Term Index (Q)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter Q.
- Q (Toomre Q parameter): stability criterion for differentially rotating disks
- Q: see Stokes parameters
- Q: see filter designator
- Q: see quasar
- Q: see rare designator prefixes
- tidal Q: measure of orbital energy dissipated per orbit due to tidal forces
- q (deceleration parameter): measure of the Hubble expansion's deceleration
- q (mass ratio): ratio of masses of two objects such as a binary star
- chirp mass: a reduced-mass-like quantity that relates to gravitational waves
- critical density: density of the universe which leaves it flat
- Q band: name for EMR frequency-range on the order of 45 GHz
- Q band: see infrared
- mid infrared: infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 7.5-25 μm range
- Q factor: measure of oscillator's damping
- tidal Q: measure of orbital energy dissipated per orbit due to tidal forces
- Q parameter (Toomre Q parameter): stability criterion for differentially rotating disks
- Q&U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology (QUBIC): survey measuring the polarization of the CMB
- Q-U-I Joint Tenerife Experiment (QUIJOTE): survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- Q/U Imaging Experiment (QUIET): survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- Qλ: see extinction
- qc: see deceleration parameter
- Qatar: see Qatar Exoplanet Survey
- Qatar Exoplanet Survey: photometric survey that searched for transiting planets
- Qatari
- QBO (quasi-biennial oscillation): reversal of Earth equatorial prevailing winds roughly every two years
- QCD: see quantum field theory
- QCD: see strong force
- quantum mechanics: modern mechanical theory of small things, on the scale of atoms
- quark: type of elementary particle incorporated in protons and neutrons
- quark matter: matter not made of protons and neutrons but of quarks
- QCD matter (quark matter): matter not made of protons and neutrons but of quarks
- QE (quantum efficiency): measure of instrument's ability to sense EMR
- QED: see quantum field theory
- QES (Qatar Exoplanet Survey): photometric survey that searched for transiting planets
- QFT (quantum field theory): reworking of quantum mechanics incorporating fields
- QGP (quark-gluon plasma): extreme-temperature state of matter
- QK metric
- QM (quantum mechanics): modern mechanical theory of small things, on the scale of atoms
- QM (quark matter): matter not made of protons and neutrons but of quarks
- QMAP: mid 1990s balloon-based CMB survey
- QMC (quantum Monte Carlo): MC approach to difficult quantum mechanical problems
- QN: see neutron star
- QP: see rare designator prefixes
- QPO (quasi-periodic oscillation): type of flicker of some X-ray sources
- QQ: see rare designator prefixes
- QQQ: see rare designator prefixes
- QRFH (quad-ridge flared horn): type of horn that can be incorporated in radio telescope feeds
- QRFH feed: see quad-ridge flared horn
- QRO (Queen's University Radio Observatory): early radio astronomy facility near Kingston, Ontario
- QSG: see quasar
- QSO (quasar): distant, bright object that appears something like a star
- QSO B1957+405 (Cygnus A): early-discovered radio galaxy showing a quasar
- QSR: see quasar
- QSS: see quasar
- QSS: see speckles
- QT1: see QUIJOTE
- QT2: see QUIJOTE
- QUaD: survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- quad: see filter designator
- quad-ridge flared horn: type of horn that can be incorporated in radio telescope feeds
- quadrapole: see multipole expansion
- quadratic field strength: a measure of a star's varying magnetic field
- quadratic surface: see spheroid
- paraboloid: circularly-symmetric 3D surface based on parabola
- quadrupole: see multipole expansion
- quadrupole expansion: see multipole expansion
- quadrupole formula
- quadrupole moment of mass
- quake: vibration episode in a body
- quality factor (Q factor): measure of oscillator's damping
- tidal Q: measure of orbital energy dissipated per orbit due to tidal forces
- quantum: minimal amount of something that triggers a reaction
- quantum chromodynamics: see quantum field theory
- quantum chromodynamics: see strong force
- quantum mechanics: modern mechanical theory of small things, on the scale of atoms
- quark: type of elementary particle incorporated in protons and neutrons
- quark matter: matter not made of protons and neutrons but of quarks
- quantum computing: see quantum
- quantum degeneracy: see degeneracy
- quantum efficiency: measure of instrument's ability to sense EMR
- quantum electrodynamics: see quantum field theory
- quantum field theory: reworking of quantum mechanics incorporating fields
- quantum fluctuation: see quantum mechanics
- quantum fluctuations: short-lived particles popping up at random
- quantum gravity: see graviton
- quantum hydrodynamics: see Madelung equations
- quantum mechanics: modern mechanical theory of small things, on the scale of atoms
- quantum mixing: means by which one particle spontaneously changes to another
- neutralino: proposed type of particle that might include WIMPs
- supersymmetry: extension to standard model of particle physics
- quantum Monte Carlo: MC approach to difficult quantum mechanical problems
- quantum Monte Carlo: see Monte Carlo method
- quantum number: number representing a conserved quantity
- quantum optics: see optics
- quantum physics (quantum mechanics): modern mechanical theory of small things, on the scale of atoms
- quantum rules: see quantum mechanics
- quantum scale: see quantum mechanics
- quantum state: see quantum mechanics
- quantum system: situation in which quantum theory applies
- quantum system: see quantum mechanics
- quantum theory (quantum mechanics): modern mechanical theory of small things, on the scale of atoms
- quantum tunneling: quantum mechanical effect of particles passing through a barrier
- Quaoar
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- quark: type of elementary particle incorporated in protons and neutrons
- quark: see particle
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- exotic star: term for theoretical stars not made of atoms/ions
- flavor: subtype of some type of particle
- hyperon: exotic type of baryon
- pion: first type of meson discovered
- quark matter: matter not made of protons and neutrons but of quarks
- quark-gluon plasma: extreme-temperature state of matter
- standard model: model of elementary particles including quarks
- supersymmetry: extension to standard model of particle physics
- quark condensate: see quark matter
- quark matter: matter not made of protons and neutrons but of quarks
- exotic star: term for theoretical stars not made of atoms/ions
- neutron degenerate matter: matter made up primarily of neutrons
- neutron star: stellar remnant consisting entirely of solar masses of neutrons
- quark: type of elementary particle incorporated in protons and neutrons
- quark star: see exotic star
- quark star: see quark matter
- quark-gluon plasma: extreme-temperature state of matter
- quark-nova: see neutron star
- quarter-wave plate: see waveplate
- Quasar: see quasar
- quasar: distant, bright object that appears something like a star
- 3C 273: first quasar discovered
- 3C 279: striking variable quasar
- 3C 303: Seyfert galaxy of interest
- 3C 48: radio galaxy/quasar
- 3C 9: first quasar discovered
- Cygnus A: early-discovered radio galaxy showing a quasar
- PG 1302-102: galaxy possibly with binary SMBH
- TXS 0506+056: blazar that is a neutrino source
- quasar feedback: see star formation feedback
- quasars
- quasi-biennial oscillation: reversal of Earth equatorial prevailing winds roughly every two years
- quasi-host: see quasi-satellite
- quasi-Kerr metric
- quasi-periodic oscillation: type of flicker of some X-ray sources
- quasi-satellite: body that orbits near another though they aren't bound
- quasi-star: see exotic star
- quasi-static speckles: see speckles
- quasi-stellar galaxy: see quasar
- quasi-stellar object (quasar): distant, bright object that appears something like a star
- quasi-stellar radio source: see quasar
- quasi-stellar source: see quasar
- quasiparticle: disturbance that acts like a particle
- QUBIC: survey measuring the polarization of the CMB
- Queen's Radio Observatory (Queen's University Radio Observatory): early radio astronomy facility near Kingston, Ontario
- Queen's University At Kingston
- Queen's University Radio Observatory: early radio astronomy facility near Kingston, Ontario
- quenched: see star formation
- quenched galaxy: galaxy currently producing minimal stars
- quenching: see quenched galaxy
- QUEST: sixteen square-degree survey camera
- QUEST: see ESO Schmidt Telescope
- QUEST at DASI (QUaD): survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- quiescent: see star formation
- quiescent BHB: see black hole binary
- quiescent galaxy (quenched galaxy): galaxy currently producing minimal stars
- quiescent galaxy: see starburst galaxy
- quiescent phase: see symbiotic binary
- quiescent state
- QUIET: survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- quiet BHB: see black hole binary
- QUIID (Simultaneous Quad Infrared Imaging Device): NOAO instrument imaging in four infrared bands at once
- QUIJOTE: survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- QUIJOTE-CMB Telescopes
- QUIJOTE: survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- QWSII: see Lowell Discovery Telescope