Term Index (P)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter P.
- P (phosphorus): metal, P, atomic number 15
- P: see rare designator prefixes
- p (peculiar galaxy): galaxy with out-of-the-ordinary features
- P Cygni: see P Cygni profile
- P Cygni profile: emission-line shape including a blue-shifted absorption feature
- P orbital: see electron orbital
- P-Cam: see Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope
- P-CMBcam: see Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope
- P-curve: see PCA analysis
- P-dot (period derivative): rate of change in the period of an orbit or rotation
- P-L: see Palomar-Leiden Survey
- P-L relation: see Cepheid variable
- p-mode: see asteroseismology
- p-nuclei: see p-process
- P-P chain (proton-proton chain): type of fusion reaction chain turning hydrogen into helium
- P-P space: see position-position-velocity space
- P-P-P space: see position-position-velocity space
- data cube: three-dimensional array of numerical data
- P-P-V space (position-position-velocity space): 3D space concept using velocity as one of the three dimensions
- P-Pdot diagram: diagram comparing the rotation and the slowing of pulsars
- p-process: synthesis of elements through proton capture
- rp-process: synthesis of elements through repeated proton capture
- P-Spec: see Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope
- P-V: see wavefront error
- P-V space: see position-position-velocity space
- P1640: see Hale Telescope
- P18: see Palomar Observatory
- P3K: see Hale Telescope
- P48 (Palomar 48 Inch Telescope): 48 inch Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory
- P60 (Palomar 60-inch Telescope): 60 inch telescope at Palomar Observatory
- CorMASS: near-infrared spectrograph
- P7: see Mercator Telescope
- P500: see cluster radius
- PA (position angle): indication of a direction across the celestial sphere
- Pa: see atm
- PACS: see Herschel Space Observatory
- PEP: survey aimed at star formation in early times
- PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP): survey aimed at star formation in early times
- pAGB (post-AGB star): stellar-evolution phase between AGB and white dwarf
- PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon): hydrocarbons consisting of meshes of benzene rings
- PAH emissions: infrared emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in gas clouds
- pair breaking and formation: see Cooper pair
- pair instability
- pair production: creation of a particle/antiparticle pair
- pair telescope: telescope that detects gamma rays via pair production
- pair-instability supernova: type of large supernova
- Pal (Palomar Globular Clusters): list of 15 globular clusters found in POSS plates
- paleomagnetism: ancient magnetic fields and their characteristics
- PALFA: Arecibo search for pulsars
- Pallas: see asteroid
- PALM-3000: see Hale Telescope
- PALMS: survey to find exoplanets for direct imaging
- Palomar: see Palomar Globular Clusters
- Palomar 1.5-m Telescope (Palomar 60-inch Telescope): 60 inch telescope at Palomar Observatory
- Palomar 18 inch Schmidt Camera: see Palomar Observatory
- Palomar 48 (Palomar 48 Inch Telescope): 48 inch Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory
- Palomar 48 Inch Telescope: 48 inch Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory
- Palomar 48-inch Schmidt (Palomar 48 Inch Telescope): 48 inch Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory
- Palomar 60-inch Telescope: 60 inch telescope at Palomar Observatory
- Palomar Digital Sky Survey: see Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
- Palomar Gattini-IR (Gattini-IR): IR transient survey telescope
- Palomar Globular Clusters: list of 15 globular clusters found in POSS plates
- Palomar high-redshift quasar surveys: 1980s Hale-telescope quasar searches using new technology
- Palomar Maps: see Parsamian Nebula Catalog
- Palomar Observatory: California observatory with Hale telescope
- Palomar Observatory Sky Survey: 1950s photographic plates from Palomar 48 inch telescope
- Palomar Observatory Sky Survey I (Palomar Observatory Sky Survey): 1950s photographic plates from Palomar 48 inch telescope
- Palomar Observatory Sky Survey II: see Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
- Palomar Planet Crossing Asteroid Survey (Planet Crossing Asteroid Survey): search for NEOs using small Palomar Schmidt Camera
- Palomar Proper Motion Survey (Luyten Palomar Survey): 1970s catalog of stars with high proper motion
- Palomar Testbed Interferometer: near-infrared interferometer experiment
- Palomar Transient Factory: survey designed to find transients
- Palomar-Green Catalog (Palomar-Green Survey): list of objects with excess ultraviolet light
- Palomar-Green Survey: list of objects with excess ultraviolet light
- Palomar-Haro-Luyten Catalog: 1960s catalog of faint blue stars
- Palomar-Leiden Survey: 1960s survey to identify distant asteroids
- Palomar-Leiden Trojan survey: see Palomar-Leiden Survey
- Palomar-Quest Sky Survey
- Palomar-Quest Survey
- PAMELA: cosmic ray detector attached to satellite
- Pampa la Bola: see Llano de Chajnantor Observatory
- Pan: see shepherd moon
- Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey (PAndAS): survey of M31 and M33
- Pan-STARRS: set of survey telescopes
- Pan-STARRS 1: see Pan-STARRS
- Pan-STARRS MDS: see Medium Deep Survey
- Pan-STARRS Object: see Pan-STARRS
- Pan-STARRS1: see Pan-STARRS
- PanCam: see Rosalind Franklin
- Pancam: see Mars Exploration Rover
- PanCET: HST UV/optical/NIR survey of selected exoplanets
- panchromatic: involving all colors, i.e., all wavelengths
- Panchromatic Comparative Exoplanet Treasury (PanCET): HST UV/optical/NIR survey of selected exoplanets
- Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT): HST survey of M31 stars
- PAndAS: survey of M31 and M33
- Pandeia (JWST ETC): Python-based exposure time calculator for JWST
- Pandeia Coronagraphy Advanced Kit for Extractions: see JWST ETC
- Pandora: see shepherd moon
- PANIC: see Magellan Telescopes
- Panoramic Imaging Survey of Centaurus and Sculptor: survey of extended halos of two nearby galaxies
- Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS): set of survey telescopes
- Pantheon: catalog of well-checked Type Ia supernovae
- Pantheon sample (Pantheon): catalog of well-checked Type Ia supernovae
- Pantheon supernovae (Pantheon): catalog of well-checked Type Ia supernovae
- PAO (Pierre Auger Observatory): cosmic-ray observatory in Argentina
- PAPA: see Aditya-L1
- PAPER: radio interferometer for 21-cm measurement
- Par: see Parsamian Nebula Catalog
- parabola: see conic section
- parabolic mirror
- paraboloid: circularly-symmetric 3D surface based on parabola
- spheroid: sphere-like shape that is flattened or elongated
- paradigm
- relativity: physics models accommodating the constancy of the speed of light
- parallax: angle due to different lines of sight
- parallax angle: see parallax
- parameter retrieval (retrieval): determining parameters through observation and modeling
- parameterized post-Newtonian formalism: method of approximating GR-based gravity from Newtonian gravity
- Paranal Observatory: ESO Atacama observatory with ESO VLT
- Parenago: see rare designator prefixes
- parent nuclide: see radioactive dating
- parent nuclide: see radioactive decay
- Parker Probe (Parker Solar Probe): space probe investigating solar corona
- Parker Solar Probe: space probe investigating solar corona
- Parker wind: model of the solar wind
- Parker wind model (Parker wind): model of the solar wind
- Parkes 210ft Telescope (Parkes Observatory): Australian observatory with large single-dish radio telescope
- Parkes 64m Telescope (Parkes Observatory): Australian observatory with large single-dish radio telescope
- HIPASS: HI survey carried out 1997 to 2002
- Parkes Catalog: catalog of from 1960s-1990 of radio sources in southern hemisphere
- Parkes HI Zone of Avoidance Shallow Survey: see Parkes HI Zone of Avoidance Survey
- Parkes HI Zone of Avoidance Survey: radio survey to identify galaxies hidden by the zone of avoidance
- Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey: late 1990s radio survey in search of pulsars
- Parkes Observatory: Australian observatory with large single-dish radio telescope
- Parkes Pulsar Timing Array: group of pulsars timed by Parkes Observatory
- Parkes Telescope (Parkes Observatory): Australian observatory with large single-dish radio telescope
- Parkes-MIT-NRAO Surveys: 1990 southern-hemisphere radio surveys
- Parque Astron*oacute;mico Atacama: see Llano de Chajnantor Observatory
- Parsamian: see Parsamian Nebula Catalog
- Parsamian Nebula Catalog: 1965 list of nebulae
- parsec: about 3.26 light-years
- ParselTongue: see Astronomical Image Processing System
- partial derivative: see partial differential equation
- partial differential equation: equation constructed as if the variables differentiated are independent
- partial ionization zone: portion of some stars where gas is partially ionized
- kappa mechanism: stellar instability caused by opacity increasing with temperature
- partial pressure: see number density
- partial vapor pressure
- particle: very small thing
- particle: see cosmic dust
- alpha particle: essentially a helium nucleus produced by radioactivity
- astrophysical neutrino: neutrino from other than Earth or the usual sources
- axion: proposed light, electrically neutral elementary particle
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- electron: type of lepton that is stable and has an electric charge of -1
- graviton: quantum of gravity
- hyperon: exotic type of baryon
- Lee-Weinberg bound: lower limit on mass of heavy lepton
- lepton: elementary particle with 1/2 integer spin such as electron
- neutralino: proposed type of particle that might include WIMPs
- neutrino: light, electrically neutral elementary particle
- neutron: type of baryon that is stable and has no electric charge
- pion: first type of meson discovered
- plasmon: quasiparticle that is quantum of plasma vibration
- positron: electron-like antimatter particle with electric charge of +1
- proton: type of baryon that is stable and has an electric charge of +1
- quark: type of elementary particle incorporated in protons and neutrons
- tau neutrino: neutrino flavor that becomes a tau particle during interactions
- WIMP: proposed particle comprising dark matter
- particle accelerator: see particle physics
- particle density
- mass density: mass per unit volume, as opposed to particle density
- particle horizon: furthest point from which light can reach us
- particle mixing (quantum mixing): means by which one particle spontaneously changes to another
- particle number: number of particles
- particle physics: physics such as carried out in accelerators
- effective field theory: type of useful simplification of a field theory
- freeze-out: particles existing long-term after a decoupling
- quark: type of elementary particle incorporated in protons and neutrons
- Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council: former UK science agency
- particle spectrometer: device to determine the characteristics of incoming particles
- particle-antiparticle annihilation
- antimatter: similar to normal matter but with opposite electrical charge
- particle-in-cell simulation (PIC simulation): method used in simulating plasma
- particles
- partition function: scale factor for Boltzmann factors
- partitioning
- Partiview: visualization software aimed at 4D data
- parts per million: method of expressing a small ratio
- PARVI: see Hale Telescope
- pascal: see atm
- Paschen
- Paschen series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 3 to n = 3
- Paschen series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 3 to n = 3
- hydrogen: most prominent element, atomic number 1
- PASJ (Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan): bimonthly journal
- PASP (Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific): monthly journal
- passband: range of electromagnetic wavelengths that a filter allows
- passive dust: dust in a model that is influenced but does not influence
- passive dust model (passive dust): dust in a model that is influenced but does not influence
- past
- PAT: see superconducting tunnel junction
- Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s: see decadal survey
- patterned ground: see polygonal ground
- Paul Wild Observatory
- Pauli exclusion principle: fermions in a quantum system cannot have identical quantum numbers
- Pavo-Indus Supercluster
- PAWS: survey of GMCs in M51a
- Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics (PAMELA): cosmic ray detector attached to satellite
- PB: see rare designator prefixes
- PBF: see Cooper pair
- PBH (primordial black hole): black holes forming at the most dense volumes when inflation ceased
- PBL (planetary boundary layer): low level of atmosphere affected by ground
- PC: see Palomar high-redshift quasar surveys
- PC: see rare designator prefixes
- pc (parsec): about 3.26 light-years
- PCA (principal component analysis): statistical strategy of devising independent variables
- PCA: see RXTE
- PCA analysis: an automatable method of determining galaxy morphology
- telluric line: absorption line in ground observation due to Earth atmosphere
- PCA analysis: an automatable method of determining galaxy morphology
- PCAS (Planet Crossing Asteroid Survey): search for NEOs using small Palomar Schmidt Camera
- PCEB (post-common-envelope binary): binary star system showing unusual stellar evolution
- PCS (Penrose Compton scattering): type of Compton scattering within a black hole's ergosphere
- PCS: see Hubble Space Telescope
- PdBI (Plateau de Bure Interferometer): 6-dish interferometer in French Alps
- PHIBSS: survey of CO in distant galaxies
- PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS): survey of GMCs in M51a
- PDE (partial differential equation): equation constructed as if the variables differentiated are independent
- PDF (probability density function): shows probability of taking a particular value from a continuous range
- PDM (phase dispersion minimization): particular method of finding periodic components in signal
- Pdot (period derivative): rate of change in the period of an orbit or rotation
- PDR: review checking initial design with requirements
- PDR (photodissociation region): cloud of partially-ionized atomic hydrogen
- PDR: see photodissociation
- PDS (Pico dos Dias Survey): survey aimed to find T-Tauri stars
- PDS: see BeppoSAX
- PDS 456
- PDS 70: T-Tauri star with protoplanetary disk and protoplanet
- PDS 70b: see PDS 70
- PDS 70c: see PDS 70
- PE (pointing error): discrepancy in telescope's aim
- PE (potential energy): an object's energy that can be released
- Pe: see rare designator prefixes
- pE (reduction potential): measure of a chemical species' tendency to acquire electrons
- pea (pea galaxy): small greenish galaxy
- pea galaxy: small greenish galaxy
- peak amplitude (amplitude): the height of a wave
- peak epoch (peak star-formation epoch): around 10 billion years ago when star formation peaked
- peak epoch of star formation (peak star-formation epoch): around 10 billion years ago when star formation peaked
- peak galaxy-formation epoch: see peak star-formation epoch
- peak star-formation epoch: around 10 billion years ago when star formation peaked
- peak star-formation era (peak star-formation epoch): around 10 billion years ago when star formation peaked
- peak-to-peak amplitude: see amplitude
- peak-to-valley wavefront error: see wavefront error
- Pearson moment
- kurtosis: measure of the probability of a distribution's tails
- Pearson's chi-squared test (chi-squared test): statistical significance test
- pebble: term sometimes used for solid objects from cm to meter size
- pebble accretion: accretion of pebble-sized solids to a planetary embryo
- pebble accretion: see accretion
- pebble accretion: see planet formation
- pebble: term sometimes used for solid objects from cm to meter size
- pebble isolation mass: see isolation mass
- pec (peculiar galaxy): galaxy with out-of-the-ordinary features
- peculiar
- spectral type: classification of stars based upon spectral features
- peculiar galaxy: galaxy with out-of-the-ordinary features
- peculiar galaxy: see galaxy merger
- NGC 7727: irregular galaxy with two SMBHs
- peculiar motion (peculiar velocity): velocity with respect to local rest
- peculiar star (chemically peculiar star): star with SED showing presence metals unusual for stars
- peculiar velocity: velocity with respect to local rest
- peculiar velocity diagram: see velocity-metallicity relation
- Peking University
- Kavli Institute: any of a number of science institutes supported by Kavli Foundation
- Pellet: see rare designator prefixes
- Pencil Nebula: see Vela supernova remnant
- Penrose Compton scattering: type of Compton scattering within a black hole's ergosphere
- Penrose mechanism (Penrose process): process by which energy can be extracted from black hole's rotation
- Penrose pair production: see Penrose Compton scattering
- Penrose photoproduction process: see Penrose Compton scattering
- Penrose Process
- Penrose process: process by which energy can be extracted from black hole's rotation
- PEP: survey aimed at star formation in early times
- PEP: see JUICE
- PEP: see photometry
- PEPE: see Deep Space 1
- PEPSI: see Large Binocular Telescope
- PEPSSI: see New Horizons
- periapse: see apsis
- periapsis: see apsis
- eccentricity: degree to which an orbit is non-circular
- mean anomaly: angle describing an object's position within an elliptical orbit
- periastron: see apsis
- pericenter: see apsis
- pericentric passage: see quenched galaxy
- perigalacticon: see apsis
- perigee: see apsis
- perihelion: see apsis
- period: see frequency
- period derivative: rate of change in the period of an orbit or rotation
- P-Pdot diagram: diagram comparing the rotation and the slowing of pulsars
- period-luminosity relation: see Cepheid variable
- period-luminosity-color relation: see Cepheid variable
- period-mean density relation: see Cepheid variable
- Period04: software to identify periods in time series data
- periodic table of the elements: see atomic number
- Perkins Telescope: see Lowell Observatory
- Mimir: multi-function near-infrared instrument on Perkins Telescope
- permafrost
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- polygonal ground: crack pattern in ground forming polygons due to freezing
- permeability: ability of a material to allow fluids to pass through it
- Perseus Arm: see spiral arm
- Perseus Cluster: large galaxy cluster in the Perseus-Pisces Supercluster
- galaxy cluster: large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- Perseus Complex: see Taurus-Auriga Complex
- Perseus Molecular Cloud: see Taurus-Auriga Complex
- Perseus-Pisces Supercluster: nearby supercluster
- Perseverance: see Mars 2020
- MMRTG: power source for space probes
- perturbation: see perturbation theory
- J2: geopotential coefficient regarding a planet's oblateness
- perturbation theory: breaking an equation into a solvable part and approximable part
- Peru
- TAMBO: concept for neutrino detector in valley in Peru
- peryton: see fast radio burst
- PESSTO: NTT survey following up on transients
- PETIT: see atmospheric model
- Petzval field curvature (field curvature): focusing to a curved surface rather than a plane
- PF-QHY: see William Herschel Telescope
- Pf1: see Green Bank Telescope
- PF2: see Green Bank Telescope
- PFA: see eXTP
- PFC: see Isaac Newton Telescope
- PFCam: see Shane Telescope
- PFIP: see William Herschel Telescope
- Pfleiderer: see rare designator prefixes
- PFS (Subaru PFS): multi-object spectrograph in development for the Subaru telescope
- PFS: see Magellan Telescopes
- PFS: see Mars Express
- PFS: see Subaru Telescope
- PFS: see Venus Express
- PFS Subaru Strategic Program: see Subaru PFS
- PFUEI: see Hale Telescope
- Pfund series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 5 to n = 5
- hydrogen: most prominent element, atomic number 1
- PG (Palomar-Green Survey): list of objects with excess ultraviolet light
- PG 1159 star: star in transition between planetary nebula and white dwarf
- PG 1159-035: see PG 1159 star
- PG 1302-102: galaxy possibly with binary SMBH
- PGC (Principal Galaxies Catalog): modern catalog of more than 70k galaxies
- LEDA: galaxy database with observation data
- PGC 10217
- PGC 3234374 (Comet Galaxy): unique spiral galaxy in cluster Abell 2667
- PGC 63287 (Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy): most distant galaxy in the Local Group
- PGC 9892: see IC 342
- PGC54559 (Hoag's Object): peculiar ring galaxy
- PH (Planet Hunters): crowdsourcing website to identify galaxy types from surveys
- pH (acidity): measure of the activity of hydrogen ions in a solution
- PH3: see phosphorus
- PHA: see near-Earth object
- PHANGS: set of surveys of nearby galaxies
- Phantom Galaxy (Messier 74): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- PHARO: see Hale Telescope
- phase: see phase curve
- phase angle: view angle of reflected light implied by the phase of the Moon
- phase curve: brightness of an object according to its phase angle
- phase curve: brightness of an object according to its phase angle
- phase dispersion minimization: particular method of finding periodic components in signal
- phase integral: see phase space
- phase line: see phase space
- phase plane: see phase space
- phase plate: filter that changes the phase of light passing through
- phase space: space of all possible states of a system
- phase transition: transformation from one state of matter to another
- phased array: method of using a set of antennas directionally
- phased array feed: see phased array
- PHAT: HST survey of M31 stars
- PHI: see Solar Orbiter
- PHIBSS: survey of CO in distant galaxies
- PHIBSS1 (PHIBSS): survey of CO in distant galaxies
- Philae: see Rosetta
- Phillips relation
- Phillips relationship
- PHL (Palomar-Haro-Luyten Catalog): 1960s catalog of faint blue stars
- PHO: see near-Earth object
- Phobos
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- MMX: Japanese probe to bring back a sample of a Martian moon
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- Phocaea
- PHOENIX (PHOENIX stellar model): computer model of a stellar photosphere
- BT-Settl: model atmosphere of small stars and brown dwarfs
- Phoenix: Mars polar-region probe launched by NASA in 2007 with lander
- Phoenix: see Gemini Observatory
- PHOENIX code (PHOENIX stellar model): computer model of a stellar photosphere
- PHOENIX stellar model: computer model of a stellar photosphere
- Phoenix stream
- Pholus
- centaur: asteroid-like body orbiting among the outer planets
- phone number: colloquial expression for coordinates
- phonon: see quasiparticle
- phosphine: see phosphorus
- phosphor: see fluorescence
- phosphorescence: see fluorescence
- phosphorus: metal, P, atomic number 15
- phoswich: see BeppoSAX
- photino: see supersymmetry
- photo-electric photometer: see photometer
- photo-electric photometry: see photometer
- photo-z (photometric redshift): method of estimating redshift without spectroscopy
- photocathode: type of device producing free electrons from photons
- photocell
- photodiode: class of solid state device to detect EMR
- photochemistry: study of the chemical effects of light
- photodecomposition (photodissociation): chemical reaction in which photons break chemical bonds
- photodiode: class of solid state device to detect EMR
- photodisintegration: breakdown of a nucleus by a gamma ray
- photodissociation: chemical reaction in which photons break chemical bonds
- radiolysis: similar to photodissociation from higher energy photons
- photodissociation clouds: see photodissociation
- photodissociation front (photodissociation region): cloud of partially-ionized atomic hydrogen
- photodissociation region: cloud of partially-ionized atomic hydrogen
- photodissociation region: see HII region
- photodissociation region: see photodissociation
- photoelectric effect: see photoionization
- electron: type of lepton that is stable and has an electric charge of -1
- scintillator: instrument part designed to respond to high-energy photons
- photoelectric photometry: see photometry
- photoelectron: see electron
- photoevaporation: dispersal of a gas from UV radiation
- Fulton gap: planets with radius 1.5 to 2 Earth radii are rare
- photofission: see photodisintegration
- photographic magnitude: magnitude derived from photographic plate
- photographic plate (plate): product of astronomical photography
- plate scale: relation between angle and distance across an image
- photographic zenith tube: telescope permanently mounted to the zenith
- photography
- photoheating
- photoionization: photon striking neutral atom expelling an electron
- photoluminescence: see fluorescence
- photolysis (photodissociation): chemical reaction in which photons break chemical bonds
- photometer: instrument measuring brightness
- Photometric LSST Astronomical Time-series Classification Challenge
- photometric parallax: see spectroscopic parallax
- BATC: photometric survey of Milky Way stars
- photometric redshift: method of estimating redshift without spectroscopy
- photometric system: specification of a set of filters/passbands
- photometric systems
- passband: range of electromagnetic wavelengths that a filter allows
- photometric Type Ia supernova: see Type Ia supernova
- photometric-standard star: see photometry
- photometry: studying starlight using optical filters
- photomultiplier (photomultiplier tube): electronic device to detect light
- photomultiplier tube: electronic device to detect light
- photon: quantum of light, i.e., light as a particle
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- particle: very small thing
- photon energy: the energy carried by a single photon
- quantum: minimal amount of something that triggers a reaction
- standard model: model of elementary particles including quarks
- supersymmetry: extension to standard model of particle physics
- photon counter: see photon counting
- photon counting: sensing EMR down to the photon level
- photon decoupling: see decoupling
- recombination: time when the universe's ionized hydrogen atoms neutralized
- photon energy: the energy carried by a single photon
- frequency: number of cycles per unit of time, such as waves per second
- photon: quantum of light, i.e., light as a particle
- wavelength: distance over which a repeating wave repeats
- photon epoch (radiation era): early-universe era when radiation pressure dominated
- recombination: time when the universe's ionized hydrogen atoms neutralized
- photon era (radiation era): early-universe era when radiation pressure dominated
- photon noise: variation in light measurement due to its quantum nature
- photon ring: see black hole shadow
- photon scattering: see scattering
- photon sphere: surface surrounding black hole where photons can orbit
- photon-assisted tunnelling: see superconducting tunnel junction
- photon-dominated region (photodissociation region): cloud of partially-ionized atomic hydrogen
- photon-dominated region: see photodissociation
- photon-photon pair production: see pair production
- photons
- photosphere: layer of star from which light propagates
- photospheric radius expansion: see X-ray burster
- PHR: see MASH Catalog of Planetary Nebulae
- PHWB: see wide binaries
- physical baryon density: see Lambda-CDM model
- physical cosmology: see cosmology
- physical dark matter density: see Lambda-CDM model
- physical double: see optical double
- physical field: physical property of some volume of space
- physical libration: see libration
- Enceladus: Saturn moon considered possible carrier of life
- physics
- 1H: hydrogen isotope with no neutrons
- absorption: removal of photons from a beam of EMR
- absorption coefficient: measure of how much light a substance absorbs
- Alfvén wave: a type of transverse wave along magnetic field lines in plasma
- alpha particle: essentially a helium nucleus produced by radioactivity
- angstrom: unit of length 10-10 meters
- anisotropy: directional-dependence such as temperature variation around the CMB
- anti-de Sitter space: type of curved space
- antimatter: similar to normal matter but with opposite electrical charge
- arXiv: website with physics paper preprints
- astrophysical neutrino: neutrino from other than Earth or the usual sources
- astrophysics: physics applied to astronomy
- atm: unit of pressure
- atomic excitation: electrons above the ground state within atoms
- atomic number: number of protons in an atomic nucleus
- Auger effect: atom's emission of an electron along with a photon
- axion: proposed light, electrically neutral elementary particle
- Axion Dark Matter Experiment: a search for axions as potential dark matter particles
- barycenter: center of mass of two orbiting bodies
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- baryonic matter: ordinary matter made up of protons and neutrons
- beat frequency: frequency emerging from two other frequencies
- beta: ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure
- beta decay: radioactivity such that an electron or positron is emitted
- Big Bang nucleosynthesis: creation of atomic nuclei in the very early universe
- bigravity: modifications to GR defining two metrics
- binding energy: energy needed to separate two objects
- Birkhoff's theorem: shows GR qualities of a spherically-symmetric mass
- black body: idealized object that reflects no light
- black hole: region of such high mass that light cannot escape
- black hole thermodynamics: science of black holes
- black-body radiation: EMR with a characteristic spectrum due to the temperature of a body
- black-hole information paradox: a behavior of black holes that appears to contradict physics
- blastwave: spherical shock wave from a small volume
- blended spectra: an observed spectrum comprising light from multiple objects
- Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics: Ukrainian research institute
- Bohr model: has electrons circling nucleus in quantized orbits
- bolometric luminosity: total luminosity of an object at all wavelengths
- Boltzmann constant: relates particle energy and temperature
- Boltzmann equation: equation relating atomic excitation to temperature
- Boltzmann transport equation: equation for evolving distribution of gas particles
- Bondi radius: radius within which a body moving through a medium will draw it in
- Bose-Einstein condensate: rare state of matter possible at cryogenic temperatures
- Bose-Einstein statistics: possible distribution of particles not bound by Pauli exclusion
- bow shock: shock wave of a magnetosphere through the surrounding medium
- brane: mathematical object with dimensions
- chemical equilibrium: state where chemical makeup is unchanging
- Cherenkov radiation: radiation from the shock of a charged particle passing through a medium
- Chern-Simons gravity: one type of modified general relativity
- chirp mass: a reduced-mass-like quantity that relates to gravitational waves
- circular polarization ratio: ratio of circular polarization handedness in reflected radar signal
- complex number: type of number that can be the square root of a negative number
- Compton scattering: photon collision with a charged particle that emits a different photon
- Compton wavelength: lower bound on a particle's possible de Broglie wavelength
- conformal field theory: a type of quantum field theory
- conservation law: property that remains unchanged by physical phenomena
- continuous gravitational wave: long-lasting repeating GWs such as from orbits
- continuum emission: continuous spectrum such as black-body radiation or bremsstrahlung
- convection: a heated fluid's flow due to its low density and buoyancy
- cooling function: function relating a gas's cooling rate to its temperature
- Coriolis force: apparent force in a rotating frame of reference
- cosmic string: rent in spacetime
- cosmic web: hypothesized structure of the dark matter throughout the universe
- cosmological constant: force counteracting the universe's inward gravitational pull
- cosmological time dilation: very distant events appear to take longer
- Coulomb's law: static electrical force relation
- cross section: "area" representation of probability of an interaction of particles
- Cryogenic Dark Matter Search: a search for a candidate dark matter particle
- Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers: a search for a candidate dark matter particle
- CUORE: experiment to sense neutrinoless double beta decay
- curvature radiation: synchrotron-like radiation when particles follow curved field lines
- cyclotron radiation: radiation emitted when charged particles are accelerated
- cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy: method of measuring the KE of beta particles
- dalton: mass unit used on atomic scale
- dark energy: energy theorized to accelerate the expansion of the universe
- dark matter: matter in galaxies and galaxy clusters suggested by their gravity
- dark matter filament: hypothesized type of long, thin volume of dark matter
- dark matter halo: hypothetical dark matter throughout and surrounding a galaxy
- de Broglie wavelength: wavelength of a particle's matter wave
- Debye length: length scale of screening effects within a plasma
- Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment: neutrino experiment under construction
- degeneracy: general word meaning a violation of normal rules
- degeneracy weight: number of quantum states with same energy level
- degree of ionization: fraction of material consisting of ions
- detonation: ignition propelled by a shock wave
- deuterium: hydrogen isotope with one neutron
- DGP gravity: alternative theory of gravity addressing "dark energy"
- diffraction: an effect of the edge of an obstacle on a wave
- diffraction limited: telescope limited only by the laws of diffraction
- diffusion: the spreading of particles toward an even distribution
- dipole: field with two poles
- discontinuous Galerkin method: computational method for PDEs handling discontinuities
- Doppler shift: wave frequency difference due to relative velocity difference with source
- dynamical friction: drag produced by gravitational interaction with surrounding objects
- dynamical instability: situation where a perturbation makes itself larger
- dynamo: mechanism for generating magnetic fields around astronomical bodies
- e-folding time: time to increase by a factor of e
- Eddington approximation: approximation of a star's internal EMR's divergence from isotropic
- Eddington luminosity: maximum luminosity at which radiation force overcomes gravity
- effective field theory: type of useful simplification of a field theory
- effective temperature: temperature of an equivalent black body in terms of total radiation
- eigen-decomposition: useful type of factoring a matrix into the product of three
- eigenmode: vibration mode of an oscillator where all parts move at the same frequency
- eigenvalue: ratio between a vector and a linear transformation of that vector
- Einstein coefficients: a substance's probabilities of emission and absorption
- Einstein delay: EMR delay due to relativistic effects of environment and motion
- Einstein-de Sitter model: universe tuned to the smallest expansion that continues forever
- electric field: electric force as distributed over a space
- electromagnetic radiation: radiation such as light, radio, X-rays
- electromagnetic spectrum: spectrum of EMR
- electromagnetism: electricity and magnetism and their interaction
- electron: type of lepton that is stable and has an electric charge of -1
- electron degeneracy: electrons set free of atoms by the Pauli exclusion principle
- electron degenerate matter: dense matter such as that in white dwarf
- electron orbital: a nucleus's "locations" where an electron can orbit
- electron pressure: the electron contribution to pressure within a plasma
- electron scattering: any process that changes the course of an electron
- electron screening: reduction of effective charge of a nucleus by nearby electrons
- electron shell: radius-level around an atomic nucleus at which electrons can orbit
- electron volt: very small unit of energy
- electroweak: single conception including both electromagnetic and weak forces
- element: class of atom based on its number of protons
- emission: addition of photons to a beam of EMR
- emission coefficient: measure of how much light a substance emits
- endothermic reaction: reaction that absorbs heat
- energy: physical state needed to do something
- energy density: energy per unit volume
- entropic gravity: MOND-like theory of gravity
- entropy: relative measure of the amount of usable energy available
- equation of radiative transfer: equation describing energy transfer by EMR
- equation of state: equation relating temperature, pressure, and volume
- equilibrium temperature: temperature a planet would have if it were an externally-heated black body
- erg: CGS unit of energy
- evaporation: particles escaping, e.g., liquid molecules escaping as gas
- EXO: experiment to detect neutrinoless double beta decay in xenon
- expansion fan: the "sound" of a supersonic flow flowing around a convex corner
- f(R) gravity: class of modifications to general relativity
- false vacuum: apparent QFT vacuum
- field lines: lines showing the pattern of a mathematical field
- finite difference method: means of estimating calculus and differential equation solutions
- finite element method: computational method for PDEs suited to physical problems
- finite volume method: computational method for PDEs especially suited to fluid dynamics
- flavor: subtype of some type of particle
- fluorescence: emission from a molecule excited by absorption
- flux: flow rate per unit area
- flux freezing: magnetic field lines becoming attached to plasma they pass through
- forbidden line: spectral line that quantum mechanics disallows for the most part
- fractionation: separation of one chemical mixture into others
- fractionation factor: isotope-related ratio
- frame of reference: region, possibly in motion, from which something is observed/considered
- free streaming: particles moving long distances without disturbance
- Friedmann model: type of model of universe incorporating general relativity
- fusion: formation of an atomic nucleus nuclei from multiple smaller nuclei
- Gamow peak: relative speed most likely to cause atoms to fuse within a gas
- gas flow: dynamics of gas, plasma, i.e., compressible fluids
- gauss: measurement of magnetic field β
- general relativity: formula relating gravity, space, time, and mass
- Godunov scheme: computational fluid dynamics method
- gravitational collapse: shrinking of an object from gravitational force
- gravitational constant: indicates how much pull between two masses
- gravitational field: gravitational force as distributed over a space
- gravitational potential: conceptual field indicating the strength of gravity at each point
- gravitational potential energy: energy implied by some mass being some distance from another
- gravitational potential model: mathematical model of an astronomical body's gravitational field
- gravitational potential well: a dip in the gravitational-potential field
- gravitational singularity: point where density and gravity reach infinity
- gravitational wave: ripples in the curvature of spacetime propagating as a wave
- gravitational wave background: combination of weak gravitational waves such as from distant sources
- gravitational wave spectrum: various frequencies of gravitational waves
- gravitational wave strain: a measure of the magnitude of a gravitational wave
- gravitational-wave memory: adjusted space-geometry following incomplete gravitational wave cycle
- gravitationally bound: description of objects kept together by gravity
- gravitomagnetic field: magnetic-like-field produced by gravitation
- gravity: theory that mass attracts
- gravity wave: wave in fluid where restoring force is gravity
- gray body: ideal object that reflects the same fraction of light at any wavelength
- greenhouse effect: mechanism that boosts temperature through selective blocking of EMR
- ground state: lowest energy level
- Hall effect: voltage generated by interacting current and magnetic field
- Hanle effect: effect of magnetic field on the polarization of emitted photons
- Hartle-Thorne metric: metric approximating GR effects of slow neutron star rotation
- Hawking radiation: EMR theorized to be emitted by black holes, powered by their mass
- heating: increasing the velocity of particles
- Heisenberg uncertainty principle: limit on observable position and momentum of an object
- HERMIT: code to carry out N-body simulations
- holographic duality: notion that all the physics of three dimensions can be described in two
- homologous collapse: collapse such that the increasing density remains uniform
- hydrodynamics: study of fluids in motion
- hydrostatic equilibrium: state of a fluid body when forces are such that the fluid is at rest
- hyperon: exotic type of baryon
- ice: solid state of water
- ideal gas law: relates pressure, temperature, and volume
- Immirzi parameter: theoretical value relating black hole to its entropy
- intensity: power reaching a surface from a specific source
- interference: result of interaction of waves
- interferometer: device detecting EMR properties using interference between waves
- internal gravity wave: ripples in a change in density in a fluid
- inverse square law: a value's dependency upon reciprocal of the square of the distance from something
- ion: non-neutral atom or molecule, with missing or extra electrons
- ionization potential: energy needed to ionize an atom
- isothermal core: core region of a body of all the same temperature
- isotope: subclass of an element with a specific number of nucleons
- jansky: unit of measurement of spectral flux density
- jet: stream of matter from an astronomical body
- Johannsen-Psaltis metric: metric template allowing metrics to be written as a general expansion
- joule: SI unit of energy
- kappa distribution: one distribution of velocities of particles out of equilibrium
- kappa mechanism: stellar instability caused by opacity increasing with temperature
- KATRIN: experiment to measure neutrino mass
- Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism: release of energy from gravitational collapse
- Kerr-NUT spacetime: Kerr spacetime defined in terms of Taub-NUT spacetime
- kinetic energy: an object's energy due to its motion
- Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation: for an object in thermodynamic equilibrium, emissivity equals absorptance
- Kirchhoff's laws: laws regarding the source of spectral lines
- Klein-Nishina formula: formula for the effects of electrons scattering photons
- Kramers opacity law: opacity's relation to density and temperature
- kugelblitz: theoretical black hole arising from a high radiation density
- Landau damping: type of damping of waves that occurs in thin plasma
- lattice Boltzmann method: computational fluid dynamics method treating the fluid as particles
- Lense-Thirring effect: effect on precession from frame dragging
- lepton: elementary particle with 1/2 integer spin such as electron
- Lorentz force: force on a point charge due to magnetic fields
- Lorentz transformation: equations describing the effect of relative motion on length and velocity
- Lorentzian distribution: probability distribution applicable to some physics phenomena
- Love number: measures of rigidity of a body
- Lovelock gravity: generalization of general relativity
- Lyapunov time: timescale beyond which a dynamical system is chaotic
- Mach number: ratio of flow-speed to sound-speed
- Mach's principle: the notion that rotation is relative to all the mass of the universe
- magnetic energy spectrum: spatial spectral density of the energy associated with magnetic fields
- magnetic field: magnetic force as distributed over a space
- magnetic field strength: a field associated with magnetism
- magnetic flux: measure of magnetism passing through a surface
- magnetic flux density: vector field describing magnetism in relation to the Lorentz force
- magnetic induction: voltage across a conductor induced by changing magnetic field
- magnetic reconnection: change in magnetic topology within a fluid
- magnetohydrodynamics: dynamics of electrically conducting fluids
- magnetorotational instability: instability in the fluid of a disk from MHD effects
- magnetosonic wave: a type of sonic wave in a plasma
- Majorana particle: theoretical particle that is its own antiparticle
- mass: object's quality that determines the effects of forces and gravity
- mass number: number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus
- mass ratio: ratio of masses of two objects such as a binary star
- mass spectrometer: device to determine the mass of molecules in a mixture
- Maxwell's equations: four equations describing electricity and magnetism
- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution: distribution of velocities of gas particles
- mean free path: average length that a particle travels before interaction
- mechanics: the science of forces and motions
- membrane paradigm: simplified black-hole model enabling calculation of some effects
- MERCURY: code to carry out N-body simulations
- metallic hydrogen: a high-pressure state of hydrogen that is conductive
- metric: mathematical generalization of the concept of distance
- Michelson interferometer: device to measure small changes in distance or light speed
- Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect: effect of matter on neutrino oscillation
- modified Newtonian dynamics: alternative theory to "dark matter"
- moment of inertia factor: characterization of mass distribution within a planet
- nanohertz gravitational waves: size of GWs that pulsar-timing observations might catch
- NBODY: code to carry out N-body simulations
- neutrino: light, electrically neutral elementary particle
- neutrino oscillation: neutrinos regularly morph into another flavor
- neutrinoless double beta decay: possible type of rare beta decay
- neutron: type of baryon that is stable and has no electric charge
- neutron capture: combination of an atomic nucleus and a neutron
- neutron degenerate matter: matter made up primarily of neutrons
- neutron scattering: scattering of neutrons by atomic nuclei
- neutron spectrometer: device determining the energy of received free neutrons
- Newton's laws: physical laws of dynamics and gravitation
- no-hair theorem: proposition that a black hole only has mass, rotation, and charge
- non-thermal emission: EMR not due to a body's heat
- nuclear energy generation rate: fusion power per unit mass
- nucleon: proton or neutron
- nucleosynthesis: creation of atomic nuclei
- nuclide: atomic nucleus associated with a specific isotope
- observable: any physical phenomenon that you can detect
- Ohmic heating: heating resulting from an electric current through a material
- opacity: a measure of opaqueness of a material
- optical depth: a measure of opaqueness of a path of light
- oscillator strength: fraction expressing QM's contribution to the probability of absorption
- partial differential equation: equation constructed as if the variables differentiated are independent
- particle: very small thing
- particle physics: physics such as carried out in accelerators
- particle spectrometer: device to determine the characteristics of incoming particles
- partition function: scale factor for Boltzmann factors
- Pauli exclusion principle: fermions in a quantum system cannot have identical quantum numbers
- Penrose Compton scattering: type of Compton scattering within a black hole's ergosphere
- phase space: space of all possible states of a system
- phase transition: transformation from one state of matter to another
- photoevaporation: dispersal of a gas from UV radiation
- photoionization: photon striking neutral atom expelling an electron
- photon: quantum of light, i.e., light as a particle
- physical field: physical property of some volume of space
- PICO experiment: a search for a candidate dark matter particle
- pion: first type of meson discovered
- Planck constant: quantum of action in quantum mechanics
- Planck function: yields black-body spectrum curve
- Planck units: a set of units based on Planck constant and other fundamental constants
- plasma: state of matter in which atoms are separate and ionized
- plasma frequency: frequency of electron plasma oscillation
- plasma wave: wave incorporating the EM forces within plasma
- Poisson's equation: relates one function's Laplacian to another function
- polarization: property of waves that oscillate in a particular direction
- polarization modes: curl- and divergent-like components of CMB polarization patterns
- positron: electron-like antimatter particle with electric charge of +1
- potential energy: an object's energy that can be released
- Poynting vector: measures directional energy flux density
- primordial black hole: black holes forming at the most dense volumes when inflation ceased
- primordial gravitational waves: gravitational waves formed in the early universe
- Project 8: experiment in development to measure neutrino mass
- proton: type of baryon that is stable and has an electric charge of +1
- Q factor: measure of oscillator's damping
- quadratic field strength: a measure of a star's varying magnetic field
- quantum: minimal amount of something that triggers a reaction
- quantum field theory: reworking of quantum mechanics incorporating fields
- quantum mechanics: modern mechanical theory of small things, on the scale of atoms
- quantum mixing: means by which one particle spontaneously changes to another
- quantum number: number representing a conserved quantity
- quantum system: situation in which quantum theory applies
- quantum tunneling: quantum mechanical effect of particles passing through a barrier
- quark: type of elementary particle incorporated in protons and neutrons
- quark matter: matter not made of protons and neutrons but of quarks
- quark-gluon plasma: extreme-temperature state of matter
- quasiparticle: disturbance that acts like a particle
- radiation hydrodynamics: hydrodynamics plus the effects of EMR
- radiative transfer: energy transfer in the form of electromagnetic radiation
- radioactive dating: determining the age of a substance that has a radioactive component
- radioactive decay: changes in atomic nuclei that happen over time
- radioactive heating: a source of heat of some planets and moons
- radioactivity: an unstable nucleus's tendency to change through emission of particles
- radiometer equation: shows how long to observe a radio source
- ram pressure: pressure on a body moving through a fluid
- Rayleigh-Jeans law: yields approximation of black-body curve useful at low frequencies
- REBOUND: code to carry out N-body simulations
- reduced mass: the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the masses of two objects
- refractory material: material with high condensation temperature
- relativistic effect: a substantial fraction of the speed of light
- relativistic energy: energy of an object including relativistic effects
- relativistic invariance: quantity that remains the same regardless of frame of reference
- relativistic momentum: momentum of an object including relativistic effects
- relativistic speed: a substantial fraction of the speed of light
- relativity: physics models accommodating the constancy of the speed of light
- relaxation time: time associated with exponential falloff
- rest wavelength: normal wavelength observed when not moving in relation to the source
- runaway process: a process with positive feedback so progress speeds progress
- Sagnac effect: an effect of the movement of light beams regarding their interference
- Saha equation: equation relating ionization to temperature
- Salpeter timescale: timescale for black hole growth
- scalar-tensor gravity: GR-like gravity that incorporates a scalar field
- scattering: changing the direction of a particle's movement
- Schrödinger equation: quantum-mechanical wave-equation-like equation
- Schrödinger-Poisson equation: Schrödinger equation including a term for gravity
- Schuster-Schwarzschild model: simplified model of a star's production of absorption lines
- sedimentation: settling of heavier material to the bottom
- self-absorption: EMR absorption by the same substance that emitted it
- self-gravitation: gravitational force holding a body together
- Shapiro delay: EMR delay due to passing near massive object
- shock wave: abrupt propagating disturbance in a fluid
- siderophile: material that dissolves in molten iron
- siemens: SI unit of electrical conductance
- solar constant: flux from the Sun at 1 AU
- sound speed: speed at which compression waves traverse a gas
- source function: measure indicating the effect of a material on EMR passing through
- spacetime: four dimensions: time and the three space dimensions
- Special Breakthrough Prize: Breakthrough Prize award in addition to the year's annual awards
- special relativity: physics explaining how the speed of light can be constant
- specific heat: ratio of added temperature to added heat for a material
- specific intensity: intensity per unit wavelength or frequency
- specific volume: ratio of volume to mass
- spectral energy distribution: function or plot of brightness at each wavelength in the spectrum
- spectral line energy distribution: function or plot of brightness of lines in a spectrum
- speed of light: fundamental constant measured as the speed at which light travels
- spin: an angular-momentum quantum number
- spiral density wave: spiral structure that can form in disks
- standard model: model of elementary particles including quarks
- Stark effect: electric field influence on spectral lines
- state of excitation: energy level of something above the minimum
- state of ionization: difference in an ion's electron count versus proton count
- statistical mechanics: mechanical behavior based upon probability
- Stefan-Boltzmann constant: relates radiation power to temperature and surface area
- stellar-mass black hole: black hole that is a stellar remnant
- stimulated emission: emission triggered by received photons
- string theory: type of physics theory bringing together current models
- strong force: force that holds quarks and nuclei together
- strong-field gravity: gravity much stronger than in the solar system such as near a black hole
- sublimation: single material phase transition from solid to gas
- supercooling: cooling water below freezing point without it freezing
- supercritical fluid: state of matter at sufficient pressure and temperature
- supergravity: combination of general relativity and supersymmetry
- superluminal motion: faster-than-light movement
- superstring theory: version of string theory including supersymmetry
- supersymmetry: extension to standard model of particle physics
- suprathermal: having more energy than would be created by thermal excitation
- symmetry breaking: loss of symmetry, such as due to loss of stability in a regime change
- synchrotron radiation: radiation emitted when high-speed charged particles are accelerated
- synchrotron self-Compton: charged particle cloud scattering its own synchrotron-produced photons
- tau neutrino: neutrino flavor that becomes a tau particle during interactions
- Taub spacetime: early 1950s model for a rotating-black-hole spacetime
- Taub-NUT spacetime: early mathematics for a rotating black hole spacetime
- telegrapher's equations: two equations describing a transmission line
- temperature: measure of hotness/coldness of matter
- tesla: unit of magnetic flux density
- theoretical modified GR metric: metric devised to define modifications to GR
- Theory of Everything: single law explaining the four forces of nature
- theory of figures: type of model relating a planet's shape to its rotation
- thermal emission: EMR due to a body's heat
- thermal equilibrium: state of a system with no net heat flows
- thermal inertia: a measure of a material's ability to absorb heat through conduction
- thermal runaway: situation where heat triggers more heat production
- thermodynamic equilibrium: state of a system with no net heat flows
- thermodynamics: physics of heat and energy
- Thomson optical depth: a measure of effects of Thomson scattering
- Thomson scattering: elastic scattering of photons by a charged particle
- tidal force: effect of a third body on the gravitational force between two bodies
- tidal heating: heating due to friction from motions caused by tidal force
- time dilation: relativity's ability to make time differ for different objects
- time standard: method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- tomography: observation of sections of a 3D object
- torr: unit of pressure approximating a millimeter of mercury on Earth
- turbulence: irregular flow of a fluid
- turbulent pressure: pressure component due to the presence of turbulence
- twinkling: blinking, apparent movement and color changes of observed stars
- two-stream approximation: approximation of a star's internal EMR's divergence from isotropic
- valley of beta stability: set of isotopes not prone to beta decay
- VHE: 100 GeV or more
- virial parameter: calculated quantity showing whether a cloud is gravitationally bound
- virial theorem: average kinetic energy equals half the average negative potential energy
- viscous dissipation: fluid KE converted to heat due to viscosity
- Vlasov-Poisson equation: equation describing plasma ignoring the magnetic field
- volatile material: material with low condensation temperature
- vortensity: ratio of vorticity to surface mass-density
- vortex: fluid region where the flow is spinning
- water: compound of oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms
- wave-particle duality: at atomic scale, things act like both particles and waves
- weak interaction: interaction of weak bosons with other atomic particles
- white hole: the inverse of a black hole, into which matter cannot enter
- Wien approximation: yields approximation of black body curve useful at short wavelengths
- Wien's displacement law: relates temperature to wavelength of maximum emission
- Wigner crystal: crystalline phase of matter formed without specific bonds
- worldline: path of an object through space and time
- wormhole: connection between two regions in a curved space
- ZAMO frame: a frame of reference that is not rotating
- Zeeman effect: magnetic field influence on spectral lines
- Physics At High Angular Resolution of Nearby Galaxies (PHANGS): set of surveys of nearby galaxies
- physisorption: see adsorption
- ice: solid state of water
- PI (principal investigator): lead researcher in a scientific endeavor
- pi meson (pion): first type of meson discovered
- Pi of the Sky: survey aimed at finding gamma-ray-burst visual counterparts
- Pi3 Orionis
- F-type star: spectral class of star a bit hotter than then Sun
- PIA: see Giotto
- PIC simulation: method used in simulating plasma
- PICASO: rt code specifically for exoplanet transmission spectroscopy
- PICASSO: see PICO experiment
- PICO (PICO experiment): a search for a candidate dark matter particle
- Pico dos Dias Observatory
- Pico dos Dias Survey: survey aimed to find T-Tauri stars
- PICO experiment: a search for a candidate dark matter particle
- PICO-2L: see PICO experiment
- PICO-40L: see PICO experiment
- PICO-500: see PICO experiment
- PICO-60: see PICO experiment
- PICS: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- Pierre Auger Observatory: cosmic-ray observatory in Argentina
- piggyback
- commensal mode: telescope usage that accomplishes multiple observations simultaneously
- PILS (ALMA-PILS Survey): millimeter survey of a protostar
- PIMS: see Europa Clipper
- pin-wheel nebula: see WR 104
- pincushion distortion: distortion such that a square shows with concave edges
- pingo: hill formed of ice
- pink noise: see red noise
- Pinwheel Galaxy: easily-observed spiral galaxy
- pion: first type of meson discovered
- pion condensate: see pion
- Pioneer
- Callisto: well-known Jupiter moon
- Europa: well-known Jupiter moon
- Ganymede: well-known Jupiter moon
- gravity sounding: measuring a planet's gravitation field by study of nearby probe flights
- Io: well-known Jupiter moon
- Saturn: second largest planet in the solar system
- Pioneer 12 (Pioneer Venus Orbiter): NASA Venus probe launched 1978
- Pioneer Venus 1 (Pioneer Venus Orbiter): NASA Venus probe launched 1978
- Pioneer Venus Orbiter: NASA Venus probe launched 1978
- PIONIER: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- pipeline: set series of tasks to perform on something
- Pis: see rare designator prefixes
- PISCeS (Panoramic Imaging Survey of Centaurus and Sculptor): survey of extended halos of two nearby galaxies
- Pisces II
- Pisces Overdensity
- Pisces-Cetus Supercluster: see Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex
- Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex: large scale structure containing Milky Way
- Pisces-Pegasus Filament: see galaxy filament
- Pisces-Perseus Supercluster
- PISN (pair-instability supernova): type of large supernova
- pixel
- data cube: three-dimensional array of numerical data
- Pixel-lensing Observations with the Isaac Newton Telescope-Andromeda Galaxy Amplified Pixels Experiment (POINT-AGAPE): survey of M31 for microlensing
- PIXIE: satellite-concept to to survey CMB polarization
- PIXL: see Mars 2020
- PK (Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae): 1967 catalog
- PK67 (Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae): 1967 catalog
- PKS (Parkes Catalog): catalog of from 1960s-1990 of radio sources in southern hemisphere
- PKS 1302-102 (PG 1302-102): galaxy possibly with binary SMBH
- plage: see chromosphere
- plan
- Planck: microwave telescope in space
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- Planck constant: quantum of action in quantum mechanics
- Planck energy: see Planck units
- Planck function: yields black-body spectrum curve
- Planck hole: see black hole
- Planck length: see Planck units
- Planck mass: see Planck units
- Planck mass: see mass
- Planck relation: see Planck constant
- Planck temperature: see Planck units
- Planck time: see Planck units
- Planck units: a set of units based on Planck constant and other fundamental constants
- Planck units: see Planck units
- Planck's constant (Planck constant): quantum of action in quantum mechanics
- Planck's law (Planck function): yields black-body spectrum curve
- Planckian: see thermal emission
- plane of reference: see orbital element
- plane of the sky: plane tangent to the celestial sphere
- plane parallel wave (plane wave): simplified wave concept useful for modeling
- plane wave: simplified wave concept useful for modeling
- plane-parallel atmosphere: simplified atmosphere model ignoring its curvature around the body
- planemo (planetary mass object): has the mass of a planet
- planes of satellite galaxies problem (satellite plane problem): satellite galaxies inexplicably tend to fall in a plane
- PLANET (Probing Lensing Anomalies Network): survey that recorded microlensing event lightcurves
- MicroFUN: observers following up on microlensing events in the galactic bulge
- planet: round object orbiting a star that clears out its own orbital path
- Earth: third solar system planet from the Sun
- Jupiter: largest planet in the solar system
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- Mercury: inner-most and smallest planet in the solar system
- Neptune: outer-most solar system planet
- Saturn: second largest planet in the solar system
- Uranus: second outer-most solar system planet
- Venus: second inner-most planet in the solar system
- Planet 10
- Planet 9 (Planet Nine): theoretical planet beyond Neptune
- Planet Crossing Asteroid Survey: search for NEOs using small Palomar Schmidt Camera
- planet demographics: statistics regarding the number of planets
- planet emission: see transit spectroscopy
- planet formation: process by which planets form
- planet formation barrier (barrier): challenging issue regarding planet formation
- Planet Hunters: crowdsourcing website to identify galaxy types from surveys
- Planet Hunters TESS: see Planet Hunters
- planet multiplicity: see planetary system
- Planet Nine: theoretical planet beyond Neptune
- planet occurrence rate (planet demographics): statistics regarding the number of planets
- planet rotation: see rotation period
- planet structure: internal structure of planets
- planet type: classification of a planet regarding some criteria
- Planet X
- planet-disk interaction: see planetary migration
- planet-hosting wide binary: see wide binaries
- planet-planet scattering: see planetary migration
- planetar: see brown dwarf
- planetary boundary layer: low level of atmosphere affected by ground
- planetary differentiation: stratification of the materials making up a planet
- planetary disk (protoplanetary disk): disk of dust and gas around a young star or protostar
- planetary embryo: object that may grow into a future planet
- planetary engulfment: see giant star
- planetary equilibrium temperature (equilibrium temperature): temperature a planet would have if it were an externally-heated black body
- planetary habitability (habitability): ability of a planet to support life
- Planetary Intensity Code for Atmospheric Scattering Observations (PICASO): rt code specifically for exoplanet transmission spectroscopy
- planetary mass object: has the mass of a planet
- planetary migration: change in planet's orbit
- planetary nebula: glowing gas shell ejected by a red giant
- planetary nebula luminosity function: model used in distance estimation
- planetary nebula nucleus: see planetary nebula
- planetary nebula nucleus variable: see planetary nebula
- planetary nebulae
- planetary precession: see precession of the equinoxes
- planetary protection: the principle of avoiding the contamination of planets with Earth life forms
- planetary ring system (ring system): disk or set of rings orbiting a planet
- planetary rotation: see rotation period
- planetary science: study of planet characteristics
- decadal survey: periodic NASA effort to plan for future astrophysical research
- Planetary Science Institute: US research institution
- planetary system: all the planets orbiting a star
- star system: a gravitationally bound set of a few stars
- Planetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO): planned observatory-satellite aimed at finding exoplanets
- planetesimal: object held together by gravity that combines with others to form planets
- isolation mass: mass of an oligarch after accreting all nearby planetesimals
- planetoid: an asteroid or physically similar body
- PlanetQuest: NASA publicity name for efforts to find exoplanets and life
- PLANETS: see Colossus Telescope
- planets
- Planets Around Low-mass Stars (PALMS): survey to find exoplanets for direct imaging
- planetshine: see earthshine
- planetWRF: see MarsWRF
- plasma: state of matter in which atoms are separate and ionized
- plasma astrophysics: includes cosmology, IGM, ISM, HI regions
- plasma beta (beta): ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure
- plasma filament
- filament: linear volume of high molecular gas density within a galaxy
- plasma frequency: frequency of electron plasma oscillation
- plasma parameters
- plasma wave: wave incorporating the EM forces within plasma
- PlasMag: see DISCOVR
- plasmon: quasiparticle that is quantum of plasma vibration
- plasmon decay: see plasmon
- Platais: see rare designator prefixes
- plate: product of astronomical photography
- comparator: device to compare the position of objects on plates
- plate measuring machine: machine to measure position of images on photographic plates
- plate scale: relation between angle and distance across an image
- plate tectonics: see crustal plates
- dynamo: mechanism for generating magnetic fields around astronomical bodies
- Earth: third solar system planet from the Sun
- very-long-baseline interferometry: interferometry based upon storing timing data at each telescope
- plateau: see supernova light curve
- supernova: stellar explosion larger than a nova
- Plateau de Bure
- Plateau de Bure High-z Blue Sequence Survey (PHIBSS): survey of CO in distant galaxies
- Plateau de Bure Interferometer: 6-dish interferometer in French Alps
- PHIBSS: survey of CO in distant galaxies
- Plateau Observatory for Ridge A: see High Elevation Antarctic Terahertz Telescope
- platinum
- r-process: synthesis of elements through neutron capture faster than beta decay
- PLATO: planned observatory-satellite aimed at finding exoplanets
- PLATO 2.0 (PLATO): planned observatory-satellite aimed at finding exoplanets
- PLATO-R: see High Elevation Antarctic Terahertz Telescope
- Pleiades: visible open cluster with seven B-stars
- plerion (pulsar wind nebula): type of nebula generated by a young pulsar
- PLQ: see double star designation
- PLS (Palomar-Leiden Survey): 1960s survey to identify distant asteroids
- PLS: see Galileo
- PLS: see Voyager
- plug plate: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- plunging region: region around a black hole where orbits are unstable
- plutino: see plutoid
- PLUTO (PLUTO Code): fluid-dynamic simulation code
- Pluto: dwarf planet formerly listed as one of the nine planets
- PLUTO Code: fluid-dynamic simulation code
- Pluto Discovery Telescope: see Lowell Observatory
- Pluto Telescope: see Lowell Observatory
- plutoid: Pluto-like dwarf planet
- plutonium-238 dioxide: see MMRTG
- PLX: see General Catalogue of Trigonometric Parallaxes
- PM (proper motion): apparent motion in relation to the position of the Sun
- PM: see rare designator prefixes
- CALIFA: spectroscopic map of 600 galaxies
- PMC: see Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle
- PMC Catalog: see Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle
- PMF (probability mass function): shows probability of taking one of a number of discrete values
- PMF: see probability density function
- PMIRR: see Mars Observer
- PMMR: see rare designator prefixes
- PMN (Parkes-MIT-NRAO Surveys): 1990 southern-hemisphere radio surveys
- CRATES: catalog of 8.4 GHz data on radio sources
- PMO (planetary mass object): has the mass of a planet
- PMPS (Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey): late 1990s radio survey in search of pulsars
- PMS (pre-main-sequence star): star not yet with a nuclear reaction
- Herbig AeBe star: type of pre-main-sequence star more massive than a T-Tauri star
- PMS object (pre-main-sequence star): star not yet with a nuclear reaction
- PMS star
- AB Aurigae: YSO with disk apparently forming planets
- DM Tau: nearby T-Tauri star
- DQ Tau: young binary star system
- Elias 2-27: much-studied YSO
- GG Tau: much-studied quadruple star system
- HD 163296: YSO with gaps in its protoplanetary disk
- HD 169142: protostar with planet
- HL Tau: much-studied T-Tauri star
- PDS 70: T-Tauri star with protoplanetary disk and protoplanet
- RXJ1615: protostar with transition disk showing rings
- TW Hydrae: nearest T-Tauri star
- PMT (photomultiplier tube): electronic device to detect light
- PN (planetary nebula): glowing gas shell ejected by a red giant
- post-AGB star: stellar-evolution phase between AGB and white dwarf
- PN approximation: see post-Newtonian formalism
- PN correction term: see post-Newtonian formalism
- PN formalism (post-Newtonian formalism): method of approximating GR-based mechanics from Newtonian mechanics
- PNe
- PNG (Strasbourg-ESO Catalog of Galactic Planetary Nebulae): 1992 catalog of 1820 objects
- PNLF (planetary nebula luminosity function): model used in distance estimation
- PNN: see planetary nebula
- PNNV: see planetary nebula
- PNS: see neutron star
- PNV: see rare designator prefixes
- POEMMA: planned space cosmic-ray neutrino observatory
- POETS: see Lowell Discovery Telescope
- Poincaré map
- Poincaré section: pattern formed by a the locations an orbiting body passes through a plane
- Poincaré section: pattern formed by a the locations an orbiting body passes through a plane
- point mass: see mass
- point source: celestial object that focuses to a point or single Airy disk
- extended source: term for astronomical object covering some area of the sky
- flux density: measure of the strength of a radio signal
- radio source: astronomical object producing observable radio
- source: astronomical object producing some observed signal
- point source sensitivity: determination of how readily an instrument detects a point source
- point spread function
- PSF fitting: untangling airy disks to gain effective resolution
- point spread function fitting (PSF fitting): untangling airy disks to gain effective resolution
- point spread function subtraction: see point-spread function
- POINT-AGAPE: survey of M31 for microlensing
- point-spread function: function describing an optical system's response to a point of light
- pointed observation: observation of a specific target
- slew survey: survey conducted by imaging during a telescope's repointings
- pointing: the directing of a telescope at a point in the celestial sphere
- pointing error: discrepancy in telescope's aim
- Poisson distribution: statistics on count of events happening within a given interval
- Poisson equation (Poisson's equation): relates one function's Laplacian to another function
- Poisson level: see photon noise
- Poisson noise (photon noise): variation in light measurement due to its quantum nature
- Poisson's equation: relates one function's Laplacian to another function
- POL: see double star designation
- POL-2: see James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
- polar: see variable star
- polar alignment: see circumstellar disk
- polar cell
- Hadley cell: circulation pattern of up at the equator, poleward, down, and back
- polar cyclone: storm centered on the pole
- polar disk: see circumstellar disk
- polar jet (jet): stream of matter from an astronomical body
- polar moment of inertia: see moment of inertia factor
- precession: periodic change in a body's rotation or orbit
- polar moment of inertia factor: see moment of inertia factor
- polar vortex
- Hadley cell: circulation pattern of up at the equator, poleward, down, and back
- Polar-ring Catalog: 1990 catalog of polar-ring galaxies
- polar-ring galaxy: galaxy encircled by a ring of stars
- POLARBEAR: instrument to map CMB polarization
- POLARBEAR-1 (POLARBEAR): instrument to map CMB polarization
- POLARBEAR-2: see Simons Array
- polarimeter: see polarimetry
- Mimir: multi-function near-infrared instrument on Perkins Telescope
- POLARBEAR: instrument to map CMB polarization
- QUaD: survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- QUBIC: survey measuring the polarization of the CMB
- QUIET: survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- Simons Array: telescope array to map CMB polarization
- SPIDER: 2015 balloon-borne observatory to observe CMB polarization
- SPIRou: CFHT spectropolarimeter for exoplanet research
- Taurus: balloon-borne polarimeter to study the CMB
- Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH): 4 microsatellites to observe the Sun
- polarimetry: measurement of polarization of EMR
- polarization: property of waves that oscillate in a particular direction
- polarization modes: curl- and divergent-like components of CMB polarization patterns
- PIXIE: satellite-concept to to survey CMB polarization
- Polarization Sky Survey of the Universe's Magnetism: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- Polarized Light from Atmospheres of Nearby Extraterrestrial Systems: see Colossus Telescope
- pole: see dipole
- pole star: star aligned with a planet's axis of rotation
- Polish
- All Sky Automated Survey: Polish survey of 20 million objects brighter than 14 magnitude
- OGLE: survey searching for microlensing transients
- Pi of the Sky: survey aimed at finding gamma-ray-burst visual counterparts
- POLISH2: see Gemini Observatory
- poloidal: see torus coordinates
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon: hydrocarbons consisting of meshes of benzene rings
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions (PAH emissions): infrared emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in gas clouds
- polygonal ground: crack pattern in ground forming polygons due to freezing
- polygonal patterned ground (polygonal ground): crack pattern in ground forming polygons due to freezing
- polytrope: see Lane-Emden equation
- specific heat: ratio of added temperature to added heat for a material
- polytropic: see Lane-Emden equation
- POM: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- Pop I (Population I): stars with substantial metallicity
- Pop I star: see Population I
- Pop II (Population II): stars with lower metallicity
- Pop II star: see Population II
- Pop III (Population III): stars with no metallicity
- Pop III star: see Population III
- Population I: stars with substantial metallicity
- Population I star: see Population I
- Population II: stars with lower metallicity
- Population II star: see Population II
- Population III: stars with no metallicity
- Population III star: see Population III
- Population III stars
- population inversion: see atomic excitation
- maser: electromagnetic radiation amplified by stimulated emission
- stimulated emission: emission triggered by received photons
- population statistics (demographics): statistics of characteristics within a group
- population synthesis simulation: see stellar population synthesis
- porosity: fraction of the volume of solid material that is open or void
- POS (plane of the sky): plane tangent to the celestial sphere
- position angle: indication of a direction across the celestial sphere
- position vector (displacement): vector quantity showing the position of one point in relation to another
- position-position space: see position-position-velocity space
- position-position-position space: see position-position-velocity space
- position-position-velocity space: 3D space concept using velocity as one of the three dimensions
- data cube: three-dimensional array of numerical data
- position-velocity space: see position-position-velocity space
- positional astronomy: calculation methods for relating sky position to position in space
- astrometry: precise measurement of the position and movement of stars
- Positions and Proper Motions Star Catalog (PPM Star Catalogue): 1991 astrometric catalog with proper motions
- positive feedback: see runaway process
- positive gravity anomaly: see gravity anomaly
- positron: electron-like antimatter particle with electric charge of +1
- antimatter: similar to normal matter but with opposite electrical charge
- beta decay: radioactivity such that an electron or positron is emitted
- electron: type of lepton that is stable and has an electric charge of -1
- plasma frequency: frequency of electron plasma oscillation
- radioactive decay: changes in atomic nuclei that happen over time
- spark chamber: type of ion detector
- positron capture: see beta decay
- POSS (Palomar Observatory Sky Survey): 1950s photographic plates from Palomar 48 inch telescope
- POSS plate: see plate
- POSS Plates: see Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
- POSS-I (Palomar Observatory Sky Survey): 1950s photographic plates from Palomar 48 inch telescope
- POSS-II: see Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
- POSSUM: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- post AGB star
- post-AGB star: stellar-evolution phase between AGB and white dwarf
- post-common envelope binary
- post-common-envelope binary: binary star system showing unusual stellar evolution
- post-main-sequence star: star evolved beyond its main sequence phase
- post-Newtonian approximation: see post-Newtonian formalism
- post-Newtonian correction term: see post-Newtonian formalism
- post-Newtonian formalism: method of approximating GR-based mechanics from Newtonian mechanics
- post-starburst galaxy: galaxy indicating star formation some time back
- posterior: see Bayesian statistics
- posterior density: see Bayesian statistics
- posterior distribution: see Bayesian statistics
- posterior mass: see Bayesian statistics
- posterior probability: see Bayesian statistics
- potassium
- potassium nitrite: see nitrite
- potassium/thorium ratio: indication of thermal history
- potential
- gradient: vector indicating the slope at a point within a field
- Poisson's equation: relates one function's Laplacian to another function
- potential energy: an object's energy that can be released
- potential field
- potential vorticity: see vortensity
- potential well: see gravitational potential well
- potentially hazardous asteroid: see near-Earth object
- potentially hazardous object: see near-Earth object
- POTS (Pre-OmegaTranS): transit search using MPG/ESO Telescope
- POU: see double star designation
- pounds-force
- Powderday: see Turtlebeach
- power: see energy
- power: see watt
- focal length: length from optical element to focal plane
- plate scale: relation between angle and distance across an image
- power law: relationship between a quantity and a power of another
- power law spectrum: see power law
- cosmic rays: very-high-energy particles from beyond the solar system
- power recycling mirror: see LIGO
- power spectral density: see spectral density
- power spectrum (angular power spectrum): method of characterizing the CMB
- power spectrum: see spectral density
- powerful radio galaxy: see radio galaxy
- POX: see rare designator prefixes
- Poynting flux: see Poynting vector
- Poynting flux jet: see Poynting vector
- Poynting flux vector: see Poynting vector
- Poynting vector: measures directional energy flux density
- Poynting-Robertson drag (Poynting-Robertson effect): force that slows dust grains orbiting a star
- Poynting-Robertson effect: force that slows dust grains orbiting a star
- PP: see rare designator prefixes
- PP chain (proton-proton chain): type of fusion reaction chain turning hydrogen into helium
- PP disk (protoplanetary disk): disk of dust and gas around a young star or protostar
- PP space: see position-position-velocity space
- PP-chain (proton-proton chain): type of fusion reaction chain turning hydrogen into helium
- PPARC (Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council): former UK science agency
- PPD (protoplanetary disk): disk of dust and gas around a young star or protostar
- PPL: see rare designator prefixes
- PPM (parts per million): method of expressing a small ratio
- PPM: see PPM Star Catalogue
- PPM Star Catalogue: 1991 astrometric catalog with proper motions
- PPN (protoplanetary nebula): short AGB phase before planetary nebula
- post-AGB star: stellar-evolution phase between AGB and white dwarf
- PPN expansion: see parameterized post-Newtonian formalism
- PPN formalism (parameterized post-Newtonian formalism): method of approximating GR-based gravity from Newtonian gravity
- PPP: see Penrose Compton scattering
- PPP space: see position-position-velocity space
- PPR: see Galileo
- PPS: see Voyager
- PPTA (Parkes Pulsar Timing Array): group of pulsars timed by Parkes Observatory
- PPTA4: see Parkes Pulsar Timing Array
- PPV (position-position-velocity space): 3D space concept using velocity as one of the three dimensions
- PQ: see Palomar 48 Inch Telescope
- PQT: see Palomar 48 Inch Telescope
- Pr: see rare designator prefixes
- PRA: see Voyager
- Prandtl-Meyer expansion fan (expansion fan): the "sound" of a supersonic flow flowing around a convex corner
- praseodymium
- PRC (Polar-ring Catalog): 1990 catalog of polar-ring galaxies
- PRE: see X-ray burster
- pre-degenerate (PG 1159 star): star in transition between planetary nebula and white dwarf
- Pre-HEAT: see High Elevation Antarctic Terahertz Telescope
- pre-main-sequence star: star not yet with a nuclear reaction
- Herbig AeBe star: type of pre-main-sequence star more massive than a T-Tauri star
- pre-MS (pre-main-sequence star): star not yet with a nuclear reaction
- Pre-OmegaTranS: transit search using MPG/ESO Telescope
- pre-white dwarf (PG 1159 star): star in transition between planetary nebula and white dwarf
- pre-white dwarf: see white dwarf
- post-AGB star: stellar-evolution phase between AGB and white dwarf
- precession: periodic change in a body's rotation or orbit
- precession constant: see precession of the equinoxes
- precession of the ecliptic: see precession of the equinoxes
- precession of the equator: see precession of the equinoxes
- precession of the equinoxes: Earth axial precession with a 26000-year cycle
- celestial pole: point within the celestial sphere aligned with Earth's rotation axis
- nutation: precession of a body's axis of rotation
- precession: periodic change in a body's rotation or orbit
- precipitable water (precipitable water vapor): depth of liquid water equivalent to the atmosphere's water vapor
- precipitable water vapor: depth of liquid water equivalent to the atmosphere's water vapor
- Precision Array for Probing the Epoch of Reionization (PAPER): radio interferometer for 21-cm measurement
- precision photometry: see photometry
- preheating: see reheating
- preliminary design review (PDR): review checking initial design with requirements
- preon star: see exotic star
- preplanetary disk (protoplanetary disk): disk of dust and gas around a young star or protostar
- preplanetary nebula (protoplanetary nebula): short AGB phase before planetary nebula
- presolar grain: grains of dust within meteorites predating the solar system
- Press-Schechter formalism: cosmological model of how structures form from fluctuations
- Press-Schechter theory (Press-Schechter formalism): cosmological model of how structures form from fluctuations
- pressure
- atm: unit of pressure
- radiation pressure: the pressure exerted by electromagnetic radiation
- ram pressure: pressure on a body moving through a fluid
- torr: unit of pressure approximating a millimeter of mercury on Earth
- turbulent pressure: pressure component due to the presence of turbulence
- pressure broadening (collisional broadening): line broadening due to nearby particles
- pressure broadening: see line broadening
- pressure integral: integral relating pressure to a gas's characteristics
- pressure scale height: see scale height
- prevailing winds: see zonal flow
- PRG: see radio galaxy
- PRIMA: plan for 2030s NASA 1.8-m FIR space telescope
- PRIMA: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- PRIMAger: see PRIMA
- primary: central body of a system such as the Sun within the solar system
- primary (primary mirror): main mirror in a reflector telescope
- primary anisotropies: see CMB anisotropies
- primary beam: see beam
- primary body (primary): central body of a system such as the Sun within the solar system
- primary eclipse: see secondary eclipse
- primary eclipse: see transit
- primary mirror: main mirror in a reflector telescope
- primary mission: the minimum operation expected of a scientific space mission
- primary modes: see CMB polarization
- prime focus: reflector telescope with no secondary mirror
- Prime Focus Spectrograph (Subaru PFS): multi-object spectrograph in development for the Subaru telescope
- Prime Focus Spectrograph: see Subaru Telescope
- prime meridian: see meridian
- Prime-Cam: see Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope
- primordial (relic): particles left over from the events of the early universe
- primordial abundance: see Big Bang nucleosynthesis
- helium: non-metallic element, He, atomic number 2
- primordial abundances: see abundances
- primordial atmosphere
- primordial B-modes: see CMB polarization
- SPIDER: 2015 balloon-borne observatory to observe CMB polarization
- Taurus: balloon-borne polarimeter to study the CMB
- primordial BHMF: see black hole mass function
- primordial binary: see binary star
- primordial black hole: black holes forming at the most dense volumes when inflation ceased
- black hole: region of such high mass that light cannot escape
- primordial black hole mass function: see black hole mass function
- primordial fireball (radiation era): early-universe era when radiation pressure dominated
- primordial fluctuations (initial fluctuations): early universe density variations leading to current universe
- primordial gravitational wave: see gravitational wave spectrum
- primordial gravitational waves: gravitational waves formed in the early universe
- POLARBEAR: instrument to map CMB polarization
- primordial GW: see gravitational wave spectrum
- primordial GWs (primordial gravitational waves): gravitational waves formed in the early universe
- Primordial Inflation Explorer (PIXIE): satellite-concept to to survey CMB polarization
- primordial lithium problem: see lithium
- primordial non-Gaussianity.: see non-Gaussian
- primordial nucleosynthesis (Big Bang nucleosynthesis): creation of atomic nuclei in the very early universe
- PRIMUS: spectrographic survey of galaxies out to redshift 1
- principal component: see principal component analysis
- principal component analysis: statistical strategy of devising independent variables
- PCA analysis: an automatable method of determining galaxy morphology
- telluric line: absorption line in ground observation due to Earth atmosphere
- principal curve: see PCA analysis
- Principal Galaxies Catalog: modern catalog of more than 70k galaxies
- LEDA: galaxy database with observation data
- principal investigator: lead researcher in a scientific endeavor
- principal quantum number: see electron orbital
- electron shell: radius-level around an atomic nucleus at which electrons can orbit
- spin: an angular-momentum quantum number
- principle component
- PCA analysis: an automatable method of determining galaxy morphology
- prior: see Bayesian statistics
- prior density: see Bayesian statistics
- prior distribution: see Bayesian statistics
- prior mass: see Bayesian statistics
- prior probability: see Bayesian statistics
- PRISM: see NIRSpec
- prism
- disperser: prism, grating, or grism within a spectrometer
- grating: spectrometer component
- grism: combination of a grating and a prism
- Prism Multi-object Survey (PRIMUS): spectrographic survey of galaxies out to redshift 1
- probability
- probability density function: shows probability of taking a particular value from a continuous range
- probability distribution
- probability distribution function
- probability mass function: shows probability of taking one of a number of discrete values
- probability mass function: see probability density function
- probe
- Hope Probe: UAE Mars orbiter currently studying Mars
- InSight: NASA Mars mission to study its interior
- Mars 2020: Mars rover mission currently on Mars after 2021 landing
- Mars Express: Mars probe launched by ESA in 2003
- Mars Global Surveyor: Mars probe launched by NASA in 1996
- Mars Odyssey: Mars orbiter launched by NASA in 2001
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Mars probe launched by NASA in 2005
- MESSENGER: Mercury probe launched by NASA in 2004
- MMX: Japanese probe to bring back a sample of a Martian moon
- Phoenix: Mars polar-region probe launched by NASA in 2007 with lander
- radar: probe based on reflecting radio waves
- Rosalind Franklin: Mars rover in development for 2028 launch
- Tianwen-1: active Chinese Mars rover/orbiter mission
- Trace Gas Orbiter: ESA and Russian Mars orbiter-probe launched in 2016
- Venus Express: Venus probe launched by ESA in 2005
- Voyager: space probes to observe planets and the edge of the solar system
- Probe Far-infrared Mission for Astrophysics (PRIMA): plan for 2030s NASA 1.8-m FIR space telescope
- Probe of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (POEMMA): planned space cosmic-ray neutrino observatory
- Probe of Inflation and Cosmic Origins
- Probing Lensing Anomalies Network: survey that recorded microlensing event lightcurves
- problem
- Procyon: brightest star in Canis Minor
- Procyon A
- F-type star: spectral class of star a bit hotter than then Sun
- progenitor (supernova progenitor): the star or star system that produces a supernova
- Prognoz 9: see RELIKT-1
- prograde orbit: see retrograde orbit
- prograde rotation: see rotation period
- prograde wind (superrotating wind): wind traveling in the same direction as the planet is rotating
- program
- project
- Project 1640: see Hale Telescope
- Project 8: experiment in development to measure neutrino mass
- Project In Canada to Search for Supersymmetric Objects: see PICO experiment
- projected distance: see angular distance
- projected distance: see projected separation
- projected semi-major axis: semi-major axis projected onto line-of-sight or plane of the sky
- projected separation: lower limit on distance between two objects in same part of the sky
- projection of the semi-major axis (projected semi-major axis): semi-major axis projected onto line-of-sight or plane of the sky
- prolate spheroid: see spheroid
- Prometheus: see shepherd moon
- PROMETHEUS/VERTEX: hydrodynamic simulation system
- prominence eruption: see solar eruption
- propellant
- proper distance: see relativity
- proper length: see relativity
- proper motion: apparent motion in relation to the position of the Sun
- proper time: see relativity
- proplyd: see protoplanetary disk
- proportional counter: type of ionizing-radiation sensor that senses photon energy
- IXPE: space observatory with X-ray polarimeters
- protected region: an area around a body where an orbit can be stable
- protium (1H): hydrogen isotope with no neutrons
- proto galaxy cluster: see proto-cluster
- proto stellar cluster: see proto-cluster
- proto-cluster: newly-formed galaxy cluster
- proto-cluster candidate: see proto-cluster
- proto-neutron star: see neutron star
- proto-planetary disk (protoplanetary disk): disk of dust and gas around a young star or protostar
- protogalaxy: gas cloud forming a galaxy
- proton: type of baryon that is stable and has an electric charge of +1
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- nucleon: proton or neutron
- quark: type of elementary particle incorporated in protons and neutrons
- quark matter: matter not made of protons and neutrons but of quarks
- standard model: model of elementary particles including quarks
- valley of beta stability: set of isotopes not prone to beta decay
- proton aurora: see aurora
- proton capture: see p-process
- rp-process: synthesis of elements through repeated proton capture
- proton decay
- proton number (atomic number): number of protons in an atomic nucleus
- proton rich: see neutron rich
- proton synchrotron radiation: see synchrotron radiation
- proton-capture process (p-process): synthesis of elements through proton capture
- proton-proton chain: type of fusion reaction chain turning hydrogen into helium
- proton-rich: see p-process
- protoplanet: simplest, least-developed object classified as a planet
- protoplanetary disk: disk of dust and gas around a young star or protostar
- circumstellar disk: disk or ring shaped accumulation of matter around a star
- disk gap: empty radius-range within a disk separating it into rings
- protoplanetary disks
- Disk Detective: Zooniverse effort to find planets within protoplanetary disks
- MAPS: ALMA survey researching planet-formation
- radial drift: inward drift of objects within a protoplanetary disk
- protoplanetary nebula: short AGB phase before planetary nebula
- post-AGB star: stellar-evolution phase between AGB and white dwarf
- protostar: contracted mass of gas that will become a star
- L483: protostar of interest
- MWC 758: protostar with spiral disk
- T Tauri: variable star taken as example of young star
- protostars
- protostellar object (protostar): contracted mass of gas that will become a star
- provisional designation: way to designate newly discovered solar system objects
- minor planet: lesser solar system body without comet characteristics
- Proxima b: exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri
- Proxima Centauri: see Alpha Centauri
- M-type star: spectral class of star with a temperature in the vicinity of 2500 K
- Proxima b: exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri
- Proxima Centauri b (Proxima b): exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri
- proximity effect: Ly-α forest characteristics revealing quasar history
- proximity effect: see Lyman-alpha forest
- proximity zone: see Lyman-alpha forest
- proximity zone: see proximity effect
- PRY: see double star designation
- PRZ: see double star designation
- PS: see rare designator prefixes
- PS sensitivity (point source sensitivity): determination of how readily an instrument detects a point source
- PS1: see Pan-STARRS
- PS2: see Pan-STARRS
- PS4: see Pan-STARRS
- PSB galaxy (post-starburst galaxy): galaxy indicating star formation some time back
- PSC: see IRAS
- pSCT: see Cherenkov Telescope Array
- PSD: see spectral density
- pseudobulge: like a galaxy bulge only flatter
- PSF (point-spread function): function describing an optical system's response to a point of light
- PSF fitting: untangling airy disks to gain effective resolution
- PSF subtraction: see point-spread function
- PSGS: see Palomar high-redshift quasar surveys
- PSI (Planetary Science Institute): US research institution
- PSN: see rare designator prefixes
- PSO: see Pan-STARRS
- PSO J246.4222+15.4698
- PSP (Parker Solar Probe): space probe investigating solar corona
- PSPT: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- PSR (pulsar): type of astronomical body with EMR in regular cycles of seconds or less
- PSR 1257+12: pulsar with first discovered planet system
- PSR 1257+12 A: see PSR 1257+12
- PSR 1257+12 B: see PSR 1257+12
- PSR 1257+12 C: see PSR 1257+12
- PSR 1913+16 (Hulse-Taylor Binary): binary system consisting of a pulsar and neutron star
- PSR B0531+21: see Crab Nebula
- PSR B0950+08: young pulsar
- PSR B1257+12 (PSR 1257+12): pulsar with first discovered planet system
- PSR B1259-63: pulsar part of an eclipsing binary
- PSR B1913+16 (Hulse-Taylor Binary): binary system consisting of a pulsar and neutron star
- PSR B1957+20 (Black Widow Pulsar): binary system consisting of a pulsar and small companion
- PSR B2145-07.8 (PSR J2145-0750): binary system consisting of a pulsar and white dwarf
- PSR J1300+1240 (PSR 1257+12): pulsar with first discovered planet system
- PSR J1301+0833: see Black Widow Pulsar
- PSR J1713+0447: see J1713+0747
- PSR J1745-2900 (SGR J1745-2900): magnetar orbiting the Milky Way SMBH
- PSR J1915+1606 (Hulse-Taylor Binary): binary system consisting of a pulsar and neutron star
- PSR J1959+2048 (Black Widow Pulsar): binary system consisting of a pulsar and small companion
- PSR J2145-07 (PSR J2145-0750): binary system consisting of a pulsar and white dwarf
- PSR J2145-0750: binary system consisting of a pulsar and white dwarf
- PSR J2146-07 (PSR J2145-0750): binary system consisting of a pulsar and white dwarf
- PSS: see rare designator prefixes
- Psyche: asteroid discovered in 1852
- Psyche: space mission on its way to asteroid Psyche
- PTA (pulsar timing array): cooperating set of pulsar timing observatories
- PTF (Palomar Transient Factory): survey designed to find transients
- PTF Orion Project: see Palomar Transient Factory
- PTFO: see Palomar Transient Factory
- PTGS: see Palomar high-redshift quasar surveys
- PTI (Palomar Testbed Interferometer): near-infrared interferometer experiment
- Ptolemy: see Rosetta
- PTT: see double star designation
- Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects (PESSTO): NTT survey following up on transients
- publication
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan: bimonthly journal
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific: monthly journal
- PUEO/KIR: see Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- Puerto Rican Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument (PUPPI): Arecibo radio-telescope instrument aimed at observing pulsars
- Puerto Rico
- pulsar: type of astronomical body with EMR in regular cycles of seconds or less
- Pulsar ALFA
- Pulsar Array (Interplanetary Scintillation Array): UK radio telescope that first detected pulsars
- pulsar braking: see magnetic dipole braking
- pulsar braking index: see pulsar characteristic age
- pulsar characteristic age: approximate age determination of a pulsar based upon rotation rate
- pulsar characteristic magnetic field: see pulsar characteristic age
- pulsar dispersion measure (dispersion measure): to what degree an EMR signal's lower frequencies are delayed
- pulsar holography: see interstellar holography
- pulsar kick: see velocity kick
- pulsar planet: see PSR 1257+12
- pulsar term: see pulsar timing array
- pulsar timing array: cooperating set of pulsar timing observatories
- pulsar timing data: see pulsar timing array
- pulsar wind nebula: type of nebula generated by a young pulsar
- SN 1987A: supernova in February 1987 rare for being visible by the naked eye
- Pulsar X-1: see Kvant 1
- pulsars
- pulsating star: variable star that varies through energy pulses
- pulsar: type of astronomical body with EMR in regular cycles of seconds or less
- variable star: star that varies in magnitude
- pulsating stars
- pulsating variable star (pulsating star): variable star that varies through energy pulses
- pulsating white dwarf: see white dwarf
- pulsation modes: see asteroseismology
- pulsator (pulsating star): variable star that varies through energy pulses
- pumping: see maser
- pumping: see stimulated emission
- PUNCH: 4 microsatellites to observe the Sun
- Pup A (Puppis A): supernova remnant bright in X-ray
- pupil size: see exit pupil
- PUPPI: Arecibo radio-telescope instrument aimed at observing pulsars
- Puppis A: supernova remnant bright in X-ray
- purity: see completeness
- purity limit: see completeness
- PV: see vortensity
- PV space: see position-position-velocity space
- PV Telescopii variable: see variable star
- PVO (Pioneer Venus Orbiter): NASA Venus probe launched 1978
- PVTEL: see variable star
- PW (precipitable water vapor): depth of liquid water equivalent to the atmosphere's water vapor
- PWD: see white dwarf
- PWM: see rare designator prefixes
- PWN (pulsar wind nebula): type of nebula generated by a young pulsar
- SN 1987A: supernova in February 1987 rare for being visible by the naked eye
- PWS: see Galileo
- PWS: see Voyager
- PWV (precipitable water vapor): depth of liquid water equivalent to the atmosphere's water vapor
- DISORT: simulation of radiative transfer in an atmosphere
- PyMC: Python package for Bayesian statistical modeling
- PyMC3: see PyMC
- pyramid sensor
- pyroxene
- CAI: calcium/aluminum specs in chondrites
- PyTensor: see PyMC
- Python: programming language used for a lot of astrophysics research
- Astrocats: software to create and manage an astronomy catalog
- astropy: general Python package for astrophysical research
- batman: code to calculate model transit lightcurves
- CASA: software package for radio interferometry image generation
- corner.py: Python library for scatter plot matrices
- ExoCTK: collection of software for exoplanet observation and analysis
- Gala: galaxy-formation and evolution software package
- Glue: visualization software good for astrophysical data
- JWST ETC: Python-based exposure time calculator for JWST
- lightkurve: software to analyze time series data
- MaNGA Stellar Library: catalog of SEDs of representative stars
- Matplotlib: Python library for plotting
- NumPy: Python library for numerical programming with arrays
- orbitize: planet orbit-fitting software for direct image observations
- PICASO: rt code specifically for exoplanet transmission spectroscopy
- PyMC: Python package for Bayesian statistical modeling
- SciPy: Python library for scientific programming
- SIMSTACK: software to correlate intensity maps with sources
- yt: analysis and display software
- PZ: see double star designation
- PZT (photographic zenith tube): telescope permanently mounted to the zenith