Term Index (D)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter D.
- D (deuterium): hydrogen isotope with one neutron
- D: see CFHTLS
- D: see rare designator prefixes
- D burning (deuterium burning): any fusion reaction starting with deuterium
- D lines: see sodium
- D orbital: see electron orbital
- D²: see DEEP2
- D-σ relation: see Faber-Jackson relation
- D-CIXS: see SMART-1
- D-type galaxy
- D/1993 F2 (Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9): comet that collided with Jupiter in 1994
- D1: see CFHTLS
- D2: see CFHTLS
- D3: see CFHTLS
- D3A
- D4: see CFHTLS
- D5
- D56: a target survey field of ACT telescope
- D56: a target survey field of ACT telescope
- D6
- D56: a target survey field of ACT telescope
- D2O: see deuterium
- DH: see Hubble constant
- DL (luminosity distance): distance to an object based upon the distance's effect on received flux
- dL (luminosity distance): distance to an object based upon the distance's effect on received flux
- Dp: see deuterium
- Db: see Big Bang nucleosynthesis
- DA (Dominion Observatory 1420 MHz Source Catalog): 1960s survey of northern-hemisphere radio sources
- DA: see Cassini
- DA: see double star designation
- Da (dalton): mass unit used on atomic scale
- Dall-Kirkham telescope: type of reflector telescope
- dalton: mass unit used on atomic scale
- dalton: see mass
- DAMA/LIBRA: dark matter detection experiment in Italy
- ANAIS-112: dark matter detection experiment in Spain
- COSINE-100: dark matter detection experiment in South Korea
- Damocles: see damocloid
- damocloid: minor planet with a comet-like orbit
- damocloid family: see damocloid
- damped Lyman alpha absorber: object producing broadened lines in a Lyman alpha forest
- damped wings: see damping profile
- damping
- damping profile: mathematical shape that models some types of spectral line broadening
- damping tail: see diffusion damping
- damping wing signature: see damping profile
- damping wings: see damping profile
- DAN: see Mars Science Laboratory
- DANCe (Dynamical Analysis of Nearby Clusters): survey of stars in stellar clusters
- Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST): 4 m solar telescope at Haleakala Observatory
- Danish
- Danish 1.54-m telescope: see La Silla Observatory
- Danjon astrolabe: instrument to measure the position of stars
- Danjon prismatic astrolabe (Danjon astrolabe): instrument to measure the position of stars
- Danks: see rare designator prefixes
- DAO (Dominion Astrophysical Observatory): long-standing observatory in British Columbia
- DAOPHOT: 1980s CCD photometry software
- DAOPHOT: 1980s CCD photometry software
- Daphnis: see shepherd moon
- Darcy velocity: see Darcy velocity field
- Darcy velocity field: vector field indicating a kind of seepage in a porous medium
- Darcy's law: see Darcy velocity field
- dark age: interval when the universe's hydrogen atoms were neutral
- dark ages (dark age): interval when the universe's hydrogen atoms were neutral
- dark burst: see gamma-ray burst
- dark cloud (dark nebula): cloud that obscures stars behind it
- dark current: see photodiode
- dark electron: see atomic dark matter
- dark energy: energy theorized to accelerate the expansion of the universe
- Dark Energy Camera
- Dark Energy Survey: survey aimed at mapping the universe's expansion
- DECaLS: survey imaging part of SDSS footprint with DECam
- dark energy density parameter: see Lambda-CDM model
- Dark Energy Space Telescope
- Dark Energy Spectroscopic Experiment
- Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument: new instrument for measuring red-shift of distant objects
- Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument: see Mayall 4m Telescope
- dark energy star: theoretical alternative to black holes
- Dark Energy Survey: survey aimed at mapping the universe's expansion
- dark flow: non-random patterns in peculiar velocity of galaxy clusters
- dark galaxy: gas and dark matter of a galaxy but with no stars
- dark halo (dark matter halo): hypothetical dark matter throughout and surrounding a galaxy
- dark matter: matter in galaxies and galaxy clusters suggested by their gravity
- dark matter annihilation: particle/antiparticle annihilation of WIMPs
- dark matter density parameter: see Lambda-CDM model
- dark matter detector: type of particle detector attempting to detect WIMPs
- dark matter dynamical friction: see dynamical friction
- dark matter equation of state (cosmological equation of state): equation of state of dark matter
- dark matter experiment (dark matter detector): type of particle detector attempting to detect WIMPs
- dark matter filament: hypothesized type of long, thin volume of dark matter
- cosmic web: hypothesized structure of the dark matter throughout the universe
- filament: linear volume of high molecular gas density within a galaxy
- dark matter halo: hypothetical dark matter throughout and surrounding a galaxy
- dark matter particle detector (dark matter detector): type of particle detector attempting to detect WIMPs
- dark matter star (dark star): theoretical star-like object heated by dark-matter annihilation
- exotic star: term for theoretical stars not made of atoms/ions
- dark matter web (cosmic web): hypothesized structure of the dark matter throughout the universe
- dark nebula: cloud that obscures stars behind it
- cloud: higher-density region of space
- LDN 1527: dark nebula in Taurus
- LDN 1689: dense core within the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
- nebula: cloud of dust and gas
- reflection nebula: nebula made visible by light it scatters from nearby stars
- dark night sky paradox (Olbers' paradox): argument using the dark of the sky regarding the nature of the universe
- dark photon: see atomic dark matter
- dark proton: see atomic dark matter
- dark radiation: see atomic dark matter
- dark sky: sky with limited light pollution
- dark star: theoretical star-like object heated by dark-matter annihilation
- exotic star: term for theoretical stars not made of atoms/ions
- dark-matter particle: see WIMP
- dark-matter-free galaxy: galaxy showing signs of no dark matter
- dark-sky park: see dark sky
- dark-sky preserve: see dark sky
- dark-sky reserve: see dark sky
- dark-sky site: see dark sky
- Dartmouth College
- Dartmouth isochrone: see Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database
- Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database: database relating isochrones to stellar parameters
- Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Program (Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database): database relating isochrones to stellar parameters
- Darwin: past plan for space telescopes acting as an interferometer
- DASCH: project to digitize Harvard astronomy plates
- DASH345: see Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
- DASI: 2000-2003 South Pole CMB telescope
- data
- data cube: three-dimensional array of numerical data
- data folding: locating periods in data by trial
- data release: publication or distribution of a set of data from a survey
- database
- datacube (data cube): three-dimensional array of numerical data
- daughter nuclide: see radioactive dating
- daughter nuclide: see radioactive decay
- DAV star
- David Dunlap Observatory: see David Dunlap Observatory Catalog
- David Dunlap Observatory Catalog: catalog of dwarf galaxies
- DAVINCI: planned NASA Venus orbiter
- DAVINCI+ (DAVINCI): planned NASA Venus orbiter
- DAW: see double star designation
- Dawes criterion: see angular resolution
- Dawes limit: see angular resolution
- Dawn: explorer spacecraft sent to asteroids Vesta and Ceres
- day: see solar time
- solar day: length of a solar system planet or Moon's day
- DB (Dominion Observatory 10.03 MHz Source Catalog): 1960s survey of northern-hemisphere radio sources
- DB: see rare designator prefixes
- DBB: see rare designator prefixes
- DBMM: see brown dwarf
- DBS: see ANU 2.3m Telescope
- DBSB: see rare designator prefixes
- DBSP: see Hale Telescope
- DBV star
- DC: see dark nebula
- DC: see rare designator prefixes
- DCAM3: see Hayabusa2
- DCAM5: see MMX
- DCBH (direct collapse black hole): theoretical means for quick formation of SMBHs
- DCEP: see Cepheid variable
- DCld: see dark nebula
- DCMF (dense core mass function): function describing range of masses of dense cores
- DCO+: see HCO+
- DCT (Lowell Discovery Telescope): 4.3 m telescope at Lowell Observatory, Arizona
- DD: see Type Ia supernova problem
- DD: see supernova progenitor
- DDO (David Dunlap Observatory Catalog): catalog of dwarf galaxies
- DDO 221 (Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte): irregular galaxy at edge of Local Group
- DDO classification (van den Bergh galaxy classification): galaxy classification variant including luminosity
- DDS: see Galileo
- DDT (director's discretionary time): telescope time whose use is chosen by the observatory's director
- DDT: see detonation
- dE: see dwarf galaxy classification
- de Broglie frequency: see de Broglie wavelength
- de Broglie wave: see de Broglie wavelength
- de Broglie wavelength: wavelength of a particle's matter wave
- de Broglie waves
- de Sitter precession
- de Sitter space: see anti-de Sitter space
- de Vaucouleurs' law (de Vaucouleurs' profile): relation between elliptical galaxy surface brightness and distance from center
- de Vaucouleurs' profile: relation between elliptical galaxy surface brightness and distance from center
- de-Sitter universe: see Einstein-de Sitter model
- dead zone: area within a disk where normal things don't happen
- DEBRA: see cosmic background radiation
- DEBRA: see extragalactic background light
- debris belt: see debris disk
- debris disk: circumstellar disk of dust and debris around a star
- disk: rotating disk-shaped object such as disk galaxy or circumstellar disk
- Debye length: length scale of screening effects within a plasma
- dec (declination): direction coordinate above/below celestial equator
- decadal survey: periodic NASA effort to plan for future astrophysical research
- decadal survey: type of once-a-decade planning report from NASA and the NAS
- DECaLS: survey imaging part of SDSS footprint with DECam
- DECam: see Víctor M. Blanco Telescope
- Dark Energy Survey: survey aimed at mapping the universe's expansion
- DECaLS: survey imaging part of SDSS footprint with DECam
- GW170817: 2017 gravitational wave detection from a neutron star merger
- NOAO Source Catalog: catalog compiled from NOAO public data
- DECam Legacy Survey (DECaLS): survey imaging part of SDSS footprint with DECam
- deceleration parameter: measure of the Hubble expansion's deceleration
- Deci-hertz Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (DECIGO): proposed Japanese space mission to detect gravitational waves
- DECIGO: proposed Japanese space mission to detect gravitational waves
- decimal exponent (dex): a number or ratio's log base 10
- decision tree
- decision tree learning
- declination: direction coordinate above/below celestial equator
- decollimator: see collimator
- deconvolution: see convolution
- mixture: type of probability distribution resulting from two others
- deconvolution free: see DSA-2000
- decouple: see decoupling
- decoupling: some type of particle stops being destroyed as often as it is created
- freeze-out: particles existing long-term after a decoupling
- recombination: time when the universe's ionized hydrogen atoms neutralized
- decretion disk: disk around an astronomical body of its ejected material
- DEEP2: redshift survey of 60,000 galaxies
- deep atmosphere models: see Juno
- Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging (DAVINCI): planned NASA Venus orbiter
- deep carbon cycle: see carbonate-silicate cycle
- deep CO2 cycle
- Deep Dish Development Array
- deep drilling: see deep field
- deep drilling field: see deep field
- Deep Ecliptic Survey: late 1990s/early 2000s survey for KBOs
- Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe
- DEEP2: redshift survey of 60,000 galaxies
- Deep Extragalactic Visible Legacy Survey (DEVILS): visible-light spectrographic survey of 56k distant galaxies
- deep field: survey field subject to lengthy observation to identify distant galaxies
- survey field: portion of the celestial sphere where a survey's observations aim
- Deep Impact: mission to create and observe an impact with a comet
- EPOXI: mission using Deep Impact for further exploration
- Deep Impact Extended Investigation
- EPOXI: mission using Deep Impact for further exploration
- Deep Investigations of Neutral Gas Origins: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- deep learning: description of machine learning using substantial neural networks
- Deep Lens Survey: investigating mass distribution of the universe
- deep Mars-crosser: see Mars crosser
- Deep Multicolor Survey: 1990s optical and infrared deep survey
- Deep Near Infrared Survey of the Southern Sky (DENIS): 1990s southern sky survey of two near-infrared bands
- Deep Space 1: 1998-2001 mission to fly by asteroid
- Deep Space Climate Observatory (DISCOVR): space weather satellite
- Deep Space Network (NASA Deep Space Network): NASA's world-wide radio communication setup
- Deep Spectroscopic High-redshift Mapper (DESHIMA): submillimeter spectrometer
- deep survey: survey using lengthy observation to identify distant galaxies
- Deep Synoptic Array 2000 (DSA-2000): array plan to detect radio transients
- Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment: neutrino experiment under construction
- deep water cycle: see hydrology
- DEEP2: redshift survey of 60,000 galaxies
- AEGIS: early 2000s survey study of distant galaxies
- DEEP2 Redshift Survey (DEEP2): redshift survey of 60,000 galaxies
- DEEP2 Survey (DEEP2): redshift survey of 60,000 galaxies
- DEEP2: redshift survey of 60,000 galaxies
- Deep5
- D56: a target survey field of ACT telescope
- Deep56 (D56): a target survey field of ACT telescope
- Deep6
- D56: a target survey field of ACT telescope
- deferent: see epicycle
- deflagration: see detonation
- deflagration to detonation transition: see detonation
- deformable mirror: mirror that can be flexed for fine control
- deg²: see solid angle
- DeGaS-MC: APEX survey of potential star formation regions in the Magellanic Clouds
- degeneracy: general word meaning a violation of normal rules
- degeneracy (degeneracy weight): number of quantum states with same energy level
- degeneracy pressure: see degeneracy
- degeneracy pressure: see electron degeneracy
- degeneracy weight: number of quantum states with same energy level
- degeneracy weighting (degeneracy weight): number of quantum states with same energy level
- degenerate dwarf (white dwarf): stellar remnant largely of electron degenerate matter
- degenerate electron pressure: see electron degeneracy
- degenerate energy levels: see degeneracy
- degenerate matter: see degeneracy
- degenerate matter: see electron degeneracy
- degenerate perturbation problem: see perturbation theory
- degenerate star: see compact object
- degree: see CMB anisotropies
- degree: see arcsecond
- degree: see spherical harmonics
- kelvin: unit of temperature scale starting at absolute zero
- Degree Angular Scale Interferometer (DASI): 2000-2003 South Pole CMB telescope
- degree of dissociation: see degree of ionization
- degree of ionization: fraction of material consisting of ions
- degrees: see arcsecond
- DeHt: see rare designator prefixes
- DEIA: abbreviation used for US government efforts
- DEIMOS: see Keck Observatory
- DEEP2: redshift survey of 60,000 galaxies
- SPLASH: survey of M31's Giant Stellar Stream
- Deimos
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- MMX: Japanese probe to bring back a sample of a Martian moon
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- delay time distribution: characterization of interval from star formation until some type of event
- delayed collapse: see neutron star merger
- delensing: see CMB lensing
- Delta
- Delta Cephei: see Cepheid variable
- Delta Cepheid Variable: see Cepheid variable
- Delta Scuti variable
- DEM: see rare designator prefixes
- democratic reionization: see epoch of reionization
- demographics: statistics of characteristics within a group
- DEN: see DENIS
- dendrogram: diagram of a "tree", i.e., of a graph without cycles
- DENIS: 1990s southern sky survey of two near-infrared bands
- dense cloud (molecular cloud): interstellar gas cloud that includes molecules
- dense cloud: see HII region
- dense core: dense molecular cloud
- dense core mass function: function describing range of masses of dense cores
- Dense Gas Survey of the Magellanic Clouds (DeGaS-MC): APEX survey of potential star formation regions in the Magellanic Clouds
- densitometer: see plate measuring machine
- density: see specific volume
- sound speed: speed at which compression waves traverse a gas
- density fluctuations
- density function
- density parameter: ratio of a density with the critical density
- density parameter: see critical density
- density scale height: see scale height
- density wave model: see spiral density wave
- density-morphology relation (morphology-density relation): a galaxy is more likely to be elliptical if surrounded by galaxies
- depth (survey depth): indication of how far a survey reaches
- DES (Dark Energy Survey): survey aimed at mapping the universe's expansion
- DES (Deep Ecliptic Survey): late 1990s/early 2000s survey for KBOs
- descending node: see orbital element
- DESHIMA: submillimeter spectrometer
- DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument): new instrument for measuring red-shift of distant objects
- DESI: see Mayall 4m Telescope
- DESI Legacy Imagine Surveys: see Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
- Design Review: see MDR/SRR
- designation
- designator (survey-based designator): astronomical object designators based on name of survey
- Destiny
- destriping: removing streak-like noise from images
- destructive interference
- detached binary: see binary star
- detached binary: see contact binary
- detached object
- detached population
- detection
- red noise: noise tending toward lower frequencies
- detective quantum efficiency: measure of instrument's ability to create images
- detonation: ignition propelled by a shock wave
- deuterated hydrogen (hydrogen deuteride): hydrogen molecule with one deuterium atom
- deuterated methane: see methane
- deuterium: hydrogen isotope with one neutron
- 21-cm line: hydrogen line useful for determining redshift
- deuterium burning: any fusion reaction starting with deuterium
- H-alpha: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 3 to n = 2
- H-beta: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 4 to n = 2
- deuterium Balmer series: see Lyman series
- deuterium burning: any fusion reaction starting with deuterium
- hydrogen burning: any fusion reaction starting with hydrogen
- planet: round object orbiting a star that clears out its own orbital path
- deuterium fusion (deuterium burning): any fusion reaction starting with deuterium
- deuterium hydride (hydrogen deuteride): hydrogen molecule with one deuterium atom
- deuterium Lyman series: see Lyman series
- deuterium Rydberg constant: see Lyman series
- Deutsches Zentrum füaut;r Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR): German's space and aerotautics research agency
- Devasthal Observatory
- DeVeny Spectrograph: see Lowell Discovery Telescope
- deviance information criterion: see Akaike information criterion
- DEVILS: visible-light spectrographic survey of 56k distant galaxies
- dewar: term used re cryogenics for vacuum-insulated containers
- dex: a number or ratio's log base 10
- DF (deep field): survey field subject to lengthy observation to identify distant galaxies
- DF: see Dragonfly Telephoto Array
- DF2: see NGC 1052
- DF4: see NGC 1052
- DFG: see Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- DFMI: see Stardust
- DFT: see fast Fourier transform
- DG: see rare designator prefixes
- DG code
- DG method (discontinuous Galerkin method): computational method for PDEs handling discontinuities
- DGE: see Lunar Prospector
- DGL: see cosmic optical background
- DGL: see extragalactic background light
- DGP gravity: alternative theory of gravity addressing "dark energy"
- DGP model (DGP gravity): alternative theory of gravity addressing "dark energy"
- DGR: see gas-to-dust ratio
- DGRB (cosmic gamma ray background): gamma-ray radiation seen everywhere
- DH (hydrogen deuteride): hydrogen molecule with one deuterium atom
- DHK: see rare designator prefixes
- diagnostic: test or measurement that reveals something's characteristics
- diagnostic tool (diagnostic): test or measurement that reveals something's characteristics
- diagonalization: see eigen-decomposition
- diagram
- diagrams
- isophote: line on a diagram indicating a level of brightness
- diamond planet (carbon planet): theoretical planet type with more carbon than oxygen
- Dias: see rare designator prefixes
- DIB: see interstellar medium
- DIBs (diffuse interstellar bands): type of absorption bands seen in astronomical objects
- DIC: see Akaike information criterion
- CASA-MIA: 1990s cosmic-ray detector in Utah
- Dickel-Wendker-Bieritz Catalog: list of HII regions in the Cygnus X star-forming region
- DID: see Giotto
- dielectric: insulator that responds to an electric field
- dielectric material (dielectric): insulator that responds to an electric field
- dielectric medium
- dielectric polarization: see dielectric
- difference equations
- differential cross section: see cross section
- differential equation: see partial differential equation
- differential equations
- differential photometry: see photometry
- differential reddening: see reddening
- differential rotation (zonal flow): east-west air circulation
- differential rotation: see rotation period
- differential rotation: see stellar rotation
- differential spectroscopy: analysis of the comparison of two spectrographs
- differentiated object: see hydrostatic equilibrium
- diffraction: an effect of the edge of an obstacle on a wave
- diffraction grating (grating): spectrometer component
- diffraction limited: telescope limited only by the laws of diffraction
- confusion limit: limit on telescope imaging due to too many sources in the same region
- diffraction spike: type of artifact in astronomical images of point sources
- diffractive interstellar scintillation: diffraction of star light by the ISM
- diffractive scintillation (diffractive interstellar scintillation): diffraction of star light by the ISM
- diffuse: see diffuse emission
- diffuse cloud: see HII region
- diffuse emission: electromagnetic radiation not confined to a point source
- diffuse emission nebula: see diffuse emission
- diffuse extragalactic background radiation: see cosmic background radiation
- diffuse extragalactic background radiation: see extragalactic background light
- diffuse galactic light: see cosmic optical background
- diffuse galactic light: see extragalactic background light
- diffuse gamma ray background (cosmic gamma ray background): gamma-ray radiation seen everywhere
- diffuse gamma ray emission (cosmic gamma ray background): gamma-ray radiation seen everywhere
- diffuse HI cloud (HI region): cloud of neutral atomic hydrogen
- diffuse interstellar band: see interstellar medium
- diffuse interstellar bands: type of absorption bands seen in astronomical objects
- diffuse ionized gas: see interstellar medium
- diffuse nebula: see diffuse emission
- diffusion: the spreading of particles toward an even distribution
- diffusion coefficient: see diffusion
- diffusion damping: a damping process within the plasma during recombination
- diffusion equation: see diffusion
- diffusion-limited escape: see atmospheric escape
- diffusivity: see diffusion
- DIG: see interstellar medium
- Digital Access to a Sky Century @ Harvard (DASCH): project to digitize Harvard astronomy plates
- digital image stabilization: see image stabilization
- Digitized Sky Survey: digitization of Palomar and UK Schmidt plates
- dimensionless: see nondimensionalization
- dimensionless Hubble parameter: see Hubble constant
- DINGO: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- Dinkinesh
- Lucy: space probe to observe Jupiter Trojan asteroids
- Dione: see Saturn
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- dipole: field with two poles
- dipole: see multipole expansion
- dipole antenna: see dipole
- dipole magnetic field: see magnetic field
- dipole tilt: see magnetic field
- Dirac constant: see Planck constant
- DIRBE: see Cosmic Background Explorer
- direct collapse
- direct collapse black hole: theoretical means for quick formation of SMBHs
- direct detection (direct imaging): detection/observation of exoplanets by taking pictures of it
- direct imaging: detection/observation of exoplanets by taking pictures of it
- 51 Eridani b: Jupiter-like planet discovered in 2014
- Beta Pictoris b: super-Jupiter discovered in 2008
- ExoGRAVITY: VLT GRAVITY survey of directly-imaged exoplanets
- PALMS: survey to find exoplanets for direct imaging
- direct Urca process: see Urca process
- director's discretionary time: telescope time whose use is chosen by the observatory's director
- dIrr: see dwarf galaxy classification
- dIrr: see irregular galaxy
- dirty image: image that includes the distortions of the beam and sampling
- CLEAN: algorithm to extract usable images from interferometry-produced images
- DIS: see Galaxy Evolution Explorer
- discontinuous Galerkin method: computational method for PDEs handling discontinuities
- discontinuous shock: see shock wave
- Discovery 1 (NEAR Shoemaker): space mission to an asteroid
- Discovery 10 (Kepler Telescope): space telescope that watched stars for exoplanets
- Discovery 11 (GRAIL): 2011 NASA lunar orbiters to collect gravity data
- Discovery 12 (InSight): NASA Mars mission to study its interior
- Discovery 13 (Lucy): space probe to observe Jupiter Trojan asteroids
- Discovery 14 (Psyche): space mission on its way to asteroid Psyche
- Discovery 15 (VERITAS): planned NASA Venus orbiter
- Discovery 16 (DAVINCI): planned NASA Venus orbiter
- Discovery 2 (Mars Pathfinder): 1990s mission to Mars with rover
- Discovery 3 (Lunar Prospector): NASA 1998 lunar orbiter
- Discovery 4 (Stardust): space mission that collected and returned comet coma dust
- Discovery 5 (Genesis): NASA spacecraft that returned solar wind particles
- Discovery 6 (CONTOUR): failed 2002 NASA astroid flyby mission
- Discovery 7 (MESSENGER): Mercury probe launched by NASA in 2004
- Discovery 8 (Deep Impact): mission to create and observe an impact with a comet
- Discovery 9 (Dawn): explorer spacecraft sent to asteroids Vesta and Ceres
- Discovery Channel
- Discovery Channel Telescope (Lowell Discovery Telescope): 4.3 m telescope at Lowell Observatory, Arizona
- Lowell Observatory: Arizona observatory of long standing
- NEWS: planned near-infrared spectrometer on Discovery Channel Telescope
- Discovery Program
- DAVINCI: planned NASA Venus orbiter
- Dawn: explorer spacecraft sent to asteroids Vesta and Ceres
- Deep Impact: mission to create and observe an impact with a comet
- Enceladus Life Finder: mission to search for life on Saturn moon Enceladus
- Genesis: NASA spacecraft that returned solar wind particles
- GRAIL: 2011 NASA lunar orbiters to collect gravity data
- InSight: NASA Mars mission to study its interior
- Kepler Telescope: space telescope that watched stars for exoplanets
- Lucy: space probe to observe Jupiter Trojan asteroids
- Lunar Prospector: NASA 1998 lunar orbiter
- Mars Pathfinder: 1990s mission to Mars with rover
- MESSENGER: Mercury probe launched by NASA in 2004
- NASA: includes space-based astronomy research
- NEAR Shoemaker: space mission to an asteroid
- Psyche: space mission on its way to asteroid Psyche
- Stardust: space mission that collected and returned comet coma dust
- VERITAS: planned NASA Venus orbiter
- DISCOVR: space weather satellite
- discrete Fourier transform: see fast Fourier transform
- Discrete Ordinates Radiative Transfer (DISORT): simulation of radiative transfer in an atmosphere
- discrete random variable: see probability density function
- discrete random variable: see probability mass function
- discrete spectrum: see continuous spectrum
- dish antenna
- disk: rotating disk-shaped object such as disk galaxy or circumstellar disk
- disk (circumstellar disk): disk or ring shaped accumulation of matter around a star
- disk (galactic disk): the "disk" portion of a disk galaxy
- disk (protoplanetary disk): disk of dust and gas around a young star or protostar
- disk coupling: see final parsec problem
- Disk Detective: Zooniverse effort to find planets within protoplanetary disks
- disk galaxy: circular, relatively flat galaxy such as a spiral galaxy
- disk gap: empty radius-range within a disk separating it into rings
- disk heating: see heating
- disk instability model (gravitational instability model): model for the formation of giant planets
- disk instability model: see giant planet formation
- disk migration: see planetary migration
- Disk Substructures at High Angular Resolution Project (DSHARP): ALMA survey of imageable protoplanetary disks
- disk type
- disk wind: see jet
- disks
- cold mass accretion: stellar accretion through an accretion disk
- dead zone: area within a disk where normal things don't happen
- disk gap: empty radius-range within a disk separating it into rings
- DSHARP: ALMA survey of imageable protoplanetary disks
- eclipse mapping: using eclipse light curves to map surface features
- Lindblad resonance: resonant orbits within a disk due to a high-density portion
- line tomography: using double-peaked spectral lines to place constituents of a disk
- mass transport: transfer of mass from one part of a body/disk to another
- Orion Disks: protoplanetary disks visible in front of Orion Nebula
- radial drift: inward drift of objects within a protoplanetary disk
- RODEO: code for 2D disk simulation
- shearing box: method of simulating 3D MHD in disks
- spiral density wave: spiral structure that can form in disks
- streaming instability: type of interplay between disk gas and solids that brings solids together
- DISORT: simulation of radiative transfer in an atmosphere
- disperser: prism, grating, or grism within a spectrometer
- dispersing element (disperser): prism, grating, or grism within a spectrometer
- dispersion (velocity dispersion): statistical dispersion of velocities of a group of objects
- dispersion: see disperser
- dispersion: see velocity dispersion
- dispersion constant: see dispersion measure
- dispersion correction: see dispersion measure
- dispersion direction: see imaging spectrometer
- dispersion measure: to what degree an EMR signal's lower frequencies are delayed
- pulsar: type of astronomical body with EMR in regular cycles of seconds or less
- velocity dispersion: statistical dispersion of velocities of a group of objects
- dispersive delay: see velocity dispersion
- displacement: vector quantity showing the position of one point in relation to another
- DISR: see Cassini
- DISS (diffractive interstellar scintillation): diffraction of star light by the ISM
- dissipation function
- tidal Q: measure of orbital energy dissipated per orbit due to tidal forces
- dissociated: see photodissociation
- dissociation: see photodissociation
- dissociation front (molecular hydrogen dissociation front): point in a gas cloud where it is hot enough to dissociate hydrogen
- distance: magnitude of the displacement or length of a curve
- distance ambiguity: see kinematic distance
- distance modulus: apparent magnitude minus absolute magnitude
- distant
- AzTEC-3: very distant starburst galaxy
- GN-z11: distant galaxy with SMBH of interest
- HD1: very distant 2022 galaxy candidate
- HFLS3: very distant starburst galaxy
- distortion: aberration where the image is in focus but misshaped
- distributed
- disturbance
- disturbed galaxy: see galaxy merger
- dither: see hot pixel
- diurnal libration: see libration
- diurnal motion: see horizontal coordinate system
- divergence: see mathematical field
- divergence theorem: see finite volume method
- diversity (DEIA): abbreviation used for US government efforts
- Diviner: see Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- EPOXI: mission using Deep Impact for further exploration
- Djorg: see rare designator prefixes
- Dju: see double star designation
- DKIST: 4 m solar telescope at Haleakala Observatory
- DLA (damped Lyman alpha absorber): object producing broadened lines in a Lyman alpha forest
- DLR: German's space and aerotautics research agency
- SOFIA: aircraft-based infrared observatory
- DLS (Deep Lens Survey): investigating mass distribution of the universe
- DM (dark matter): matter in galaxies and galaxy clusters suggested by their gravity
- DM (deformable mirror): mirror that can be flexed for fine control
- DM (dispersion measure): to what degree an EMR signal's lower frequencies are delayed
- DM: see Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog
- pulsar: type of astronomical body with EMR in regular cycles of seconds or less
- DM Tau: nearby T-Tauri star
- DM Tauri (DM Tau): nearby T-Tauri star
- DM-dominated dwarf spheroidals: see dwarf spheroidal galaxy
- DM-Ice: see COSINE-100
- DM-Ice17: see COSINE-100
- DM99: see rare designator prefixes
- DMDF: see dynamical friction
- DMR: see Cosmic Background Explorer
- DMR: see gas-to-dust ratio
- DMS (Deep Multicolor Survey): 1990s optical and infrared deep survey
- DN (Duus-Newell catalog): list of southern galaxies/clusters assembled in 1970s
- DN (dwarf nova): flash of a cataclysmic variable star
- DNS (binary neutron star): two neutron stars co-orbiting
- DO: see rare designator prefixes
- Do: see rare designator prefixes
- DoAr: see rare designator prefixes
- document
- DoDz (Dolidze-Dzimselejsvili Catalogue): list of 11 open clusters
- DOG: see hot DOG
- DOGS (Dwingeloo Obscured Galaxy Survey): radio survey of ZOA for 21-cm lines indicating galaxies
- doldrums (intertropical convergence zone): circulation pattern near equator where north and south Hadley cells meet
- Dolidze-Dzimselejsvili Catalogue: list of 11 open clusters
- Dolidze-Dzimselejsvili Open Clusters Catalogue (Dolidze-Dzimselejsvili Catalogue): list of 11 open clusters
- DOLoRes: see Telescopio Nazionale Galileo
- domain wall: see topological defect
- Dome A
- Dome C
- Dominion Astrophysical Observatory: long-standing observatory in British Columbia
- DAOPHOT: 1980s CCD photometry software
- Dominion Observatory 10.03 MHz Source Catalog: 1960s survey of northern-hemisphere radio sources
- Dominion Observatory 1420 MHz Source Catalog: 1960s survey of northern-hemisphere radio sources
- Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory: radio observatory in British Columbia, Canada
- Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory 10.03 MHz Telescope
- Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory 25.6m Telescope
- Don: see double star designation
- donor star: see mass transfer
- Doo: see double star designation
- Doppler
- Doppler beaming (relativistic beaming): directional relativistic effect on light from relativistic speeds
- Doppler boosting (relativistic beaming): directional relativistic effect on light from relativistic speeds
- Doppler broadening: broadening of spectral lines due to movement of the sources of photons
- Doppler effect (Doppler shift): wave frequency difference due to relative velocity difference with source
- Doppler imaging: see Doppler shift
- Doppler shift: wave frequency difference due to relative velocity difference with source
- Doppler broadening: broadening of spectral lines due to movement of the sources of photons
- Doppler spectroscopy (radial velocity method): method of detecting exoplanets and binary companions
- Doppler tomography: see tomography
- dormant SMBH: see supermassive black hole
- dormant supermassive black hole: see supermassive black hole
- Dorpat: see Struve Catalogs
- Dorpat Catalog: see Struve Catalogs
- Dorpat Observatory
- double beta decay: see neutrinoless double beta decay
- double bond: see hydrocarbon
- double degenerate model: see Type Ia supernova problem
- double degenerate model: see supernova progenitor
- double minor merger: see galaxy merger
- double neutron star (binary neutron star): two neutron stars co-orbiting
- double planet
- Pluto: dwarf planet formerly listed as one of the nine planets
- double star: two stars close together in the sky
- double star designation: systems and format of double star designators
- double star designator: see double star designation
- double stars
- double transit: star showing transits of two bodies
- double transit system: see double transit
- double-line spectroscopic binary: spectroscopic binary star where a specific line shows up at two different wavelengths
- double-lined spectroscopic binary (double-line spectroscopic binary): spectroscopic binary star where a specific line shows up at two different wavelengths
- double-peaked spectral line: see line tomography
- doubling time: see e-folding time
- down: see flavor
- down quark: see particle
- down quark: see quark
- downconversion
- downconverter: device that reduces the frequency of a signal
- dP/dt (period derivative): rate of change in the period of an orbit or rotation
- DPM: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- DPOSS: see Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
- DQ Herculis star: see variable star
- DQ Tau: young binary star system
- DQE (detective quantum efficiency): measure of instrument's ability to create images
- DR (data release): publication or distribution of a set of data from a survey
- DR: see atomic dark matter
- DR: see rare designator prefixes
- DR1: see data release
- DR2: see data release
- Draco Dwarf
- DraGMet: see Dragonfly
- DraGNS: see Dragonfly
- DragonCam: see Dragonfly
- Dragone design: see Dragone telescope
- Dragone telescope: off-axis reflector telescope type that preserves polarization
- Dragone-design telescope (Dragone telescope): off-axis reflector telescope type that preserves polarization
- Dragonfly: Titan flying rover under development
- Dragonfly: see Dragonfly Telephoto Array
- Saturn: second largest planet in the solar system
- Dragonfly Telephoto Array: Canadian compact array of small visible-light telescopes
- Drake equation: estimate of advanced life in the Milky Way
- DraMS: see Dragonfly
- DRAO (Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory): radio observatory in British Columbia, Canada
- DRCG: see rare designator prefixes
- DRDF: "Director's Research and Development Fund"
- dredge-up: stellar convection bringing up fused material
- Dreyer: see New General Catalogue
- drift barrier (radial-drift barrier): the problem that forming planets would drift inward into the star
- barrier: challenging issue regarding planet formation
- radial drift: inward drift of objects within a protoplanetary disk
- drift scan: method of observing substantial sky with CCDs
- drogue
- drogue chute: parachute to slow something moving at high speed
- drogue chute: parachute to slow something moving at high speed
- drogue parachute (drogue chute): parachute to slow something moving at high speed
- dropout: means of identifying distant galaxies
- DRS: data reduction system
- DRT: see Mars Science Laboratory
- dry ice: see ice
- dS: see dwarf galaxy classification
- DS1 (Deep Space 1): 1998-2001 mission to fly by asteroid
- DSA-10: see DSA-2000
- DSA-110: see DSA-2000
- DSA-2000: array plan to detect radio transients
- DSE: see Stardust
- DSED (Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database): database relating isochrones to stellar parameters
- DSED isochrone: see Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database
- DSEP (Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database): database relating isochrones to stellar parameters
- DSEP isochrone: see Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database
- DSFG (submillimeter galaxy): galaxy that produces significant submillimeter radiation
- DSFG: see dusty galaxy
- MORA: high resolution 2-mm survey of a portion of the COSMOS field
- DSHARP: ALMA survey of imageable protoplanetary disks
- DSN (NASA Deep Space Network): NASA's world-wide radio communication setup
- dSph (dwarf spheroidal galaxy): spheroidally-shaped dwarf galaxy lacking star formation
- DSS (Digitized Sky Survey): digitization of Palomar and UK Schmidt plates
- DSS2: see Digitized Sky Survey
- DTD (delay time distribution): characterization of interval from star formation until some type of event
- du Pont Telescope: see Las Campanas Observatory
- du Pont telescope
- Dual Imaging Cherenkov Experiment
- CASA-MIA: 1990s cosmic-ray detector in Utah
- DUN (Dunlop Double Star Catalogue): 1829 catalog of double stars viewed from Australia
- DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment): neutrino experiment under construction
- Dunlop: see Dunlop Double Star Catalogue
- Dunlop: see rare designator prefixes
- Dunlop Double Star Catalogue: 1829 catalog of double stars viewed from Australia
- dUrca: see Urca process
- Durchmusterung (Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog): well-known astrometric catalog from late 1800s
- Durham
- DUST: see Ulysses
- dust (cosmic dust): dust in space such as interstellar dust
- dust cloud: see interstellar medium
- dust coagulation: see planet formation
- dust devil: small whirlwind visible from dust it collects
- dust echo: the glow of dust heated by a transient
- dust extinction: see extinction
- dust grain: see cosmic dust
- dust map: see cosmic dust
- dust particle: see cosmic dust
- dust polarimetry: see polarimetry
- dust tail: see comet
- dust trap: protoplanetary disk mechanism that gathers dust
- dust-obscured galaxy: see hot DOG
- dust-to-gas ratio: see gas-to-dust ratio
- dust-to-metals ratio: see gas-to-dust ratio
- DustEM: code to calculate dust extinction and emission
- dusty galaxy: galaxy including substantial dust
- dusty star-forming galaxy (submillimeter galaxy): galaxy that produces significant submillimeter radiation
- dusty star-forming galaxy: see dusty galaxy
- MORA: high resolution 2-mm survey of a portion of the COSMOS field
- duty cycle: percent of time when activity is recurring
- Duus-Newell catalog: list of southern galaxies/clusters assembled in 1970s
- DV: see rare designator prefixes
- DW: see rare designator prefixes
- dwarf elliptical galaxy: see dwarf galaxy classification
- dwarf galaxies
- dwarf galaxy: small galaxy with up to a few billion stars
- dwarf galaxy classification: terms for of dwarf galaxy types
- dwarf galaxy problem: theories have more dwarf galaxies than are observed
- dwarf irregular galaxy: see dwarf galaxy classification
- dwarf nova: flash of a cataclysmic variable star
- dwarf planet: round like a planet, only smaller
- Ceres: dwarf planet and largest asteroid
- Haumea: dwarf planet discovered in 2004
- Pluto: dwarf planet formerly listed as one of the nine planets
- dwarf planets
- dwarf spheroidal (dwarf spheroidal galaxy): spheroidally-shaped dwarf galaxy lacking star formation
- dwarf spheroidal galaxy: spheroidally-shaped dwarf galaxy lacking star formation
- dwarf spiral galaxy: see dwarf galaxy classification
- dwarf star (main sequence star): star burning hydrogen into helium in its center
- DWB (Dickel-Wendker-Bieritz Catalog): list of HII regions in the Cygnus X star-forming region
- DWE: see Cassini
- Dwingeloo: see Dwingeloo Obscured Galaxy Survey
- Dwingeloo Obscured Galaxy Survey: radio survey of ZOA for 21-cm lines indicating galaxies
- Dwingeloo Radio Observatory
- dynamic capture: see tidal capture
- dynamic instability (dynamical instability): situation where a perturbation makes itself larger
- dynamic mass: see mass
- Dynamical Analysis of Nearby Clusters: survey of stars in stellar clusters
- dynamical friction: drag produced by gravitational interaction with surrounding objects
- dynamical heating: see heating
- dynamical instability: situation where a perturbation makes itself larger
- dynamical instability region (instability region): region around an object where orbits cannot persist
- dynamical systems
- chaos theory: theory of systems highly sensitive to initial conditions
- dynamical timescale: see free-fall time
- dynamical timescale: see timescale
- dynamically nested sampling: see dynesty
- dynamics: see mechanics
- dynamo: mechanism for generating magnetic fields around astronomical bodies
- dyne
- dynesty: code for comparing the applicability of multiple models
- Dysnomia