 titles)
Kevin Whelan (1 title)
Phil Whitaker (1 title)
Philip Whitaker (1 title)
Abbie Leigh White (1 title)
Paul Whiteley (1 title)
P. Whitely (1 title)
Chris Whittaker (1 title)
Debra Whorton (1 title)
Louise L. Wiener (1 title)
Lisa A. Wiesner (1 title)
Barbara Wilcox (1 title)
Liane Holliday Willey (4 titles)
Chris Williams (1 title)
Donna Williams (9 titles)
James Williams (1 title)
W. Larry Williams (1 title)
Clarissa Willis (1 title)
Stephen Wiltshire (4 titles)
John Kenneth Wing (1 title)
Lorna Wing (13 titles)
Susan Winndock (1 title)
Michelle G. Winner (5 titles)
Matt Winter (1 title)
Nancy Wiseman (1 title)
Pamela S. Wolf (1 title)
Pamela J. Wolfberg (3 titles)
Pamela Wolfe (1 title)
Mary M. Wood (1 title)
Bob Woodward (1 title)
Sarah Worth (1 title)
Barry Wright (1 title)
Mary Wrobel (1 title)
Mary Wroble (1 title)
Elisabeth Wurst (1 title)
Ellen Yack (2 titles)
Herbert Yahraes (1 title)
Diane Yapko (1 title)
Nurit Yimiya (1 title)
W. Yule (1 title)
Dianne E. Berkell Zager (3 titles)
Zosia Zaks (1 title)
M. Zappella (2 titles)
Ewa Zarkowska (1 title)
Karen Zelan (1 title)
Courtney L. Zietzke (1 title)
Paul Zionts (3 titles)
Dietmar Zoeller (2 titles)
Veronica Zysk (3 titles)
unknown author (22 titles)