Term Index (digit or symbol)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with a number or symbol.
- number: see Flamsteed designation
- number G.: see Flamsteed designation
- ⯓: see astronomical symbol
- 'Alopeke: see Gemini Observatory
- *: see astronomical symbol
- , and accessibility (DEIA): abbreviation used for US government efforts
- , equity (DEIA): abbreviation used for US government efforts
- , inclusion (DEIA): abbreviation used for US government efforts
- Greek letter: see Bayer designation
- ⊕: see astronomical symbol
- ★: see astronomical symbol
- ☉: see astronomical symbol
- ☿: see astronomical symbol
- ♀: see astronomical symbol
- ♁: see astronomical symbol
- ♂: see astronomical symbol
- ♃: see astronomical symbol
- ♄: see astronomical symbol
- ♅: see astronomical symbol
- ♆: see astronomical symbol
- ♇: see astronomical symbol
- ⚳: see astronomical symbol
- ⛢: see astronomical symbol
- α (fractionation factor): isotope-related ratio
- α (right ascension): direction coordinate along celestial equator
- α (spectral index): power by which an object's flux depends on frequency
- α: see alpha disk
- α Aur (Capella): brightest star in Auriga
- α Aurigae (Capella): brightest star in Auriga
- α Car (Canopus): second brightest star in the sky
- α Centauri (Alpha Centauri): nearest star system
- α disk (alpha disk): well-known model of an accretion disk
- α process (alpha process): synthesis of elements through alpha capture
- α² Canum Venticorum variable: see variable star
- αCO (alpha CO): ratio of CO emissions to H2
- Å (angstrom): unit of length 10-10 meters
- β (beta): ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure
- β: see Burnham Double Star Catalogue
- β: see double star designation
- β: see spectral index
- β decay (beta decay): radioactivity such that an electron or positron is emitted
- β Per (Algol): a multiple-star system demonstrating effects of mass transfer
- β Persei (Algol): a multiple-star system demonstrating effects of mass transfer
- β Pic b (Beta Pictoris b): super-Jupiter discovered in 2008
- β Pictoris
- βpm: see rare designator prefixes
- χ² test (chi-squared test): statistical significance test
- Δ: see Dunlop Double Star Catalogue
- δ (declination): direction coordinate above/below celestial equator
- Δ²R: see Lambda-CDM model
- étendue (etendue): measure of how wide and deep a telescope observes
- ε (nuclear energy generation rate): fusion power per unit mass
- ε Eridani (Epsilon Eridani): third nearest visible star system in sky
- ε Ind (Epsilon Indi): nearby star system including two brown dwarf companions
- ε Indi (Epsilon Indi): nearby star system including two brown dwarf companions
- εO: see metallicity
- η: see chirp mass
- η Car (Eta Carinae): variable star
- η Orionis
- Orion: well-known constellation in the northern hemisphere
- Γ: see Lorentz transformation
- γ: see Lorentz transformation
- γ: see specific heat
- ℏ: see Planck constant
- κ (opacity): a measure of opaqueness of a material
- κ (permeability): ability of a material to allow fluids to pass through it
- κ: see gravitational constant
- κ-mechanism (kappa mechanism): stellar instability caused by opacity increasing with temperature
- Λ (cosmological constant): force counteracting the universe's inward gravitational pull
- Λ (dark energy): energy theorized to accelerate the expansion of the universe
- Λ: see neutron star merger
- λ (Jeans parameter): ratio measuring a tendency of an atmosphere to escape
- λ (eigenvalue): ratio between a vector and a linear transformation of that vector
- λ (wavelength): distance over which a repeating wave repeats
- λ Boo (Lambda Boötis star): peculiar star with metallicity only with lighter elements
- ΛCDM (Lambda-CDM model): Big-Bang cosmological model with a cosmological constant and cold dark matter
- ℳ (chirp mass): a reduced-mass-like quantity that relates to gravitational waves
- μ (distance modulus): apparent magnitude minus absolute magnitude
- μ (mass ratio): ratio of masses of two objects such as a binary star
- μ (mean molecular weight): measurement of a gas usual for approximating in gas models
- μ (standard gravitational parameter): a body's mass times the universal gravitational constant
- μFUN (MicroFUN): observers following up on microlensing events in the galactic bulge
- μGal: see Gal
- μK: see kelvin
- ν (frequency): number of cycles per unit of time, such as waves per second
- ν (neutrino): light, electrically neutral elementary particle
- ν (wavenumber): reciprocal of wavelength
- ντ (tau neutrino): neutrino flavor that becomes a tau particle during interactions
- Ω (density parameter): ratio of a density with the critical density
- Ω (solid angle): three-dimensional analog of an angle
- Ω: see critical density
- ω: see frequency
- Ω-m: see siemens
- ΩΛ: see Lambda-CDM model
- ΩΛ: see density parameter
- Ω0: see critical density
- Ω0: see density parameter
- ΩB: see density parameter
- Ωb: see Lambda-CDM model
- Ωbh²: see Lambda-CDM model
- ΩC: see density parameter
- Ωc: see critical density
- ΩD: see density parameter
- ΩdΩc: see Lambda-CDM model
- Ωdh²: see Lambda-CDM model
- ΩM: see density parameter
- Ωm: see Lambda-CDM model
- ΩR: see density parameter
- Öpik-Oort Cloud (Oort Cloud): cloud of distant comets surrounding the solar system
- Φ (gravitational potential): conceptual field indicating the strength of gravity at each point
- Φ (magnetic flux): measure of magnetism passing through a surface
- Φ: see double star designation
- ΦTidal: see tide
- π (pion): first type of meson discovered
- ρc (critical density): density of the universe which leaves it flat
- Σ (surface density): quantity such as mass per unit area
- Σ: see Struve Catalogs
- σ (Stefan-Boltzmann constant): relates radiation power to temperature and surface area
- σ (sigma): indication of the confidence level of an experiment
- σ (velocity dispersion): statistical dispersion of velocities of a group of objects
- σ-8 tension (sigma-8 tension): Lambda CDM anomaly regarding matter fluctuation
- σ8: see sigma-8 tension
- τ (Thomson optical depth): a measure of effects of Thomson scattering
- τ (optical depth): a measure of opaqueness of a path of light
- τ (pulsar characteristic age): approximate age determination of a pulsar based upon rotation rate
- τ (timescale): general length of time something takes
- τ: see Lambda-CDM model
- τadvec: see advection
- τKH (Kelvin-Helmholtz timescale): time that would radiate away a body's heat energy given its luminosity
- τT (Thomson optical depth): a measure of effects of Thomson scattering
- ϒ (mass-to-light ratio): measure of a population of stars or region
- ζ Aurigae
- ζ Aurigae system: see binary star
- 'Oumuamua (Oumuamua): small body that passed through the solar system in 2017
- (706765) 2010 TK7 (2010 TK7): asteroid that is an Earth Trojan
- μ: see permeability
- a (semi-major axis): maximum radius of an ellipse
- b: see semi-major axis
- e (eccentricity): degree to which an orbit is non-circular
- i: see complex number
- l: see spherical harmonics
- m: see spherical harmonics
- 130Te
- CUORE: experiment to sense neutrinoless double beta decay
- 136Xe
- EXO: experiment to detect neutrinoless double beta decay in xenon
- 13CO: see carbon monoxide
- 1H: hydrogen isotope with no neutrons
- 1H burning (hydrogen burning): any fusion reaction starting with hydrogen
- 1hydrogen (1H): hydrogen isotope with no neutrons
- 2H (deuterium): hydrogen isotope with one neutron
- 3H: see deuterium
- 3H: see hydrogen
- KATRIN: experiment to measure neutrino mass
- Project 8: experiment in development to measure neutrino mass
- 44Ti: see titanium
- 56Co
- 56Ni
- 60Co
- [α/Fe]: see alpha-enhanced
- [α/Fe] versus [Fe/H] diagram: diagram indicating stars' degrees of alpha enhancement
- [CH] (methylidyne): compound of one carbon and one hydrogen atom
- [CII] (ionized carbon fine structure line): carbon line that traces distant star formation
- [CI]: see fine structure
- carbon: element, C, atomic number 6
- [Fe II]: see iron
- [Fe/H]: see iron
- [HI]
- [N III]
- [NII]
- TIM: planned balloon-borne 2-m telescope and spectrometer
- [O III]
- [O/Fe]: see alpha-enhanced
- 0ES: see HEAO-2
- 0FGL: see Fermi
- 1 Ceres (Ceres): dwarf planet and largest asteroid
- asteroid: minor planet without comet characteristics
- dwarf planet: round like a planet, only smaller
- 1 Jansky Empty Field Survey: 1980s survey to find optical identifications for weak radio sources
- 1 Jy (1 Jansky Empty Field Survey): 1980s survey to find optical identifications for weak radio sources
- 1-point function: see N-point function
- 1.27m Mount Stromlo Telescope
- MACHO Project: survey searching out microlensing that could indicate a MACHO
- 1.3-mm observation: observation frequency useful for detecting dust
- 1.5m Hale Telescope
- 1/f noise: see red noise
- 1/Vmax method (volume weighting): method of accommodating the Malmquist bias
- 10 Hygiea: see asteroid
- 101955 Bennu: near-Earth asteroid visited by a successful sample-return mission
- OSIRIS-REx: space mission aiming to return a sample of an asteroid
- 10199 Chariklo: largest minor planet in the outer solar system
- 1050cm: see Parkes Observatory
- 10C: see Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources
- 12 scale: see metallicity
- 134340 Pluto (Pluto): dwarf planet formerly listed as one of the nine planets
- 136108 Haumea (Haumea): dwarf planet discovered in 2004
- 136199 Eris
- 136472 Makemake
- 13MM: see Parkes Observatory
- 140 Foot Telescope (Green Bank 140 Foot Telescope): West Virginia radio telescope
- 150 megaparsecs
- 152830 Dinkinesh
- Lucy: space probe to observe Jupiter Trojan asteroids
- 15760 1992 QB11
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- 15760 Albion
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- 16 Cyg (16 Cygni): triple star system with detected exoplanet
- 16 Cygni: triple star system with detected exoplanet
- 16 Psyche (Psyche): asteroid discovered in 1852
- Psyche: space mission on its way to asteroid Psyche
- 16-pole: see multipole expansion
- 162173 Ryugu
- Hayabusa2: JAXA mission that returned a sample of an asteroid
- 18 cm line: see hydroxyl
- 1947 sunspot: largest sunspot ever recorded
- 1987A (SN 1987A): supernova in February 1987 rare for being visible by the naked eye
- 1992 QB11
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- 1999 RQ36 (101955 Bennu): near-Earth asteroid visited by a successful sample-return mission
- OSIRIS-REx: space mission aiming to return a sample of an asteroid
- 19P/Borrelly
- 1A: see Ariel 5
- 1AGL: see AGILE
- 1C: see Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources
- 1D climate model (one dimensional climate model): atmospheric model ignoring all horizontal motion
- 1D model: see three dimensional model
- 1E: see HEAO-2
- 1E 0657-56 (Bullet Cluster): two galaxy clusters that are colliding
- 1ES: see HEAO-2
- 1FGL: see Fermi
- 1H: see HEAO-1
- 1I/'Oumuamua (Oumuamua): small body that passed through the solar system in 2017
- 1I/2017 U1 (Oumuamua): small body that passed through the solar system in 2017
- 1PN: see post-Newtonian formalism
- 1RXH: see ROSAT
- 1RXP: see ROSAT
- 1RXS: see ROSAT
- 1SAX: see BeppoSAX
- 1SWASP: see SuperWASP
- 1SWASP J140747 (J1407): star eclipsed by a body with a ring system
- 1SWASP J140747.93-394542.6 (J1407): star eclipsed by a body with a ring system
- 1WGA: see rare designator prefixes
- 2 Pallas: see asteroid
- 2-brane: see brane
- 2-point correlation function: see N-point function
- 2-point function: see N-point function
- 2.5 dimensional model: model such as computer simulation between 2D and 3D
- 2.5D model (2.5 dimensional model): model such as computer simulation between 2D and 3D
- 20000 Varuna
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- 2001 Mars Odyssey (Mars Odyssey): Mars orbiter launched by NASA in 2001
- 2002 AW197
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- 2002 TC302
- 2002 TX300
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- 2002 UX25
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- 2003 VB12 (Sedna): distant solar system planetoid discovered in 2003
- 2004 XR190
- 2010 TK7: asteroid that is an Earth Trojan
- 2012 VB113: see Kuiper Belt
- 2014 MU69: see New Horizons
- 21-cm experiment: search for redshifted 21-cm hydrogen emission lines
- 21-cm line: hydrogen line useful for determining redshift
- 217.5 nm absorption feature (2175 angstrom feature): prominent absorption feature in ISM
- 217.5 nm feature (2175 angstrom feature): prominent absorption feature in ISM
- 2175 angstrom absorption feature (2175 angstrom feature): prominent absorption feature in ISM
- 2175 angstrom feature: prominent absorption feature in ISM
- reddening: red appearance of astronomical objects because blue light is attenuated by dust
- 220 nm feature (2175 angstrom feature): prominent absorption feature in ISM
- 243 Ida: see binary minor planet
- Galileo: circa 1990s space mission to Jupiter
- 25143 Itokawa
- Hayabusa2: JAXA mission that returned a sample of an asteroid
- 25m Dwingeloo Radio Telescope
- 26-Meter Telescope
- 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup
- Giotto: 1980s space mission carrying out a Comet Halley flyby
- 28978 Ixion
- 2A: see Ariel 5
- 2C: see Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources
- 2CG: see Cos-B
- 2D Fourier transform: type of transformation of 2D functions used for analysis and manipulation
- 2D model: see three dimensional model
- 2dF: robotic fiber positioning system
- 2dF: see Anglo-Australian Telescope
- 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: imaging survey of 300,000 extragalactic objects
- 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO survey: spectroscopic survey of distant galaxies
- 2dFGRS (2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey): imaging survey of 300,000 extragalactic objects
- 2E: see HEAO-2
- 2EG: see Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
- 2EGS: see Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
- 2EUVE: see Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
- 2FGL: see Fermi
- 2HWC: see High-altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory
- 2I/Borisov
- Oumuamua: small body that passed through the solar system in 2017
- 2M: see Two Micron All-sky Survey
- 2M1207: brown dwarf with possible exoplanet
- 2MA: see Two Micron All-sky Survey
- 2MASP: see Two Micron All-sky Survey
- 2MASS (Two Micron All-sky Survey): near-infrared survey of both hemispheres
- 2MASS 0720-0846 (Scholz's Star): nearby binary star with red dwarf and brown dwarf
- 2MASS 1207: see TW Hydrae association
- 2MASS Extended Source Catalog: see Two Micron All-sky Survey
- 2MASS J00445930-1516166 (LHS 1140): red dwarf with rocky planet in its habitable zone
- 2MASS J02530084+1652532 (Teegarden's Star): nearby red dwarf
- 2MASS J07200325-0846499 (Scholz's Star): nearby binary star with red dwarf and brown dwarf
- 2MASS J12073346-3932539 (2M1207): brown dwarf with possible exoplanet
- 2MASS J15065257+7027247 (WISE 1506+7027): nearby brown dwarf
- 2MASS J16264502-2423077 (Elias 2-27): much-studied YSO
- 2MASS J20020411+4422536 (Kepler-79): star with four super-puff planets
- 2MASS J23062928-0502285 (TRAPPIST-1): red dwarf with exoplanets within the habitable zone
- 2MASS Photometric Redshift Catalog: galaxy redshifts from 2MASS
- 2MASS photometric system (JHK photometric system): system to classify stars according to near-infrared colors
- 2MASS XSC: see Two Micron All-sky Survey
- 2MASSI: see Two Micron All-sky Survey
- 2MASSP: see Two Micron All-sky Survey
- 2MASSW: see Two Micron All-sky Survey
- 2MASX: see Two Micron All-sky Survey
- 2MPZ (2MASS Photometric Redshift Catalog): galaxy redshifts from 2MASS
- 2MUCD: see Two Micron All-sky Survey
- 2PN: see post-Newtonian formalism
- 2QZ: see rare designator prefixes
- 2RE: see ROSAT
- 2RXP: see ROSAT
- 2S: see Small Astronomy Satellite 3
- 2SLAQ (2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO survey): spectroscopic survey of distant galaxies
- 2U: see Uhuru
- 2UCAC: see USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog
- 2XMM: see XMM-Newton
- 3 Juno: see asteroid
- 3-brane: see brane
- 3-mm window
- 3-point correlation function: see N-point function
- 3-point function: see N-point function
- 3-simplex
- 30 Dor (30 Doradus): HI region in LMC
- 30 Doradus: HI region in LMC
- 32-pole: see multipole expansion
- 38628 Huya
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- 3A: see Ariel 5
- 3C (Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources): 1959 catalog of northern hemisphere 159-MHz sources
- 3C 10: see SN 1572
- 3C 273: first quasar discovered
- 3C 279: striking variable quasar
- 3C 295: distant radio galaxy
- 3C 303: Seyfert galaxy of interest
- 3C 327: elliptical radio galaxy
- 3C 348: giant elliptical radio galaxy
- 3C 397: supernova remnant discovered as a radio source
- 3C 400 (W51): cloud complex radio source
- 3C 405 (Cygnus A): early-discovered radio galaxy showing a quasar
- 3C 48: radio galaxy/quasar
- 3C 9: first quasar discovered
- 3CR: see Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources
- 3CRR
- 3D model (three dimensional model): computer simulation handling variation in all three dimensions
- 3D-HST: near-infrared survey of 100,000 galaxies by HST
- 3EG: see Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
- 3FHL: see Fermi
- 3GM: see JUICE
- 3PN: see post-Newtonian formalism
- 3U: see Uhuru
- 4 Vesta: see asteroid
- 4-brane: see brane
- 4-metre Multi-object Spectroscopic Telescope (4MOST): spectrograph in development for VISTA telescope
- 4-shooter: see Hale Telescope
- 43 Meter Telescope (Green Bank 140 Foot Telescope): West Virginia radio telescope
- 469219 Kamo'oalewa: see quasi-satellite
- 47 Tuc (47 Tucanae): bright globular cluster
- 47 Tucanae: bright globular cluster
- 47171 Lempo
- 4C (Fourth Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources): 1960s catalog of northern hemisphere 178 MHz sources
- 4C Array: see Fourth Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources
- 4CT: see Fourth Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources
- 4FGL: see Fermi
- 4LGSF: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- 4MOST: spectrograph in development for VISTA telescope
- 4MOST: see VISTA
- 4U: see Uhuru
- 4XMM: see XMM-Newton
- 4XMM-DR13: see XMM-Newton
- 5-dimensional warped geometry theory (Randall-Sundrum model): particular 5-dimensional cosmological model
- 50000 Quaoar
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- 51 Eri b (51 Eridani b): Jupiter-like planet discovered in 2014
- 51 Eridani: see 51 Eridani b
- 51 Eridani b: Jupiter-like planet discovered in 2014
- 51 Peg b (51 Pegasi b): first exoplanet found orbiting a main sequence star
- 51 Pegasi: see 51 Pegasi b
- 51 Pegasi: see extra-solar planet
- 51 Pegasi b: first exoplanet found orbiting a main sequence star
- 53 Persei
- 53 Persei variable (slowly-pulsating B-star): B-star with pulsation periods of more than half a day
- 5335 Damocles: see damocloid
- 55 Cancri A: see 55 Cancri e
- 55 Cancri e: super-Earth orbiting a Sun-like star
- 55 Cnc A: see 55 Cancri e
- 55 Cnc e (55 Cancri e): super-Earth orbiting a Sun-like star
- 5535 Annefrank
- Stardust: space mission that collected and returned comet coma dust
- 55565 2002AW197
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- 55636 2002 TX300
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- 55637 UX25
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- 5C: see Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources
- 60-inch Hale Telescope
- 60-inch telescope: see Mount Wilson Observatory
- 612911 2004 XR190
- 67P (67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko): comet visited by Rosetta space mission
- CAESAR: planned space mission to return a sample of a comet
- Rosetta: space probe that visited a comet
- 67P/C-G (67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko): comet visited by Rosetta space mission
- CAESAR: planned space mission to return a sample of a comet
- Rosetta: space probe that visited a comet
- 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: comet visited by Rosetta space mission
- CAESAR: planned space mission to return a sample of a comet
- Rosetta: space probe that visited a comet
- 6C: see Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources
- 6dF: see UK Schmidt Telescope
- 6dF Galaxy Survey: UKST survey of galaxies in the southern sky
- 6dFGS (6dF Galaxy Survey): UKST survey of galaxies in the southern sky
- 775 AD event: apparent solar eruption, based upon tree-ring evidence
- 7C: see Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources
- 8 pc: survey of stars within 8 parsecs, using coronagraph
- 800 angstrom feature: see reddening
- 84522 2002 TC302
- 87GB (87GB Catalog of Radio Sources): 1980s Green Bank radio survey
- 87GB Catalog of Radio Sources: 1980s Green Bank radio survey
- 8C: see Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources
- 8pc: see 8 pc
- 90377 Sedna (Sedna): distant solar system planetoid discovered in 2003
- 90482 Orcus
- 90Prime
- 92-cm line
- 21-cm line: hydrogen line useful for determining redshift
- 951 Gaspra
- Galileo: circa 1990s space mission to Jupiter
- 9969 Braille
- 99942 Apophis
- OSIRIS-REx: space mission aiming to return a sample of an asteroid
- 9C: see Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources
- 9P/Tempel
- Deep Impact: mission to create and observe an impact with a comet