Term Index (W)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter W.
- W (Westerhout Radio Survey): 1950s radio survey of the galactic plane
- W (watt): SI unit of power
- W: see NIRSpec
- W: see Wolf-Rayet star
- W: see filter designator
- w: see cosmological equation of state
- w: see wCDM
- dark energy: energy theorized to accelerate the expansion of the universe
- W 51 (W51): cloud complex radio source
- W boson: see weak interaction
- W decay: see weak interaction
- W Ursae Majoris contact system: see contact binary
- W Ursae Majoris variable: see contact binary
- W Ursae Majoris variable: see variable star
- W Virginis variable: see variable star
- blue loop: stellar evolutionary-track segment due to short-term helium burning
- pulsating star: variable star that varies through energy pulses
- W-class: see Wolf-Rayet star
- W-type: see Wolf-Rayet star
- W0855 (WISE 0855-0714): nearby free-floating planet
- w1: see Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- w2: see Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- w3: see Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- w4: see Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- W51: cloud complex radio source
- W51 A: see W51
- W51 B: see W51
- W51 C: see W51
- W61: see rare designator prefixes
- W78 (Cygnus Loop): supernova remnant in Cygnus
- W0: see Wilson-Bappu effect
- w0: see wCDM
- w0waCDM: see wCDM
- wa: see wCDM
- W+: see weak interaction
- W-: see weak interaction
- Wack: see rare designator prefixes
- WAE: see Mars Pathfinder
- Walker: see rare designator prefixes
- WALLABY: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- WAM: see MMX
- wandering planet (free-floating planet): planet that is not orbiting a star
- warm dark matter: see dark matter
- Warm Infrared Echelle Spectrograph (WINERED): near-infrared non-cryogenic spectrograph
- warm intercloud medium: see interstellar medium
- warm ionized medium: see interstellar medium
- warm neutral medium: see interstellar medium
- warm pixel: see hot pixel
- warp: bend in the otherwise-flat disk of a galaxy
- warped geometry
- Was: see rare designator prefixes
- Washington Double Star Catalog: modern database of double stars
- Washington Naval Observatory: see USNO
- WASP: multi-university initiative to locate transiting planets
- WASP-12b: retrograde hot Jupiter discovered in 2008
- WASP-33b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2010
- WASP-67b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2011
- WaSP: see Hale Telescope
- WASP-12b: retrograde hot Jupiter discovered in 2008
- WASP-33
- WASP-33b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2010
- WASP-33b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2010
- WASP-43
- WASP-43b: hot Jupiter with especially small orbit
- WASP-43b: hot Jupiter with especially small orbit
- WASP-67b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2011
- WASP-South
- WASP-67b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2011
- water: compound of oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms
- water activity: measure of partial vapor pressure of water
- water cycle: see hydrology
- water hole: see atmospheric window
- water hole: see water
- water ice: see ice
- water line (snow line): distance from protostar so cool that water condenses
- water lines: spectral lines specific to water
- water maser: see maser
- water planet (water world): planet with substantial liquid water
- water vapor: see water
- earthshine: reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation from Earth
- water vapor planet: planet showing water vapor in its atmosphere
- water world: planet with substantial liquid water
- water-ice planet: planet made entirely of water ice
- Waterloo: see rare designator prefixes
- watt: SI unit of power
- energy: physical state needed to do something
- jansky: unit of measurement of spectral flux density
- joule: SI unit of energy
- luminosity: measure of brightness
- wave
- wave cloud
- wave dark matter (fuzzy dark matter): concept of extremely light dark matter particles
- wave equation
- wave front error (wavefront error): measure of a class of telescope distortion
- wave function: see Schrödinger equation
- wave interference (interference): result of interaction of waves
- wave mechanics: see Schrödinger equation
- wave period: see frequency
- wave-particle duality: at atomic scale, things act like both particles and waves
- wavefront error: measure of a class of telescope distortion
- wavefront sensor: instrument for determining a wave's deformation
- waveguide
- wavelength: distance over which a repeating wave repeats
- wavenumber: reciprocal of wavelength
- waveplate: type of optical device that alters polarization
- Waves: see Juno
- waves
- WB (wide binaries): binary stars thousands of AU apart
- WB: see rare designator prefixes
- Wb: see magnetic flux
- WB89: see rare designator prefixes
- WBL: see rare designator prefixes
- WBR (Wilson-Bappu effect): a relation between a star's spectral line and luminosity
- WBS: see Yohkoh
- WC: see Wolf-Rayet star
- wCDM: Big-Bang cosmological model with constant cosmological equation of state
- WD (white dwarf): stellar remnant largely of electron degenerate matter
- WD: see Villanova White Dwarf Catalog
- WD J0651+2844: binary pair of closely-orbiting white dwarfs
- WDM: see dark matter
- WDS (Washington Double Star Catalog): modern database of double stars
- We: see rare designator prefixes
- weak cosmic censorship: see law of cosmic censorship
- weak encounter: see stellar dynamics
- weak encounter: see stellar encounter
- weak force: see weak interaction
- weak gravitational encounter: see stellar dynamics
- weak gravitational interaction
- weak gravitational lens: see gravitational lensing
- weak gravitational lensing (weak lensing): slight lensing detected in random patterns of distant objects
- weak interaction: interaction of weak bosons with other atomic particles
- weak interaction: see N-body problem
- weak lensing: slight lensing detected in random patterns of distant objects
- weak lensing: see gravitational lensing
- weak r-process: see r-process
- weak radio galaxy: see radio galaxy
- weak scattering: see scintillometry
- weak scintillation: see scintillometry
- weak stellar encounter: see stellar encounter
- weak-line star: star with faint spectral lines compared to its spectral class
- weak-line T-Tauri star: see T-Tauri star
- weakened magnetic braking: see gyrochronology
- weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP): proposed particle comprising dark matter
- weakly interacting slim particle: see WIMP
- weakly-coupled QFT: see quantum field theory
- weakly-coupled quantum field theory: see quantum field theory
- weather
- baroclinicity: measure of misalignment of fluid density and pressure
- beta drift: tendency for a cyclone to drift poleward and westward
- Hadley cell: circulation pattern of up at the equator, poleward, down, and back
- intertropical convergence zone: circulation pattern near equator where north and south Hadley cells meet
- Kelvin waves: pressure and gravity waves formed by Coriolis force and a barrier
- plane-parallel atmosphere: simplified atmosphere model ignoring its curvature around the body
- polar cyclone: storm centered on the pole
- Rossby radius of deformation: length scale where rotation effects are significant
- Rossby waves: meandering shifts in the trajectory of high-altitude winds
- superrotating wind: wind traveling in the same direction as the planet is rotating
- SWMF: software package of tools for modeling space weather
- synoptic: general, covering everything
- thermal wind: type of wind due to temperature gradients that vary by altitude
- WSA-Enlil: computer model of heliosphere for space weather prediction
- zonal flow: east-west air circulation
- zone: apparent "horizontal" band in an atmosphere
- weathering: changes in surface due to contact with atmosphere
- weathering-limited: see weathering
- WEAVE: multi-object spectrograph on the WHT
- WEAVE: see William Herschel Telescope
- WEB: see double star designation
- Web Interface for Searching Archival Research Data (WISARD): early Internet-based interface to NASA data
- Webb (James Webb Space Telescope): 6.5-meter infrared space telescope at L2
- NIRCam: near infrared imager on JWST
- NIRSpec: near infrared spectrograph on JWST
- weber: see magnetic flux
- tesla: unit of magnetic flux density
- WEBT (Whole Earth Blazer Telescope): international initiative to gather blazar lightcurves
- Wee: see rare designator prefixes
- WEI: see double star designation
- weighted principal component analysis: see PCA analysis
- Weizmann Institute
- WISeREP: interactive catalog of supernovae
- Weizmann Interactive Supernova Data Repository (WISeREP): interactive catalog of supernovae
- well-known survey fields: well-known fields used by multiple surveys
- Wendelstein: see Wendelstein Observatory
- Wendelstein Observatory: German observatory on Mount Wendelstein
- USS Sources: catalog of sources with steep spectral index
- Werner band: see Lyman-Werner photon
- WeSa: see rare designator prefixes
- Wesenheit function: function of magnitudes approximating absolute visual magnitude
- Wesenheit magnitude: see Wesenheit function
- West Virginia
- Westerbork Hydrogen Accretion in Local Galaxies Survey (Hydrogen Accretion in Local Galaxies Survey): radio survey looking for HI in galaxy halos
- Westerbork Northern Sky Survey
- USS Sources: catalog of sources with steep spectral index
- Westerbork Observations of Neutral Hydrogen in Irregular and Spiral Galaxies (WHISP): 1990s/2000s radio survey mapping HI density and velocity
- Westerbork Radio Telescope (Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope): radio telescope array of 14 dishes in Netherlands
- Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope: radio telescope array of 14 dishes in Netherlands
- Westerhout: see Westerhout Radio Survey
- Westerhout 51 (W51): cloud complex radio source
- Westerhout Radio Survey: 1950s radio survey of the galactic plane
- westerlies
- Hadley cell: circulation pattern of up at the equator, poleward, down, and back
- superrotating wind: wind traveling in the same direction as the planet is rotating
- zonal flow: east-west air circulation
- Westerlund: see rare designator prefixes
- Westphal: see rare designator prefixes
- WET (Whole Earth Telescope): international initiative to gather variable star lightcurves
- WF/PC: see Hubble Space Telescope
- WF/PC2: see Hubble Space Telescope
- WFC: see BeppoSAX
- WFC: see Isaac Newton Telescope
- WFC: see ROSAT
- WFC3: general purpose camera/spectroscope on HST
- WFC3: see Hubble Space Telescope
- WFC3: see PHAT
- WFCAM: see United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
- WFCAM Transit Survey: 2000s survey for exoplanet transits using UKIRT
- WFE (wavefront error): measure of a class of telescope distortion
- WFI: see PUNCH
- WFI: see Roman Space Telescope
- WFIRST (Roman Space Telescope): proposed near-infrared space observatory
- WFIRST CGI: see Roman Space Telescope
- WFIRST WFI: see Roman Space Telescope
- WFM: see eXTP
- WFMOS (Wide-field Multi-object Spectrograph): proposed instrument to detect baryon acoustic oscillations
- WFOS: see Thirty Meter Telescope
- Medium Deep Survey: survey to find galaxies in HST WFPC2 images
- WFC3: general purpose camera/spectroscope on HST
- WFS (wavefront sensor): instrument for determining a wave's deformation
- WFSS: see James Webb Space Telescope
- WG: see double star designation
- WGA: see rare designator prefixes
- WGAD (Working Group on Accessibility and Disability): AAS working group
- WGPSN (Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature): IAU group on terminology regarding planetary systems
- Wheeler's demon: see Geroch-Bekenstein engine
- WHIRC: see WIYN 3.5m Telescope
- Whirlpool Galaxy: easily-observed spiral galaxy
- WHISP: 1990s/2000s radio survey mapping HI density and velocity
- white dwarf: stellar remnant largely of electron degenerate matter
- White Dwarf Catalog (Villanova White Dwarf Catalog): ongoing catalog of white dwarfs
- white dwarfs
- white giant: see giant star
- white hole: the inverse of a black hole, into which matter cannot enter
- white noise: see red noise
- white paper: paper giving a general explanation of an issue or proposal
- white paper: see decadal survey
- WHL: see rare designator prefixes
- Whole Earth Blazer Telescope: international initiative to gather blazar lightcurves
- Whole Earth Telescope: international initiative to gather variable star lightcurves
- WHSF: see Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
- WHT (William Herschel Telescope): 4.2-meter telescope in the Canary Islands
- WHT Enhanced Area Velocity Explorer (WEAVE): multi-object spectrograph on the WHT
- WHT Enhanced Area Velocity Explorer: see William Herschel Telescope
- Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP): multi-university initiative to locate transiting planets
- Wide Area Search for Planets (WASP): multi-university initiative to locate transiting planets
- wide band: see passband
- wide binaries: binary stars thousands of AU apart
- wide field: see field of view
- wide field: see survey field
- Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3): general purpose camera/spectroscope on HST
- Wide Field Imager
- Wide Field Infrared Explorer: partly-failed 1999 infrared satellite
- Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (Roman Space Telescope): proposed near-infrared space observatory
- Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer: infrared space telescope aimed at an all-sky survey
- Wide-field Multi-object Spectrograph: proposed instrument to detect baryon acoustic oscillations
- Wide-field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey (WINGS): all-sky survey investigating known galaxy clusters
- wide-field slitless spectroscopy: see James Webb Space Telescope
- Wide-field X-ray Telescope
- wideband: see bandwidth
- Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind Survey: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- Wien approximation: yields approximation of black body curve useful at short wavelengths
- Wien's displacement constant: see Wien's displacement law
- Wien's displacement law: relates temperature to wavelength of maximum emission
- Wien's law (Wien's displacement law): relates temperature to wavelength of maximum emission
- WiFeS: see ANU 2.3m Telescope
- WiggleZ: survey aimed at mapping dark energy
- Wigner crystal: crystalline phase of matter formed without specific bonds
- Wild 2
- Stardust: space mission that collected and returned comet coma dust
- Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe: spacecraft that measured variations in the cosmic background radiation
- William Herschel Telescope: 4.2-meter telescope in the Canary Islands
- Willman: see rare designator prefixes
- Willman 1
- Wilson-Bappu effect: a relation between a star's spectral line and luminosity
- Wilson-Bappu relation (Wilson-Bappu effect): a relation between a star's spectral line and luminosity
- WIM: see interstellar medium
- WIMP: proposed particle comprising dark matter
- WIMP decoupling: see decoupling
- WIMP miracle: see Lee-Weinberg bound
- neutralino: proposed type of particle that might include WIMPs
- WIMP: proposed particle comprising dark matter
- Wind: spacecraft measuring solar wind
- wind
- wind braking: see magnetic dipole braking
- wind shear: see planet formation
- wind-momentum luminosity relationship: method of determining luminosity of distant stars
- WINDII: see Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
- winding problem: see spiral galaxy
- window (atmospheric window): frequency bands within which the atmosphere passes EMR
- window function: function with a zero value outside some specific range
- windowing function (window function): function with a zero value outside some specific range
- Winer Observatory
- KELT: pair of telescopes that searched for transients
- WINERED: near-infrared non-cryogenic spectrograph
- winged radio galaxy: see radio galaxy
- WINGS: all-sky survey investigating known galaxy clusters
- wino: see supersymmetry
- winter solstice: see solstice
- WIRC: see Hale Telescope
- WIRCam: see Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- WIRE (Wide Field Infrared Explorer): partly-failed 1999 infrared satellite
- WISARD: early Internet-based interface to NASA data
- Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-polarimeter Experiment: 1990s ultraviolet space telescope used on two Shuttle Shuttle missions
- WISDOM: see Rosalind Franklin
- WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer): infrared space telescope aimed at an all-sky survey
- NEO Surveyor: planned space observatory to detect and monitor NEOs
- WISE 0720-0846 (Scholz's Star): nearby binary star with red dwarf and brown dwarf
- WISE 0855-0714: nearby free-floating planet
- WISE 1049-5319 (Luhman 16): nearby binary brown dwarf
- WISE 1506+7027: nearby brown dwarf
- WISE 1534-1043: nearby brown dwarf with high proper motion
- WISE J072003.20-084651.2 (Scholz's Star): nearby binary star with red dwarf and brown dwarf
- WISE J085510.83-071442.5 (WISE 0855-0714): nearby free-floating planet
- WISE J104915.57-531906.1 (Luhman 16): nearby binary brown dwarf
- WISE J1147-2040: see TW Hydrae association
- WISE J150649.97+702736.1 (WISE 1506+7027): nearby brown dwarf
- WISE x SuperCOSMOS photometric redshift catalog: catalog of distant galaxies in WISE and SuperCOSMOS
- WISEA: see Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- WISEA J153429.75-104303.3 (WISE 1534-1043): nearby brown dwarf with high proper motion
- WISENF: see Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- WISEP: see Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- WISEPA: see Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- WISEPA J075108.79-763449.6
- COCONUTS: survey to image companions of stars
- WISeREP: interactive catalog of supernovae
- WISExSCOSPZ (WISE x SuperCOSMOS photometric redshift catalog): catalog of distant galaxies in WISE and SuperCOSMOS
- WISH: see planet formation
- WISP: see WIMP
- WISPR: see Parker Solar Probe
- WISS: see scintillometry
- WIT: "what is it" for an unexplainable object
- WIYN: Wisconsin-Indiana-Yale-NOAO
- WIYN 0.9m Telescope: see WIYN 3.5m Telescope
- WIYN 3.5m Telescope: Kitt Peak telescope run by university collaboration and NOIRLab
- WIYN Consortium: see WIYN 3.5m Telescope
- WIYN Observatory
- WIYN Open Cluster Study: study begun in 2000 using the WIYN 3.5m Telescope
- WJN: see rare designator prefixes
- WKB approximation (WKB method): method of numerically solving certain differential equations
- WKB method: method of numerically solving certain differential equations
- WKBJ approximation (WKB method): method of numerically solving certain differential equations
- WKBJ method (WKB method): method of numerically solving certain differential equations
- WL (weak lensing): slight lensing detected in random patterns of distant objects
- WL: see rare designator prefixes
- WLM (Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte): irregular galaxy at edge of Local Group
- WLR (wind-momentum luminosity relationship): method of determining luminosity of distant stars
- WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe): spacecraft that measured variations in the cosmic background radiation
- WMAP cold spot (cold spot): unusually colder spot in the CMB
- WMB: see gyrochronology
- WN: see USS Sources
- WN: see Wolf-Rayet star
- WNC: see double star designation
- WNE: see Wolf-Rayet star
- WNL: see Wolf-Rayet star
- WNM: see interstellar medium
- WNO: see USNO
- WNO: see double star designation
- WO: see Wolf-Rayet star
- Wo: see rare designator prefixes
- wobble method (radial velocity method): method of detecting exoplanets and binary companions
- WOCS (WIYN Open Cluster Study): study begun in 2000 using the WIYN 3.5m Telescope
- WOCS Consortium
- WOH: see rare designator prefixes
- Wolf (Max Wolf's catalog of stars with proper motion): early 20th century catalog of 1500 stars
- Wolf 359: nearby red dwarf
- Wolf number: see sunspot
- Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte: irregular galaxy at edge of Local Group
- Wolf-Rayet galaxy: galaxy with a lot of Wolf-Rayet stars
- Wolf-Rayet star: type of star with broad emission bands
- WR 104: Wolf-Rayet star surrounded by spiral nebula
- WR 140: Wolf-Rayet star that produces much dust
- Wolf-Rayet supernova: identified by rapidly expanding carbon, oxygen and neon
- Wollaston prism: see spectropolarimetry
- Wolter telescope: reflector telescope using only shallow-angle reflections
- NuSTAR: space telescope for high-energy X-rays
- WOR: see rare designator prefixes
- work: see energy
- work function: see ionization potential
- Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature: IAU group on terminology regarding planetary systems
- Working Group on Accessibility and Disability: AAS working group
- world cooling
- dynamo: mechanism for generating magnetic fields around astronomical bodies
- world line (worldline): path of an object through space and time
- worldline: path of an object through space and time
- wormhole: connection between two regions in a curved space
- WP (white paper): paper giving a general explanation of an issue or proposal
- WPCA: see PCA analysis
- WPVS: see rare designator prefixes
- WR (Wolf-Rayet star): type of star with broad emission bands
- WR 104: Wolf-Rayet star surrounded by spiral nebula
- WR 140: Wolf-Rayet star that produces much dust
- WR galaxy (Wolf-Rayet galaxy): galaxy with a lot of Wolf-Rayet stars
- WR star (Wolf-Rayet star): type of star with broad emission bands
- WRA: see rare designator prefixes
- Wray: see rare designator prefixes
- WRD: see double star designation
- WRF: see MarsWRF
- WRG: see radio galaxy
- WRH: see double star designation
- wrt: "with respect to"
- WS: see rare designator prefixes
- WSA-Enlil: computer model of heliosphere for space weather prediction
- WSA-Enlil: computer model of heliosphere for space weather prediction
- WSRT (Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope): radio telescope array of 14 dishes in Netherlands
- WSTB: see Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope
- WT: see rare designator prefixes
- WTF Star (KIC 8462852): star with unusual variations
- WTS (WFCAM Transit Survey): 2000s survey for exoplanet transits using UKIRT
- WTTS: see T-Tauri star
- WUPPE (Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-polarimeter Experiment): 1990s ultraviolet space telescope used on two Shuttle Shuttle missions
- WXM: see High Energy Transient Explorer
- WXT: see Einstein Probe
- WYFFOS: see William Herschel Telescope
- WZ: see double star designation