Term Index (T)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter T.
- T (T-type star): brown dwarf with a temperature in the vicinity of 1000 K
- T (tesla): unit of magnetic flux density
- t (timescale): general length of time something takes
- T association: stellar association with T-Tauri stars
- T Coronae Borealis: recurrent nova expected to erupt sometime within 2024-2026
- T CrB (T Coronae Borealis): recurrent nova expected to erupt sometime within 2024-2026
- T dwarf (T-type star): brown dwarf with a temperature in the vicinity of 1000 K
- brown dwarf: star-like object with less mass than a star
- T Pyx (T Pyxidis): well-known recurrent nova
- T Pyxidis: well-known recurrent nova
- T Tau (T Tauri): variable star taken as example of young star
- T Tau N
- T Tauri: variable star taken as example of young star
- T Tau Sa
- T Tauri: variable star taken as example of young star
- T Tau Sb
- T Tauri: variable star taken as example of young star
- T Tauri: variable star taken as example of young star
- Télescope à Action Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires (TAROT): network of telescopes to catch GRB optical counterparts
- TŻO (Thorne-Żytkow object): giant star with a neutron star at its center
- T-1: see Palomar-Leiden Survey
- T-2: see Palomar-Leiden Survey
- T-3: see Palomar-Leiden Survey
- T-class: see T-type star
- T-class star (T-type star): brown dwarf with a temperature in the vicinity of 1000 K
- T-mode: see CMB polarization
- T-ReCS: see Gemini Observatory
- T-Tauri star: type of variable pre-main-sequence star
- T-type star: brown dwarf with a temperature in the vicinity of 1000 K
- T2CAM: see Lucy
- T4 APT (T4 Automated Photometric Telescope): automated 75-cm telescope to a long-term star monitoring survey
- T4 Automated Photometric Telescope: automated 75-cm telescope to a long-term star monitoring survey
- t0: see Lambda-CDM model
- t0: see seeing
- TB (brightness temperature): temperature of an equivalent black body in terms of spectral radiance
- TBB (effective temperature): temperature of an equivalent black body in terms of total radiation
- TC (color temperature): temperature-measure of a source based on a color index
- Te (elastic thickness): measure of the thickness of a sagging layer of a planet surface
- Teff (effective temperature): temperature of an equivalent black body in terms of total radiation
- Teph
- time standard: method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- Teq (equilibrium temperature): temperature a planet would have if it were an externally-heated black body
- tH (Hubble time): approximation of the age of the universe
- Tn: see elastic thickness
- TVir: see virial theorem
- TA (Telescope Array Project): cosmic-ray observatory aiming for extremely energetic particles
- Tabby's Star (KIC 8462852): star with unusual variations
- Table Mountain Facility (Table Mountain Observatory): NASA observatory near Los Angeles
- Table Mountain Observatory: NASA observatory near Los Angeles
- TAC: telescope allocation committee
- TAC: time allocation committee (for telescopes)
- TAC 1.0: see USNO Twin Astrograph
- TAC 2.0: see USNO Twin Astrograph
- tadpole orbit
- halo orbit: type of orbit around an unstable Lagrangian point
- TAI: see Terrestrial Time
- TAIGA experiment (Tunka experiment): Russian Cherenkov detector aimed at cosmic rays and gamma rays
- tail: see comet
- TAIPAN: multi-object spectrograph with robot fiber-positioner
- TAIPAN: see UK Schmidt Telescope
- Taipan Galaxy Survey
- TAIPAN: multi-object spectrograph with robot fiber-positioner
- Taiwan
- TALE: see Telescope Array Project
- TAM: non-gray-RT 3D model of Titan's atmosphere
- TAMA 300: small prototype gravitational wave detector in Japan
- TAMBO: concept for neutrino detector in valley in Peru
- TAMS: see zero-age main sequence
- Tamura: see rare designator prefixes
- tangential velocity: see radial velocity
- TAO (University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory): observatory for a 6.5-m infrared telescope under construction
- TAP: see Taurus-Auriga Complex
- TAR (traditional approximation of rotation): approximation of waves on a rotating body
- TARA: see Telescope Array Project
- Tarantula Nebula (30 Doradus): HI region in LMC
- TAROT: network of telescopes to catch GRB optical counterparts
- TAROT telescope
- task
- task-based parallelism: breaking a computation into tasks that can be run in parallel
- TASS (The Amateur Sky Survey): amateur comet and variable-star search survey
- TASV: see rare designator prefixes
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - India: Indian math and science research institute
- TAU (Thousand Astronomical Units): 1980s plan for space probe to travel 1000 AU over 50 years
- Tau: see Tau-REx
- tau: see lepton
- standard model: model of elementary particles including quarks
- supersymmetry: extension to standard model of particle physics
- TAMBO: concept for neutrino detector in valley in Peru
- tau neutrino: neutrino flavor that becomes a tau particle during interactions
- Tau Air Shower Mountain-Based Observatory (TAMBO): concept for neutrino detector in valley in Peru
- tau neutrino: neutrino flavor that becomes a tau particle during interactions
- Tau Retrieval for Exoplanets (Tau-REx): spectral line retrieval code for exoplanet atmospheres
- Tau-Aur Complex (Taurus-Auriga Complex): nearby star-forming region
- Tau-REx: spectral line retrieval code for exoplanet atmospheres
- Taub spacetime: early 1950s model for a rotating-black-hole spacetime
- Taub-NUT metric: see Taub-NUT spacetime
- Taub-NUT spacetime: early mathematics for a rotating black hole spacetime
- Tauras A (Crab Nebula): supernova remnant in Taurus
- Taurus Auriga Perseus Complex: see Taurus-Auriga Complex
- Taurus Dark Clouds (Taurus-Auriga Complex): nearby star-forming region
- Taurus Molecular Cloud (Taurus Molecular Cloud 1): nearby star-forming region
- HL Tau: much-studied T-Tauri star
- Taurus Molecular Cloud 1: nearby star-forming region
- Taurus Molecular Cloud 2: see Taurus Molecular Cloud 1
- Taurus Molecular Cloud 2: see Taurus-Auriga Complex
- Taurus: balloon-borne polarimeter to study the CMB
- TAURUS-1: see Isaac Newton Telescope
- Taurus-Auriga Complex: nearby star-forming region
- Taurus-Auriga Region (Taurus-Auriga Complex): nearby star-forming region
- Taurus-Auriga SFR (Taurus-Auriga Complex): nearby star-forming region
- Taurus-Auriga T association
- TAUVEX: see Spektr-RG
- TAV: see rare designator prefixes
- Taylor column: see Taylor-Proudman theorem
- Taylor series
- Taylor series expansion
- Taylor-Proudman theorem: theorem regarding movement through a rotating fluid
- TB: see CMB polarization
- TBHD: see rare designator prefixes
- TBJ: see rare designator prefixes
- TBP (task-based parallelism): breaking a computation into tasks that can be run in parallel
- TBTF: see dwarf galaxy problem
- TC: see SELENE
- Tc: see technetium star
- Tc-rich star (technetium star): star showing technetium absorption lines
- TCB: see time standard
- TCG: see Terrestrial Time
- TCP: see rare designator prefixes
- TCS: see Teide Observatory
- TD: see neutron star merger
- time standard: method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- TD-1 (TD-1A): 1970s European observatory-satellite with UV telescopes
- TD-1A: 1970s European observatory-satellite with UV telescopes
- TD1: see TD-1A
- TDB: see time standard
- TDE (tidal disruption event): star pulled apart by black hole tidal forces
- TDF (tidal disruption event): star pulled apart by black hole tidal forces
- TDRSS (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System): NASA satellites used for communication and tracking of space probes
- time standard: method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- TDV: see transit timing variations
- TE (thermodynamic equilibrium): state of a system with no net heat flows
- TE: see CMB polarization
- technetium: see technetium star
- technetium star: star showing technetium absorption lines
- technique
- technology
- technomarker (technosignature): sign of technology
- technosignature: sign of technology
- TECP: see Phoenix
- tectonic activity: see crustal plates
- TEDI: see TripleSpec
- Teegarden's Star: nearby red dwarf
- Teff (effective temperature): temperature of an equivalent black body in terms of total radiation
- TEGA: see Mars Polar Lander
- TEGA: see Phoenix
- Teide: see rare designator prefixes
- Teide Observatory: observatory on Mount Teide in the Canary Islands
- telegrapher's equations: two equations describing a transmission line
- telescope: instrument to observe at a distance
- Telescope Array Experiment (Telescope Array Project): cosmic-ray observatory aiming for extremely energetic particles
- Telescope Array Low Energy extension: see Telescope Array Project
- Telescope Array Project: cosmic-ray observatory aiming for extremely energetic particles
- Telescope Array RADAR: see Telescope Array Project
- Telescope Nazionale Galileo
- HARPS-N: high-precision spectrograph for exoplanet searches in Canary Islands
- telescope nut: avid amateur telescope maker self-description
- telescope operator: professional technical position at a research telescope site
- telescope type: term indicating band or optics of a telescope
- telescopes
- Telescopes in Education: program giving grade-school students access to robotic telescopes
- telescopic asterism: see asterism
- Telescopio Carlos Sanchez: see Teide Observatory
- Telescopio Nazionale Galileo: 3.58-m telescope in Canary Islands
- telluric (telluric star): star of known spectrum used for calibration
- telluric contamination: see telluric line
- telluric correction: see telluric line
- telluric line: absorption line in ground observation due to Earth atmosphere
- telluric line subtraction: see telluric line
- telluric planet (rocky planet): planet like Earth and Mars, mostly rock
- telluric standard star (telluric star): star of known spectrum used for calibration
- telluric star: star of known spectrum used for calibration
- telluric line: absorption line in ground observation due to Earth atmosphere
- tellurium
- CUORE: experiment to sense neutrinoless double beta decay
- Tempel 1
- Deep Impact: mission to create and observe an impact with a comet
- EPOXI: mission using Deep Impact for further exploration
- Stardust: space mission that collected and returned comet coma dust
- temperature: measure of hotness/coldness of matter
- temperature gradient
- temperature inversion: see atmospheric temperature profile
- temperature profile (atmospheric temperature profile): the atmosphere's temperature by altitude
- temperature scale height: see scale height
- templates: mechanism to help classify many survey objects or events
- Tempo
- Tempo2
- temps dynamique barycentrique: see time standard
- temps-coordonnée barycentrique: see time standard
- Tenagra observatory
- Tenerife
- Tenerife Experiment: 1980s-1990s survey of CMB anisotropies
- tensor
- TEP (Transits of Extrasolar Planets): late 1990s search for transiting planets
- Teq (equilibrium temperature): temperature a planet would have if it were an externally-heated black body
- terahertz
- Terahertz Intensity Mapper (TIM): planned balloon-borne 2-m telescope and spectrometer
- terminal-age main sequence: see zero-age main sequence
- termination shock: see heliosheath
- terminator: line between regions of day and night
- terminology
- abiotic: produced by something other than life
- basal: from the base or from below
- celestial: having to do with stars and the sky
- coalescence: merging together, becoming one thing
- crowd-sourcing: carrying out large efforts by combining that of many volunteers
- cryogenic: colder than 120 kelvins
- dex: a number or ratio's log base 10
- diagnostic: test or measurement that reveals something's characteristics
- ejecta: material ejected from something
- fusor: 2003 proposed term for astronomical objects capable of carrying out fusion
- in situ: on site
- inspiral: like an orbit that is growing smaller
- microsatellite: NASA term for a 10-100 kg small satellite
- morphology: form and structure
- nanosatellite: NASA term for a 1-10 kg small satellite
- small satellite: NASA term for a satellite of 1200 kg or less
- smoking gun: convincing piece of evidence
- Terra Hunting Experiment: search for exoplanets using HARPS3
- terrestrial dynamical time
- time standard: method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- terrestrial gamma-ray flash: gamma rays emitted from Earth lightning storms
- terrestrial planet (rocky planet): planet like Earth and Mars, mostly rock
- Terrestrial Planet Finder: plan for space telescopes to find smaller exoplanets
- Terrestrial Time: current measure of time for astronomical observations on Earth
- terrestrial time: see time standard
- tertiary mirror: see primary mirror
- Terz: see rare designator prefixes
- Terzan: see rare designator prefixes
- TES (transition edge sensor): sensor using superconductivity's strong temperature sensitivity
- TES: see Mars Global Surveyor
- TES: see Mars Observer
- TES bolometer: see transition edge sensor
- TES Camera: see Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
- TESCAM: see Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
- tesla: unit of magnetic flux density
- TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite): observatory-satellite searching for transiting exoplanets
- TESS Duo: see Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
- TESS Follow-up Observing Program: see Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
- TESS input catalog: see Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
- TESS object of interest: see Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
- TESS-bis: see Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
- TESS-Keck Survey: Keck follow-up survey to TESS discoveries
- Tethys: see Saturn
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- tetrahedron
- Teutsch: see rare designator prefixes
- Texas
- Texas Interferometer: see Texas Survey of Radio Sources at 365 MHz
- Texas Supernova Search: see supernova survey
- Texas Survey of Radio Sources at 365 MHz: 1970s/1980s radio survey made with the Texas Interferometer
- TEXES: see Gemini Observatory
- texture: see topological defect
- TFOP: see Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
- TFR (Tully-Fisher relation): relation between spiral galaxy luminosity and line width
- TGF (terrestrial gamma-ray flash): gamma rays emitted from Earth lightning storms
- TGO (Trace Gas Orbiter): ESA and Russian Mars orbiter-probe launched in 2016
- TGSS: see Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope
- TGU: see rare designator prefixes
- Th: see rare designator prefixes
- THA (Tucana Horologium association): nearby stellar association
- THA: see rare designator prefixes
- THA star: see Tucana Horologium association
- THE (Terra Hunting Experiment): search for exoplanets using HARPS3
- The Accident (WISE 1534-1043): nearby brown dwarf with high proper motion
- The Amateur Sky Survey: amateur comet and variable-star search survey
- The Anvil of Creation: see STARFORGE
- The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey (ALFALFA): HI survey of many galaxies
- The B-Star Exoplanet Abundance Study (BEAST): survey of B stars for possible exoplanets
- The Colossus Telescope (Colossus Telescope): concept for a 50-meter telescope using interferometry
- The H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey: survey of molecular clouds in the galactic plane
- The LaSilla-QUEST Variability Survey
- QUEST: sixteen square-degree survey camera
- The Near Earth Space Surveillance Initiative: collaboration to survey NEOs
- The PLUTO-Cloudy Interface: see Cloudy
- The Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies: survey of HI in galaxies found through the H-alpha line
- The Univese in Words (El Universo en palabras): Series of audios produced by Astroaccesible
- Theano: see PyMC
- Theia: see Moon formation
- THEMIS: set of satellites studying the Earth's magnetic field
- THEMIS: see Mars Odyssey
- Themis
- theoretical modified GR metric: metric devised to define modifications to GR
- theory
- theory of equilibrium figures (theory of figures): type of model relating a planet's shape to its rotation
- Theory of Everything: single law explaining the four forces of nature
- symmetry breaking: loss of symmetry, such as due to loss of stability in a regime change
- theory of figures: type of model relating a planet's shape to its rotation
- theory of figures of planets rotating in hydrostatic equilibrium (theory of figures): type of model relating a planet's shape to its rotation
- thermal bremsstrahlung: type of EMR produced by thin, hot plasma
- thermal broadening (Doppler broadening): broadening of spectral lines due to movement of the sources of photons
- thermal diffusivity
- Rayleigh number: measure reflecting a fluid system's propensity to convection
- thermal Doppler broadening (Doppler broadening): broadening of spectral lines due to movement of the sources of photons
- thermal dust emission: glow of dust heated by stars or AGNs
- thermal emission: EMR due to a body's heat
- thermal energy: see kinetic energy
- thermal equilibrium: state of a system with no net heat flows
- thermal escape: see atmospheric escape
- thermal inertia: a measure of a material's ability to absorb heat through conduction
- thermal infrared: infrared emission due to black body radiation
- thermal inversion: see atmospheric temperature profile
- thermal IR: see infrared
- thermal KID: see KID
- thermal noise: noise inherent in electronic component warmer than absolute zero
- photon noise: variation in light measurement due to its quantum nature
- thermal phase curve: see phase curve
- thermal pulse: pulse in an AGB star due to helium fusion in a shell
- thermal pulse AGB: see asymptotic giant branch
- thermal pulse cycle: see thermal pulse
- thermal radiation (thermal emission): EMR due to a body's heat
- black-body radiation: EMR with a characteristic spectrum due to the temperature of a body
- emissivity: measure of a material's efficiency at radiating thermal radiation
- thermal runaway: situation where heat triggers more heat production
- thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect: see Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
- thermal tide: see atmospheric tide
- thermal timescale (Kelvin-Helmholtz timescale): time that would radiate away a body's heat energy given its luminosity
- thermal timescale: see timescale
- thermal Urca process: see Urca process
- thermal wind: type of wind due to temperature gradients that vary by altitude
- thermal wind balance: see thermal wind
- thermodynamic equilibrium: state of a system with no net heat flows
- thermodynamics: physics of heat and energy
- thermoelectric effect: see MMRTG
- thermonuclear supernova (Type Ia supernova): type of supernova for which distance can be determined
- supernova: stellar explosion larger than a nova
- thermosphere: see atmospheric temperature profile
- ionosphere: layers of Earth atmosphere with significant ions
- Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED): space probe observing Earth upper atmosphere for solar effects
- THESEUS: plan for X-ray/Gamma-ray transient space mission
- Theta 1 Orionis (Trapezium Cluster): open cluster of stars in Orion Nebula
- Theta1 Orionis (Trapezium Cluster): open cluster of stars in Orion Nebula
- thick disk: disk-shaped set of older stars within the Milky Way
- thick disk: see disk galaxy
- thick disk stars: see disk galaxy
- thick shell: see Europa
- thin disk: disk-shaped set of younger stars within the Milky Way
- thin disk (alpha disk): well-known model of an accretion disk
- thin disk: see disk galaxy
- thin disk accretion: see alpha disk
- thin disk stars: see disk galaxy
- thin shell: see Europa
- Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources: 1959 catalog of northern hemisphere 159-MHz sources
- Third Catalogue of Nearby Stars (Gliese-Jahreiss Catalog): 1991 catalog of stars within 25 parsecs
- third dredge-up: see dredge-up
- Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies: see Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies
- third-order coma
- third-order TOF: see theory of figures
- Thirty Meter Telescope: extremely large telescope planned for Hawaii
- Thomson optical depth: a measure of effects of Thomson scattering
- Thomson scattering: elastic scattering of photons by a charged particle
- Thomson scattering optical depth (Thomson optical depth): a measure of effects of Thomson scattering
- Thomson thick: see Thomson optical depth
- Thor-Delta 1A (TD-1A): 1970s European observatory-satellite with UV telescopes
- thorium
- Thorne-Żytkow object: giant star with a neutron star at its center
- Thousand Astronomical Units: 1980s plan for space probe to travel 1000 AU over 50 years
- three dimensional model: computer simulation handling variation in all three dimensions
- three mirror anastigmat
- three-body capture: see tidal capture
- three-body problem: see N-body problem
- three-mirror anastigmat: general type of reflector telescope
- Thuan-Gunn photometric system (griz photometric system): photometric system designed for electronic sensors
- Ti (titanium): metal, Ti, atomic number 22
- Tiangong space station: Chinese manned space laboratory under construction in space
- Tianlai (Tianlai Project): 21-cm line intensity mapping project
- Tianlai Cylinder Array: see Tianlai Project
- Tianlai Dish Array: see Tianlai Project
- Tianlai Experiment (Tianlai Project): 21-cm line intensity mapping project
- Tianlai Project: 21-cm line intensity mapping project
- TianQin: proposed Chinese space mission to detect gravitational waves
- Tianwen-1: active Chinese Mars rover/orbiter mission
- Tianyan (FAST): Arecibo-like 500 m telescope in China
- Tibet
- TIC: see Hipparcos
- TIC: see Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
- tidal
- galactic tide: effect of one galaxy's gravity, such as on another galaxy
- Love number: measures of rigidity of a body
- Roche limit: nearest a body can orbit another and survive
- tidal arm: arm of gas and potentially stars leading from a galaxy
- tidal disruption event: star pulled apart by black hole tidal forces
- tidal force: effect of a third body on the gravitational force between two bodies
- tidal heating: heating due to friction from motions caused by tidal force
- tidal locking: locked rotation of an orbiting body
- tidal migration: interaction between tide and orbiting body that changes the orbit
- tidal Q: measure of orbital energy dissipated per orbit due to tidal forces
- tidal tail: string of mass ejected by tidal forces during a neutron star merger
- tidal acceleration: see tidal force
- tidal migration: interaction between tide and orbiting body that changes the orbit
- tidal arm: arm of gas and potentially stars leading from a galaxy
- tidal braking: see tidal force
- tidal capture: bodies entering orbit through dissipation of energy by tides
- tidal deceleration: see tidal force
- tidal deformability: see neutron star merger
- tidal deformability parameter: see neutron star merger
- tidal disruption event: star pulled apart by black hole tidal forces
- tidal disruption flare (tidal disruption event): star pulled apart by black hole tidal forces
- tidal disruption radius: see Hill radius
- tidal dissipation function: see tidal Q
- tidal equilibrium: see tidal force
- tidal flexing (tidal heating): heating due to friction from motions caused by tidal force
- tidal force: effect of a third body on the gravitational force between two bodies
- tidal heating: heating due to friction from motions caused by tidal force
- tidal locking: locked rotation of an orbiting body
- tidal migration: interaction between tide and orbiting body that changes the orbit
- tidal parameter: see neutron star merger
- tidal period: see tidal Q
- tidal plume: see tidal tail
- tidal potential: see tide
- tidal Q: measure of orbital energy dissipated per orbit due to tidal forces
- tidal Q factor (tidal Q): measure of orbital energy dissipated per orbit due to tidal forces
- tidal Q factor: see Q factor
- tidal quality factor (tidal Q): measure of orbital energy dissipated per orbit due to tidal forces
- tidal quality factor: see Q factor
- tidal radius (Hill radius): radius of gravitational influence of a body
- tidal shell: see shell galaxy
- tidal stream: see stellar stream
- tidal arm: arm of gas and potentially stars leading from a galaxy
- tidal stripping: see tidal arm
- tidal tail: string of mass ejected by tidal forces during a neutron star merger
- tidal tail (tidal arm): arm of gas and potentially stars leading from a galaxy
- tidal theory
- tidal working (tidal heating): heating due to friction from motions caused by tidal force
- tidal-capture binary: see binary star
- tidal-capture binary: see tidal capture
- tidal-tail galaxy: see tidal arm
- tidally excited oscillation: see tidal migration
- tide: effect of Moon's gravity on Earth's seas, etc.
- TIE (Telescopes in Education): program giving grade-school students access to robotic telescopes
- TIFKAM: see Hiltner Telescope
- TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - India): Indian math and science research institute
- TIFR GMRT Sky Survey: see Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope
- tiger stripes: see Enceladus
- Tillinghast: see Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory
- Tillotson EoS (Tillotson equation): equation of state for high speed impacts
- Tillotson equation: equation of state for high speed impacts
- Tillotson equation of state (Tillotson equation): equation of state for high speed impacts
- tilt (obliquity): angle between an object's rotational and orbital axes
- tilt erosion: see obliquity
- TIM: planned balloon-borne 2-m telescope and spectrometer
- TIME (Tomographic Ionized-carbon Mapping Experiment): instrument in development to map the [CII] line
- time
- BJD: barycentric Julian day
- cosmic time: time since the Big Bang
- epoch: when an object was at a particular set of celestial coordinates
- epoch B1950.0: midnight 1/1/1950 GMT as used as a time reference
- epoch J2000.0: noon 1/1/2000 GMT as used as a time reference
- equinox: point-in-time when tilt of Earth is neither toward nor away from the Sun
- gigayear: a billion years
- Hubble time: approximation of the age of the universe
- Julian calendar: calendar of 365 days and a leap day once every four years
- Julian date: time in days since noon UT November 24 4714 BC Gregorian
- local noon: time at a locality when the Sun is at its highest
- local sidereal time: same as angular hours right ascension of the zenith
- sidereal: relative to the fixed position of the stars
- solar day: length of a solar system planet or Moon's day
- solar time: time based upon the position of the Sun in the Earth's sky
- Terrestrial Time: current measure of time for astronomical observations on Earth
- time standard: method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- timescale: general length of time something takes
- time dilation: relativity's ability to make time differ for different objects
- time domain astronomy
- Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS): set of satellites studying the Earth's magnetic field
- time scale (time standard): method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- time scale (timescale): general length of time something takes
- time series
- time series analysis: analysis of data points collected at uniformly-separated times
- time series data
- time standard: method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- time system (time standard): method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- time zone
- solar time: time based upon the position of the Sun in the Earth's sky
- TIME-ARO: see Tomographic Ionized-carbon Mapping Experiment
- time-delay cosmology: working out space geometry from delays due to gravitational lensing
- time-domain astronomy: observing and analyzing changes in astronomical objects
- TIME-EXT: see Tomographic Ionized-carbon Mapping Experiment
- TIME-LCT: see Tomographic Ionized-carbon Mapping Experiment
- time-like: see spacetime diagram
- geodesic: equivalent to a straight line within curved space
- TIME-NG: see Tomographic Ionized-carbon Mapping Experiment
- time-of-flight spectrometer: see particle spectrometer
- time-ordered data: observation data arranged by the time it was received
- TIME-pilot: see Tomographic Ionized-carbon Mapping Experiment
- TIMED: space probe observing Earth upper atmosphere for solar effects
- timescale: general length of time something takes
- timestream: stream of digital data representing measurements taken over time
- timing
- timing noise: see pulsar timing array
- TIMMI-2: see ESO 3.6m Telescope
- TIMMI2: see New Technology Telescope
- Tinsley-Wallerstein diagram ([α/Fe] versus [Fe/H] diagram): diagram indicating stars' degrees of alpha enhancement
- TiNy Titans: study of dwarf galaxy pairs
- TiO: see titanium
- tip of the red-giant branch: standard candle consisting of the brightest RGB stars
- TIR (thermal infrared): infrared emission due to black body radiation
- TIR (total infrared): typically meaning a wide wavelength range covering NIR to FIR
- TIR: see Hayabusa2
- tired light: an alternate theory explaining the cosmological redshift
- Titan: well-known Saturn moon
- Cassini: explorer spacecraft sent to Saturn
- Dragonfly: Titan flying rover under development
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- Saturn: second largest planet in the solar system
- Titan Atmospheric Model (TAM): non-gray-RT 3D model of Titan's atmosphere
- Titania: see Uranus
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- titanium: metal, Ti, atomic number 22
- titanium monoxide: see titanium
- titanium-44: see titanium
- Titius-Bode law: relationship between the distances between solar system planets
- Titius-Bode rule (Titius-Bode law): relationship between the distances between solar system planets
- titrant: see titration
- titration: analyzing a chemical solution by color change
- titrimetry (titration): analyzing a chemical solution by color change
- TJ: see rare designator prefixes
- tKID: see KID
- TKS (TESS-Keck Survey): Keck follow-up survey to TESS discoveries
- TLE (two-line element set): data format to record the position and motion of a satellite
- TLF (tremendously low frequency): presumably electromagnetic radiation, frequency below 3 Hz
- TLM: magnitude of the dimmest astronomical object you can see
- TLP (lunar transient phenomenon): observed transient on the Moon such as a flash of light
- TMC (Taurus Molecular Cloud 1): nearby star-forming region
- TMC-1 (Taurus Molecular Cloud 1): nearby star-forming region
- TMC-2: see Taurus Molecular Cloud 1
- TMC-2: see Taurus-Auriga Complex
- TMO (Table Mountain Observatory): NASA observatory near Los Angeles
- TMSS (Two Micron Sky Survey): 1969 infrared catalog produced by Caltech
- TMT (Thirty Meter Telescope): extremely large telescope planned for Hawaii
- Tmz: see rare designator prefixes
- TN (telescope nut): avid amateur telescope maker self-description
- TN: see USS Sources
- TN: see pulsar timing array
- TNG (Telescopio Nazionale Galileo): 3.58-m telescope in Canary Islands
- TNO (trans-Neptune object): minor planet beyond Neptune
- Haumea: dwarf planet discovered in 2004
- Pluto: dwarf planet formerly listed as one of the nine planets
- Sedna: distant solar system planetoid discovered in 2003
- TNOs
- TNS (Transient Name Server): online catalog of transients
- TNT (TiNy Titans): study of dwarf galaxy pairs
- TO (telescope operator): professional technical position at a research telescope site
- TO (turn-off point): point in H-R diagram of a cluster where stars turn red
- TOA: time of arrival
- TOD (time-ordered data): observation data arranged by the time it was received
- TOE (Theory of Everything): single law explaining the four forces of nature
- symmetry breaking: loss of symmetry, such as due to loss of stability in a regime change
- TOF (theory of figures): type of model relating a planet's shape to its rotation
- TOI: see Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
- ExoFOP: site to facilitate exoplanet follow-up observation
- TOI 700: see TOI 700 d
- TOI 700 d: Earth-sized exoplanet in a habitable zone
- Tokyo Atacama Observatory (University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory): observatory for a 6.5-m infrared telescope under construction
- Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle: Japanese telescope to determine the position of stars and planets
- Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle Catalog: see Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle
- Tokyo PMC Catalog: see Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle
- Tol: see Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
- Tolman VII object: theoretical object adhering to exact GR solution
- Tolman VII solution: see Tolman VII object
- Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation: see Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit
- Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit: maximum mass of a neutron star
- Tololo: see Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
- TolTEC: sensitive infrared camera under construction for the LMT
- TolTEC: see Large Millimeter Telescope
- TolTEC C2C: see TolTEC
- TolTEC FiF: see TolTEC
- TolTEC LSS: see TolTEC
- TolTEC UD: see TolTEC
- Tombaugh: see rare designator prefixes
- Tomographic Ionized-carbon Mapping Experiment: instrument in development to map the [CII] line
- tomographic magnetic imaging (Zeeman-Doppler imaging): technique for imaging stellar magnetic fields
- tomography: observation of sections of a 3D object
- Ton (Tonantzintla Surveys): surveys providing early images of quasars and Seyfert galaxies
- Tonantzintla: see Tonantzintla Surveys
- Tonantzintla Observatory
- Tonantzintla Surveys: surveys providing early images of quasars and Seyfert galaxies
- ToO: target of opportunity
- too-big-to-fail problem: see dwarf galaxy problem
- Toomre parameter (Toomre Q parameter): stability criterion for differentially rotating disks
- Toomre Q parameter: stability criterion for differentially rotating disks
- Toomre sequence: model relating galaxy mergers to observation
- Toomre's stability criteria: see Toomre Q parameter
- top: see flavor
- top down model: see galaxy formation
- top hat filter: type of image processing mechanism to make small objects stand out
- top quark: see particle
- top quark: see quark
- TopHat: 2001 balloon -based CMB survey
- topological defect: defect in space that could arise in the early universe
- TOPS (Toward Other Planetary Systems): workshops on developing techniques and observing programs
- toroidal: see torus coordinates
- torr: unit of pressure approximating a millimeter of mercury on Earth
- tortuosity: describes something curved with many twists and turns
- torus
- torus coordinates: coordinates for toruses
- total derivative: see partial differential equation
- total differential equation: see partial differential equation
- total duration: see transiting planet
- total energy: see relativistic energy
- total infrared: typically meaning a wide wavelength range covering NIR to FIR
- total infrared luminosity: luminosity over a wide IR range
- total mass
- total precipitable water: see precipitable water vapor
- total relativistic energy: see relativistic energy
- total solar eclipse: see solar eclipse
- TOV (Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit): maximum mass of a neutron star
- TOV equation: see Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit
- Toward Other Planetary Systems: workshops on developing techniques and observing programs
- tower: see solar telescope
- TP (thermal pulse): pulse in an AGB star due to helium fusion in a shell
- TP-AGB: see asymptotic giant branch
- thermal pulse: pulse in an AGB star due to helium fusion in a shell
- TPC: see thermal pulse
- TPCI: see Cloudy
- TPF (Terrestrial Planet Finder): plan for space telescopes to find smaller exoplanets
- TPW: see precipitable water vapor
- TR: see OGLE
- TRACE: former solar observing satellite
- Trace Gas Orbiter: ESA and Russian Mars orbiter-probe launched in 2016
- tracer: chemical whose detection indicates the presence of something else
- Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System: NASA satellites used for communication and tracking of space probes
- Tracklet-less Heliocentric Orbit Recovery: see ADAM::THOR
- trade winds
- traditional approximation of rotation: approximation of waves on a rotating body
- training
- Trans-Atlantic Exoplanet Survey: 2000s exoplanet-search survey using three telescopes
- trans-iron element: elements with atomic number greater than that of iron
- trans-Neptune binary: see binary minor planet
- trans-Neptune object: minor planet beyond Neptune
- trans-Neptune objects
- trans-Neptunian object (trans-Neptune object): minor planet beyond Neptune
- transfer equation (equation of radiative transfer): equation describing energy transfer by EMR
- transformation group
- transient: observed change in the sky
- AT2018cow: unusual 2018 optical transient
- AT2019dsg: 2019 TDE undergoing study
- FRB121102: first repeating FRB discovered
- GW170817: 2017 gravitational wave detection from a neutron star merger
- Kepler's Supernova: Type Ia supernova observed in 1604 by Johannes Kepler
- lunar transient phenomenon: observed transient on the Moon such as a flash of light
- Oh-My-God Particle: extremely energetic particle from space detected in 1991
- SN 1572: Type Ia supernova noted in 1572 by Tycho Brahe
- SN 185: supernova recorded in China in AD 185
- SN 1987A: supernova in February 1987 rare for being visible by the naked eye
- SN 2014J: Type Ia supernova in Messier 82, the Cigar Galaxy
- stellar merger: two stars combining into one
- transient astronomical event (transient): observed change in the sky
- transient astronomical event: see transient astronomy
- transient astronomy: study of short-term astronomical phenomena
- Transient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS): plan for X-ray/Gamma-ray transient space mission
- transient lunar phenomenon (lunar transient phenomenon): observed transient on the Moon such as a flash of light
- Transient Name Server: online catalog of transients
- transient type
- transients
- transit: a celestial body passing between another and an observer
- transit: see meridian circle
- transit: see transit telescope
- occultation: one celestial body hiding another from an observer
- transit circle (meridian circle): instrument for timing the passage of stars over a meridian
- transit depth: see transiting planet
- transit duration: see transiting planet
- transit duration variations: see transit timing variations
- transit mapping: see eclipse mapping
- transit method: method of detecting exoplanets and binary companions
- transit method: see extra-solar planet
- transit method: see transit
- EXOFAST: code to match model parameters with exoplanet observation data
- GJ 1132 b: Earth-like extrasolar planet discovered in 2015
- GJ 1214 b: super-Earth extrasolar planet discovered in 2009
- HAT-P-7b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2008
- HD 189733 b: hot Jupiter orbiting an orange dwarf
- K2-18b: super-Earth in a habitable zone
- Kepler-1625b: giant exoplanet in a star's habitable zone
- Kepler-16b: exoplanet orbiting a binary star
- Kepler-186f: Earth-like exoplanet in a star's habitable zone
- Kepler-452b: Earth-like exoplanet discovered in 2015
- LHS 3844 b: rocky planet in habitable zone of a red dwarf
- TOI 700 d: Earth-sized exoplanet in a habitable zone
- transiting planet: planet crossing between another body and the observer
- WASP-12b: retrograde hot Jupiter discovered in 2008
- WASP-33b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2010
- WASP-43b: hot Jupiter with especially small orbit
- WASP-67b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2011
- XO-3b: unusual hot Jupiter
- transit radio telescope
- transit spectrography (transit spectroscopy): spectroscopy through an exoplanet's transit
- transit spectrometer: see transit spectroscopy
- transit spectroscopy: spectroscopy through an exoplanet's transit
- transit telescope: telescope able to shift aim up/down but not horizontally
- meridian circle: instrument for timing the passage of stars over a meridian
- transit timing variations: variations in the timing of the transits of exoplanets and binaries
- transiting exoplanet: see transiting planet
- Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite: observatory-satellite searching for transiting exoplanets
- transiting planet: planet crossing between another body and the observer
- transit: a celestial body passing between another and an observer
- Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST): a ground-based automated transiting-planet finding telescope
- transition disk (transitional disk): disk with inner part cleared
- transition edge sensor: sensor using superconductivity's strong temperature sensitivity
- transition edge sensor bolometer: see transition edge sensor
- transition region: middle layer of the Sun's atmosphere
- Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE): former solar observing satellite
- transitional disk: disk with inner part cleared
- transitional planet (mini-Neptune): planet with characteristics a bit like Earth but more like Neptune
- transitional planet: see super-Earth
- transits
- Transits of Extrasolar Planets: late 1990s search for transiting planets
- transmission spectrography (transmission spectroscopy): spectrum of radiation passing through a substance
- transmission spectroscopy: spectrum of radiation passing through a substance
- transmissive grating: see grating
- transonic: see Mach number
- transport-limited: see weathering
- transverse velocity: see radial velocity
- Trapezium Cluster: open cluster of stars in Orion Nebula
- TRAPPIST: a ground-based automated transiting-planet finding telescope
- TRAPPIST telescope
- TRAPPIST-1: red dwarf with exoplanets within the habitable zone
- Traverse Gravimeter Experiment
- TRC: see Hipparcos
- treasury: see legacy survey
- Treasury Program: see legacy survey
- treasury survey: see legacy survey
- tree
- dendrogram: diagram of a "tree", i.e., of a graph without cycles
- tremendously low frequency: presumably electromagnetic radiation, frequency below 3 Hz
- TrES (Trans-Atlantic Exoplanet Survey): 2000s exoplanet-search survey using three telescopes
- TRGB (tip of the red-giant branch): standard candle consisting of the brightest RGB stars
- Tri II (Triangulum II): dwarf galaxy in the Local Group
- Triana (DISCOVR): space weather satellite
- Triangulum (Triangulum Galaxy): small spiral galaxy in the Local Group
- Triangulum Galaxy: small spiral galaxy in the Local Group
- Triangulum II: dwarf galaxy in the Local Group
- Triangulum subgroup
- triaxial
- spheroid: sphere-like shape that is flattened or elongated
- triaxial galaxy
- trigonometric parallax (parallax): angle due to different lines of sight
- triple alpha process: fusion reaction chain turning helium-4 into carbon
- triple bond: see hydrocarbon
- triple point
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- supercritical fluid: state of matter at sufficient pressure and temperature
- triple prism spectrograph: see spectroscopy
- triple star: see star system
- triple system
- TripleSpec: near-infrared spectrograph on the Hale Telescope
- TripleSpec: see Hale Telescope
- TripleSpec 4.1: see SOAR Telescope
- TripleSpec 4.1: see TripleSpec
- Triplespec 4.1: see Víctor M. Blanco Telescope
- TripleSpec Exoplanet Discovery Instrument: see TripleSpec
- TripleSpec Externally Dispersed Interferometry: see TripleSpec
- tritium: see deuterium
- tritium: see hydrogen
- KATRIN: experiment to measure neutrino mass
- Project 8: experiment in development to measure neutrino mass
- Triton: Neptune's one significant moon
- Triton: see Neptune
- irregular moon: moon with an atypical orbit, such as retrograde
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- Moon formation: process by which the Moon and other moons formed
- Trojan: see asteroid belt
- Trojan asteroid: see asteroid belt
- Lagrangian point: points around two orbiting bodies where small objects can sit
- Lucy: space probe to observe Jupiter Trojan asteroids
- Trojan planet: see Lagrangian point
- Trojan point: see Lagrangian point
- Lucy: space probe to observe Jupiter Trojan asteroids
- Trojans' Odyssey (Lucy): space probe to observe Jupiter Trojan asteroids
- Tropic of Cancer: see circle of latitude
- Tropic of Capricorn: see circle of latitude
- tropical year: see Julian calendar
- tropical year: see sidereal
- tropopause: see atmospheric temperature profile
- troposphere: see atmospheric temperature profile
- true anomaly: see mean anomaly
- true vacuum: see false vacuum
- Big Crunch: theoretical end of universe drawn together by gravity
- Trumpler: see rare designator prefixes
- TS: see rare designator prefixes
- Tsol: see Titan
- TSpec (TripleSpec): near-infrared spectrograph on the Hale Telescope
- tsunami
- TSUNAMI: few-body code
- tSZ: see Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
- tSZE: see Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
- TT (Terrestrial Time): current measure of time for astronomical observations on Earth
- TT: see CMB polarization
- TT: see time standard
- TTCam: see Lucy
- TTCam-1: see Lucy
- TTCam-2: see Lucy
- TTM: see Kvant 1
- TTS (T-Tauri star): type of variable pre-main-sequence star
- TTV (transit timing variations): variations in the timing of the transits of exoplanets and binaries
- TTV method: see transit timing variations
- Tubingen Ultraviolet Echelle Spectrometer: 1990s UV spectrometer used on two Space Shuttle missions
- Tuc-Hor (Tucana Horologium association): nearby stellar association
- Tucana Horologium association: nearby stellar association
- TUES (Tubingen Ultraviolet Echelle Spectrometer): 1990s UV spectrometer used on two Space Shuttle missions
- Tully-Fisher relation: relation between spiral galaxy luminosity and line width
- tuning fork: see galaxy classification
- Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray physics and Gamma Astronomy (Tunka experiment): Russian Cherenkov detector aimed at cosmic rays and gamma rays
- Tunka experiment: Russian Cherenkov detector aimed at cosmic rays and gamma rays
- tunnel diode
- tunneling (quantum tunneling): quantum mechanical effect of particles passing through a barrier
- turbopause (homopause): level of atmosphere up to which components are mixed
- turbulence: irregular flow of a fluid
- turbulence pressure (turbulent pressure): pressure component due to the presence of turbulence
- turbulent flow (turbulence): irregular flow of a fluid
- turbulent pressure: pressure component due to the presence of turbulence
- turn-off (turn-off point): point in H-R diagram of a cluster where stars turn red
- turn-off point: point in H-R diagram of a cluster where stars turn red
- Turner: see rare designator prefixes
- Turtlebeach: radiative transfer code
- TVLM: see rare designator prefixes
- TW Hya (TW Hydrae): nearest T-Tauri star
- TW Hydrae: nearest T-Tauri star
- TW Hydrae association: nearby stellar association
- TW-1 (Tianwen-1): active Chinese Mars rover/orbiter mission
- TWA (TW Hydrae association): nearby stellar association
- TWA star: see TW Hydrae association
- Twin Astrograph Catalog: see USNO Twin Astrograph
- twinkle
- point source: celestial object that focuses to a point or single Airy disk
- twinkling: blinking, apparent movement and color changes of observed stars
- two dimensional model: see three dimensional model
- Two Micron All-sky Survey: near-infrared survey of both hemispheres
- Two Micron Sky Survey: 1969 infrared catalog produced by Caltech
- two-body problem: see N-body problem
- two-line element set: data format to record the position and motion of a satellite
- two-photon emission: see continuum emission
- two-stream approximation: approximation of a star's internal EMR's divergence from isotropic
- twotino: see plutoid
- TXFS: see rare designator prefixes
- TXS (Texas Survey of Radio Sources at 365 MHz): 1970s/1980s radio survey made with the Texas Interferometer
- TXS 0506+056: blazar that is a neutrino source
- neutrino hotspot: region of sky from which significant neutrinos have been detected
- TYC: see Hipparcos
- TYCHO: stellar evolution code
- Tycho Catalog: see Hipparcos
- Tycho Input Catalog: see Hipparcos
- Tycho Reference Catalog: see Hipparcos
- Tycho SNR: see SN 1572
- Tycho's Supernova (SN 1572): Type Ia supernova noted in 1572 by Tycho Brahe
- Tycho's supernova
- Tycho-1 Catalog: see Hipparcos
- Tycho-2 Catalog: see Hipparcos
- Type 1 AGN: see active galactic nucleus
- Type 1 Seyfert galaxy: see Seyfert galaxy
- Type 2 AGN: see active galactic nucleus
- Type 2 Seyfert galaxy: see Seyfert galaxy
- Type 3 Seyfert galaxy: see Seyfert galaxy
- LINER: galaxy nucleus emitting spectral lines for ionized and neutral atoms
- Type A CAI: see CAI
- Type B CAI: see CAI
- Type C CAI: see CAI
- Type I Cepheid: see Cepheid variable
- Type I galaxy cluster: see Bautz-Morgan classification
- Type I migration: see planetary migration
- Type I SLSN: see superluminous supernova
- Type I supernova
- Type I-II galaxy cluster: see Bautz-Morgan classification
- Type Ia supernova: type of supernova for which distance can be determined
- Type Ia supernova problem: lack of fully-convincing Type Ia supernovae triggering model
- Type Ia supernova progenitor: see supernova progenitor
- Type Ia supernova survey: see supernova survey
- Type Ib supernova: see core collapse supernova
- Type Ib supernova: see supernova
- Type Ic BL supernova
- Type Ic supernova: see core collapse supernova
- Type Ic supernova: see supernova
- Type II Cepheid: see Cepheid variable
- Type II galaxy cluster: see Bautz-Morgan classification
- Type II migration: see planetary migration
- Type II SLSN: see superluminous supernova
- Type II supernova (core collapse supernova): supernova resulting from the collapse of the core of a star
- supernova: stellar explosion larger than a nova
- Type II-III galaxy cluster: see Bautz-Morgan classification
- Type II-L supernova: see supernova
- Type II-P supernova: see supernova
- Type IIb: see supernova
- Type III galaxy cluster: see Bautz-Morgan classification
- Type III migration: see planetary migration
- Type IIIE galaxy cluster: see Bautz-Morgan classification
- Type IIIS galaxy cluster: see Bautz-Morgan classification
- Type IIn supernova: see supernova
- TZO (Thorne-Żytkow object): giant star with a neutron star at its center