Term Index (N)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter N.
- N (nitrogen): metal, N, atomic number 7
- N (nova): white dwarf explosion
- N (particle number): number of particles
- N: see filter designator
- N: see rare designator prefixes
- n (number density): number of objects per volume
- n: see electron orbital
- n: see electron shell
- N 103B: supernova remnant in the LMC
- N band: see infrared
- mid infrared: infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 7.5-25 μm range
- N galaxy: galaxy with bright nucleus and faint surroundings
- Nāmakanui: see James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
- N-body (N-body simulation): simulation of many objects gravitationally-bound to each other
- N-body problem: calculating the paths of gravitationally-interacting celestial objects
- N-body simulation: simulation of many objects gravitationally-bound to each other
- n-NSE: see nuclear statistical equilibrium
- N-PDF: see probability density function
- N-point correlation function (N-point function): general term for analyses-techniques of spatial data
- N-point function: general term for analyses-techniques of spatial data
- N30: see N30 Catalog
- N30 Catalog: 1950s catalog collecting proper motion data from older catalogs
- N747NA: see SOFIA
- N500: see cluster radius
- NA (Avogadro's number): number of hydrogen atoms per gram
- Neff: see neutrino
- NHe: see particle number
- NHI: see particle number
- ns: see Lambda-CDM model
- Na (sodium): metal, Na, atomic number 11
- Na: see rare designator prefixes
- NAB: see rare designator prefixes
- nabla: see gradient
- NACA: see NASA
- NACO: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- nadir: see zenith
- NAI (NASA Astrobiology Institute): former research funding and coordination organization
- NAIC (Arecibo Observatory): former large 305 m radio telescope in Puerto Rico
- naked singularity: see gravitational singularity
- naked T-Tauri star: see T-Tauri star
- Namaka: see Haumea
- Namibia
- NAMN (North American Meteor Network): former group of amateurs with an interest in meteors
- Nançay Radio Telescope: large radio telescope in France
- Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman Space Telescope): proposed near-infrared space observatory
- NANOGrav: effort to detect gravitational waves through pulsar timing
- nanohertz gravitational waves: size of GWs that pulsar-timing observations might catch
- nanohertz GWs (nanohertz gravitational waves): size of GWs that pulsar-timing observations might catch
- nanolensing: see gravitational microlensing
- nanomaggie: a billionth of an AB magnitude
- nanometer
- nanosat (nanosatellite): NASA term for a 1-10 kg small satellite
- nanosatellite: NASA term for a 1-10 kg small satellite
- nanotesla: see tesla
- NANTEN2: millimeter telescope in Chile
- Atacama Desert: Chilean high-altitude, dry plateau with numerous observatories
- NAOJ (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan): Japanese astronomy organization
- NAOMI: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- NAOMI: see William Herschel Telescope
- Narrabri Observatory
- Narrabri Stellar Intensity Interferometer: 1960s optical interferometer for measuring stellar diameters
- narrow band: see passband
- narrow band filter: see passband
- narrow band photometry: see photometry
- narrow emission-line region (narrow line region): AGN region producing narrower lines
- narrow line AGN
- narrow line region: AGN region producing narrower lines
- narrow-line radio galaxy: see radio galaxy
- narrow-line region
- narrowband: see bandwidth
- NAS (National Acadamy of Sciences): US organization of distinguished scientists
- NAS (Norsk Astronomisk Selskap): Norwegian non-profit association of astronomers
- NASA: includes space-based astronomy research
- NASA Astrobiology Institute: former research funding and coordination organization
- NASA Deep Space Network: NASA's world-wide radio communication setup
- NASA DSN (NASA Deep Space Network): NASA's world-wide radio communication setup
- NASA Exoplanet Archive: online database of exoplanets
- NASA Flagship Program
- HabEx: proposed space mission to directly image exoplanets
- NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF): Mauna Kea 3-meter infrared telescope
- NASA IRTF (IRTF): Mauna Kea 3-meter infrared telescope
- NASA Orbital Debris Observatory: 1990s telescope aimed at tracking space junk
- NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive: NASA archive of flight information and astronomy findings
- NASA Standard Breakup Model: model maintained by NASA of how satellites fragment
- NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database: a database of galaxies and other objects outside the Milky Way
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA): archive center for infrared data from NASA missions
- NASA747: see SOFIA
- NASDA: see Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- NASEM (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine): US collective of three national acadamies
- Nasmyth telescope: type of reflector telescope with secondary and tertiary mirrors
- Nasmyth-Cassegrain telescope (Nasmyth telescope): type of reflector telescope with secondary and tertiary mirrors
- NASTec (International Small Telescope Cooperative): former cooperative of small research telescopes
- NaTeCam: see Tianwen-1
- National Acadamy of Sciences: US organization of distinguished scientists
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: US collective of three national acadamies
- National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics: see NASA
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): includes space-based astronomy research
- National Astronomical Observatories of China
- National Astronomical Observatory
- SPECULOOS: search for Earth-like exoplanets orbiting nearby dim stars
- National Astronomical Observatory of Japan: Japanese astronomy organization
- National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (Arecibo Observatory): former large 305 m radio telescope in Puerto Rico
- National Bureau of Standards: name of of NIST before 1988
- National Center for Atmospheric Research
- National Center for Supercomputer Applications
- Partiview: visualization software aimed at 4D data
- National Geographic Society-Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (Palomar Observatory Sky Survey): 1950s photographic plates from Palomar 48 inch telescope
- National Institute of Standards and Technology: US agency defining standards
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: US meteorology and oceanography agency
- SWFO-L1: future NOAA space-weather warning satellite
- National Optical Astronomy Observatory: previous name of US optical astronomy organization
- National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory (NOIRLab): US optical/infrared astronomy organization
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory: US radio astronomy organization
- National Radio Quiet Zone: see Green Bank Observatory
- dark sky: sky with limited light pollution
- National Reconnaissance Office
- National Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche): Italian national research organization.
- National Science Foundation: US government organization funding scientific research
- National Solar Observatory: US government sponsored solar observatory
- National Space Development Agency: see Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- National Space Science Data Center (NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive): NASA archive of flight information and astronomy findings
- natural astronomical telescopes: use of an astronomical body as a telescope
- natural broadening: line broadening due to uncertainty principle
- natural broadening: see line broadening
- natural guide star: see guide star
- natural laser: see coherent light
- natural satellite: see moon
- natural satellites
- natural units: see Planck units
- Naval Observatory Merged Astrometric Dataset (NOMAD): astrometric star catalog
- Naval Research Laboratory: US Navy scientific research arm
- Navarro-Frenk-White profile: a dark matter spatial mass distribution function
- Navcam: see Mars Exploration Rover
- Navcams: see Mars Science Laboratory
- Navier-Stokes equations: equations that describe fluid dynamics
- Navy Optical Interferometer
- Navy Precision Optical Interferometer: optical interferometer in Arizona
- Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer (Navy Precision Optical Interferometer): optical interferometer in Arizona
- NB: see rare designator prefixes
- NBODY: code to carry out N-body simulations
- NBS (National Bureau of Standards): name of of NIST before 1988
- NC: see Stardust
- NC meteorite: see carbonaceous chondrite
- NCE: see chemical equilibrium
- Partiview: visualization software aimed at 4D data
- NDWFS (NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey): survey investigating large scale structure of the universe
- Ne (neon): element, Ne, atomic number 10
- NEA: see near-Earth object
- NEAP (Near Earth Asteroid Prospector): planned space mission to look at NEOs as mining sources
- NEAR (NEAR Shoemaker): space mission to an asteroid
- near earth
- near Earth asteroid
- 2010 TK7: asteroid that is an Earth Trojan
- near earth asteroid
- Near Earth Asteroid Prospector: planned space mission to look at NEOs as mining sources
- Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR Shoemaker): space mission to an asteroid
- near earth object
- NEO Surveyor: planned space observatory to detect and monitor NEOs
- Near Earth Object WISE: see Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- Near Earth Objects Dynamic Site (NEODyS): web service to providing information on NEOs
- Near Earth Objects Information Centre (Spaceguard Centre): UK private observatory dedicated to NEOs
- Near Earth Space Surveillance (NEOSSat): small spacecraft tracking NEOs
- near infrared: electromagnetic radiation in the range of 750-2500 nm
- Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam): near infrared imager on JWST
- Near Infrared Planet Searcher (NIRPS): near-infrared extension to HARPS spectrograph
- Near Infrared Planet Searcher: see ESO 3.6m Telescope
- Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec): near infrared spectrograph on JWST
- NEAR Shoemaker: space mission to an asteroid
- near ultraviolet: see ultraviolet
- optics: science and technology regarding visible light
- ULTRASAT: future satellite to detect UV transients
- near-Earth asteroid: see near-Earth object
- Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT): survey tracking near-Earth objects
- near-Earth object: object orbiting the Sun that passes close to Earth
- 101955 Bennu: near-Earth asteroid visited by a successful sample-return mission
- Pan-STARRS: set of survey telescopes
- Near-Earth Object Camera (NEO Surveyor): planned space observatory to detect and monitor NEOs
- Near-Earth Object Surveillance Mission (NEO Surveyor): planned space observatory to detect and monitor NEOs
- Near-Earth Object Surveillance Satellite (NEOSSat): small spacecraft tracking NEOs
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- Near-Earth Object Surveyor (NEO Surveyor): planned space observatory to detect and monitor NEOs
- near-Earth objects
- near-earth objects
- near-Earth supernova: supernova near enough to Earth to affect it
- Near-infrared Echelle for Wide-band Spectroscopy (NEWS): planned near-infrared spectrometer on Discovery Channel Telescope
- near-IR (near infrared): electromagnetic radiation in the range of 750-2500 nm
- near-UV: see ultraviolet
- nearby
- nearby star
- Nearby Supernova Factory: survey that scanned transient data for supernovae
- Nearby Supernova Factory II: see Nearby Supernova Factory
- NEAT: survey tracking near-Earth objects
- NEAT: see James Webb Space Telescope
- nebula: cloud of dust and gas
- nebulae
- nebular hypothesis: model positing solar system planets result from a solar disk
- nebular line (forbidden line): spectral line that quantum mechanics disallows for the most part
- nebular shock: see chondrite
- NED (NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database): a database of galaxies and other objects outside the Milky Way
- Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek: Dutch research council
- negative absorption: see emission coefficient
- negative feedback
- negative gravity anomaly: see gravity anomaly
- negative redshift (blue shift): shortening of wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- negative-pressure vacuum energy density: see inflation
- NEID: see WIYN 3.5m Telescope
- Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory (Swift): satellite for studying gamma-ray bursts
- NELM: naked eye limiting magnitude
- NEMESIS: see atmospheric model
- NEMO: see KM3NeT
- NEMO-3: see KM3NeT
- NEMP: see carbon star
- NEO (near-Earth object): object orbiting the Sun that passes close to Earth
- NEO Surveyor: planned space observatory to detect and monitor NEOs
- NEOCam (NEO Surveyor): planned space observatory to detect and monitor NEOs
- neodymium
- NEODyS: web service to providing information on NEOs
- NEOIC (Spaceguard Centre): UK private observatory dedicated to NEOs
- neon: element, Ne, atomic number 10
- neon burning: fusion reaction starting with neon
- neon-burning shell: see neon burning
- NEOs
- NEOSM (NEO Surveyor): planned space observatory to detect and monitor NEOs
- NEOSSat: small spacecraft tracking NEOs
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- NEOWISE: see Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- NEO Surveyor: planned space observatory to detect and monitor NEOs
- NEP (noise-equivalent power): signal power that equals the noise
- Neptune: outer-most solar system planet
- ethylene: compound of two carbon and four hydrogen atoms
- giant planet: planet of more than 10 Earth masses
- ice giant: planet denser than gas planets and less than rocky planets
- ring system: disk or set of rings orbiting a planet
- shepherd moon: small moon affecting outer edge of a planet's ring
- solar system object: the Sun, solar system planets, minor planets, comets, and moons
- Triton: Neptune's one significant moon
- Voyager: space probes to observe planets and the edge of the solar system
- Neptune desert: Neptune-like exoplanets near host star are rare
- Neptune I (Triton): Neptune's one significant moon
- Neptune Trojan: see asteroid belt
- Neptunes: see extra-solar planet
- Neptunian desert (Neptune desert): Neptune-like exoplanets near host star are rare
- NES: see Large Altazimuth Telescope
- NESS (NEOSSat): small spacecraft tracking NEOs
- NESSI (The Near Earth Space Surveillance Initiative): collaboration to survey NEOs
- Nessie: star-forming filament found in the Orion star-forming region
- Nessie Nebula (Nessie): star-forming filament found in the Orion star-forming region
- nested Maclaurin spheroids
- nested sampling: see dynesty
- NESTOR: see KM3NeT
- Netherlands
- Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON): Netherlands radio astronomy research organization
- Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
- ASTRON: Netherlands radio astronomy research organization
- neural network: computer program structure inspired by the brain
- neural networks
- neuron
- neutral atom: see state of ionization
- ion: non-neutral atom or molecule, with missing or extra electrons
- neutral atomic hydrogen: state of hydrogen when sufficiently cool
- neutral current interaction: see weak interaction
- neutral tail: see comet
- neutralino: proposed type of particle that might include WIMPs
- dark matter: matter in galaxies and galaxy clusters suggested by their gravity
- PICO experiment: a search for a candidate dark matter particle
- neutrino: light, electrically neutral elementary particle
- dark matter: matter in galaxies and galaxy clusters suggested by their gravity
- flavor: subtype of some type of particle
- lepton: elementary particle with 1/2 integer spin such as electron
- neutronization: an electron and proton combining to form a neutron
- particle: very small thing
- supersymmetry: extension to standard model of particle physics
- WIMP: proposed particle comprising dark matter
- neutrino astronomy: see neutrino
- neutrino cooling: see neutrino
- neutrino decoupling: see decoupling
- neutrino detector (neutrino observatory): device to detect neutrinos
- Neutrino Ettore Majorana Observatory: see KM3NeT
- neutrino experiment: see neutrino observatory
- Neutrino Extended Submarine Telescope with Oceanographic Research: see KM3NeT
- neutrino family: see neutrino
- neutrino flavor: see neutrino
- neutrino hotspot: region of sky from which significant neutrinos have been detected
- Neutrino Mediterranean Observatory: see KM3NeT
- neutrino observatory: device to detect neutrinos
- neutrino oscillation: neutrinos regularly morph into another flavor
- neutrino point source: see neutrino hotspot
- neutrino species: see neutrino
- neutrino temperature
- neutrinoless beta decay (neutrinoless double beta decay): possible type of rare beta decay
- neutrinoless double beta decay: possible type of rare beta decay
- CUORE: experiment to sense neutrinoless double beta decay
- EXO: experiment to detect neutrinoless double beta decay in xenon
- Sudbury Neutrino Observatory: Canadian underground neutrino detector
- neutrinos
- neutron: type of baryon that is stable and has no electric charge
- neutron capture: combination of an atomic nucleus and a neutron
- neutron degeneracy pressure: see electron degeneracy
- neutron star: stellar remnant consisting entirely of solar masses of neutrons
- neutron degenerate matter: matter made up primarily of neutrons
- neutron degenerate matter: see electron degeneracy
- neutron drip: neutrons exiting from nuclei
- neutron emission: see radioactive decay
- neutron heavy: see neutron drip
- neutron lifetime: see neutron capture
- neutron matter (neutron degenerate matter): matter made up primarily of neutrons
- neutron poor: see neutron rich
- neutron rich: more than usual neutrons
- neutron scattering: scattering of neutrons by atomic nuclei
- neutron spectrograph: see neutron scattering
- neutron spectrometer: device determining the energy of received free neutrons
- neutron spectroscopy: see neutron scattering
- neutron star: stellar remnant consisting entirely of solar masses of neutrons
- neutron star binary: see binary neutron star
- Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER): space X-ray mission specifically to view neutron stars
- neutron star kick: see velocity kick
- neutron star matter (neutron degenerate matter): matter made up primarily of neutrons
- neutron star merger: two neutron stars meeting and forming one
- neutron star merger: see binary neutron star
- GW detection: observed gravitational wave signal recognizable as an astronomical event
- GW170817: 2017 gravitational wave detection from a neutron star merger
- standard siren: transient whose gravitational waves indicate a specific distance
- neutron stars
- neutron-rich NSE: see nuclear statistical equilibrium
- neutron-star black-hole merger: a neutron star falling into a black hole
- neutron-star/black-hole merger
- GW detection: observed gravitational wave signal recognizable as an astronomical event
- neutronization: an electron and proton combining to form a neutron
- neutronization burst: see neutronization
- neutrons from carbon-13: process by which neutrons are freed in the s process
- neutronstar kick
- NeVe: see rare designator prefixes
- New: see Shapley-Ames Catalog
- New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars: catalog from latter half of 20th century catalog
- New Frontiers
- CAESAR: planned space mission to return a sample of a comet
- Dragonfly: Titan flying rover under development
- Enceladus Life Finder: mission to search for life on Saturn moon Enceladus
- Juno: mission to Jupiter
- New Horizons: explorer spaceship sent to Pluto
- OSIRIS-REx: space mission aiming to return a sample of an asteroid
- New Frontiers 1 (New Horizons): explorer spaceship sent to Pluto
- New Frontiers 2 (Juno): mission to Jupiter
- New Frontiers 3 (OSIRIS-REx): space mission aiming to return a sample of an asteroid
- New Frontiers 4 (Dragonfly): Titan flying rover under development
- New Frontiers Program
- NASA: includes space-based astronomy research
- New General Catalogue: 1888 catalog of galaxies, star clusters, and other nebulae
- New general catalogue of double stars within 120° of the North pole. (Aitken Double Star Catalogue): 1932 catalog with both multiple-star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars (New General Catalogue): 1888 catalog of galaxies, star clusters, and other nebulae
- New Gravitational Wave Observatory: past proposal for space mission to detect gravitational waves
- New Horizons: explorer spaceship sent to Pluto
- New Jersey
- CAPMAP: early 2000s array that surveyed CMB polarization
- New Luyten Two-Tenths Arcsecond Catalog: see Luyten Two-Tenths Arcsecond Catalog
- New Mexico
- New Mexico Skies
- new Moon
- earthshine: reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation from Earth
- New Robotic Telescope: see Liverpool Telescope
- New Robotic Telescope: see Roque de los Muchachos Observatory
- New Solar Telescope: see Big Bear Solar Observatory
- New South Wales
- SkyMapper: automated 1.35 m optical telescope in Australia
- New Technology Telescope: 3.58-meter reflector telescope in Chile
- New Worlds Imager (New Worlds Mission): plan for space occulter to facilitate the view of exoplanets
- New Worlds Mission: plan for space occulter to facilitate the view of exoplanets
- New Worlds Observer (New Worlds Mission): plan for space occulter to facilitate the view of exoplanets
- New X-ray Telescope (Hitomi): 2016 Japanese space X-ray telescope
- New Zealand
- NEWS: planned near-infrared spectrometer on Discovery Channel Telescope
- newton: see joule
- tesla: unit of magnetic flux density
- Newton's first law: see Newton's laws
- Newton's law of gravitation: see Newton's laws
- Newton's laws: physical laws of dynamics and gravitation
- Newton's laws of motion: see Newton's laws
- Newton's second law: see Newton's laws
- Newton's third law: see Newton's laws
- Newtonian gravitational constant (gravitational constant): indicates how much pull between two masses
- Newtonian gravitational field: see gravitational field
- Newtonian gravity: see Newton's laws
- Newtonian mechanics: see Newton's laws
- Newtonian telescope: type of reflector telescope
- nEXO: see EXO
- NeXT (Hitomi): 2016 Japanese space X-ray telescope
- Next Generation Space Telescope (James Webb Space Telescope): 6.5-meter infrared space telescope at L2
- Next Generation Very Large Array: planned radio telescope array as a follow-on to ALMA and the Jansky VLA
- next-EXO: see EXO
- Next-generation Transit Survey (NGTS): survey of transits from Chile
- NEXTSat: see Autonomous Space Transport Robotic Operations
- NF1 (New Horizons): explorer spaceship sent to Pluto
- NF2 (Juno): mission to Jupiter
- NF3 (OSIRIS-REx): space mission aiming to return a sample of an asteroid
- NF4 (Dragonfly): Titan flying rover under development
- NFI: see PUNCH
- nFLASH: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- NFW profile (Navarro-Frenk-White profile): a dark matter spatial mass distribution function
- NG (non-Gaussian): something requiring adjustment from the Gaussian function
- NG: see NGTS
- NGC (New General Catalogue): 1888 catalog of galaxies, star clusters, and other nebulae
- NGC 104 (47 Tucanae): bright globular cluster
- NGC 1052: elliptical galaxy with ultra diffuse dwarf satellites
- NGC 1052 Group: see NGC 1052
- NGC 1052-DF2: see NGC 1052
- NGC 1052-DF4: see NGC 1052
- NGC 1064
- neutrino hotspot: region of sky from which significant neutrinos have been detected
- NGC 1068 (Messier 77): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- NGC 1275: see Perseus Cluster
- NGC 1344
- shell galaxy: galaxy with one or more surrounding layers of brightness
- NGC 147
- NGC 1555
- T Tauri: variable star taken as example of young star
- NGC 1600: elliptical galaxy with large supermassive black hole
- NGC 185
- NGC 1866: globular cluster of interest in the LMC
- NGC 1952 (Crab Nebula): supernova remnant in Taurus
- NGC 1976 (Orion Nebula): easily-observed nebula that includes SF regions
- NGC 2070
- NGC 224 (Andromeda): spiral galaxy in the Local Group
- NGC 2363: low-metallicity SF region
- NGC 2366: see NGC 2363
- NGC 253: spiral galaxy 11 million light-years away
- NGC 2682 (Messier 67): old open cluster in Cancer
- NGC 2736: see Vela supernova remnant
- NGC 2770: spiral galaxy that has shown a number of supernovae
- NGC 3031
- NGC 3034 (M82): nearby starburst galaxy
- NGC 3132: PN of interest in southern sky
- NGC 3201: globular cluster in which a black hole has been identified
- NGC 3314: a pair of galaxies aligned with us
- NGC 3372 (Carina Nebula): HII region with stars and nebulae of interest
- NGC 346: open cluster in SMC
- NGC 4258 (Messier 106): spiral galaxy with maser
- NGC 4321 (Messier 100): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- NGC 4374 (Messier 84): elliptical galaxy with jets
- NGC 4486 (M87): supergiant elliptical galaxy in local universe
- NGC 4594 (Sombrero Galaxy): striking spiral galaxy with very large bulge
- NGC 4736
- NGC 4826 (M64): nearby dusty galaxy
- NGC 4945
- NGC 4993: see GW170817
- NGC 5128 (Centaurus A): nearby radio galaxy
- NGC 5139 (Omega Centauri): large globular cluster
- NGC 5194 (Whirlpool Galaxy): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- NGC 5236
- NGC 5457 (Pinwheel Galaxy): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- NGC 5548
- NGC 5866 (Spindle Galaxy): disk galaxy for which we have an edge-on view
- NGC 598 (Triangulum Galaxy): small spiral galaxy in the Local Group
- NGC 628 (Messier 74): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- NGC 6822
- NGC 6946: face-on spiral galaxy
- NGC 6960: see Cygnus Loop
- NGC 6992: see Cygnus Loop
- NGC 6995: see Cygnus Loop
- NGC 7078 (Messier 15): globular cluster with collapsed core
- NGC 7317: see Stephan's Quintet
- NGC 7318A: see Stephan's Quintet
- NGC 7318B: see Stephan's Quintet
- NGC 7319: see Stephan's Quintet
- NGC 7320: see Stephan's Quintet
- NGC 7331: spiral galaxy without a bar
- NGC 7469: spiral galaxy with AGN outflow
- NGC 7727: irregular galaxy with two SMBHs
- NGC2000.0: see New General Catalogue
- NGCFHT: see Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- ngEHT: see Event Horizon Telescope
- NGO (New Gravitational Wave Observatory): past proposal for space mission to detect gravitational waves
- NGPS: see Hale Telescope
- NGS: see Galaxy Evolution Explorer
- NGS: see guide star
- NGS-POSS (Palomar Observatory Sky Survey): 1950s photographic plates from Palomar 48 inch telescope
- NGST (James Webb Space Telescope): 6.5-meter infrared space telescope at L2
- NGTS: survey of transits from Chile
- ngVLA (Next Generation Very Large Array): planned radio telescope array as a follow-on to ALMA and the Jansky VLA
- NH: see rare designator prefixes
- NH3 (ammonia): particular compound of nitrogen and hydrogen
- NHI: see particle number
- NHO (Roque de los Muchachos Observatory): observatory at La Palma in the Canary Islands
- NI
- Ni (nickel): metal, Ni, atomic number 28
- Nice model: model of the evolution of the solar system
- NICER: space X-ray mission specifically to view neutron stars
- Nicholas U. Mayall Telescope (Mayall 4m Telescope): 4 meter reflector telescope at Kitt Peak
- NICI: see Gemini Observatory
- nickel: metal, Ni, atomic number 28
- r-process: synthesis of elements through neutron capture faster than beta decay
- nickel-56: see nickel
- nickel-58: see nickel
- nickel-62: see nickel
- NICMOS: see Hubble Space Telescope
- NICS: see Telescopio Nazionale Galileo
- NIFS: see Gemini Observatory
- night sky
- light pollution: light from cities that interferes with astronomical observation
- visible light: electromagnetic radiation that our eyes can sense
- nightglow (airglow): glow from a planet's atmosphere
- NIHTS: see Lowell Discovery Telescope
- NIKA: see IRAM 30m Telescope
- NIKA2: see IRAM 30m Telescope
- Nili Fossae: region of grabens on Mars
- NIMS: see Galileo
- NIR (near infrared): electromagnetic radiation in the range of 750-2500 nm
- NIR: see Southern African Large Telescope
- NIR3: see Hayabusa2
- NIRC: see Keck Observatory
- NIRC-2: see Keck Observatory
- PALMS: survey to find exoplanets for direct imaging
- NIRCam: near infrared imager on JWST
- NIRCam: see James Webb Space Telescope
- grism: combination of a grating and a prism
- NIRES: see Keck Observatory
- NIRI: see Gemini Observatory
- NIRIS: see Big Bear Solar Observatory
- NIRISS: see James Webb Space Telescope
- NIRISS SOSS: see James Webb Space Telescope
- NIRPS: near-infrared extension to HARPS spectrograph
- NIRPS: see ESO 3.6m Telescope
- NIRSPEC: see Keck Observatory
- NIRSpec: near infrared spectrograph on JWST
- NIRSpec: see James Webb Space Telescope
- NIRSpec G395: see James Webb Space Telescope
- NIRWALS: see Southern African Large Telescope
- NIS: see NEAR Shoemaker
- NISP: see Euclid
- NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology): US agency defining standards
- nitrite: ion of a nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms with extra electron
- nitrite salt
- nitrite: ion of a nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms with extra electron
- nitrogen: metal, N, atomic number 7
- amine: type of compound containing nitrogen
- ammonia: particular compound of nitrogen and hydrogen
- HCO+: ionized compound of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, one atom each
- hydrogen cyanide: compound of hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, one atom each
- nitrite: ion of a nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms with extra electron
- nitrogen dioxide
- nitrite: ion of a nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms with extra electron
- nitrogen-enhanced metal-poor star: see carbon star
- nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet: see Wolf-Rayet star
- IRAS: 1983 satellite that surveyed the sky in infrared
- Nix: see Pluto
- NLAGN: see active galactic nucleus
- NLR (narrow line region): AGN region producing narrower lines
- NLR: see NEAR Shoemaker
- NLRG: see radio galaxy
- NLTE: see local thermodynamic equilibrium
- NLTT: see Luyten Two-Tenths Arcsecond Catalog
- nm
- NML: see rare designator prefixes
- NMS: see Giotto
- NN (neural network): computer program structure inspired by the brain
- no-hair theorem: proposition that a black hole only has mass, rotation, and charge
- No-U Turn Sampler: see PyMC
- NO2
- nitrite: ion of a nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms with extra electron
- NO2- (nitrite): ion of a nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms with extra electron
- NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration): US meteorology and oceanography agency
- MarsWRF: Mars-oriented general circulation model
- SWFO-L1: future NOAA space-weather warning satellite
- NOAO (National Optical Astronomy Observatory): previous name of US optical astronomy organization
- NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey: survey investigating large scale structure of the universe
- NOAO Deep-Wide-Field Survey
- NOAO Source Catalog: catalog compiled from NOAO public data
- noble gas
- nodding: see chopping mirror
- NODO (NASA Orbital Debris Observatory): 1990s telescope aimed at tracking space junk
- NOEMA (Northern Extended Millimeter Array): large radio telescope array under construction in Europe
- PHIBSS: survey of CO in distant galaxies
- NOFS: see USNO
- NOIRLab: US optical/infrared astronomy organization
- noise
- noise power
- noise temperature: a measure of noise in electronic devices
- noise-equivalent power: signal power that equals the noise
- NOMAD: astrometric star catalog
- NOMAD: see Trace Gas Orbiter
- NOMIC: see Large Binocular Telescope
- non chemical equilibrium: see chemical equilibrium
- non local thermodynamic equilibrium: see local thermodynamic equilibrium
- non-baryonic matter: see baryonic matter
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- dark matter: matter in galaxies and galaxy clusters suggested by their gravity
- non-carbonaceous chondrite: see carbonaceous chondrite
- non-CE: see chemical equilibrium
- non-condensing gas: see biosignature
- non-Gaussian: something requiring adjustment from the Gaussian function
- non-Gaussianity: see non-Gaussian
- non-inertial reference frame: see inertial reference frame
- non-integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect: see Sachs-Wolfe effect
- non-LTE: see local thermodynamic equilibrium
- CMFGEN: RT code designed to handle significant stellar wind
- non-metal
- helium: non-metallic element, He, atomic number 2
- hydrogen: most prominent element, atomic number 1
- non-Planckian: see black-body radiation
- non-Planckian: see thermal emission
- non-relativistic speed: see relativistic speed
- non-relativistic speed: see relativity
- non-standard cosmologies (alternative cosmologies): cosmological models other than Big Bang/Lambda-CDM
- non-thermal: regarding radiation other than black-body
- non-thermal emission: EMR not due to a body's heat
- non-thermal escape: see atmospheric escape
- non-thermal radiation (non-thermal emission): EMR not due to a body's heat
- nonbaryonic matter: see baryonic matter
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- noncollisional: see stellar dynamics
- nondimensionalization: manipulation of an equation to remove units
- nonlinear GW memory: see gravitational-wave memory
- nonparametric model: model developed avoiding assumptions regarding a basic structure
- nonparametric statistics: see nonparametric model
- nonsingular black hole model: see black hole model
- Nordic Optical Telescope: see Roque de los Muchachos Observatory
- Norma Arm: see spiral arm
- Norma Cluster
- ESO 137-001: barred spiral galaxy in the Abell 3627 cluster
- Norma-Cygnus Arm: see spiral arm
- normal color index: see color index
- normal distribution: familiar probability distribution with bell curve shape
- normal elastic thickness: see elastic thickness
- normal mode: resonant surface waves in seismology
- normal mode (eigenmode): vibration mode of an oscillator where all parts move at the same frequency
- normalization constant: see probability density function
- normalization constant: see probability mass function
- normalized PDF: see probability density function
- normalized PMF: see probability mass function
- normalizing constant: see probability density function
- normalizing constant: see probability mass function
- Norsk Astronomisk Selskap: Norwegian non-profit association of astronomers
- North American Meteor Network: former group of amateurs with an interest in meteors
- North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav): effort to detect gravitational waves through pulsar timing
- North American Small Telescope Cooperative (International Small Telescope Cooperative): former cooperative of small research telescopes
- north galactic pole (galactic north): determination of the more northern direction of the Milky Way's axis
- north node: see orbital element
- north polar sequence: set of stars previously used to define magnitudes
- Northern Cross Radio Telescope
- Northern Extended Millimeter Array: large radio telescope array under construction in Europe
- PHIBSS: survey of CO in distant galaxies
- Northern Hemisphere Observatory (Roque de los Muchachos Observatory): observatory at La Palma in the Canary Islands
- northern lights: see aurora
- northern zone of avoidance: see zone of avoidance
- Norway
- Norwegian Astronomical Society (Norsk Astronomisk Selskap): Norwegian non-profit association of astronomers
- NOT: see Roque de los Muchachos Observatory
- Nova: see nova
- nova: white dwarf explosion
- Nova Delphini 2013 (V339 Delphini): 2013 nova showing lithium synthesis
- nova eruption: see nova
- nova remnant: see supernova remnant
- NP: see black-body radiation
- NP: see thermal emission
- NPDF: see probability density function
- NPM1G: see rare designator prefixes
- NPOI (Navy Precision Optical Interferometer): optical interferometer in Arizona
- NPS (north polar sequence): set of stars previously used to define magnitudes
- NR (numerical relativity): solving GR-sensitive problems with numerical methods
- NRAL (Jodrell Bank Observatory): radio observatory in England
- NRAO (NRAO Catalog): 1960s follow-up to Cambridge radio surveys
- NRAO (National Radio Astronomy Observatory): US radio astronomy organization
- NRAO Catalog: 1960s follow-up to Cambridge radio surveys
- NRAO Seven-beam Receiver
- NRAO VLA Sky Survey: 1990s microwave survey of 82% of the sky
- NRES: see Las Cumbres Observatory
- NRL (Naval Research Laboratory): US Navy scientific research arm
- NRL White-light Coronagraph: see OSO 7
- NRQZ: see Green Bank Observatory
- dark sky: sky with limited light pollution
- NRT (Nançay Radio Telescope): large radio telescope in France
- NRT: see Liverpool Telescope
- NRT: see Roque de los Muchachos Observatory
- NS (neutron star): stellar remnant consisting entirely of solar masses of neutrons
- NS: see Lunar Prospector
- NS: see rare designator prefixes
- NS equations (Navier-Stokes equations): equations that describe fluid dynamics
- NS kick: see velocity kick
- NS merger (neutron star merger): two neutron stars meeting and forming one
- standard siren: transient whose gravitational waves indicate a specific distance
- NSB: see binary neutron star
- NSBH merger (neutron-star black-hole merger): a neutron star falling into a black hole
- NSBM (NASA Standard Breakup Model): model maintained by NASA of how satellites fragment
- NSC (NOAO Source Catalog): catalog compiled from NOAO public data
- NSC: see stellar nucleus
- NSE (nuclear statistical equilibrium): equilibrium of nuclei emitting and absorbing particles
- NSF (National Science Foundation): US government organization funding scientific research
- NSF AST: US government astronomical research funding division
- NSF Astronomical Sciences Division (NSF AST): US government astronomical research funding division
- NSFCam2: see IRTF
- NSII (Narrabri Stellar Intensity Interferometer): 1960s optical interferometer for measuring stellar diameters
- NSNF (Nearby Supernova Factory): survey that scanned transient data for supernovae
- NSO (National Solar Observatory): US government sponsored solar observatory
- NSSDC (NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive): NASA archive of flight information and astronomy findings
- NSSDCA (NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive): NASA archive of flight information and astronomy findings
- NST: see Big Bear Solar Observatory
- NSV (New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars): catalog from latter half of 20th century catalog
- NSV Release 2: see New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars
- NT (non-thermal): regarding radiation other than black-body
- NTT (New Technology Telescope): 3.58-meter reflector telescope in Chile
- NTTS: see T-Tauri star
- NTTS: see rare designator prefixes
- nuclear
- nuclear binding energy: see binding energy
- nuclear cluster (stellar nucleus): group of many stars at the center of a galaxy
- nuclear drip line: see neutron drip
- nuclear energy generation rate: fusion power per unit mass
- nuclear fission: see fusion
- nuclear fusion (fusion): formation of an atomic nucleus nuclei from multiple smaller nuclei
- nuclear isomer: see nuclide
- metastable: characteristic of an excited state that lasts longer than typical
- nuclear line (nuclear spectral line): spectral lines produced by nuclear processes
- nuclear line spectrography: see nuclear spectral line
- nuclear photodissociation
- nuclear reaction: see nuclear energy generation rate
- fusion: formation of an atomic nucleus nuclei from multiple smaller nuclei
- nuclear reaction rate: see nuclear energy generation rate
- nuclear species (nuclide): atomic nucleus associated with a specific isotope
- nuclear spectral line: spectral lines produced by nuclear processes
- Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR): space telescope for high-energy X-rays
- nuclear star cluster (stellar nucleus): group of many stars at the center of a galaxy
- nuclear star cluster: see stellar nucleus
- nuclear statistical equilibrium: equilibrium of nuclei emitting and absorbing particles
- nuclear symmetry energy: see valley of beta stability
- nuclear timescale: see timescale
- nucleon: proton or neutron
- dalton: mass unit used on atomic scale
- element: class of atom based on its number of protons
- fusion: formation of an atomic nucleus nuclei from multiple smaller nuclei
- isotope: subclass of an element with a specific number of nucleons
- standard model: model of elementary particles including quarks
- nucleon number (mass number): number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus
- nucleosynthesis: creation of atomic nuclei
- nucleotides
- Lego principle: principle that life is associated with a skew in molecule abundances
- nucleus: see comet
- nucleus notation
- isotope: subclass of an element with a specific number of nucleons
- nuclide: atomic nucleus associated with a specific isotope
- Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratory (Jodrell Bank Observatory): radio observatory in England
- null corrector: instrument for testing mirrors
- null hypothesis
- null test: see null corrector
- nulling: see speckle suppression
- number density: number of objects per volume
- numbered object: see minor planet
- numbered object: see provisional designation
- numerical analysis: the study and use of numerical methods of solving equations
- numerical integration: see Markov chain Monte Carlo
- numerical integration: see numerical methods
- numerical methods: using equations through repetitive arithmetic
- numerical analysis: the study and use of numerical methods of solving equations
- stencil: pattern of input to numerical solutions at a point
- numerical model: see numerical methods
- numerical relativity: solving GR-sensitive problems with numerical methods
- numerical weather prediction: Earth weather prediction by computer equation-solving and/or simulation
- numerical weather prediction model: see numerical weather prediction
- NumPy: Python library for numerical programming with arrays
- NumPy: see PyMC
- NuSTAR: space telescope for high-energy X-rays
- StrayCats: survey of X-ray sources detectable in NuSTAR stray light
- NUT parameter: see Taub-NUT spacetime
- nutation: precession of a body's axis of rotation
- Chandler wobble: shifting of the Earth's axis of rotation relative to the Earth itself
- NUTS: see PyMC
- NUV: see ultraviolet
- ULTRASAT: future satellite to detect UV transients
- NVSS (NRAO VLA Sky Survey): 1990s microwave survey of 82% of the sky
- NWO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek): Dutch research council
- ASTRON: Netherlands radio astronomy research organization
- Astronet: European astronomy consortium
- NWP (numerical weather prediction): Earth weather prediction by computer equation-solving and/or simulation
- NWP model: see numerical weather prediction
- Nysa
- NZO: see double star designation