Term Index (G)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter G.
- G (G band): band of visible light around 5100 angstroms
- G (G-type star): stars spectrally similar to the Sun
- G (Lowell Proper Motion Survey): 1950s-1970s catalogs of stars with proper motion
- G (gauss): measurement of magnetic field β
- G (glycine): smallest of the twenty common amino acids
- G (gravitational constant): indicates how much pull between two masses
- G: see galactic coordinate system
- G: see rare designator prefixes
- g (surface gravity): measure of gravity at the surface of a body
- g: see griz photometric system
- g: see ugriz photometric system
- G 268-38 (LHS 1140): red dwarf with rocky planet in its habitable zone
- G 270-58 (LHS 1140): red dwarf with rocky planet in its habitable zone
- G 29-38 (Giclas 29-38): white dwarf variable star of interest
- G band: band of visible light around 5100 angstroms
- G band: see Gaia
- G dwarf: see G-type star
- G numbers: see Lowell Proper Motion Survey
- Güdel-Benz relation: relation between X-rays and radio from stars
- g': see ugriz photometric system
- G-APD (Geiger-avalanche photodiode): type of solid state photon sensor
- G-class: see G-type star
- G-class star (G-type star): stars spectrally similar to the Sun
- G-CLEF: spectrograph on the GMT
- G-CLEF: see Giant Magellan Telescope
- G-dwarf problem: lack of metal-poor G dwarfs in the Milky Way
- g-mode: see asteroseismology
- g-r color: difference between SDSS g' and r' magnitudes
- g-r color index (g-r color): difference between SDSS g' and r' magnitudes
- G-type star: stars spectrally similar to the Sun
- G02: see GAMA
- G09: see GAMA
- G1.9+0.3: recent supernova remnant in Sagittarius
- G102: see WFC3
- G12: see GAMA
- G140H: see NIRSpec
- G140M: see NIRSpec
- G141: see WFC3
- G15: see GAMA
- G23: see GAMA
- G235H: see NIRSpec
- G235M: see NIRSpec
- G239-25: nearby red dwarf with brown dwarf companion
- G239-25AB (G239-25): nearby red dwarf with brown dwarf companion
- G280: see WFC3
- G395: see James Webb Space Telescope
- G395H: see NIRSpec
- G395M: see NIRSpec
- GBP: see Gaia
- GR
- G band: band of visible light around 5100 angstroms
- GRP: see Gaia
- GRVS: see Gaia
- Gabbard diagram (Gabbard plot): plot showing apogee-perigee range of select orbiting debris
- Gabbard plot: plot showing apogee-perigee range of select orbiting debris
- GADGET-2: an n-body/SPH simulation computer program
- GADGET-2: an n-body/SPH simulation computer program
- GADGET-2: an n-body/SPH simulation computer program
- GADGET-2: an n-body/SPH simulation computer program
- Gaia: astrometry survey satellite launched in 2013
- Gaia Celestial Reference Frame: celestial reference frame based upon Gaia data
- Gaia Celestial Reference Frame 3 (Gaia Celestial Reference Frame): celestial reference frame based upon Gaia data
- Gaia Data Release 1: see Gaia
- Gaia Data Release 2: see Gaia
- Gaia Data Release 3: see Gaia
- Gaia DR1: see Gaia
- Gaia DR2: see Gaia
- Gaia DR3: see Gaia
- Gaia Early Data Release 3: see Gaia
- Gaia EDR3: see Gaia
- Gaia Enceladus: galaxy that merged with the Milky Way
- Gaia G: see Gaia
- Gaia Sausage (Gaia Enceladus): galaxy that merged with the Milky Way
- Gaia-CRF: see Gaia Celestial Reference Frame
- Gaia-CRF2: see Gaia Celestial Reference Frame
- Gaia-CRF3 (Gaia Celestial Reference Frame): celestial reference frame based upon Gaia data
- Gaia-ESO Survey: see Gaia
- gaia-kepler.fun: website with Gaia data on Kepler target stars
- gaia-kepler.fun crossmatch database (gaia-kepler.fun): website with Gaia data on Kepler target stars
- Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus (Gaia Enceladus): galaxy that merged with the Milky Way
- GaiaHub: software to extract proper motions form Gaia and HST data
- GaiaNIR: concept for a Gaia follow-on including NIR astrometry
- GAL: see double star designation
- Gal: gravimetry unit of the effect of a planet's gravity
- admittance: effect of atmospheric pressure on gravity
- gal (Gal): gravimetry unit of the effect of a planet's gravity
- Gala: galaxy-formation and evolution software package
- GALACSI: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- Galactic / Extragalactic ULDB Spectroscopic Terahertz Observatory (GUSTO): balloon-borne 0.9-m far-infrared telescope
- Galactic All-sky Survey: HI survey of the Milky Way
- Galactic and Extragalactic All-sky MWA Extended survey: see GLEAM
- Galactic and Extragalactic All-sky MWA survey (GLEAM): MWA radio survey of the southern sky
- galactic anticenter: direction opposite the galactic center
- galactic archaeology: study of galaxy characteristics that reveal their past
- Galactic Archaeology with HERMES (GALAH): survey of Milky Way with an emphasis on old structures
- Galactic Arecibo L-Band Feed Array HI Survey: see Galactic All-sky Survey
- Galactic ASKAP Spectral Line Survey-HI: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- Galactic ASKAP Spectral Line Survey-OH: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- galactic astronomy: astronomy confined to the Milky Way
- galactic binary: system of two object co-orbiting within the Milky Way
- galactic bulge: bulge of many stars in the center of the Milky Way
- galactic bulge: see bulge
- galactic center: region at the middle of the Milky Way
- MicroFUN: observers following up on microlensing events in the galactic bulge
- Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey: see Roman Space Telescope
- galactic center: region at the middle of the Milky Way
- galactic center magnetar (SGR J1745-2900): magnetar orbiting the Milky Way SMBH
- galactic cirrus (infrared cirrus): cirrus-cloud-like infrared emissions from dust, etc.
- galactic cluster (open cluster): group of stars within a galaxy apparently formed by a single cloud
- galaxy cluster: large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- galactic coordinate system: celestial coordinate system system based upon the galactic plane
- galactic coordinates
- galactic north: determination of the more northern direction of the Milky Way's axis
- galactic core (galactic center): region at the middle of the Milky Way
- galactic corona: see corona
- galactic corona: see galactic halo
- galactic corona: see supershell
- galactic cosmic rays: see cosmic rays
- galactic disc (galactic disk): the "disk" portion of a disk galaxy
- galactic disk: the "disk" portion of a disk galaxy
- galactic electron density: density of electrons in the ISM
- Galactic Emission Mapping: radio sky survey
- galactic equator (galactic plane): plane in which the stars of the Milky Way reside
- galactic filament (galaxy filament): thread-like formations of galaxies, 50 to 80 megaparsecs
- galactic fountain: see supershell
- galactic gamma-ray background: see gamma rays
- galactic habitable zone: see habitable zone
- galactic halo: spherical region around a galaxy with gas, dark matter, etc.
- stellar halo: the lesser number of nearby stars surrounding a galaxy
- galactic jet: see jet
- galactic latitude: see galactic coordinate system
- galactic longitude: see galactic coordinate system
- galactic magnetic field: see magnetic field
- galactic main sequence (galaxy main sequence): relation between galaxies' star formation and stellar mass
- galactic north: determination of the more northern direction of the Milky Way's axis
- galactic north pole (galactic north): determination of the more northern direction of the Milky Way's axis
- galactic nucleus (stellar nucleus): group of many stars at the center of a galaxy
- Galactic O Star Catalog: 2000s catalog of O-type stars
- Galactic O Star Spectral Survey: see Galactic O Star Catalog
- galactic period: see Milky Way
- galactic plane: plane in which the stars of the Milky Way reside
- Galactic Plane Exoplanet Survey (GPX): amateur effort to uncover exoplanets within the galactic plane
- Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey
- Mimir: multi-function near-infrared instrument on Perkins Telescope
- galactic planetary nebulae
- galactic poles: see galactic north
- galactic poles: see galactic plane
- galactic sheet: see galaxy filament
- galactic south: see galactic north
- galactic south pole: see galactic north
- galactic stellar nucleus (stellar nucleus): group of many stars at the center of a galaxy
- galactic superwind (galactic wind): wind of charged particles out of some galaxies
- galactic tide: effect of one galaxy's gravity, such as on another galaxy
- tidal force: effect of a third body on the gravitational force between two bodies
- galactic void (void): empty spaces between large scale structures
- galactic wind: wind of charged particles out of some galaxies
- galactic worm: high density streak of HI perpendicular to galactic plane
- galactic year: see Milky Way
- GALAH: survey of Milky Way with an emphasis on old structures
- Galatea: see shepherd moon
- galaxies
- 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: imaging survey of 300,000 extragalactic objects
- 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO survey: spectroscopic survey of distant galaxies
- 2MASS Photometric Redshift Catalog: galaxy redshifts from 2MASS
- 3D-HST: near-infrared survey of 100,000 galaxies by HST
- 6dF Galaxy Survey: UKST survey of galaxies in the southern sky
- active galactic nucleus: central region of a galaxy with extremely high luminosity
- AEGIS: early 2000s survey study of distant galaxies
- ALFALFA: HI survey of many galaxies
- ALMACAL: galaxy survey using ALMA calibration observations
- APM Galaxy Survey: 1990s survey of galaxies in southern sky
- Arakelian Catalog: 1970s list of small/bright galaxies
- Arecibo General Catalog: catalog of galaxies to support ALFALFA surveys
- Arp-Madore Catalog of Southern Peculiar Galaxies: 1970s-1980s catalog from the UK Schmidt Survey
- Asiago Supernova Catalog: catalog of known supernovae and their galaxies
- Atlas 3D: survey of local galaxies
- Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies: 1960s peculiar-galaxy-catalog-book with photos
- bar: central feature of some spiral galaxies
- BDF: field used in search for distant galaxies
- BigBOSS: BOSS survey follow-on
- binary SMBH: co-orbiting supermassive black holes
- broad line region: AGN region producing broader lines
- bulge: denser group of stars within a larger group
- Butcher-Oemler effect: observation of more blue galaxies at z > 0.3
- Caldwell Catalog: small catalog for amateur astronomers as an adjunct to the Messier Catalog
- CALIFA: spectroscopic map of 600 galaxies
- Canada-France Redshift Survey: 1990s survey of galaxies to z = 1 to find associations of redshift to characteristics
- CARMA EDGE: survey CO-mapping galaxies
- Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies: list of galaxies/clusters assembled in 1960s
- Catalogue of Interacting Galaxies: begun in the 1950s
- CfA Redshift Survey: 1970s-1990s surveys of galaxy redshifts
- CFHTLS: surveys of transients and stars
- Chandra Deep Field North: X-ray deep survey encompassing HDF region
- Chandra Deep Field South: X-ray deep survey encompassing HDF-South region
- circumgalactic medium: gas surrounding a galaxy
- cold gas: gas cool enough to form galaxies and stars
- COLD GASS: survey of CO in nearby large galaxies
- color-color diagram: means of comparing characteristics of stars
- color-magnitude diagram: graph plotting color index to magnitude
- conditional luminosity function: function characterizing luminosity of galaxies with a given halo mass
- conditional stellar mass function: function characterizing galaxies within a halo of a given mass
- Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey: early-universe survey by HST
- cosmic web: hypothesized structure of the dark matter throughout the universe
- Council of Giants: twelve large galaxies surrounding the Local Group
- dark matter: matter in galaxies and galaxy clusters suggested by their gravity
- dark matter halo: hypothetical dark matter throughout and surrounding a galaxy
- David Dunlap Observatory Catalog: catalog of dwarf galaxies
- de Vaucouleurs' profile: relation between elliptical galaxy surface brightness and distance from center
- DECaLS: survey imaging part of SDSS footprint with DECam
- deep field: survey field subject to lengthy observation to identify distant galaxies
- Deep Lens Survey: investigating mass distribution of the universe
- Deep Multicolor Survey: 1990s optical and infrared deep survey
- deep survey: survey using lengthy observation to identify distant galaxies
- DEEP2: redshift survey of 60,000 galaxies
- disk: rotating disk-shaped object such as disk galaxy or circumstellar disk
- dropout: means of identifying distant galaxies
- Duus-Newell catalog: list of southern galaxies/clusters assembled in 1970s
- dwarf galaxy classification: terms for of dwarf galaxy types
- Dwingeloo Obscured Galaxy Survey: radio survey of ZOA for 21-cm lines indicating galaxies
- effective radius: radius of a galaxy within which 1/2 the light is emitted
- escape fraction: fraction of ionizing photons escaping a body
- ESO Nearby Abell Cluster Survey: 1990s spectroscopy and photometry survey of galaxy clusters
- Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: 1100 square arcminute X-ray survey
- Extended Groth Strip: region of sky searched for distant galaxies
- extragalactic astronomy: astronomy of other galaxies, galaxy clusters, AGNs, quasars, etc.
- Extragalactic Distance Database: online database of distance-related measures of galaxies
- F4: FRB followup project
- Faber-Jackson relation: relation between elliptical galaxy luminosity and stellar velocity dispersion
- Faint Infrared Grism Survey: survey to identify redshift of distant galaxies
- Fairall Galaxy List: 1977 list of galaxies with bright nuclei
- Fanaroff-Riley classification: a classification of the radio characteristics of radio sources
- field: adjective meaning "in this field of view but unrelated"
- FIRE Simulations: high resolution simulation of galaxies
- fossil group: apparent remnant of a galaxy group
- FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey: infrared deep-survey to detect galaxies
- Freeman's law: all spiral galaxy's have the same central surface brightness
- fundamental plane: three-way relation between elliptical galaxy characteristics
- Gala: galaxy-formation and evolution software package
- galactic archaeology: study of galaxy characteristics that reveal their past
- galactic disk: the "disk" portion of a disk galaxy
- galactic electron density: density of electrons in the ISM
- galactic halo: spherical region around a galaxy with gas, dark matter, etc.
- galactic tide: effect of one galaxy's gravity, such as on another galaxy
- galactic wind: wind of charged particles out of some galaxies
- galaxy age determination: methods of estimating a galaxy's age
- galaxy bias: degree to which galaxy density fails to correspond to dark matter density
- galaxy classification: morphological classification of galaxies
- galaxy cloud: substructure of a supercluster
- galaxy cluster: large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- galaxy environment: density and character of galaxies surroundings
- Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and Spectral energy distributions: HST survey of galaxies with z in the range 0.2 to 1.2
- galaxy filament: thread-like formations of galaxies, 50 to 80 megaparsecs
- galaxy formation: modeled as collapsing clouds
- galaxy group: group of fifty or fewer gravitationally-bound Milky-Way-sized galaxies
- galaxy harassment: frequent occurrences of small galaxies passing close to a galaxy
- galaxy interaction: the effects of galaxies being near each other
- galaxy main sequence: relation between galaxies' star formation and stellar mass
- galaxy merger: combination of galaxies upon collision
- galaxy power spectrum: a power spectrum describing the occurrence of galaxies in space
- galaxy SED: SED of a galaxy, sometimes synthesized from photometric surveys
- galaxy strangulation: galaxy star formation stopped by a lack of incoming gas
- galaxy subgroup: a major galaxy and its satellites
- Galaxy Zoo: crowdsourcing website to identify galaxy types from surveys
- Galaxy Zoo 2: crowd-sourced classification of hundreds of thousands of galaxies
- GalDNA: code to estimate chemical abundances from galaxy emission lines
- GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey: HI survey of many galaxies
- GAMA: galaxy spectroscopy survey to roughly 1 Mpc
- Gini/M20: an automatable method of detecting whether a galaxy has recently merged
- GLADE: list of galaxies likely to host GW events
- GLARE: project to search for distant star-forming galaxies
- globular cluster luminosity function: distribution of brightness of globular clusters
- GOALS: across-spectrum observation of 200 LIRGs
- GOODS NICMOS Survey: survey with HST NICMOS instrument of galaxies in GOODS fields
- Gravitational Wave Galaxy Catalogue: list of probable galaxies for GW detections
- Great Debate: historical debate regarding the nature of galaxies
- Groth Strip: region of sky in early HST survey
- halo abundance matching: method of comparing observed galaxies with cosmology models
- Hawaii K-band Galaxy Survey: near-infrared survey of a selection of fields
- Herschel Stripe 82 Survey: 70 square-degree survey of galaxies redshifted 1.8 to 3.5
- HETDEX: galaxy survey carried out with HET VIRUS
- HI gas mass: mass of an object's atomic hydrogen
- hierarchical assembly of galaxies: development of large galaxies by combining small ones
- Holmberg radius: a measure of size of galaxy based on surface brightness
- host galaxy: galaxy associated with a particular object or transient
- Hubble Deep Field: highly-detailed image of a small region of the sky taken with HST
- Hubble Deep Field South: small region of the southern sky explored with HST
- Hubble diagram: diagram comparing redshift with distance
- Hubble Ultra-Deep Field: extremely detailed HST image of a small region of space
- inside-out growth: tendency of galaxy star formation to spread from the center
- intergalactic medium: matter between galaxies
- interstellar radiation field: EMR throughout the "empty" space of a galaxy
- ITEP-SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue: online catalog
- J-region asymptotic giant branch: standard candle consisting of selected AGB stars
- Jeans anisotropic modeling: method of determining stellar kinematics of early type galaxies
- Jeans equations: relating the motion of stars to the surrounding gravitational field
- JINGLE: survey of dust and gas in galaxies
- JWST Extragalactic Mock Catalog: mock catalog of distant infrared galaxies
- Kepler-Swift Active Galaxies and Stars Survey: X-ray/UV survey of objects within the Kepler field
- kinemetry: method of determining galaxy kinematics through photometry
- Kiso Survey of Ultraviolet Excess Galaxies: 1980 Japanese survey
- KMOS3D: survey of galaxies before to after peak star formation
- Kormendy Relation: relation between elliptical galaxy luminosity surface brightness
- Las Campanas Redshift Survey: 1990s survey of galaxies out to z = 0.2
- LEDA: galaxy database with observation data
- Limber approximation: formula approximating the density of galaxies in some direction
- LINER: galaxy nucleus emitting spectral lines for ionized and neutral atoms
- LOSVD: line-of-sight velocity distribution
- luminosity function: function giving number of stars or galaxies at different luminosities
- Lyman break: abrupt change in galaxy spectrum at the Lyman series wavelength limit
- M-sigma relation: relation between galaxy center's velocity dispersion and SMBH mass
- Magellanic Analog Dwarf Companions And Stellar Halos: Subaru survey for dwarf glaxies beyond the Local Group
- Magellanic Clouds: two nearby galaxies
- mass transport: transfer of mass from one part of a body/disk to another
- Medium Deep Survey: survey to find galaxies in HST WFPC2 images
- Meier paradox: mysterious decline in number of radio galaxy jets
- Messier Catalog: catalog of astronomical objects to avoid when looking for comets
- metallicity gradient: the degree to which metallicity changes across a galaxy
- MIGHTEE: radio survey of four established deep fields
- Milky Way subgroup: the Milky Way and its satellites
- Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: 2000s catalog of 10,000 galaxies
- MOJAVE: program to monitor AGN jet radio brightness and polarization
- molecular cloud turbulence: observed turbulence in molecular clouds
- MORA: high resolution 2-mm survey of a portion of the COSMOS field
- Morgan classification: classification of galaxies by stellar spectrum and morphology
- Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies: 1960s catalog from Palomar plates
- morphology: form and structure
- morphology-density relation: a galaxy is more likely to be elliptical if surrounded by galaxies
- moving group: observed group of stars with similar motion
- Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey: 1990s-2000s galaxy cluster survey
- narrow line region: AGN region producing narrower lines
- NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database: a database of galaxies and other objects outside the Milky Way
- New General Catalogue: 1888 catalog of galaxies, star clusters, and other nebulae
- NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey: survey investigating large scale structure of the universe
- OB association: stellar association including O and/or early B class stars
- Ogle Galaxy Catalog: catalog of luminous galaxies
- open cluster: group of stars within a galaxy apparently formed by a single cloud
- Palomar high-redshift quasar surveys: 1980s Hale-telescope quasar searches using new technology
- Parkes HI Zone of Avoidance Survey: radio survey to identify galaxies hidden by the zone of avoidance
- PCA analysis: an automatable method of determining galaxy morphology
- peak star-formation epoch: around 10 billion years ago when star formation peaked
- PHANGS: set of surveys of nearby galaxies
- planetary nebula luminosity function: model used in distance estimation
- Polar-ring Catalog: 1990 catalog of polar-ring galaxies
- Press-Schechter formalism: cosmological model of how structures form from fluctuations
- PRIMUS: spectrographic survey of galaxies out to redshift 1
- Principal Galaxies Catalog: modern catalog of more than 70k galaxies
- protogalaxy: gas cloud forming a galaxy
- pseudobulge: like a galaxy bulge only flatter
- quasar: distant, bright object that appears something like a star
- radial mixing: tendency of disk galaxy stars to change their orbital radius
- Radio Galaxy Zoo: crowd-sourced classification of radio galaxies
- RASS/Green Bank Catalog: combined list of radio galaxies from Rosat and Green Bank surveys
- REBELS: survey of star-forming galaxies during the reionization
- red and dead: description of a galaxy with old stars and no star formation
- Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies: series of catalogs of nearby galaxies
- REFINE: catalog of high-redshift galaxies
- RESOLVE: galaxy and gas survey limited to 65-100 Mpc
- reverberation mapping: technique for measuring the size of SMBHs
- Roma-BZCAT: 2008 catalog of blazars
- rotation curve: function mapping distance from galaxy center to orbital speed of stars
- Sérsic profile: model of the relative surface brightness across a galaxy
- Scott effect: bias toward finding clusters that have bright galaxies
- Second Byurakan Survey: 1970s-1990s survey of galaxies and quasars
- Shapley-Ames Catalog: 1932 catalog of contemporary data on 1249 galaxies
- SHARDS: GTC survey in GOODS-N field for quenched galaxies at z = 1 to 2.3
- SIMBA: galaxy formation simulation code
- SINS: near-infrared study of distant luminous galaxies
- Southern Sky Redshift Survey: 1980s/1990s redshift survey of southern galaxies
- spiral arm: long, winding visible structure within a spiral galaxy
- spiral density wave: spiral structure that can form in disks
- Spitzer Extended Deep Survey: survey of galaxy mass and black holes through life of the universe
- Spitzer HETDEX Exploratory Large Area Survey: Spitzer-based survey of galaxies
- star formation feedback: mechanisms whereby star formation regulates its own rate
- star formation history: star formation rate as a function of time
- star formation rate: rate at which material such as gas is turned into stars
- star-formation rate stellar-mass ratio: ratio between a galaxy's stellar mass and its SF rate
- STARSMOG: survey of dust in galaxies
- stellar association: like a large open cluster but even less tightly bound
- stellar cluster: group of stars apparently formed by a single cloud
- stellar dynamics: stars' gravitational interaction
- stellar halo: the lesser number of nearby stars surrounding a galaxy
- stellar nucleus: group of many stars at the center of a galaxy
- stellar overdensity: portion of galactic halo with more stars than normal
- stellar population synthesis: using spectral characteristics of galaxies to characterize their stellar populations
- Stephan's Quintet: five galaxies grouped in the sky
- structure formation: formation of dark matter halos, galaxy clusters, and galaxies
- Subaru Deep Field: survey of a small region of the sky using the Subaru telescope
- Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Survey: survey using the Subaru telescope and XMM-Newton
- submillimeter galaxy designator: designation system of submillimeter galaxies
- SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey: survey of stars and galaxies from legacy plates
- supermassive black hole: black hole with a mass of millions to billions of solar masses
- surface brightness fluctuation: apparent indication of an elliptical galaxy's distance
- surface brightness profile: curve of a galaxy's brightness from center to edge
- systemic velocity: average velocity of grouped objects, such as a galaxy
- T association: stellar association with T-Tauri stars
- The Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies: survey of HI in galaxies found through the H-alpha line
- thick disk: disk-shaped set of older stars within the Milky Way
- thin disk: disk-shaped set of younger stars within the Milky Way
- tidal arm: arm of gas and potentially stars leading from a galaxy
- TiNy Titans: study of dwarf galaxy pairs
- tip of the red-giant branch: standard candle consisting of the brightest RGB stars
- Toomre sequence: model relating galaxy mergers to observation
- Tully-Fisher relation: relation between spiral galaxy luminosity and line width
- Two Micron All-sky Survey: near-infrared survey of both hemispheres
- Uppsala General Catalogue: 1973 catalog of galaxies visible from northern hemisphere
- UVCANDELS: UV survey of CANDELS fields
- UVJ diagram: diagram to identify star formation in distant galaxies
- van den Bergh galaxy classification: galaxy classification variant including luminosity
- VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey: spectrographic redshift survey of 80,000 galaxies
- Virgo Cluster Catalog: 1980s catalog of 2000 galaxies
- warp: bend in the otherwise-flat disk of a galaxy
- WHISP: 1990s/2000s radio survey mapping HI density and velocity
- WiggleZ: survey aimed at mapping dark energy
- WINGS: all-sky survey investigating known galaxy clusters
- WISE x SuperCOSMOS photometric redshift catalog: catalog of distant galaxies in WISE and SuperCOSMOS
- WISeREP: interactive catalog of supernovae
- X-ray luminosity function: maps X-ray luminosities to count of such sources
- X-SHOOTER Lyman α survey at z = 2: survey of Lyman-α sources
- Galaxies with High Surface Brightness (Arakelian Catalog): 1970s list of small/bright galaxies
- GALAXY: see SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey
- galaxy: gravitationally-bound group of stars
- galaxy age determination: methods of estimating a galaxy's age
- Galaxy and Mass Assembly Survey (GAMA): galaxy spectroscopy survey to roughly 1 Mpc
- galaxy bar (bar): central feature of some spiral galaxies
- galaxy bias: degree to which galaxy density fails to correspond to dark matter density
- galaxy bimodality: see galaxy
- galaxy bulge: see bulge
- galaxy cannibalism: see galaxy merger
- galaxy classification: morphological classification of galaxies
- galaxy cloud: substructure of a supercluster
- galaxy cluster: large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- galaxy cluster merger
- galaxy clusters
- galaxy collision
- galactic tide: effect of one galaxy's gravity, such as on another galaxy
- galaxy color-magnitude diagram
- galaxy diagram
- galaxy environment: density and character of galaxies surroundings
- Galaxy Evolution Explorer: observatory-satellite with 50-cm ultraviolet telescope
- Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and Spectral energy distributions: HST survey of galaxies with z in the range 0.2 to 1.2
- galaxy feedback: see star formation feedback
- galaxy filament: thread-like formations of galaxies, 50 to 80 megaparsecs
- galaxy formation: modeled as collapsing clouds
- galaxy group: group of fifty or fewer gravitationally-bound Milky-Way-sized galaxies
- galaxy groups
- galaxy harassment: frequent occurrences of small galaxies passing close to a galaxy
- galaxy interaction: the effects of galaxies being near each other
- galactic tide: effect of one galaxy's gravity, such as on another galaxy
- galaxy harassment: frequent occurrences of small galaxies passing close to a galaxy
- tidal tail: string of mass ejected by tidal forces during a neutron star merger
- Galaxy List for the Advanced Detector Era (GLADE): list of galaxies likely to host GW events
- galaxy luminosity class
- galaxy luminosity function: see luminosity function
- galaxy main sequence: relation between galaxies' star formation and stellar mass
- galaxy merger: combination of galaxies upon collision
- galactic tide: effect of one galaxy's gravity, such as on another galaxy
- galaxy merger mass ratio: see galaxy merger
- galaxy merger timescale: see galaxy merger
- galaxy morphology: see galaxy classification
- galaxy nucleus
- galaxy power spectrum: a power spectrum describing the occurrence of galaxies in space
- galaxy quenching: see quenched galaxy
- galaxy rotation curve (rotation curve): function mapping distance from galaxy center to orbital speed of stars
- galaxy SED: SED of a galaxy, sometimes synthesized from photometric surveys
- galaxy sheet: see galaxy filament
- supercluster: cluster of galaxy clusters
- void: empty spaces between large scale structures
- galaxy spectral energy distribution (galaxy SED): SED of a galaxy, sometimes synthesized from photometric surveys
- galaxy strangulation: galaxy star formation stopped by a lack of incoming gas
- galaxy subgroup: a major galaxy and its satellites
- galaxy subgroup: see galaxy group
- galaxy supercluster
- galaxy type: see galaxy classification
- galaxy wall: see galaxy filament
- supercluster: cluster of galaxy clusters
- void: empty spaces between large scale structures
- galaxy warp (warp): bend in the otherwise-flat disk of a galaxy
- Galaxy Zoo: crowdsourcing website to identify galaxy types from surveys
- Galaxy Zoo 2: crowd-sourced classification of hundreds of thousands of galaxies
- Planet Hunters: crowdsourcing website to identify galaxy types from surveys
- Radio Galaxy Zoo: crowd-sourced classification of radio galaxies
- Galaxy Zoo 2: crowd-sourced classification of hundreds of thousands of galaxies
- GalDNA: code to estimate chemical abundances from galaxy emission lines
- Gale Crater: Curiosity rover landing site on Mars
- Gale Crater: see Mars Science Laboratory
- Galerkin method
- GALEX (Galaxy Evolution Explorer): observatory-satellite with 50-cm ultraviolet telescope
- GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey: HI survey of many galaxies
- COLD GASS: survey of CO in nearby large galaxies
- GALEX ASC: see Galaxy Evolution Explorer
- GALFA-Dw: see rare designator prefixes
- GALFA-HI: see Galactic All-sky Survey
- GALFORM: semi-analytic galaxy formation model
- Galilean frame of reference (inertial reference frame): frame of reference where no force means no acceleration
- Galilean Moons: see Jupiter
- Callisto: well-known Jupiter moon
- Europa: well-known Jupiter moon
- Ganymede: well-known Jupiter moon
- Io: well-known Jupiter moon
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- Galilean relativity: see relativity
- Galilean transform: see relativity
- Galilean transformation: see Lorentz transformation
- GALILEO: see Parkes Observatory
- Galileo: circa 1990s space mission to Jupiter
- Galileo (Gal): gravimetry unit of the effect of a planet's gravity
- Ganymede: well-known Jupiter moon
- Io: well-known Jupiter moon
- Galileo Europa Mission: see Galileo
- Galileo Millennium Mission: see Galileo
- Galileo National Telescope (Telescopio Nazionale Galileo): 3.58-m telescope in Canary Islands
- Galileo Observatory: 1960s-1970s infrared observatory aircraft
- GALLUMI: automated cosmological analysis software
- GalMC: see spectral energy distribution
- GAMA: galaxy spectroscopy survey to roughly 1 Mpc
- Gamma Cassiopeiae variable: see variable star
- shell star: type of star with broad and narrow absorption lines
- gamma decay: see radioactive decay
- Gamma Leporis A
- F-type star: spectral class of star a bit hotter than then Sun
- Gamma Ray Astronomy PeV Energies phase-3 (GRAPES-3): Cherenkov telescope at Ooty, India
- Gamma Ray Burst Counterpart Search Experiment: see ROTSE
- gamma ray photon
- gamma rays: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10 picometers and less
- gamma-ray astronomy: see gamma rays
- gamma-ray burst: short flash of gamma rays apparently from outside our galaxy
- Gamma-ray Burst Coordinates Network: see General Coordinates Network
- gamma-ray burst progenitor: see gamma-ray burst
- gamma-ray burst source: see gamma-ray burst
- gamma-ray bursts
- Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (Fermi): satellite for studying gamma rays
- gamma-ray source: see gamma rays
- gamma-ray source: see source
- radio source: astronomical object producing observable radio
- Gamow Explorer: proposal for GRB space mission
- Gamow factor: see Gamow peak
- Gamow peak: relative speed most likely to cause atoms to fuse within a gas
- Gamow tunneling factor: see Gamow peak
- Gamow window (Gamow peak): relative speed most likely to cause atoms to fuse within a gas
- Ganymede: well-known Jupiter moon
- gap (disk gap): empty radius-range within a disk separating it into rings
- gap transient (intermediate luminosity optical transient): visible-light transient a bit brighter than a nova
- GAS: see Ulysses
- gas
- gas blowout: see starburst galaxy
- gas cloud: see interstellar medium
- gas constant
- gas disk migration: see planetary migration
- gas dwarf (mini-Neptune): planet with characteristics a bit like Earth but more like Neptune
- gas dwarf: see gas planet
- gas dwarf: see super-Earth
- gas electron multiplier: see gas pixel detector
- gas excitation: see atomic excitation
- gas extinction: see extinction
- gas flow: dynamics of gas, plasma, i.e., compressible fluids
- gas fraction: fraction of a galaxy or cluster consisting of gas
- gas fraction estimation: methods of estimating various amounts of gas in galaxies
- gas giant: large planet made largely of gas
- gas mass fraction (gas fraction): fraction of a galaxy or cluster consisting of gas
- gas pixel detector: type of X-ray imager sensitive to polarization
- gas planet: planet made largely of gas
- gas streamer: stream of gas
- gas tail: see comet
- gas torus: see Io
- gas-to-core ratio: see gas planet
- gas-to-dust ratio: mass ratio of gas to dust, such as within a SF region
- gaseous corona: see supershell
- gaseous envelope: see atmosphere
- GASKAP-HI: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- GASKAP-OH: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- Gasoline: an SPH code
- Gasoline2: see Gasoline
- GASP (Guide Star Astrometric Support Package): software to assist in using guide stars for HST observations
- GASS (GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey): HI survey of many galaxies
- GASS (Galactic All-sky Survey): HI survey of the Milky Way
- GAT: see rare designator prefixes
- Gattini-IR: IR transient survey telescope
- gauge boson
- Gaunt factor
- gauss: measurement of magnetic field β
- Gauss's law
- Gaussian: see Gaussian function
- Gaussian distribution (normal distribution): familiar probability distribution with bell curve shape
- Gaussian distribution: see Gaussian function
- photon noise: variation in light measurement due to its quantum nature
- Gaussian function: function producing the bell curve
- Gaussian profile: see Gaussian function
- Doppler broadening: broadening of spectral lines due to movement of the sources of photons
- Gaussian system: see CGS
- Gaussian units: see CGS
- GB (Green Bank Telescope): West Virginia large radio telescope
- GB: see gamma-ray burst
- GB-BL: see Breakthrough Listen
- GB1: see Green Bank 6-cm Radio Source Catalog
- GB2: see Green Bank 6-cm Radio Source Catalog
- GB3: see Green Bank 6-cm Radio Source Catalog
- GB300 (Green Bank 300ft Telescope): former large radio telescope at Green Bank
- GB6 (Green Bank 6-cm Radio Source Catalog): catalog of from 1980s northern-hemisphere radio survey
- GBD: see Ginga
- GBM: see Fermi
- GBO (Green Bank Observatory): radio observatory in West Virginia including GBT
- GBS: see gamma-ray burst
- GBT (Green Bank Telescope): West Virginia large radio telescope
- GC (Boss General Catalog): 1936 catalog of 30,000 stars
- GC (globular cluster): spherical group of stars orbiting a galaxy
- GC: see Green Bank 6-cm Radio Source Catalog
- GC: see New General Catalogue
- GC bimodality: see globular cluster
- GC magnetar (SGR J1745-2900): magnetar orbiting the Milky Way SMBH
- GC system: see globular cluster
- GC/MS: see Cassini
- GCAS: see variable star
- shell star: type of star with broad and narrow absorption lines
- GCC: see globular cluster
- GCGSS: see rare designator prefixes
- GCIRS: see rare designator prefixes
- GCLF (globular cluster luminosity function): distribution of brightness of globular clusters
- GCM (general circulation model): climate model of a planet's atmosphere or ocean
- GCM: see rare designator prefixes
- GCMS: see Cassini
- GCN (General Coordinates Network): service reporting transients
- GCN archive: see General Coordinates Network
- GCN circular: see General Coordinates Network
- GCN notice: see General Coordinates Network
- GCR: see cosmic rays
- GCR: see gas planet
- GCRT: galactic center radio transient
- GCRV (General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities): 1950s century catalog of 15000 stars with their radial velocities
- GCS (galactic coordinate system): celestial coordinate system system based upon the galactic plane
- GCS: see rare designator prefixes
- GCSS: see rare designator prefixes
- GCTP (General Catalogue of Trigonometric Parallaxes): 1950s catalog of stars with parallax measures
- GCVS (General Catalogue of Variable Stars): 20th/21st century catalog of 58000 variable stars
- GCXSE: see OSO 8
- GD: see Lowell Proper Motion Survey
- GD-1: stellar stream formed by globular cluster
- GDR (gas-to-dust ratio): mass ratio of gas to dust, such as within a SF region
- GDS: see Neptune
- GDS-89: see Neptune
- GDSCC: see NASA Deep Space Network
- GECAM-C: see Satech-01
- Geiger counter
- Geiger mode: see Geiger-avalanche photodiode
- Geiger-avalanche photodiode: type of solid state photon sensor
- Geiger-Müller tube
- GEM (Galactic Emission Mapping): radio sky survey
- GEM: see Galileo
- GEM: see Giotto
- GEM: see gas pixel detector
- GEM: see gravitomagnetic field
- GEM Telescope
- Gemini
- RESOLVE: galaxy and gas survey limited to 65-100 Mpc
- Gemini Camera: see Shane Telescope
- Gemini Lyman Alpha at Reionisation Era (GLARE): project to search for distant star-forming galaxies
- Gemini North: see Gemini Observatory
- Gemini Observatory: pair of telescopes in Hawaii and Chile
- Gemini Planet Imager: infrared instrument to overcome signal noise imaging exoplanets
- Gemini Planet Imager: see Gemini Observatory
- Gemini Planet Imager 2.0: see Gemini Planet Imager
- Gemini South: see Gemini Observatory
- Gemini-South
- GLARE: project to search for distant star-forming galaxies
- GEMS (Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and Spectral energy distributions): HST survey of galaxies with z in the range 0.2 to 1.2
- GEMS (Group Evolution Multiwavelength Study): survey of galaxy groups
- GeMS: see Gemini Observatory
- GEMSS (Global Exoplanet M-dwarf Search-Survey): a search for exoplanets around m-dwarf stars
- General Automatic Luminosity And X-Y: see SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey
- General Catalogue of 1290 Double Stars: see Burnham Double Star Catalogue
- General Catalogue of 33,342 Stars (Boss General Catalog): 1936 catalog of 30,000 stars
- General Catalogue of Double Stars Within 121° of the North Pole (Burnham Double Star Catalogue): 1906 catalog with multiple star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars: see New General Catalogue
- General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities: 1950s century catalog of 15000 stars with their radial velocities
- General Catalogue of Trigonometric Parallaxes: 1950s catalog of stars with parallax measures
- General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes (General Catalogue of Trigonometric Parallaxes): 1950s catalog of stars with parallax measures
- General Catalogue of Variable Stars: 20th/21st century catalog of 58000 variable stars
- general circulation model: climate model of a planet's atmosphere or ocean
- General Coordinates Network: service reporting transients
- general precession (precession of the equinoxes): Earth axial precession with a 26000-year cycle
- general precession: see precession of the equinoxes
- general relativistic effects
- general relativity: formula relating gravity, space, time, and mass
- Big Bang: theoretical event when the universe expanded from a point
- bigravity: modifications to GR defining two metrics
- effective field theory: type of useful simplification of a field theory
- f(R) gravity: class of modifications to general relativity
- Lambda-CDM model: Big-Bang cosmological model with a cosmological constant and cold dark matter
- LARES: satellite to test a general relativity effect
- metric: mathematical generalization of the concept of distance
- scalar-tensor gravity: GR-like gravity that incorporates a scalar field
- Shapiro delay: EMR delay due to passing near massive object
- wCDM: Big-Bang cosmological model with constant cosmological equation of state
- worldline: path of an object through space and time
- general-relativistic MHD: see magnetohydrodynamics
- HARM: code to solve GRMHD problems
- Generalized NFW profile: see Navarro-Frenk-White profile
- Genesis: NASA spacecraft that returned solar wind particles
- GEO project: see GEO600
- GEO600: ground-based gravitational-wave detector in Germany
- Geocentric Coordinate Time: see Terrestrial Time
- geocentric gravitational constant: see standard gravitational parameter
- geocentric system: see heliocentric system
- geochemistry: the chemistry of the Earth, planets, and moons
- geodesic: equivalent to a straight line within curved space
- geodetic effect: see Gravity Probe B
- GEODM: see Cryogenic Dark Matter Search
- GEODSS (Ground-Base Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance): initiative to track artificial spacecraft including space junk
- geodynamo: see dynamo
- geology
- basalt: an igneous rock type that shows rapid cooling
- bathymetry: study and measurement of sea depths
- bulk silicate earth: the early overall composition of the silicate part of Earth
- CIG: initiative to produce Earth-science software
- crustal magnetism: magnetic fields independent of a world's core magnetic field
- crustal plates: sections of the Earth's crust that move
- equilibrium condensation model: chemical model explaining solar system planet abundances
- geochemistry: the chemistry of the Earth, planets, and moons
- geosignature: geological sign of consequences of life
- graben: depressed block of planet crust
- magma ocean: presumed to occur early in Earth history and potentially on exoplanets
- paleomagnetism: ancient magnetic fields and their characteristics
- permeability: ability of a material to allow fluids to pass through it
- pingo: hill formed of ice
- planetary differentiation: stratification of the materials making up a planet
- polygonal ground: crack pattern in ground forming polygons due to freezing
- regolith: loose solid material covering a planet's solid rock
- seismic waves: waves broadcast through Earth from earthquakes
- siderophile: material that dissolves in molten iron
- silicate: type of compound including silicon and oxygen
- stratigraphy: study of rock layering
- tide: effect of Moon's gravity on Earth's seas, etc.
- weathering: changes in surface due to contact with atmosphere
- geomagnetic storm: disturbance in Earth's magnetosphere
- geometric albedo: see albedo
- geometric delay: see correlator
- geometrical theory of diffraction
- diffraction: an effect of the edge of an obstacle on a wave
- geometry
- geophysics
- geopotential model: see J2
- geopotential model: see gravitational potential model
- GEOS (Groupe Europáen Observations Stellaires): European organization of variable star observers.
- geoseismology
- geosignature: geological sign of consequences of life
- geostationary
- orbital speed: speed of an orbiting body around the barycenter of a system
- geostationary orbit: see synchronous orbit
- geostrophic balance: see thermal wind
- geostrophic wind: see thermal wind
- geosynchronous orbit: see synchronous orbit
- GERLUMPH: hardware/software simulator of lensing light curves
- German
- German Aerospace Center (DLR): German's space and aerotautics research agency
- SOFIA: aircraft-based infrared observatory
- germanium
- r-process: synthesis of elements through neutron capture faster than beta decay
- germanium immersion grating: see immersion grating
- Germanium Observatory for Dark Matter: see Cryogenic Dark Matter Search
- Germany
- Geroch engine (Geroch-Bekenstein engine): hypothetical engine to overcome thermodynamics laws using a black hole
- Geroch process: see Geroch-Bekenstein engine
- Geroch-Bekenstein engine: hypothetical engine to overcome thermodynamics laws using a black hole
- GES: see Gaia
- GEV: see rare designator prefixes
- GF: see rare designator prefixes
- GG Tau: much-studied quadruple star system
- GG Tauri (GG Tau): much-studied quadruple star system
- GGD: see rare designator prefixes
- GGG (Giant Gemini GMOS survey): spectrographic survey of distant quasars
- GGG survey (Giant Gemini GMOS survey): spectrographic survey of distant quasars
- GGM (Goddard gravity model): gravity model produced by Goddard Space Flight Center
- GGM: see MMX
- GH: see Lowell Proper Motion Survey
- GHCG: see rare designator prefixes
- GHO: see rare designator prefixes
- GHOST: see Gemini Observatory
- ghost image: see stray light
- GHRIL: see William Herschel Telescope
- GHRS: see HRS
- GHRS: see Hubble Space Telescope
- GHz peaked spectrum: see radio source
- GI (gravitational instability): instability due to gravity
- GI dynamo: see dynamo
- GI2T: optical interferometer in France
- GIA (Gruppo Italiano Astrometristi): Italian amateur astronomy organization
- GIADA: see Rosetta
- GIANO: see Telescopio Nazionale Galileo
- GIANO-B: see Telescopio Nazionale Galileo
- giant branch
- giant elliptical galaxy: very large elliptical galaxy generally at a galaxy cluster's center
- Giant Gemini GMOS survey: spectrographic survey of distant quasars
- Giant GRB Ring: ring of GRB locations
- giant impact: see impact
- giant impacts: see planet formation
- Giant Magellan Telescope: 24.5 meter telescope under construction
- giant magnetar flare: see magnetar
- Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope: large radio interferometer in India
- giant molecular cloud: interstellar gas cloud with molecules, thousands of solar masses
- giant planet: planet of more than 10 Earth masses
- giant planet formation: process by which giant planets form
- giant planets
- giant pulse: see rotating radio transient
- giant radio galaxy: see radio galaxy
- giant radio source: see radio source
- Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope: concept for an extremely large telescope
- giant star: star larger than main sequence stars
- giant stars
- Giant Stellar Stream: extensive stellar stream in M31
- giant-impact hypothesis: see Moon formation
- giant-impact hypothesis: see impact
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- GIARPS: see Telescopio Nazionale Galileo
- GIC: see double star designation
- Giclas (Lowell Proper Motion Survey): 1950s-1970s catalogs of stars with proper motion
- Giclas 29-38: white dwarf variable star of interest
- GIG: see immersion grating
- giga-anum: see gigayear
- GigaBIT: see SuperBIT
- gigaparsec: see parsec
- gigayear: a billion years
- EAGLE: simulation of galaxy formation and evolution
- GIMP: see WIMP
- Ginga: 1980s Japanese space X-ray telescope
- Gini
- Gini/M20: an automatable method of detecting whether a galaxy has recently merged
- Gini-M20 (Gini/M20): an automatable method of detecting whether a galaxy has recently merged
- Gini/M20: an automatable method of detecting whether a galaxy has recently merged
- Ginny: see Mars 2020
- GIO (grazing incidence optics): optics that avoid large changes to the angle of rays
- Giotto: 1980s space mission carrying out a Comet Halley flyby
- Giotto Extended Mission: see Giotto
- GIRAFFE: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- GIS: see ASCA
- GISMO: 2 mm bolometer camera on IRAM 30 m telescope
- GISMO: see IRAM 30m Telescope
- GISS GCM ModelE: see ROCKE-3D
- GitHub: online software development repositories
- GJ (Gliese-Jahreiss Catalog): 1991 catalog of stars within 25 parsecs
- GJ 1132: see GJ 1132 b
- GJ 1132 b: Earth-like extrasolar planet discovered in 2015
- GJ 1214: see GJ 1214 b
- GJ 1214 b: super-Earth extrasolar planet discovered in 2009
- GJ 3053 (LHS 1140): red dwarf with rocky planet in its habitable zone
- GJ 406 (Wolf 359): nearby red dwarf
- GJ 436: see Gliese 436 b
- GJ 436 b (Gliese 436 b): hot Neptune found in 2004
- GJ 699 (Barnard's Star): nearby red dwarf
- GJ 699b: see Barnard's Star
- GJ 887 (Lacaille 9352): red dwarf that is the twelfth nearest star system
- GK dwarf
- GKM star: see FGK star
- GL: see AFGL Four Color Infrared Sky Survey
- Gl (Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars): 1950s catalog of stars within 20 parsecs
- GLADE: list of galaxies likely to host GW events
- GLARE: project to search for distant star-forming galaxies
- GLAS: see William Herschel Telescope
- GLASS: see James Webb Space Telescope
- Glass: see rare designator prefixes
- GLAST (Fermi): satellite for studying gamma rays
- Glazar: 1980s UV space telescope on MIR space station
- Glazar: see Kvant 1
- Glazar-1 (Glazar): 1980s UV space telescope on MIR space station
- Glazar-2: see Glazar
- GLE: see double star designation
- GLEAM: MWA radio survey of the southern sky
- Gliese (Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars): 1950s catalog of stars within 20 parsecs
- Gliese 1132: see GJ 1132 b
- Gliese 1132 b (GJ 1132 b): Earth-like extrasolar planet discovered in 2015
- Gliese 1214: see GJ 1214 b
- Gliese 1214 b (GJ 1214 b): super-Earth extrasolar planet discovered in 2009
- Gliese 191 (Kapteyn's Star): nearby M dwarf
- Gliese 388 (AD Leonis): active red dwarf
- Gliese 411 (Lalande 21185): nearby red dwarf
- Gliese 436: see Gliese 436 b
- Gliese 436 b: hot Neptune found in 2004
- Gliese 581
- M-type star: spectral class of star with a temperature in the vicinity of 2500 K
- Gliese 65 (Luyten 726-8): nearby binary star system
- Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars: 1950s catalog of stars within 20 parsecs
- Gliese-Jahreiss Catalog: 1991 catalog of stars within 25 parsecs
- GLIMPSE: see Spitzer Space Telescope
- glitch: see pulsar
- GLKA: see rare designator prefixes
- GLMP: see IRAS
- global astrometry: see astrometry
- global climate model: see general circulation model
- Global Exoplanet M-dwarf Search-Survey: a search for exoplanets around m-dwarf stars
- global magnetosphere: see magnetosphere
- Global Microlensing Alert Network (GMAN): collaboration to alert on microlensing transients
- global navigation satellite system: type of space-based service that can impede radio astronomy
- Global Network on Sustainability in Space (GNOSIS): initiative to explore the problem of space debris
- Global Oscillations Network Group: cooperative organization studying the Sun through helioseismology
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk: satellite instrument to study ionosphere regarding space weather
- globular cluster: spherical group of stars orbiting a galaxy
- globular cluster bimodality: see globular cluster
- globular cluster candidate: see globular cluster
- globular cluster luminosity function: distribution of brightness of globular clusters
- globular cluster specific frequency: see globular cluster
- globular cluster system: see globular cluster
- globular clusters
- GLP: see double star designation
- GLT (Greenland Telescope): 12 m radio telescope in Greenland
- Glue: visualization software good for astrophysical data
- gluino: see supersymmetry
- gluon: see particle
- gluon: see quark
- Gly (glycine): smallest of the twenty common amino acids
- Gly: see light-year
- glycine: smallest of the twenty common amino acids
- GM: see magnetosphere
- GM: see rare designator prefixes
- GM Aur
- MAPS: ALMA survey researching planet-formation
- GMACS: see Giant Magellan Telescope
- GMAN: collaboration to alert on microlensing transients
- Gmb: see Catalog of Circumpolar Stars
- GMC (giant molecular cloud): interstellar gas cloud with molecules, thousands of solar masses
- GMF: see magnetic field
- GMM: see Galileo
- GMM: see Goddard gravity model
- GMOS: see Gemini Observatory
- GMOS-N: see Gemini Observatory
- GMOS-S: see Gemini Observatory
- GMP: see rare designator prefixes
- GMRT (Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope): large radio interferometer in India
- GMT (Giant Magellan Telescope): 24.5 meter telescope under construction
- GMT - CfA Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF): spectrograph on the GMT
- GMT-consortium Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF): spectrograph on the GMT
- GMTIFS: see Giant Magellan Telescope
- GMTNIRS: see Giant Magellan Telescope
- GN (Atlas of Galactic Nebulae): 1980s catalog of Milky-Way nebulae
- GN: see GOODS-North
- GN-z11: distant galaxy with SMBH of interest
- GNFW profile: see Navarro-Frenk-White profile
- GNIRS: see Gemini Observatory
- GNOSIS: initiative to explore the problem of space debris
- GNS (GOODS NICMOS Survey): survey with HST NICMOS instrument of galaxies in GOODS fields
- GNS-JD2 (GN-z11): distant galaxy with SMBH of interest
- GNSS (global navigation satellite system): type of space-based service that can impede radio astronomy
- GNT: see double star designation
- GO (guest observer): non-affiliated researcher welcomed to use an observatory
- GO program: see guest observer
- GOALS: across-spectrum observation of 200 LIRGs
- GOBELINS (Gould's Belt Distances Survey): survey of parallax distances to Gould's Belt YSOs
- Goddard (Goddard Space Flight Center): NASA space research laboratory near Washington D.C.
- Goddard Earth Gravity Model: see Goddard gravity model
- Goddard gravitational model (Goddard gravity model): gravity model produced by Goddard Space Flight Center
- Goddard gravity model: gravity model produced by Goddard Space Flight Center
- Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph: see HRS
- Goddard IRAM Superconducting Two Millimeter Camera (GISMO): 2 mm bolometer camera on IRAM 30 m telescope
- Goddard Lunar Gravity Model: see Goddard gravity model
- Goddard Mars Gravity Model: see Goddard gravity model
- Goddard Mars Model: see Goddard gravity model
- Goddard Space Flight Center: NASA space research laboratory near Washington D.C.
- HEASARC: NASA archive of data on high energy astronomy
- Godunov method (Godunov scheme): computational fluid dynamics method
- Godunov scheme: computational fluid dynamics method
- Godunov's scheme (Godunov scheme): computational fluid dynamics method
- GOLD (Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk): satellite instrument to study ionosphere regarding space weather
- Goldilocks zone (habitable zone): zone where conditions are favorable for life
- Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex: see NASA Deep Space Network
- GOLF: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- GONG (Global Oscillations Network Group): cooperative organization studying the Sun through helioseismology
- Good Solar Telescope: see Big Bear Solar Observatory
- Goodman HTS: see SOAR Telescope
- GOODS: survey combining data from different sources on very distant objects
- GOODS 850: see rare designator prefixes
- GOODS NICMOS Survey: survey with HST NICMOS instrument of galaxies in GOODS fields
- GOODS-N (GOODS-North): moderate size survey field
- DEEP2: redshift survey of 60,000 galaxies
- JADES: JWST deep survey of GOODS survey fields
- GOODS-North: moderate size survey field
- GOODS-North: see GOODS
- DEEP2: redshift survey of 60,000 galaxies
- GOODS NICMOS Survey: survey with HST NICMOS instrument of galaxies in GOODS fields
- JADES: JWST deep survey of GOODS survey fields
- GOODS-S (GOODS-South): moderate size survey field
- JADES: JWST deep survey of GOODS survey fields
- GOODS-South: moderate size survey field
- GOODS-South: see GOODS
- GOODS NICMOS Survey: survey with HST NICMOS instrument of galaxies in GOODS fields
- JADES: JWST deep survey of GOODS survey fields
- GoreSat (DISCOVR): space weather satellite
- GOS (Galactic O Star Catalog): 2000s catalog of O-type stars
- GOSC (Galactic O Star Catalog): 2000s catalog of O-type stars
- GOSSS: see Galactic O Star Catalog
- GOTO: telescope array to follow up gravitational wave signals
- GoTo Telescope: see GOTO
- GOTO-N: see GOTO
- GOTO-North: see GOTO
- GOTO-S: see GOTO
- GOTO-South: see GOTO
- Gould Belt (Gould's Belt): ring of stars around the sky
- Gould designation: see Flamsteed designation
- Gould's Belt: ring of stars around the sky
- Gould's Belt Distances Survey: survey of parallax distances to Gould's Belt YSOs
- GP (pea galaxy): small greenish galaxy
- GP: see rotating radio transient
- GP-B (Gravity Probe B): space experiment re GR effects of Earth gravity
- GPC: see Pan-STARRS
- Gpc: see parsec
- GPD (gas pixel detector): type of X-ray imager sensitive to polarization
- GPI (Gemini Planet Imager): infrared instrument to overcome signal noise imaging exoplanets
- GPI: see Gemini Observatory
- GPI 2.0: see Gemini Planet Imager
- Mimir: multi-function near-infrared instrument on Perkins Telescope
- GPR: see radar
- GPS: see radio source
- time dilation: relativity's ability to make time differ for different objects
- GPU: type of CPU tailored to handling computer graphics
- GERLUMPH: hardware/software simulator of lensing light curves
- GPU Supercomputer for Theoretical Astrophysics Research: supercomputer at Swinburne University
- GPU-Enabled, High-Resolution, cosmological Microlensing parameter survey (GERLUMPH): hardware/software simulator of lensing light curves
- GPX: amateur effort to uncover exoplanets within the galactic plane
- GR (gamma rays): electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10 picometers and less
- GR (general relativity): formula relating gravity, space, time, and mass
- GR: see rare designator prefixes
- Big Bang: theoretical event when the universe expanded from a point
- bigravity: modifications to GR defining two metrics
- effective field theory: type of useful simplification of a field theory
- f(R) gravity: class of modifications to general relativity
- Lambda-CDM model: Big-Bang cosmological model with a cosmological constant and cold dark matter
- LARES: satellite to test a general relativity effect
- metric: mathematical generalization of the concept of distance
- scalar-tensor gravity: GR-like gravity that incorporates a scalar field
- Shapiro delay: EMR delay due to passing near massive object
- wCDM: Big-Bang cosmological model with constant cosmological equation of state
- worldline: path of an object through space and time
- GR*: see Lowell Proper Motion Survey
- GR1D: core collapse supernova simulation in 1D with GR
- graben: depressed block of planet crust
- GRACE: see William Herschel Telescope
- GRACES: see Gemini Observatory
- gradient: vector indicating the slope at a point within a field
- gradient: see mathematical field
- gradient boosting
- gradient field: see gradient
- GRADPAK: see WIYN 3.5m Telescope
- GRAIL: 2011 NASA lunar orbiters to collect gravity data
- grain: see cosmic dust
- grams per mole
- Gran Tecan (Gran Telescopio Canarias): 10.4 meter telescope in the Canary Islands
- Gran Telescopio Canarias: 10.4 meter telescope in the Canary Islands
- Gran Telescopio Milimétrico (Large Millimeter Telescope): large microwave telescope in Mexico
- GRANAT: observatory-satellite for detecting gamma rays and X-rays
- GRaND: see Dawn
- grand design spiral galaxy: spiral galaxy with two just two arms that are well-defined
- Grand Interféromètre a 2 Télescopes (GI2T): optical interferometer in France
- grand tack hypothesis: solar system formation model with Jupiter and Saturn migrating
- Grand Unified Theory: see Theory of Everything
- Grand Unified Theory: see strong force
- electroweak: single conception including both electromagnetic and weak forces
- symmetry breaking: loss of symmetry, such as due to loss of stability in a regime change
- grandmoon (subsatellite): object orbiting a moon
- granulation: see Sun
- granule: see Sun
- granule: see Sun surface features
- facula: bright spot on a planet or the Sun
- GRAPES-3: Cherenkov telescope at Ooty, India
- graph
- error bar: feature of a graph to indicate accuracy
- Gabbard plot: plot showing apogee-perigee range of select orbiting debris
- graph theory
- dendrogram: diagram of a "tree", i.e., of a graph without cycles
- graphic information processor
- GERLUMPH: hardware/software simulator of lensing light curves
- graphics processing unit (GPU): type of CPU tailored to handling computer graphics
- grating: spectrometer component
- disperser: prism, grating, or grism within a spectrometer
- grism: combination of a grating and a prism
- grating prism (grism): combination of a grating and a prism
- grating spectrometer: see grating
- GRAV: see Juno
- gravimeter: see gravimetry
- admittance: effect of atmospheric pressure on gravity
- gravimetry: measurement of gravity's strength
- admittance: effect of atmospheric pressure on gravity
- Bouguer anomaly: gravity's local variation after compensating for altitude and landforms
- free-air anomaly: gravity's local variation after compensating for altitude
- gravity anomaly: difference between measured gravity and that predicted by a model
- gravistar: theoretical type of black hole with certain contents
- gravitation (gravity): theory that mass attracts
- gravitational binding energy: see binding energy
- gravitational collapse: shrinking of an object from gravitational force
- gravitational collapse energy: see gravitational collapse
- gravitational constant: indicates how much pull between two masses
- gravitational energy (gravitational potential energy): energy implied by some mass being some distance from another
- Gravitational European Observatory (GEO600): ground-based gravitational-wave detector in Germany
- gravitational field: gravitational force as distributed over a space
- gravitational force: see gravity
- gravitational harmonics: see J2
- gravitational instability: instability due to gravity
- gravitational instability dynamo: see dynamo
- gravitational instability model: model for the formation of giant planets
- gravitational instability model: see giant planet formation
- gravitational kick: see velocity kick
- gravitational lens: see gravitational lensing
- gravitational lensing: focusing electromagnetic radiation by gravitational force
- gravitational locking (tidal locking): locked rotation of an orbiting body
- gravitational mass: see mass
- gravitational microlensing: gravitational lensing by "small" objects such as individual stars and planets
- gravitational model (gravitational potential model): mathematical model of an astronomical body's gravitational field
- gravitational moment: see J2
- gravitational nanolensing: see gravitational microlensing
- gravitational potential: conceptual field indicating the strength of gravity at each point
- gravitational potential energy: energy implied by some mass being some distance from another
- gravitational potential model: mathematical model of an astronomical body's gravitational field
- Goddard gravity model: gravity model produced by Goddard Space Flight Center
- J2: geopotential coefficient regarding a planet's oblateness
- gravitational potential well: a dip in the gravitational-potential field
- gravitational primary (primary): central body of a system such as the Sun within the solar system
- gravitational pumping: see planet formation
- gravitational quadrupole radiation
- gravitational radiation (gravitational wave): ripples in the curvature of spacetime propagating as a wave
- gravitational radius (Schwarzschild radius): radius of a black hole's event horizon
- gravitational redshift: redshift due to GR effects of gravity
- gravitational scattering: see planetary migration
- gravitational separation
- gravitational singularity: point where density and gravity reach infinity
- gravitational slingshot (gravity assist): method of boosting the speed of a spacecraft
- gravitational sounding (gravity sounding): measuring a planet's gravitation field by study of nearby probe flights
- gravitational spectrum: see J2
- gravitational time delay
- gravitational time dilation: see time dilation
- gravitational wave: ripples in the curvature of spacetime propagating as a wave
- gravitational wave astronomy: see gravitational wave
- gravitational wave background: combination of weak gravitational waves such as from distant sources
- gravitational wave background: see gravitational wave
- gravitational wave detection (GW detection): observed gravitational wave signal recognizable as an astronomical event
- gravitational wave event: see GW detection
- gravitational wave event: see gravitational wave
- Gravitational Wave Galaxy Catalogue: list of probable galaxies for GW detections
- gravitational wave spectrum: various frequencies of gravitational waves
- gravitational wave strain: a measure of the magnitude of a gravitational wave
- Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog: catalog of gravitational wave detections
- gravitational waves
- gravitational well (gravitational potential well): a dip in the gravitational-potential field
- gravitational-wave detector: device to detect gravitational waves
- gravitational-wave memory: adjusted space-geometry following incomplete gravitational wave cycle
- gravitational-wave observatory (gravitational-wave detector): device to detect gravitational waves
- Gravitational-wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO): telescope array to follow up gravitational wave signals
- gravitationally bound: description of objects kept together by gravity
- gravitationally interacting massive particle: see WIMP
- gravithermal catastrophe
- gravitino: see supergravity
- gravito-magnetism: see gravitomagnetic field
- gravitoelectromagnetism: see gravitomagnetic field
- gravitomagnetic field: magnetic-like-field produced by gravitation
- gravitomagnetism: see gravitomagnetic field
- gravitometer: see gravimetry
- graviton: quantum of gravity
- supergravity: combination of general relativity and supersymmetry
- gravitoturbulence: see gravitational instability model
- GRAVITY: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- gravity: theory that mass attracts
- gravity anomaly: difference between measured gravity and that predicted by a model
- gravity assist: method of boosting the speed of a spacecraft
- Venus: second inner-most planet in the solar system
- Gravity B (Gravity Probe B): space experiment re GR effects of Earth gravity
- gravity crystal: see Wigner crystal
- gravity harmonics: see J2
- gravity model (gravitational potential model): mathematical model of an astronomical body's gravitational field
- Gravity Probe B: space experiment re GR effects of Earth gravity
- Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL): 2011 NASA lunar orbiters to collect gravity data
- gravity sounding: measuring a planet's gravitation field by study of nearby probe flights
- gravity spectrum: see J2
- gravity traverse: see gravimetry
- gravity wave: wave in fluid where restoring force is gravity
- gravity well (gravitational potential well): a dip in the gravitational-potential field
- GRAVITY+: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- gravity-sensitive spectral lines: see surface gravity
- gray atmosphere: a model atmosphere whose opacity does not depend upon wavelength
- gray body: ideal object that reflects the same fraction of light at any wavelength
- graybody (gray body): ideal object that reflects the same fraction of light at any wavelength
- grazing angle: see grazing incidence optics
- grazing incidence optics: optics that avoid large changes to the angle of rays
- grazing incident optics
- NICER: space X-ray mission specifically to view neutron stars
- NuSTAR: space telescope for high-energy X-rays
- Wolter telescope: reflector telescope using only shallow-angle reflections
- grazing planet: see transiting planet
- GRB (gamma-ray burst): short flash of gamma rays apparently from outside our galaxy
- GRB: see Ulysses
- GRB 060505: GRB without an expected SN
- GRB 170817A: see GW170817
- GRB 190114C: well-studied GRB
- GRB 980425: see SN 1998bw
- GRB afterglow: see gamma-ray burst
- GRB lightcurve: see gamma-ray burst
- GRB optical transient: see gamma-ray burst
- GRB progenitor: see gamma-ray burst
- GRB-SN (GRB-supernova): supernova that produces a GRB
- GRB-supernova: supernova that produces a GRB
- GRBs
- BAT6: sample of long GRBs
- GRB-supernova: supernova that produces a GRB
- Konus-Wind catalog: catalog of GRBs from the Wind spacecraft
- localization: ability to identify location of a transient
- mass extinction: event in which many species went extinct
- TAROT: network of telescopes to catch GRB optical counterparts
- THESEUS: plan for X-ray/Gamma-ray transient space mission
- VERITAS: ground gamma ray telescope array in Arizona
- GRE: see Giotto
- Great Andromeda Nebula: see Andromeda
- Great Attractor: gravity anomaly at the center of our supercluster
- Great Blue Spot: see magnetic field
- Great Carina Nebula (Carina Nebula): HII region with stars and nebulae of interest
- great circle: see meridian
- Great Dark Spot: see Neptune
- Great Debate: historical debate regarding the nature of galaxies
- Great Dimming: see Betelgeuse
- Great Eruption: see Eta Carinae
- Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey (GOALS): across-spectrum observation of 200 LIRGs
- Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS): survey combining data from different sources on very distant objects
- great oxidation event: see reducing atmosphere
- Great Red Spot: see Jupiter
- Great Rift: see Cygnus-X
- Great Void
- void: empty spaces between large scale structures
- Great Wall: large slab of galaxies
- green
- G band: band of visible light around 5100 angstroms
- Green Bank 140 Foot Telescope: West Virginia radio telescope
- Green Bank 1st survey: see Green Bank 6-cm Radio Source Catalog
- Green Bank 2nd survey: see Green Bank 6-cm Radio Source Catalog
- Green Bank 300ft Telescope: former large radio telescope at Green Bank
- Green Bank 300ft Transit Radio Telescope (Green Bank 300ft Telescope): former large radio telescope at Green Bank
- Green Bank 3rd survey: see Green Bank 6-cm Radio Source Catalog
- Green Bank 6-cm Radio Source Catalog: catalog of from 1980s northern-hemisphere radio survey
- Green Bank 90m Telescope (Green Bank 300ft Telescope): former large radio telescope at Green Bank
- Green Bank 91m Telescope (Green Bank 300ft Telescope): former large radio telescope at Green Bank
- Green Bank C survey: see Green Bank 6-cm Radio Source Catalog
- Green Bank Observatory: radio observatory in West Virginia including GBT
- Green Bank Telescope: West Virginia large radio telescope
- Breakthrough Listen: SETI survey using GBT and Parkes Observatory
- GUPPI: radio-telescope back-end aimed at processing pulsar data
- Green Bank Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument (GUPPI): radio-telescope back-end aimed at processing pulsar data
- green galaxy: see galaxy main sequence
- green pea (pea galaxy): small greenish galaxy
- green pea galaxy (pea galaxy): small greenish galaxy
- green valley: see galaxy main sequence
- green valley galaxy: see galaxy main sequence
- greenhouse effect: mechanism that boosts temperature through selective blocking of EMR
- greenhouse gas: see greenhouse effect
- earthshine: reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation from Earth
- Greenland
- Greenland Telescope: 12 m radio telescope in Greenland
- Greenwich mean time
- time standard: method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- Greenwich meridian: see meridian
- time standard: method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- Greenwood time constant: see seeing
- Gregorian calendar: see Julian calendar
- Gregorian telescope: type of reflector telescope
- Gregorian year: see Julian calendar
- Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin effect (GZK limit): limit on energy of cosmic rays
- Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit (GZK limit): limit on energy of cosmic rays
- grey atmosphere (gray atmosphere): a model atmosphere whose opacity does not depend upon wavelength
- grey body (gray body): ideal object that reflects the same fraction of light at any wavelength
- GRG: see radio galaxy
- GrG (galaxy group): group of fifty or fewer gravitationally-bound Milky-Way-sized galaxies
- Griffith Observatory: see Galileo Observatory
- Grigg-Skjellerup
- Giotto: 1980s space mission carrying out a Comet Halley flyby
- grism: combination of a grating and a prism
- disperser: prism, grating, or grism within a spectrometer
- grating: spectrometer component
- Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space: see James Webb Space Telescope
- grism spectrograph: see grism
- grism spectroscopy: see grism
- griz photometric system: photometric system designed for electronic sensors
- GRMHD: see magnetohydrodynamics
- HARM: code to solve GRMHD problems
- GRNS: see Psyche
- GRO (Compton Gamma Ray Observatory): 1990s space observatory for gamma ray observation
- GRO J1655-40: microquasar
- Groombridge (Catalog of Circumpolar Stars): list of over 4000 stars in northern part of the sky
- gross structure: see fine structure
- gross structure: see hyperfine structure
- Groth Strip: region of sky in early HST survey
- Groth Strip Survey: see Groth Strip
- Groth-Westphal Strip (Groth Strip): region of sky in early HST survey
- ground
- ground state: lowest energy level
- ground state: see state of excitation
- Ground-Base Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance: initiative to track artificial spacecraft including space junk
- ground-penetrating radar: see radar
- Group: see rare designator prefixes
- group
- group environment: see galaxy environment
- Group Evolution Multiwavelength Study: survey of galaxy groups
- group of galaxies (galaxy group): group of fifty or fewer gravitationally-bound Milky-Way-sized galaxies
- Groupe Europáen Observations Stellaires: European organization of variable star observers.
- growth barrier (barrier): challenging issue regarding planet formation
- GRS: see Jupiter
- GRS: see Lunar Prospector
- GRS: see Mars Observer
- GRS: see Mars Odyssey
- GRS: see Solar Maximum Mission
- GRS: see radio source
- GRS 1915+105: stellar-mass black hole microquasar
- Gruppo Italiano Astrometristi: Italian amateur astronomy organization
- Grus Wall: see galaxy filament
- GRV: see rare designator prefixes
- GRW: see Astrographic Catalog
- GS (guide star): star used to assist in astronomical observation
- GS: see GOODS-South
- GS: see Ginga
- GS: see Juno
- GS: see rare designator prefixes
- Gs (gauss): measurement of magnetic field β
- GSAOI: see Gemini Observatory
- GSC (Guide Star Catalog): catalog of stars to help aim HST
- GSC-I: see Guide Star Catalog
- GSC-II: see Guide Star Catalog
- GSC2: see Guide Star Catalog
- GSE (Gaia Enceladus): galaxy that merged with the Milky Way
- GSFC (Goddard Space Flight Center): NASA space research laboratory near Washington D.C.
- GSFC xray and EUV Spectroheliograph: see OSO 7
- GSH: see double star designation
- GSh: see rare designator prefixes
- GSMT (Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope): concept for an extremely large telescope
- GSPC: see Guide Star Catalog
- GSPC-I: see Guide Star Catalog
- GSPC-II: see Guide Star Catalog
- GSS (Giant Stellar Stream): extensive stellar stream in M31
- GSS: see Groth Strip
- GSS: see rare designator prefixes
- GST: see Big Bear Solar Observatory
- gSTAR (GPU Supercomputer for Theoretical Astrophysics Research): supercomputer at Swinburne University
- GT: see rare designator prefixes
- GTC (Gran Telescopio Canarias): 10.4 meter telescope in the Canary Islands
- GTC-HRS: see Gran Telescopio Canarias
- GTCAO+FRIDA: see Gran Telescopio Canarias
- GTM (Large Millimeter Telescope): large microwave telescope in Mexico
- GTO: see James Webb Space Telescope
- Guangzhou Zhongke Aerospace Exploration Technology Co. (CAS Space): Chinese commericial space-launch corporation
- Guaranteed Time Observations: see James Webb Space Telescope
- guest observer: non-affiliated researcher welcomed to use an observatory
- guest observer program: see guest observer
- guest star: translation of ancient Chinese term for a visible transient
- guide star: star used to assist in astronomical observation
- Guide Star Astrometric Support Package: software to assist in using guide stars for HST observations
- Guide Star Catalog: catalog of stars to help aim HST
- Guide Star Photometric Catalog: see Guide Star Catalog
- guidestar (guide star): star used to assist in astronomical observation
- guillotine factor
- Gulf of Mexico
- Chicxulub crater: ancient giant impact crater under Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico
- Gum: see rare designator prefixes
- Gunn photometric system (griz photometric system): photometric system designed for electronic sensors
- Gunn-i: see griz photometric system
- DENIS: 1990s southern sky survey of two near-infrared bands
- Gunn-Peterson effect: see Gunn-Peterson trough
- Gunn-Peterson optical depth: see Gunn-Peterson trough
- Gunn-Peterson trough: spectral feature in EMR from redshift 6+
- Guo Shoujing Telescope (LAMOST): Chinese telescope for spectroscopic surveys of stars and galaxies
- GUPPI: radio-telescope back-end aimed at processing pulsar data
- GUPPI: see Green Bank Telescope
- GUSTO: balloon-borne 0.9-m far-infrared telescope
- GUT: see Theory of Everything
- GUT: see strong force
- electroweak: single conception including both electromagnetic and weak forces
- symmetry breaking: loss of symmetry, such as due to loss of stability in a regime change
- GUVV: see Galaxy Evolution Explorer
- GV: see rare designator prefixes
- GW (GW detection): observed gravitational wave signal recognizable as an astronomical event
- GW (galactic worm): high density streak of HI perpendicular to galactic plane
- GW (gravitational wave): ripples in the curvature of spacetime propagating as a wave
- GW background (gravitational wave background): combination of weak gravitational waves such as from distant sources
- GW detection: observed gravitational wave signal recognizable as an astronomical event
- GW detector (gravitational-wave detector): device to detect gravitational waves
- GW event: see GW detection
- GW event: see gravitational wave
- GW memory (gravitational-wave memory): adjusted space-geometry following incomplete gravitational wave cycle
- GW observatory (gravitational-wave detector): device to detect gravitational waves
- GW spectrum (gravitational wave spectrum): various frequencies of gravitational waves
- GW strain (gravitational wave strain): a measure of the magnitude of a gravitational wave
- GW150914: see GW detection
- GW150914: see gravitational wave
- LIGO: pair of observatories to detect gravitational waves
- GW151226: see GW detection
- GW170104: see GW detection
- GW170608: see GW detection
- GW170814: see GW detection
- GW170817: 2017 gravitational wave detection from a neutron star merger
- GW170817: see GW detection
- standard siren: transient whose gravitational waves indicate a specific distance
- GWB (gravitational wave background): combination of weak gravitational waves such as from distant sources
- GWB: see gravitational wave
- GWE: see Ulysses
- GWGC (Gravitational Wave Galaxy Catalogue): list of probable galaxies for GW detections
- GWs
- GWTC (Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog): catalog of gravitational wave detections
- GWTC-1: see Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog
- GWTC-2: see Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog
- GWTC-2.1: see Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog
- GWTC-3: see Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog
- GX: see X-ray source
- GY: see rare designator prefixes
- Gy (gigayear): a billion years
- Gya: see gigayear
- GYL: see double star designation
- Gyr (gigayear): a billion years
- GYRE: a stellar oscillation code
- gyrochronology: means of estimating stellar age from rotation
- GZ2 (Galaxy Zoo 2): crowd-sourced classification of hundreds of thousands of galaxies
- GZK effect (GZK limit): limit on energy of cosmic rays
- GZK horizon: see GZK limit
- GZK limit: limit on energy of cosmic rays
- GZK neutrino: see GZK limit