Term Index (I)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter I.
- I (I band): passband for near-infrared light
- I: see IRAS
- I: see Stokes parameters
- I: see double star designation
- I: see state of ionization
- i: see griz photometric system
- i: see ugriz photometric system
- I band: passband for near-infrared light
- I Zw: see Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- I Zw 18 (I Zwicky 18): blue compact galaxy with low metallicity
- I Zw 36 (Haro 29): a blue compact galaxy
- I Zwicky 18: blue compact galaxy with low metallicity
- i': see ugriz photometric system
- i-band: see Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
- I2C: see GI2T
- I2T: see GI2T
- IAA (Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics): Taiwanese astrophysics research organization
- IAC (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias): research institute on Canary Islands
- IACT (imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope): gamma-ray imager based on atmospheric Cherenkov radiation
- Iapetus: see Saturn
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- IAPPP (International Amateur-Professional Photoelectric Photometry): organization active 1980-2000+
- IAPS (Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali): Italian astrophysical research institute within INAF
- IAS (Institute for Advanced Study): research institution
- IAS (Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale): former name of Italian astrophysics research institution
- IASY (International Active Sun Years): 1969-1971 initiative for solar surveys
- IAU (International Astronomical Union): association of professional astronomers
- IAU Circular: see Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
- IAU Circular: see International Astronomical Union
- IAU galactic coordinate system (galactic coordinate system): celestial coordinate system system based upon the galactic plane
- IAU symposium: IAU-sponsored science symposiums
- IAUC: see Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
- IAUC: see International Astronomical Union
- IAUS (IAU symposium): IAU-sponsored science symposiums
- IAYC (International Astronomical Youth Camp): summer camp
- IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer): satellite observing the ISM/heliosphere boundary
- IBEX-Hi: see Interstellar Boundary Explorer
- IBEX-Low: see Interstellar Boundary Explorer
- IBVS (Information Bulletin on Variable Stars): former 1961-2019 publication on variable stars
- IC (Index Catalog): 1895 catalog of galaxies, star clusters, and other nebulae
- IC (Intracluster): region between objects of a cluster such as between stars in a star cluster
- IC 1340: see Cygnus Loop
- IC 342: spiral galaxy in the Council of Giants
- IC 342/Maffei Group: see IC 342
- ICAT (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics): national research organization at University of Toronto
- ICC: see InSight
- ICE (International Cometary Explorer): 1980s space mission flying by comets
- ice: solid state of water
- ice giant: planet denser than gas planets and less than rocky planets
- snow line: distance from protostar so cool that water condenses
- superionic ice: odd state of water at high temperature and pressure
- water-ice planet: planet made entirely of water ice
- ice dwarf (plutoid): Pluto-like dwarf planet
- ice giant: planet denser than gas planets and less than rocky planets
- ice line (snow line): distance from protostar so cool that water condenses
- ice: solid state of water
- ice transition radius: see snow line
- IceCube: neutrino detector at the South Pole
- IceCube Neutrino Observatory (IceCube): neutrino detector at the South Pole
- IceCube-Gen2: see IceCube
- ICF (ionization correction factor): relations between ion abundances and element abundances
- ICM (intracluster medium): hot plasma throughout a galaxy cluster
- ICQ (International Comet Quarterly): journal regarding comets
- ICRC (International Cosmic Ray Conference): bi-annual cosmic ray conference since 1947
- ICRF: celestial reference frame based upon quasars
- ICRF1: see ICRF
- ICRF2: see ICRF
- ICRF3: see ICRF
- ICRS (International Celestial Reference System): standardized variation of equatorial coordinate system
- IDA (International Dark-Sky Association): organization promoting control of light pollution
- IDA: see InSight
- IDC: see InSight
- ideal gas: see ideal gas law
- Hayashi limit: limit on the temperature of a star dependent upon its mass and luminosity
- Lane-Emden equation: form of equation of state for gas ball in hydrostatic equilibrium
- ideal gas law: relates pressure, temperature, and volume
- IDEX: see IMAP
- IDFT: see fast Fourier transform
- IDL: interactive vector-oriented programming language
- IDP: see interplanetary medium
- IDS: see Isaac Newton Telescope
- IDS: see Shane Telescope
- IDS: see Washington Double Star Catalog
- IDV: see variable star
- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): professional engineering association
- ITU: international body coordinating communications technology
- IEO: see near-Earth object
- IERS (International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service): service monitoring Earth's rotation and precession
- IfA (Institute for Astronomy): U Hawaii astronomy research organization
- IFN (integrated flux nebula): fuzzy illuminated nebula within Milky Way halo
- IFS: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- IFS: see integral field spectrograph
- IFTS (imaging Fourier transform spectroscopy): Michelson-interferometer-based imaging spectroscopy
- IFU (integral field unit): instrument to allow a spectrograph to capture data over a 2D field
- IFU Observation
- IFU observation: see integral field unit
- IFU spectroscopy: see integral field unit
- IGAS: see Ulysses
- IGM (intergalactic medium): matter between galaxies
- IGRINS: see Gemini Observatory
- IGRINS-2: see Gemini Observatory
- IGVV: see Catalogue of Interacting Galaxies
- IGW (internal gravity wave): ripples in a change in density in a fluid
- IGY (International Geophysical Year): 1957-1958 initiative for geophysical and related astronomical research
- IHW (International Halley Watch): initiative to coordinate observation of Halley's Comet in 1986
- II: see state of ionization
- II Zw: see Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- III: see state of ionization
- III Zw: see Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- IKT: see rare designator prefixes
- illuminance (illumination): measure of light energy producing a telescope's image
- illumination: measure of light energy producing a telescope's image
- Illustris Project: 2013-2015 series of cosmological simulations
- IllustrisTNG Project: see Illustris Project
- ILMT (International Liquid Mirror Telescope): 4-meter liquid mirror telescope under construction in India
- iLocator: see Large Binocular Telescope
- ILOM (In-situ Lunar Orientation Measurement): planned experiment to monitor lunar rotation via astrometry from the Moon
- ILOT (intermediate luminosity optical transient): visible-light transient a bit brighter than a nova
- ILR: see Lindblad resonance
- IM (intensity mapping): measure of cosmic matter density
- IM Lup
- MAPS: ALMA survey researching planet-formation
- IM Nor: see T Pyxidis
- IM Normae: see T Pyxidis
- IMACS: see Magellan Telescopes
- PRIMUS: spectrographic survey of galaxies out to redshift 1
- image dissector: see photomultiplier tube
- image dissector photomultiplier: see photomultiplier tube
- image plane (focal plane): plane within optical system at which an image is in focus
- image processing
- Image Reduction and Analysis Facility: NOAO-developed image manipulation/viewing software
- image scale (plate scale): relation between angle and distance across an image
- image slicer: see integral field spectrograph
- image slicer: see integral field unit
- image stabilization: camera mechanism to compensate for movement
- image stacking (stacking): combining images of the same object
- IMAGE: satellite mission to study magnetosphere
- Image-Dissector Scanner: see Shane Telescope
- imager: essentially a word for camera, produces 2D image over some bandwidth
- Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE): satellite mission to study magnetosphere
- imaginary number: see complex number
- imaginary part: see complex number
- imaginary unit: see complex number
- imaging
- imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope: gamma-ray imager based on atmospheric Cherenkov radiation
- imaging Fourier transform spectrometer: see imaging Fourier transform spectroscopy
- imaging Fourier transform spectroscopy: Michelson-interferometer-based imaging spectroscopy
- imaging spectrograph (imaging spectrometer): device to capture spectrum point-by-point of an image
- imaging spectrometer: device to capture spectrum point-by-point of an image
- spectroscopy: measurement of light with various electromagnetic wavelengths
- Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE): space observatory with X-ray polarimeters
- IMAP: future solar science probe
- IMAP-Hi: see IMAP
- IMAP-Lo: see IMAP
- IMAP-Ultra: see IMAP
- IMAPS (Interstellar Medium Absorption Profile Spectrograph): 1980s/1990s UV spectrometer
- IMB: 1980s neutrino detector
- IMBH (intermediate-mass black hole): black hole between stellar mass and supermassive
- IMF (initial mass function): function describing initial mass of stars
- IMF: see magnetic field
- immersion grating: grating where light is within the material
- WINERED: near-infrared non-cryogenic spectrograph
- Immirzi parameter: theoretical value relating black hole to its entropy
- IMO (International Meteor Organization): amateur/professional meteor organization
- IMP: see Mars Pathfinder
- IMPACT (International Monitoring Programs for Asteroid and Comet Threat): 1999 IAU-sponsored conference in Italy
- impact: collision of one solid body with another
- impact erosion: see impact
- impact parameter: see cross section
- impact parameter: see transiting planet
- impacts
- IMPS: see IRAS
- IMRI: see extreme mass ratio inspiral
- IMS: see Giotto
- IMXB: see X-ray binary
- in situ: on site
- in situ observation: see in situ
- In-situ Lunar Orientation Measurement: planned experiment to monitor lunar rotation via astrometry from the Moon
- INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica): Italian astrophysical research institute
- INAG (Institut National d'Astronomie et de Geophysique): 1960s-1980s French research institute
- incidence
- inclination (orbital inclination): angle between plane of an orbit and a reference plane
- inclination-type resonance: see orbital resonance
- Index Catalog: 1895 catalog of galaxies, star clusters, and other nebulae
- Index Catalog of Visual Double Stars: see Washington Double Star Catalog
- Index Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars (Index Catalog): 1895 catalog of galaxies, star clusters, and other nebulae
- index of refraction (refractive index): measure of how much a material slows down light
- twinkling: blinking, apparent movement and color changes of observed stars
- India
- Indian
- Aditya-L1: 2023 spacecraft viewing Sun and analyzing solar wind
- Indian Initiative in Gravitational-wave Observations: see LIGO-India
- Indian Pulsar Timing Array: group of pulsars timed by the GMRT
- Indian Space Research Organisation: national science and technology agency
- INDIGO: see LIGO-India
- Indus stream
- inelastic scattering: see scattering
- inertia wave (inertial wave): type of wave in a rotating fluid
- inertial forces
- Reynolds number: measure reflecting a fluid system's propensity to turbulence
- inertial frame (inertial reference frame): frame of reference where no force means no acceleration
- inertial frame of reference (inertial reference frame): frame of reference where no force means no acceleration
- inertial mass: see mass
- inertial reference frame: frame of reference where no force means no acceleration
- inertial wave: type of wave in a rotating fluid
- infall
- inferior conjunction: conjunction of an "inferior planet", Venus or Mercury
- inferior planet: see heliocentric system
- infinitesimal transform
- infinitesimal transformation
- inflated gas giant (hot Jupiter): Jupiter-sized gas exoplanet orbiting very close to star
- inflated radii: exceptionally large radii of some hot Jupiters
- inflation: theorized rapid expansion of the very early universe
- inflation field
- inflation theory: see inflation
- inflationary theory: see inflation
- information: see black-hole information paradox
- Information Bulletin on Variable Stars: former 1961-2019 publication on variable stars
- infrared: light with wavelength too long for our eyes to sense
- Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS): 1983 satellite that surveyed the sky in infrared
- infrared astronomy: see infrared
- Infrared Catalog (Two Micron Sky Survey): 1969 infrared catalog produced by Caltech
- infrared cirrus: cirrus-cloud-like infrared emissions from dust, etc.
- infrared dark cloud: molecular cloud not emitting nor transmitting infrared
- infrared excess: more infrared than that of a star's typical spectrum
- Infrared Imaging Surveyor (AKARI): Japanese space infrared telescope
- infrared light (infrared): light with wavelength too long for our eyes to sense
- infrared luminosity: see infrared
- Infrared Optical Telescope Array (IOTA): past optical interferometer in Arizona
- Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC): Caltech group to collect and analyze infrared observations
- infrared radiation (infrared): light with wavelength too long for our eyes to sense
- Infrared Science Archive (IRSA): archive center for infrared data from NASA missions
- infrared source: astronomical object producing observable infrared
- infrared source: see source
- radio source: astronomical object producing observable radio
- Infrared Space Observatory: 1990s 60-cm infrared space telescope
- Infrared Spatial Interferometer: see Mount Wilson Observatory
- Infrared Survey Facility: 140 cm reflector telescope that images in infrared
- Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF): Mauna Kea 3-meter infrared telescope
- SpeX: a medium-resolution infrared spectrograph
- InfraRed Telescope in Space (IRTS): 15-cm infrared telescope on Japanese satellite
- Infrared Telescope Maffei: 80 cm infrared telescope in Antarctica
- infrared window: see atmospheric window
- ING (Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes): three telescopes in Canary Islands
- Ingenuity: see Mars 2020
- ingress duration: see transiting planet
- INGRID: see William Herschel Telescope
- initial fluctuation spectrum: the power spectral density of the early universe
- initial fluctuations: early universe density variations leading to current universe
- initial mass function: function describing initial mass of stars
- initiative
- Astro2020: initiative suggesting major survey efforts over the 2020-2030 decade
- Black in Astro: advocacy initiative
- Snowmass: initiative recommending the next decade's particle physics strategy
- INMS: see Cassini
- Inner Cloud (Hills Cloud): cloud of comets and minor planets around the solar system
- inner Lindblad resonance: see Lindblad resonance
- inner Lindblad resonance: see Lindblad torque
- inner moon: see Enceladus
- Inner Oort Cloud (Hills Cloud): cloud of comets and minor planets around the solar system
- inner solar system
- inner working angle: see coronagraph
- inner-Earth object: see near-Earth object
- innermost stable circular orbit: border of region surrounding a BH in which orbits are unstable
- Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST): 4 m solar telescope at Haleakala Observatory
- InPTA (Indian Pulsar Timing Array): group of pulsars timed by the GMRT
- INS: see neutron star
- InSAR: see synthetic aperture radar
- VERITAS: planned NASA Venus orbiter
- inside-out growth: tendency of galaxy star formation to spread from the center
- InSight: NASA Mars mission to study its interior
- Insight (HXMT): space X-ray observatory launched in 2017
- insolation: solar energy received per unit area in given time
- inspiral: like an orbit that is growing smaller
- inspiral: see orbital decay
- instability region: region around an object where orbits cannot persist
- instability strip: region of H-R diagram where stars are unstable
- instellation: see insolation
- Institut de radioastronomie millimétrique: organized radio astronomy collaboration between France, Germany, and Spain
- Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik (Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics): Heidelberg research institute
- Institut National d'Astronomie et de Geophysique: 1960s-1980s French research institute
- Institute for Advanced Study: research institution
- Institute for Astronomy: U Hawaii astronomy research organization
- Institute for Pale Blue Dots (Carl Sagan Institute): group researching finding life on other planets and moons
- Institute for research on exoplanets: U Montreéal division researching exoplanets
- Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology (Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali): Italian astrophysical research institute within INAF
- Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics
- Institute of Astronomy: Cambridge U astronomy research organization
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers: professional engineering association
- ITU: international body coordinating communications technology
- Institute of Space and Astronautical Science: Japanese national research organization
- Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies: U Saskatchewan research division
- Institute of Theoretical Astronomy: former Cambridge U astronomy research organization
- Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics: Heidelberg research institute
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias: research institute on Canary Islands
- instrument
- instrument type
- instruments
- INT (Isaac Newton Telescope): 2.5 m telescope in Canary Islands
- INT Galactic Plane Survey: see IPHAS
- INT Photometric H-alpha Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS): H-alpha survey
- INT Photometric Halpha Survey (IPHAS): H-alpha survey
- INTEGRAL: European gamma ray observatory-satellite
- INTEGRAL: see William Herschel Telescope
- INTEGRAL Burst Alert System: see INTEGRAL
- integral field spectrograph: spectrograph that captures images
- data cube: three-dimensional array of numerical data
- integral field spectrometer (integral field spectrograph): spectrograph that captures images
- integral field spectroscopy: see integral field spectrograph
- integral field unit: instrument to allow a spectrograph to capture data over a 2D field
- integrated flux nebula: fuzzy illuminated nebula within Milky Way halo
- integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect: see Sachs-Wolfe effect
- integration time: time spent acquiring a signal
- intensity: power reaching a surface from a specific source
- intensity interferometer: interferometer based upon interference from intensity variations
- intensity interferometry: see intensity interferometer
- Intensity Interferometry at Calern: see GI2T
- intensity map: see intensity mapping
- intensity mapping: measure of cosmic matter density
- intensity mapping experiments (intensity mapping surveys): efforts mapping the intensity of spectral lines across the sky
- intensity mapping surveys: efforts mapping the intensity of spectral lines across the sky
- Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics: initiative promoting astrophysics at Indian universities
- interacting binary: see contact binary
- interacting galaxy: see galaxy interaction
- galactic tide: effect of one galaxy's gravity, such as on another galaxy
- Interactive Data Language (IDL): interactive vector-oriented programming language
- intercloud gas: see interstellar medium
- Interféromètre a 2 Télescopes: see GI2T
- interference: result of interaction of waves
- interference pattern
- interferometer: device detecting EMR properties using interference between waves
- interferometric synthetic aperture radar: see synthetic aperture radar
- VERITAS: planned NASA Venus orbiter
- interferometry: analysis of superimposed EMR waves
- intergalactic dust: dust not within galaxies
- intergalactic HI cloud: cloud of HI not within any galaxy
- intergalactic medium: matter between galaxies
- Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight): NASA Mars mission to study its interior
- interloper: see intensity mapping
- intermediate band: see passband
- intermediate band photometry: see photometry
- intermediate luminosity optical transient: visible-light transient a bit brighter than a nova
- intermediate mass ratio inspiral: see extreme mass ratio inspiral
- intermediate polar: see variable star
- intermediate spiral galaxy: see galaxy classification
- intermediate-mass black hole: black hole between stellar mass and supermassive
- intermediate-mass X-ray binary: see X-ray binary
- intermediate-velocity cloud: see high-velocity cloud
- internal gravity wave: ripples in a change in density in a fluid
- internal wave (internal gravity wave): ripples in a change in density in a fluid
- international
- International Active Sun Years: 1969-1971 initiative for solar surveys
- International Amateur-Professional Photoelectric Photometry: organization active 1980-2000+
- International Astronomical Union: association of professional astronomers
- International Astronomical Youth Camp: summer camp
- International Atomic Time: see Terrestrial Time
- International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF): celestial reference frame based upon quasars
- International Celestial Reference System: standardized variation of equatorial coordinate system
- International Comet Quarterly: journal regarding comets
- International Cometary Explorer: 1980s space mission flying by comets
- International Coordinate Reference Frame: see International Celestial Reference System
- International Coordinate Reference System: see International Celestial Reference System
- International Cosmic Ray Conference: bi-annual cosmic ray conference since 1947
- International Dark-Sky Association: organization promoting control of light pollution
- International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service: service monitoring Earth's rotation and precession
- International Earth Rotation Service (International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service): service monitoring Earth's rotation and precession
- International Gamma-ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL): European gamma ray observatory-satellite
- International Geophysical Year: 1957-1958 initiative for geophysical and related astronomical research
- International Halley Watch: initiative to coordinate observation of Halley's Comet in 1986
- International Liquid Mirror Telescope: 4-meter liquid mirror telescope under construction in India
- International Meteor Organization: amateur/professional meteor organization
- International Monitoring Programs for Asteroid and Comet Threat: 1999 IAU-sponsored conference in Italy
- International Occultation Timing Association: volunteer organization to observe occultations
- International Organization for Standardization: standards-development organization
- International Pulsar Timing Array: organization of pulsar timing arrays
- International Quiet Sun Year: 1964-1965 initiative for solar surveys
- International Robotic Antarctic Infrared Telescope (Infrared Telescope Maffei): 80 cm infrared telescope in Antarctica
- International Scientific Optical Network: project to track objects in space
- International Small Telescope Cooperative: former cooperative of small research telescopes
- International Solar Polar Mission (Ulysses): space mission to observe the Sun from off the ecliptic
- International Space Station: long-term manned space station operated by numerous nations
- AMS-02: particle detector on ISS
- COSIE: EUV spectrograph to analyze the corona
- EUSO-SPB: balloon-borne cosmic ray observatory
- MAXI: Japanese X-ray camera on the International Space Station
- NICER: space X-ray mission specifically to view neutron stars
- International Space Year: 1992 initiative re space and astronomy
- International Sun-Earth Explorer: see International Cometary Explorer
- International Supernova Network: SN information sharing initiative
- International System of Units (SI): standardized metric system
- CGS: metric system variant
- International Telecommunication Union (ITU): international body coordinating communications technology
- International Ultraviolet Explorer: 1980s ultraviolet space telescope
- International Variable Star Index: variable star catalog by AAVSO
- International Virtual Observatory Alliance: see virtual observatory
- International Workshop for Astronomy: organization operating the IAYC
- International Workshop on Cometary Astronomy: occasional meeting
- interplanetary dust: see cosmic dust
- interplanetary dust cloud: see cosmic dust
- interplanetary dust particle: see interplanetary medium
- interplanetary magnetic field: see magnetic field
- interplanetary medium: matter in the solar system around and between planets
- Interplanetary Physics Laboratory (Wind): spacecraft measuring solar wind
- interplanetary scintillation: see scintillometry
- Interplanetary Scintillation Array: UK radio telescope that first detected pulsars
- interpretation
- CO to H2 factor: assumed ratio between observed CO emission lines and H2 mass
- interstellar astronomy (interstellar astrophysics): astronomy of the ISM including dust and clouds
- interstellar astrophysics: astronomy of the ISM including dust and clouds
- Interstellar Boundary Explorer: satellite observing the ISM/heliosphere boundary
- interstellar cloud (cloud): higher-density region of space
- interstellar dust: see cosmic dust
- interstellar extinction: see extinction
- interstellar holography: holographic analysis of incoming EMR to study the intervening ISM
- interstellar magnetic field: galactic magnetic field between that of stars
- Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP): future solar science probe
- interstellar matter (interstellar medium): matter within a galaxy between star systems
- interstellar medium: matter within a galaxy between star systems
- Interstellar Medium Absorption Profile Spectrograph: 1980s/1990s UV spectrometer
- interstellar planet (free-floating planet): planet that is not orbiting a star
- interstellar planet: see field
- interstellar radiation field: EMR throughout the "empty" space of a galaxy
- interstellar reddening (reddening): red appearance of astronomical objects because blue light is attenuated by dust
- interstellar scintillation: see scintillometry
- intertropical convergence zone: circulation pattern near equator where north and south Hadley cells meet
- Intracluster: region between objects of a cluster such as between stars in a star cluster
- intracluster gas (intracluster medium): hot plasma throughout a galaxy cluster
- intracluster medium: hot plasma throughout a galaxy cluster
- intraday variable: see variable star
- intrinsic color index: see color index
- intrinsic S-star: see S-type star
- intrinsic variable: see variable star
- inverse beta decay: see beta decay
- inverse bremsstrahlung: see bremsstrahlung
- inverse Compton: see Compton scattering
- inverse Compton scattering: see Compton scattering
- inverse discrete Fourier transform: see fast Fourier transform
- inverse Fourier transform: see Fourier transform
- Fourier series: type of series able to approximate a periodic function
- inverse model: see forward model
- retrieval: determining parameters through observation and modeling
- Tau-REx: spectral line retrieval code for exoplanet atmospheres
- inverse Radon transform: see tomography
- inverse square law: a value's dependency upon reciprocal of the square of the distance from something
- inverse volume weighting (volume weighting): method of accommodating the Malmquist bias
- Io: well-known Jupiter moon
- Io plasma torus: see Io
- Io torus: see Io
- IO:I: see Liverpool Telescope
- IO:O: see Liverpool Telescope
- IoA (Institute of Astronomy): Cambridge U astronomy research organization
- IOK: see rare designator prefixes
- ion: non-neutral atom or molecule, with missing or extra electrons
- ion engine: type of electrical spacecraft engine
- Dawn: explorer spacecraft sent to asteroids Vesta and Ceres
- ion thruster (ion engine): type of electrical spacecraft engine
- ionic bond: see ion
- ionic ocean: see zonal flow
- ionization (state of ionization): difference in an ion's electron count versus proton count
- ionization chamber
- ionization correction factor: relations between ion abundances and element abundances
- ionization energy (ionization potential): energy needed to ionize an atom
- ionization fraction: a substance's ratio of unattached electrons to nuclei
- ionization front
- ionization potential: energy needed to ionize an atom
- ionization state
- ionization temperature: see temperature
- ionization valve (kappa mechanism): stellar instability caused by opacity increasing with temperature
- ionize: see state of ionization
- ionized carbon fine structure line: carbon line that traces distant star formation
- ionized carbon forbidden line (ionized carbon fine structure line): carbon line that traces distant star formation
- ionized hydrogen: state of hydrogen when sufficiently hot
- ionized interstellar medium
- ionizing photon: see ionizing radiation
- ionizing radiation: radiation with photon energy sufficient to ionize
- ionosphere: layers of Earth atmosphere with significant ions
- space weather: varying conditions in space affecting Earth and humans
- ions
- ioschrone
- IOTA: past optical interferometer in Arizona
- IOTA (International Occultation Timing Association): volunteer organization to observe occultations
- IPAC: Caltech group to collect and analyze infrared observations
- IPC: see HEAO-2
- IPHAS: H-alpha survey
- IPM (interplanetary medium): matter in the solar system around and between planets
- IPMO (free-floating planet): planet that is not orbiting a star
- IPMO: see planetary mass object
- IPS: see scintillometry
- IPS Array (Interplanetary Scintillation Array): UK radio telescope that first detected pulsars
- IPTA (International Pulsar Timing Array): organization of pulsar timing arrays
- IPTA+: see International Pulsar Timing Array
- iPTF: see Palomar Transient Factory
- IQSY (International Quiet Sun Year): 1964-1965 initiative for solar surveys
- IR (infrared): light with wavelength too long for our eyes to sense
- IR excess (infrared excess): more infrared than that of a star's typical spectrum
- IR SFR: see star formation rate
- IR source: see source
- radio source: astronomical object producing observable radio
- IR star formation rate: see star formation rate
- IRAC: see Spitzer Space Telescope
- IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey: see IRAC Shallow Survey
- IRAC Shallow Survey: Spitzer survey of moderately wide field
- IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility): NOAO-developed image manipulation/viewing software
- IRAIT (Infrared Telescope Maffei): 80 cm infrared telescope in Antarctica
- IRAM (Institut de radioastronomie millimétrique): organized radio astronomy collaboration between France, Germany, and Spain
- IRAM 30m Millimeter Radio Telescope (IRAM 30m Telescope): millimeter-range radio telescope in Sierra Nevada, Spain
- IRAM 30m Telescope: millimeter-range radio telescope in Sierra Nevada, Spain
- IRAS: 1983 satellite that surveyed the sky in infrared
- GOALS: across-spectrum observation of 200 LIRGs
- IRAS 13224-3809: active Seyfert galaxy with well-studied SMBH
- IRAS 16293-2422
- IRAS 22134+5834
- IRAS F: see IRAS
- IRAS Faint Source Catalog: see IRAS
- IRAS Minor Planet Survey: see IRAS
- IRAS Point Source Catalog: see IRAS
- IRC (Two Micron Sky Survey): 1969 infrared catalog produced by Caltech
- IRC: see AKARI
- IRc: see rare designator prefixes
- IRCAM: see United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
- IRCS: see Subaru Telescope
- IRD: see Subaru Telescope
- IRDC (infrared dark cloud): molecular cloud not emitting nor transmitting infrared
- IRDC: see rare designator prefixes
- IRDIS: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- iREX (Institute for research on exoplanets): U Montreéal division researching exoplanets
- iridium
- IRIS (AKARI): Japanese space infrared telescope
- IRIS: see Thirty Meter Telescope
- IRIS: see Voyager
- IRIS2: see Anglo-Australian Telescope
- IRMS: see Thirty Meter Telescope
- iron: metal, Fe, atomic number 26
- iron core collapse: see core collapse
- iron Kα (K-line): iron X-ray line
- iron K-line (K-line): iron X-ray line
- iron line (K-line): iron X-ray line
- iron peak: peak in the distribution of abundances surrounding iron
- iron peak element: element near the iron peak
- iron star: see exotic star
- iron-56
- nickel: metal, Ni, atomic number 28
- IRPOL: see United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
- Irr-I: see irregular galaxy
- Irr-II: see irregular galaxy
- irradiance: EMR power reaching a surface
- irregular
- irregular galaxy: galaxy that's not a disk or ellipsoid
- irregular moon: moon with an atypical orbit, such as retrograde
- irregular satellite (irregular moon): moon with an atypical orbit, such as retrograde
- irregular variable: see variable star
- IRS (infrared source): astronomical object producing observable infrared
- IRS: see Spitzer Space Telescope
- IRS: see infrared
- IRSA: archive center for infrared data from NASA missions
- IRSF (Infrared Survey Facility): 140 cm reflector telescope that images in infrared
- IRSPEC: see New Technology Telescope
- IRSV: see rare designator prefixes
- IRTF: Mauna Kea 3-meter infrared telescope
- IRTS: 15-cm infrared telescope on Japanese satellite
- Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven detector (IMB): 1980s neutrino detector
- IRX (infrared excess): more infrared than that of a star's typical spectrum
- IS☉IS-EPI: see Parker Solar Probe
- ISAAC: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes: three telescopes in Canary Islands
- Isaac Newton Telescope: 2.5 m telescope in Canary Islands
- iSALE: code modeling the shock physics of impacts
- ISAMS: see Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
- ISAS (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science): Japanese national research organization
- ISAS (Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies): U Saskatchewan research division
- ISCO (innermost stable circular orbit): border of region surrounding a BH in which orbits are unstable
- ISCO-radius: see innermost stable circular orbit
- ISCO-radius: see plunging region
- ISCS: see IRAC Shallow Survey
- ISEE: see International Cometary Explorer
- ISEE-3: see International Cometary Explorer
- iSEEP Wide-Field MAXI: see MAXI
- ISEM: see Rosalind Franklin
- ISG: see rare designator prefixes
- iShell: see IRTF
- ISI: see Mount Wilson Observatory
- ISIS: see William Herschel Telescope
- ISM (interstellar medium): matter within a galaxy between star systems
- ISM cirrus (infrared cirrus): cirrus-cloud-like infrared emissions from dust, etc.
- ISMF (interstellar magnetic field): galactic magnetic field between that of stars
- ISN (International Supernova Network): SN information sharing initiative
- ISO (Infrared Space Observatory): 1990s 60-cm infrared space telescope
- ISO (International Organization for Standardization): standards-development organization
- ISO spectrum
- ISOCAM: see Infrared Space Observatory
- isochronal fitting: method of estimating stellar age from retrievable parameters
- isochrone: line of equal ages on an HRD
- BaSTI: database relating isochrones to stellar parameters
- H-R diagram: diagram relating effective temperature to luminosity
- isochrone fitting (isochronal fitting): method of estimating stellar age from retrievable parameters
- ISOHDFS: see Hubble Deep Field South
- isolated galaxy (field galaxy): galaxy not in a cluster or group
- isolated neutron star: see neutron star
- isolated planetary mass object (free-floating planet): planet that is not orbiting a star
- isolated planetary mass object: see planetary mass object
- isolated PMO (free-floating planet): planet that is not orbiting a star
- isolated PMO: see planetary mass object
- isolation mass: mass of an oligarch after accreting all nearby planetesimals
- isolation mass core: see isolation mass
- isolation mass planet: see isolation mass
- ISON (International Scientific Optical Network): project to track objects in space
- ISOPHOT: see Infrared Space Observatory
- isophotal radius: see Holmberg radius
- isophote: line on a diagram indicating a level of brightness
- isostasy: crust-mantle equilibrium
- isothermal core: core region of a body of all the same temperature
- isotope: subclass of an element with a specific number of nucleons
- 1H: hydrogen isotope with no neutrons
- deuterium: hydrogen isotope with one neutron
- isotope fractionation: see fractionation
- isotope notation
- isotope: subclass of an element with a specific number of nucleons
- isotope signature: see Moon formation
- isotopes
- element: class of atom based on its number of protons
- mass number: number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus
- nuclide: atomic nucleus associated with a specific isotope
- isotopic fractionation
- isotopic ratio: see abundances
- isotropic radiant energy: see isotropy
- isotropic radiation: see isotropy
- isotropy: uniformity in all directions
- anisotropy: directional-dependence such as temperature variation around the CMB
- ISPM (Ulysses): space mission to observe the Sun from off the ecliptic
- Israeli
- ULTRASAT: future satellite to detect UV transients
- ISRF (interstellar radiation field): EMR throughout the "empty" space of a galaxy
- ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation): national science and technology agency
- Aditya-L1: 2023 spacecraft viewing Sun and analyzing solar wind
- ISS (IRAC Shallow Survey): Spitzer survey of moderately wide field
- ISS (International Space Station): long-term manned space station operated by numerous nations
- ISS: see Cassini
- ISS: see Voyager
- ISS: see scintillometry
- AMS-02: particle detector on ISS
- COSIE: EUV spectrograph to analyze the corona
- EUSO-SPB: balloon-borne cosmic ray observatory
- MAXI: Japanese X-ray camera on the International Space Station
- NICER: space X-ray mission specifically to view neutron stars
- ISTeC (International Small Telescope Cooperative): former cooperative of small research telescopes
- Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali: Italian astrophysical research institute within INAF
- Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale: former name of Italian astrophysics research institution
- Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica: Italian astrophysical research institute
- ISW: see Sachs-Wolfe effect
- IsWe: see rare designator prefixes
- ISY (International Space Year): 1992 initiative re space and astronomy
- ITA (Institute of Theoretical Astronomy): former Cambridge U astronomy research organization
- ITA (Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics): Heidelberg research institute
- Italian
- Italian National Institute of Astrophysics
- Italian Robotic Antarctic Infrared Telescope (Infrared Telescope Maffei): 80 cm infrared telescope in Antarctica
- Italian Space Agency (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana): includes space-based astronomy research
- AGILE: past Italian space gamma-ray observatory
- Italy
- ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone): circulation pattern near equator where north and south Hadley cells meet
- ITEP-SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue: online catalog
- iterative method
- ITM (Infrared Telescope Maffei): 80 cm infrared telescope in Antarctica
- Itokawa
- Hayabusa2: JAXA mission that returned a sample of an asteroid
- ITU: international body coordinating communications technology
- IUCAA (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics): initiative promoting astrophysics at Indian universities
- IUE (International Ultraviolet Explorer): 1980s ultraviolet space telescope
- IUE Data Analysis Center: see International Ultraviolet Explorer
- IUEDAC: see International Ultraviolet Explorer
- IUV: see MAVEN
- IV
- subgiant: slightly larger than normal star
- IV Zw: see Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- Ivanov: see rare designator prefixes
- IVC: see high-velocity cloud
- IVOA: see virtual observatory
- IWA (International Workshop for Astronomy): organization operating the IAYC
- IWCA (International Workshop on Cometary Astronomy): occasional meeting
- iWF-MAXI: see MAXI
- Ixion
- IXO: see ROSAT
- IXPE: space observatory with X-ray polarimeters