Term Index (C)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter C.
- C (Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources): series of catalogs of northern hemisphere sources
- C (carbon star): star with more carbon than oxygen in its atmosphere
- C (carbon): element, C, atomic number 6
- C: see Caldwell Catalog
- C: see filter designator
- C: see rare designator prefixes
- c (speed of light): fundamental constant measured as the speed at which light travels
- c: see relativity
- refraction: redirection of light passing from one medium to another
- refractive index: measure of how much a material slows down light
- C band: see C-BASS
- C chondrite (carbonaceous chondrite): stony meteorites with carbon compounds showing no melting
- C class: see carbon star
- C*: see rare designator prefixes
- CνB (cosmic neutrino background): low-energy neutrinos left over from early universe
- Côte d'Azur Observatory: French astronomical research organization
- C-Band All Sky Survey (C-BASS): 6 cm survey of the entire sky
- C-band All Sky Survey
- C-BASS: 6 cm survey of the entire sky
- C-BASS Telescope
- C-COSMOS: see Cosmic Evolution Survey
- C-H (methylidyne): compound of one carbon and one hydrogen atom
- C-type shock: see shock wave
- C-type star (carbon star): star with more carbon than oxygen in its atmosphere
- C. Donald Shane Telescope (Shane Telescope): 3.05 m reflector telescope at Lick Observatory
- C/2014 UN271: very large comet discovered at a distance
- C/2017 U1 (Oumuamua): small body that passed through the solar system in 2017
- C/P: see Solar Maximum Mission
- C12(α,γ)O16 reaction: see triple alpha process
- C2PU: see GI2T
- C20: see gravitational potential model
- C22: see gravitational potential model
- C2H2 (acetylene): compound of two carbon and two hydrogen atoms
- C2H4 (ethylene): compound of two carbon and four hydrogen atoms
- C3H4
- tracer: chemical whose detection indicates the presence of something else
- C60: see polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
- CP: see specific heat
- CV: see specific heat
- C+: ionized carbon missing one electron
- carbon: element, C, atomic number 6
- C17O: see carbon monoxide
- C18O: see carbon monoxide
- Ca (calcium): element, Ca, atomic number 20
- Ca I
- calcium: element, Ca, atomic number 20
- Ca II
- calcium: element, Ca, atomic number 20
- Ca II K line: see Wilson-Bappu effect
- ca-rich gap transient (calcium-rich gap transient): type of explosive event larger than a nova and smaller than a supernova
- ca-rich supernova (calcium-rich gap transient): type of explosive event larger than a nova and smaller than a supernova
- ca-rich transient (calcium-rich gap transient): type of explosive event larger than a nova and smaller than a supernova
- CADC (Canadian Astronomy Data Centre): online data distribution
- cadence: period between observations
- CAESAR: planned space mission to return a sample of a comet
- CAHA (Centro Astronómico Hispano-Alemán): German-Spanish Astronomical Center at Calar Alto.
- CAI: calcium/aluminum specs in chondrites
- CAIRNS: see rare designator prefixes
- CAL: see rare designator prefixes
- Calán/Tololo Supernova Search (Calán/Tololo Supernova Survey): late 1980s to early 1990s search to redshift 0.1
- Calán/Tololo Supernova Survey: late 1980s to early 1990s search to redshift 0.1
- Calán/Tololo Survey (Calán/Tololo Supernova Survey): late 1980s to early 1990s search to redshift 0.1
- Calar: see rare designator prefixes
- Calar Alto
- Calar Alto 2.2 meter telescope
- Calar Alto 3.5 Meter Telescope
- CALIFA: spectroscopic map of 600 galaxies
- Calar Alto 3.5 meter telescope
- Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey (CALIFA): spectroscopic map of 600 galaxies
- Calar Alto Observatory: observatory on mountain in mainland Spain
- calcium: element, Ca, atomic number 20
- Am star: A-type star with metallic lines
- HK Survey: 1985 search for metal poor-stars using calcium lines
- calcium carbonate
- calcium silicate
- calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI): calcium/aluminum specs in chondrites
- calcium-rich gap transient: type of explosive event larger than a nova and smaller than a supernova
- calcium-rich supernova (calcium-rich gap transient): type of explosive event larger than a nova and smaller than a supernova
- calcium-rich transient (calcium-rich gap transient): type of explosive event larger than a nova and smaller than a supernova
- Caldwell: see Caldwell Catalog
- Caldwell 12 (NGC 6946): face-on spiral galaxy
- Caldwell 30 (NGC 7331): spiral galaxy without a bar
- Caldwell 5 (IC 342): spiral galaxy in the Council of Giants
- Caldwell 74 (NGC 3132): PN of interest in southern sky
- Caldwell 77 (Centaurus A): nearby radio galaxy
- Caldwell 79 (NGC 3201): globular cluster in which a black hole has been identified
- Caldwell Catalog: small catalog for amateur astronomers as an adjunct to the Messier Catalog
- Calibrating Lyman-α with Hα: see X-SHOOTER Lyman α survey at z = 2
- calibrator: see ALMACAL
- CALIFA: spectroscopic map of 600 galaxies
- California
- California Association for Research in Astronomy: nonprofit aimed at operating Keck observatory
- California Extremely Large Telescope: concept for an extremely large telescope
- California-Kepler Survey: follow-up to Kepler to determine stellar radii
- Callisto: well-known Jupiter moon
- calorie: see energy
- calorimeter: see microcalorimeter
- CalTech
- Caltech
- Caltech Infrared Catalog (Two Micron Sky Survey): 1969 infrared catalog produced by Caltech
- Caltech Submillimeter Observatory: 10.4 meter submillimeter telescope previously in Hawaii
- CALYMHA: see X-SHOOTER Lyman α survey at z = 2
- Camargo: see rare designator prefixes
- Cambridge Automated Plate Measuring Machine: see plate measuring machine
- Cambridge Automatic Plate Measuring Machine
- Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources: series of catalogs of northern hemisphere sources
- Cambridge Discovery Park: location of SAO labs
- Cambridge Interferometer
- Cambridge OH Suppression Instrument: see United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
- Cambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope (COAST): optical interferometer in England
- camel: see AT2018cow
- Camelopardalis: see rare designator prefixes
- camera
- GISMO: 2 mm bolometer camera on IRAM 30 m telescope
- MUSTANG: bolometer array on the Green Bank Telescope
- QUEST: sixteen square-degree survey camera
- SCUBA: submillimeter instrument on James Clark Maxwell Telescope
- TolTEC: sensitive infrared camera under construction for the LMT
- WFC3: general purpose camera/spectroscope on HST
- cameras
- CAMISTIC: see Infrared Telescope Maffei
- Campo Imperatore
- Campo Imperatore Near-Earth Object Survey: survey of near-Earth objects
- CAMS: see Hitomi
- Canada
- Canada-France Brown Dwarfs Survey (CFBDS): survey in search of brown dwarfs
- Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey: 2000s distant quasar survey
- Canada-France Redshift Survey: 1990s survey of galaxies to z = 1 to find associations of redshift to characteristics
- Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope: 3.6-meter optical/infrared telescope in Hawaii
- Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS): surveys of transients and stars
- Canadian
- Canadian Astronomical Society: professional astronomers
- Canadian Astronomy Data Centre: online data distribution
- Canadian Cluster Comparison Project: multi-wavelength survey of fifty X-ray-selected galaxy clusters
- Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment: radio telescope mapping distant neutral hydrogen
- Canadian Hydrogen Observatory and Radio-transient Detector: see Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment
- Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics: national research organization at University of Toronto
- Canadian Space Agency (CSA): includes astronomical research
- CanariCam: see Gran Telescopio Canarias
- Canary Islands
- Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex: see NASA Deep Space Network
- CANDELS (Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey): early-universe survey by HST
- candidate
- HD1: very distant 2022 galaxy candidate
- candidate companion: possible object apparently orbiting a known object
- Canes Venatici Cloud
- Canes Venatici I
- Canes Venatici II
- Canfranc Underground Laboratory
- ANAIS-112: dark matter detection experiment in Spain
- CANGAROO: Collaboration between Australia and Nippon for a Gamma Ray Observatory in the Outback
- Canis Major Dwarf
- Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy: small irregular galaxy in the Local Group
- Canis Major Overdensity (Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy): small irregular galaxy in the Local Group
- canonical pulsar: see millisecond pulsar
- Canopus: second brightest star in the sky
- capacitance: see dielectric
- capacitor: see dielectric
- Cape Canaveral Air Force Station: Air Force launch facilities adjacent to Kennedy Space Center
- Cape Observatory: see Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog
- Cape Photographic Durchmusterung: see Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog
- Capella: brightest star in Auriga
- Capella Aa: see Capella
- Capella Ab: see Capella
- Capella H: see Capella
- Capella L: see Capella
- CAPMAP: early 2000s array that surveyed CMB polarization
- CAPS: see Cassini
- capture theory
- captured rotation (tidal locking): locked rotation of an orbiting body
- CARA (California Association for Research in Astronomy): nonprofit aimed at operating Keck observatory
- CARA (Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica): NSF science and technology center
- carbide planet (carbon planet): theoretical planet type with more carbon than oxygen
- carbon: element, C, atomic number 6
- carbon burning: fusion reaction starting with carbon
- Carbon CII Line in Post-Reionization and Reionization Epoch (CONCERTO): spectrometer aimed at mapping the [CII] line
- carbon cycle
- carbon dating: see radioactive dating
- carbon deflagration: see Type Ia supernova
- carbon detonation: see Type Ia supernova
- carbon dioxide: compound of carbon atom and two oxygen atoms
- carbon fusion (carbon burning): fusion reaction starting with carbon
- carbon monosulfide: see tracer
- carbon monoxide: compound of carbon and oxygen, one atom each
- CO ladder: series of CO rotational spectral lines
- Carbon Monoxide Mapping Array: planned experiment to observe epoch of reionization
- Carbon Monoxide Power Spectrum Survey (COPSS): survey of CO from star forming epoch
- carbon planet: theoretical planet type with more carbon than oxygen
- carbon star: star with more carbon than oxygen in its atmosphere
- carbon to oxygen ratio
- carbon: element, C, atomic number 6
- carbon, nitrogen$#44; oxygen: see CNO cycle
- carbon-13
- carbon-14: see radioactive dating
- carbon-burning shell: see carbon burning
- carbon-enhanced metal-poor: see carbon star
- carbon-oxygen white dwarf: see white dwarf
- carbon-rich Wolf-Rayet: see Wolf-Rayet star
- carbonaceous: see meteorite
- carbonaceous chondrite: stony meteorites with carbon compounds showing no melting
- meteorite: rock found on Earth that is the remnant of a meteor
- carbonate
- acidity: measure of the activity of hydrogen ions in a solution
- carbonate system: system governing water and CO2 in the presence of each other
- carbonate system: system governing water and CO2 in the presence of each other
- carbonate-silicate cycle: long-term cycle that sequesters Earth carbon
- weathering: changes in surface due to contact with atmosphere
- carbonic acid
- acidity: measure of the activity of hydrogen ions in a solution
- carbonate system: system governing water and CO2 in the presence of each other
- carbyne (methylidyne): compound of one carbon and one hydrogen atom
- Carina: see rare designator prefixes
- Carina Dwarf Spheroidal
- Carina Nebula: HII region with stars and nebulae of interest
- Carina OB1 association
- Carina-Sagittarius Arm: see spiral arm
- Carl Sagan Institute: group researching finding life on other planets and moons
- Carl Sagan Memorial Station: see Mars Pathfinder
- Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue: series of astrometric catalogs from 19th century on
- Carlsberg Meridian Telescope
- CARMA (Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy): former array of radio telescopes in eastern California
- CARMA EDGE: survey CO-mapping galaxies
- CARMA Extragalactic Database for Galaxy Evolution (CARMA EDGE): survey CO-mapping galaxies
- CARMENES: see Calar Alto Observatory
- Carnegie Institute for Science
- Carnegie Supernova Project: survey of supernovae lightcurves
- Carrington event: solar storm September 1-3 1859
- Cart du Ciel: see Astrographic Catalog
- CAS (Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing): research center at Swinburne University, Australia
- CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences): Chinese national scientific organization
- Cas: see rare designator prefixes
- Cas A (Cassiopeia A): supernova remnant visible for 300 years
- CAS Space: Chinese commericial space-launch corporation
- CASA: software package for radio interferometry image generation
- CASA-MIA: 1990s cosmic-ray detector in Utah
- CASCA (Canadian Astronomical Society): professional astronomers
- Case: see rare designator prefixes
- Case-Hamburg Survey: 1950s-1970s survey(s) of OB stars
- CASPER: initiative to design radio-astronomy instruments
- CASPIR: see ANU 2.3m Telescope
- CASS (Center for Advanced Space Studies): unit of Universities Space Research Association
- CASS (Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences): UC San Diego academic institute
- Cassegrain reflector: reflector telescope with convex secondary mirror
- Cassegrain telescope (Cassegrain reflector): reflector telescope with convex secondary mirror
- Cassini: explorer spacecraft sent to Saturn
- radio science: radar and other methods of using radio to probe planets and moons
- Saturn: second largest planet in the solar system
- Cassini Equinox
- Cassini: explorer spacecraft sent to Saturn
- Cassini Solstice
- Cassini: explorer spacecraft sent to Saturn
- Cassini-Huygens (Cassini): explorer spacecraft sent to Saturn
- Cassiopeia A: supernova remnant visible for 300 years
- CaSSIS: see Trace Gas Orbiter
- Castro: hydrodynamics simulation software
- casually connection regions: see inflation
- CAT (Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope): 1990s interferometer to measure CMB variations
- cataclysmic variable (cataclysmic variable star): star whose magnitude is much brighter on occasion
- cataclysmic variable star: star whose magnitude is much brighter on occasion
- Catalina Real-time Transient Survey
- Catalina Sky Survey: survey of near-Earth objects
- catalog (astronomical catalog): list of observed astronomical bodies including characteristics
- 2MASS Photometric Redshift Catalog: galaxy redshifts from 2MASS
- 87GB Catalog of Radio Sources: 1980s Green Bank radio survey
- A-LIST: catalog of templates of H-band spectra for SPS
- Abell Catalog: galaxy cluster catalog assembled over 1950s-1980s
- Aitken Double Star Catalogue: 1932 catalog with both multiple-star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- All-Sky Compiled Catalogue: 2001 catalog compiled from modern sources
- Arakelian Catalog: 1970s list of small/bright galaxies
- Arecibo General Catalog: catalog of galaxies to support ALFALFA surveys
- Arecibo Occultation Survey: 1960s radio survey using occultations by the Moon
- Arp-Madore Catalog of Southern Peculiar Galaxies: 1970s-1980s catalog from the UK Schmidt Survey
- Asiago Supernova Catalog: catalog of known supernovae and their galaxies
- Astrographic Catalog: historical star catalog of the whole sky to magnitude 11
- Astronomische Gesellschaft Katalog: 19th/20th century astrometric catalog
- Atlas of Galactic Nebulae: 1980s catalog of Milky-Way nebulae
- Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies: 1960s peculiar-galaxy-catalog-book with photos
- ATNF Pulsar Catalogue: online catalog of pulsars
- Barnard Catalog: 1919 catalog of dark nebulae
- Basel Open Cluster Catalogue: list of open clusters
- BAT6: sample of long GRBs
- Becker, White, and Edwards Catalog: 1990s radio catalog from a Green Bank 300ft Telescope survey
- Berkeley Open Cluster Catalogue: list of open clusters
- Bibliographic Catalog of Variable Stars: listing of references to variable stars
- Bologna Catalog of Globular Clusters: catalog of globular clusters in M31
- Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog: well-known astrometric catalog from late 1800s
- Boss General Catalog: 1936 catalog of 30,000 stars
- Bright Star Catalog: early 20th century catalog of 9000 stars
- Burnham Double Star Catalogue: 1906 catalog with multiple star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- Caldwell Catalog: small catalog for amateur astronomers as an adjunct to the Messier Catalog
- Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources: series of catalogs of northern hemisphere sources
- Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue: series of astrometric catalogs from 19th century on
- Catalog of Azzopardi & Vigneau: probable stars in the SMC
- Catalog of Circumpolar Stars: list of over 4000 stars in northern part of the sky
- Catalog of Components of Double and Multiple Stars: 1994 catalog of 74000 such double-star components
- Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies: list of galaxies/clusters assembled in 1960s
- Catalog of Infrared Observations: collection of infrared observation data from numerous sources
- Catalog of Southern Groups of Galaxies: list of southern groups assembled in 1980s
- Catalog of Stellar Identification: a compilation of the catalogs, BD, CD, and CPD
- Catalog of Stellar Identifications: 1970s catalog cross referencing existing star catalogs
- Catalogue of Cometary Orbits: comet catalog updated since 1970s
- Catalogue of Discoveries and Identifications of Minor Planets: 1982 catalog from Minor Planet Center
- Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae: 1967 catalog
- Catalogue of Interacting Galaxies: begun in the 1950s
- Catalogue of Southern Double Stars: 1955 catalog with multiple star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- Catalogues of Fundamental Stars: series of astrometric catalogs from 19th century on
- Cederblad Catalog: list of bright nebulae
- Collinder Catalog: 1930s catalog of 471 open clusters
- Cosmic Lens All-sky Survey: 1990s/2000s radio survey aimed at gravitational lensing
- CRATES: catalog of 8.4 GHz data on radio sources
- Czernik Catalog: list of open clusters
- David Dunlap Observatory Catalog: catalog of dwarf galaxies
- Dickel-Wendker-Bieritz Catalog: list of HII regions in the Cygnus X star-forming region
- Dolidze-Dzimselejsvili Catalogue: list of 11 open clusters
- Dunlop Double Star Catalogue: 1829 catalog of double stars viewed from Australia
- Duus-Newell catalog: list of southern galaxies/clusters assembled in 1970s
- Ephemerides of Minor Planets: annual catalog on minor planet positions
- ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO (B) Atlas: 1970s southern all-sky survey
- Fairall Galaxy List: 1977 list of galaxies with bright nuclei
- Fourth Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources: 1960s catalog of northern hemisphere 178 MHz sources
- Frank Ross's Catalog: high-proper-motion and variable stars catalogued by Frank Ross
- Galactic O Star Catalog: 2000s catalog of O-type stars
- General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities: 1950s century catalog of 15000 stars with their radial velocities
- General Catalogue of Trigonometric Parallaxes: 1950s catalog of stars with parallax measures
- General Catalogue of Variable Stars: 20th/21st century catalog of 58000 variable stars
- General Coordinates Network: service reporting transients
- Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars: 1950s catalog of stars within 20 parsecs
- Gliese-Jahreiss Catalog: 1991 catalog of stars within 25 parsecs
- Gravitational Wave Galaxy Catalogue: list of probable galaxies for GW detections
- Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog: catalog of gravitational wave detections
- Green Bank 6-cm Radio Source Catalog: catalog of from 1980s northern-hemisphere radio survey
- Guide Star Catalog: catalog of stars to help aim HST
- Henry Draper Catalog: early 20th century spectroscopic catalog of stars
- Herschel Double Star Catalog: series of early double star catalogs
- Herz catalog: list of 3000 stars in a strip of the southern sky
- Hewitt & Burbidge Catalog: optical catalog of quasi-stellar objects
- Hickson Compact Groups: list of 100 galaxy groups
- Index Catalog: 1895 catalog of galaxies, star clusters, and other nebulae
- International Variable Star Index: variable star catalog by AAVSO
- ITEP-SAI Supernova Light Curve Catalogue: online catalog
- JWST Extragalactic Mock Catalog: mock catalog of distant infrared galaxies
- King Catalog: list of 21 open clusters
- Konus-Wind catalog: catalog of GRBs from the Wind spacecraft
- Lépine Shara Proper Motion catalog: 2000s catalog of stars with proper motion
- Lacaille Star Catalog: 1700s catalog of about 10,000 southern hemisphere stars
- LEDA: galaxy database with observation data
- Lowell Proper Motion Survey: 1950s-1970s catalogs of stars with proper motion
- Lund Catalogue of Open Clusters: list of open clusters
- Luyten Double Star Survey: 1940s-1970s catalog of double stars
- Luyten Half-second Catalog: 1979 catalog of 4000 stars with high proper motion
- Luyten Palomar Survey: 1970s catalog of stars with high proper motion
- Luyten Two-Tenths Arcsecond Catalog: 1960 catalog of 9000+ stars with proper motion
- Lynds Catalog of Dark Nebulae: 1950s/1960s list of dark nebulae found on Palomar plates
- Lynds Catalogue of Bright Nebulae: 1950s/1960s list of bright nebulae found on Palomar plates
- MaNGA Stellar Library: catalog of SEDs of representative stars
- MASH Catalog of Planetary Nebulae: 995 possible planetary nebulae
- Max Wolf's catalog of stars with proper motion: early 20th century catalog of 1500 stars
- Melotte Catalog: 1915 catalog of open and globular clusters
- Messier Catalog: catalog of astronomical objects to avoid when looking for comets
- MIT X-ray Burst Source Catalog: 1970s catalog of X-ray bursters
- Molonglo Reference Catalog: 1981 catalog of mostly southern hemisphere radio sources
- Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies: 1960s catalog from Palomar plates
- MSH Catalog: 1950s catalog of radio sources from a Mills Cross survey
- N30 Catalog: 1950s catalog collecting proper motion data from older catalogs
- New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars: catalog from latter half of 20th century catalog
- New General Catalogue: 1888 catalog of galaxies, star clusters, and other nebulae
- NOAO Source Catalog: catalog compiled from NOAO public data
- NOMAD: astrometric star catalog
- Ogle Galaxy Catalog: catalog of luminous galaxies
- Ohio Radio Survey: 1960s radio survey by Ohio State University
- Open Exoplanet Catalogue: independently-maintained list of known exoplanets
- Palomar Globular Clusters: list of 15 globular clusters found in POSS plates
- Palomar-Haro-Luyten Catalog: 1960s catalog of faint blue stars
- Pantheon: catalog of well-checked Type Ia supernovae
- Parkes Catalog: catalog of from 1960s-1990 of radio sources in southern hemisphere
- Parsamian Nebula Catalog: 1965 list of nebulae
- Polar-ring Catalog: 1990 catalog of polar-ring galaxies
- PPM Star Catalogue: 1991 astrometric catalog with proper motions
- Principal Galaxies Catalog: modern catalog of more than 70k galaxies
- Radcliffe Observatory Magellanic Clouds Catalogue: catalog of stars in
- RASS/Green Bank Catalog: combined list of radio galaxies from Rosat and Green Bank surveys
- Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies: series of catalogs of nearby galaxies
- Roma-BZCAT: 2008 catalog of blazars
- SAO Star Catalog: 1960s catalog
- SDSS-DR12 Quasars: catalog of quasar information in SDSS DR12
- SDSS-DR16 Quasars: catalog of quasar information in SDSS DR16
- Shapley-Ames Catalog: 1932 catalog of contemporary data on 1249 galaxies
- Sharpless Catalog: catalog of HII regions found on Palomar plates
- Spectroscopic Properties of Cool Stars: analysis of spectroscopic data of 7000+ M and L stars
- Strasbourg-ESO Catalog of Galactic Planetary Nebulae: 1992 catalog of 1820 objects
- Struve Catalogs: two catalogs of double stars
- Texas Survey of Radio Sources at 365 MHz: 1970s/1980s radio survey made with the Texas Interferometer
- Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources: 1959 catalog of northern hemisphere 159-MHz sources
- Transient Name Server: online catalog of transients
- Uppsala General Catalogue: 1973 catalog of galaxies visible from northern hemisphere
- USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog: USNO star catalog including proper motions
- USS Sources: catalog of sources with steep spectral index
- UZC-SSRS2 Group Catalog: 2002 catalog of galaxy groups
- Van Den Bergh Reflection Nebula Catalog: catalog of reflection nebulae found in POSS plates
- Villanova White Dwarf Catalog: ongoing catalog of white dwarfs
- Virgo Cluster Catalog: 1980s catalog of 2000 galaxies
- Washington Double Star Catalog: modern database of double stars
- WISE x SuperCOSMOS photometric redshift catalog: catalog of distant galaxies in WISE and SuperCOSMOS
- WISeREP: interactive catalog of supernovae
- XZ Catalog of Zodiacal Stars: 1977 catalog of stars near the ecliptic
- Yale Observatory Zone Catalog: mid-20th century catalogs totaling 400,000 stars
- Catalog of 5,268 Standard Stars, 1950.0 Based on the Normal System N30 (N30 Catalog): 1950s catalog collecting proper motion data from older catalogs
- Catalog of Azzopardi & Vigneau: probable stars in the SMC
- Catalog of Circumpolar Stars: list of over 4000 stars in northern part of the sky
- Catalog of Components of Double and Multiple Stars: 1994 catalog of 74000 such double-star components
- Catalog of Dark Nebulae (Lynds Catalog of Dark Nebulae): 1950s/1960s list of dark nebulae found on Palomar plates
- Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies: list of galaxies/clusters assembled in 1960s
- Catalog of Infrared Observations: collection of infrared observation data from numerous sources
- Catalog of Nearby Stars (Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars): 1950s catalog of stars within 20 parsecs
- Catalog of Southern Groups of Galaxies: list of southern groups assembled in 1980s
- Catalog of Stellar Identification: a compilation of the catalogs, BD, CD, and CPD
- Catalog of Stellar Identifications: 1970s catalog cross referencing existing star catalogs
- catalog-based designator (survey-based designator): astronomical object designators based on name of survey
- catalogs
- Astrocats: software to create and manage an astronomy catalog
- astronomical catalog: list of observed astronomical bodies including characteristics
- catalogue (astronomical catalog): list of observed astronomical bodies including characteristics
- Catalogue des Nebuleuses et des Amas d'Etoiles (Messier Catalog): catalog of astronomical objects to avoid when looking for comets
- Catalogue of Bright Nebulae (Lynds Catalogue of Bright Nebulae): 1950s/1960s list of bright nebulae found on Palomar plates
- Catalogue of Cometary Nebulae Discovered on Palomar Maps (Parsamian Nebula Catalog): 1965 list of nebulae
- Catalogue of Cometary Orbits: comet catalog updated since 1970s
- Catalogue of Discoveries and Identifications of Minor Planets: 1982 catalog from Minor Planet Center
- Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae: 1967 catalog
- Catalogue of Interacting Galaxies: begun in the 1950s
- Catalogue of Nearby Stars
- Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars: see New General Catalogue
- Catalogue of Nebulae and Star Clusters (Messier Catalog): catalog of astronomical objects to avoid when looking for comets
- Catalogue of Rich Clusters of Galaxies (Abell Catalog): galaxy cluster catalog assembled over 1950s-1980s
- Catalogue of Selected Compact Galaxies and of Post-eruptive Galaxies: see Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- Catalogue of Southern Double Stars: 1955 catalog with multiple star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- Catalogues of Fundamental Stars: series of astrometric catalogs from 19th century on
- Catalogus Britannicus
- cation: see ion
- CATS345: see Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
- Cauchy distribution (Lorentzian distribution): probability distribution applicable to some physics phenomena
- caustic structure: see core-cusp problem
- cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy: passing a beam through a gas multiple times to amplify absorption lines
- CB: see rare designator prefixes
- CBAT (Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams): organization reporting transients and discoveries
- CBB: see rare designator prefixes
- CBET: see Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
- CBF: see rare designator prefixes
- CBI (Cosmic Background Imager): radio telescope in Chile observing the CMB
- CBI2: see Cosmic Background Imager
- CBR (cosmic background radiation): electromagnetic radiation coming from every direction
- CBR (cosmic microwave background): microwave radiation coming from every direction
- CBS: see rare designator prefixes
- CC (candidate companion): possible object apparently orbiting a known object
- CC (carbonaceous chondrite): stony meteorites with carbon compounds showing no melting
- CC meteorite (carbonaceous chondrite): stony meteorites with carbon compounds showing no melting
- CCAFS (Cape Canaveral Air Force Station): Air Force launch facilities adjacent to Kennedy Space Center
- CCAT: 25-meter submillimeter telescope plan for Chile
- CCAT-p (Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope): 6-meter submillimeter survey telescope under construction in Chile
- Atacama Desert: Chilean high-altitude, dry plateau with numerous observatories
- CCAT-prime (Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope): 6-meter submillimeter survey telescope under construction in Chile
- CCCP (Canadian Cluster Comparison Project): multi-wavelength survey of fifty X-ray-selected galaxy clusters
- CCCP: see rare designator prefixes
- CCCS: see rare designator prefixes
- CCD: type of electronic device to detect light
- CCD (color-color diagram): means of comparing characteristics of stars
- CCD photometry: see photometry
- CCDM (Catalog of Components of Double and Multiple Stars): 1994 catalog of 74000 such double-star components
- CCDs
- CCL: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- CCM: see rare designator prefixes
- CCO (Catalogue of Cometary Orbits): comet catalog updated since 1970s
- CCO: see compact object
- CCOR: see SWFO-L1
- CCS: see carbon star
- CCS: see rare designator prefixes
- CCSN (core collapse supernova): supernova resulting from the collapse of the core of a star
- CCSN progenitor: see supernova progenitor
- CD: see Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog
- cD: see giant elliptical galaxy
- cD galaxy: see giant elliptical galaxy
- CDA: see Cassini
- CDF-N (Chandra Deep Field North): X-ray deep survey encompassing HDF region
- CDF-North (Chandra Deep Field North): X-ray deep survey encompassing HDF region
- CDF-S (Chandra Deep Field South): X-ray deep survey encompassing HDF-South region
- CDF-South (Chandra Deep Field South): X-ray deep survey encompassing HDF-South region
- CDFN (Chandra Deep Field North): X-ray deep survey encompassing HDF region
- CDFS (Chandra Deep Field South): X-ray deep survey encompassing HDF-South region
- CDIM (Cosmic Dawn Intensity Mapper): NASA concept for space telescope for intensity mapping
- CDIMP (Catalogue of Discoveries and Identifications of Minor Planets): 1982 catalog from Minor Planet Center
- DISORT: simulation of radiative transfer in an atmosphere
- CDM (cold dark matter): one of three classes of "particle dark matter" theory
- CDM: see Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog
- CDM: see dark matter
- CDMS (Cryogenic Dark Matter Search): a search for a candidate dark matter particle
- CDMS I: see Cryogenic Dark Matter Search
- CDMS II: see Cryogenic Dark Matter Search
- CDMSlite: see Cryogenic Dark Matter Search
- CDP (Cambridge Discovery Park): location of SAO labs
- CDPP (combined differential photometric precision): calculated relation of photometric variation to SNR
- CDS (Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg): repository of astronomical data
- CDS: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- SIMBAD: online database of astronomical objects
- CDSCC: see NASA Deep Space Network
- CE (Cosmic Explorer): concept for a very large LIGO-like GW detector
- CE (chemical equilibrium): state where chemical makeup is unchanging
- CE (common envelope): binary star system surrounded by a single gas cloud
- CE: see post-common-envelope binary
- CE: see rare designator prefixes
- CE1: see Cosmic Explorer
- CE2: see Cosmic Explorer
- CEA SAp (CEA Service d'Astrophysique): French national astrophysics research institute
- CEA Service d'Astrophysique: French national astrophysics research institute
- CEAS (cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy): passing a beam through a gas multiple times to amplify absorption lines
- CEB: see common envelope
- CEB: see post-common-envelope binary
- CEBE: see common envelope
- CEBE: see post-common-envelope binary
- Ced (Cederblad Catalog): list of bright nebulae
- CEDAG: see rare designator prefixes
- Cederblad: see Cederblad Catalog
- Cederblad Catalog: list of bright nebulae
- CEERS: JWST early release observation program covering the EGS
- CEL: see rare designator prefixes
- Celescope: see Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
- celestial: having to do with stars and the sky
- celestial body (astronomical object): planet, star, galaxy, etc.
- celestial coordinate system: system for specifying position of celestial objects
- celestial coordinates: see celestial coordinate system
- celestial equator: equator-like line around the celestial sphere
- celestial event: something astronomical occurring visibly in the sky
- celestial mechanics: study of forces and motion of celestial objects
- celestial meridian: celestial sphere's meridian passing overhead
- meridian: circle around the Earth passing through both poles
- transit: a celestial body passing between another and an observer
- celestial navigation: navigating such as across the sea, using the stars
- asterism: easily recognizable star pattern
- celestial north pole: see celestial pole
- celestial object (astronomical object): planet, star, galaxy, etc.
- celestial pole: point within the celestial sphere aligned with Earth's rotation axis
- celestial reference frame: frame of reference associated with a catalog of stars or quasars
- celestial south pole: see celestial pole
- celestial sphere: the sky in considered as a sphere surrounding the observer
- CELIAS: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- cell
- Hadley cell: circulation pattern of up at the equator, poleward, down, and back
- zonal flow: east-west air circulation
- zone: apparent "horizontal" band in an atmosphere
- Celsius
- kelvin: unit of temperature scale starting at absolute zero
- CELT (California Extremely Large Telescope): concept for an extremely large telescope
- CEMP: see carbon star
- CEMP-no: see carbon star
- CEMP-r: see carbon star
- CEMP-r/s: see carbon star
- CEMP-s: see carbon star
- centaur: asteroid-like body orbiting among the outer planets
- Centaur rocket stage
- LCROSS: space probe observing the lunar poles
- centaurs
- Centaurus
- Centaurus A: nearby radio galaxy
- Centaurus A Subgroup: see Centaurus A
- Centaurus A/M83 Group: see Centaurus A
- Center for Advanced Space Studies: unit of Universities Space Research Association
- Center for Astronomy of Heidelberg University
- Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica: NSF science and technology center
- Center for Astrophysics: Harvard and Smithsonian research and education organization
- Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences: UC San Diego academic institute
- Center for Astrophysics Redshift Survey (CfA Redshift Survey): 1970s-1990s surveys of galaxy redshifts
- Center for Earth and Planetary Studies: Smithsonian Institute research unit
- Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA): optical interferometer on Mount Wilson
- center of gravity: see barycenter
- center of mass (barycenter): center of mass of two orbiting bodies
- reduced mass: the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the masses of two objects
- center of the Milky Way (galactic center): region at the middle of the Milky Way
- center-of-mass frame of reference: see barycenter
- centigrade
- kelvin: unit of temperature scale starting at absolute zero
- centimeter size barrier: see barrier
- centimeter-gram-second system (CGS): metric system variant
- centimeter-wave astronomy: see radio astronomy
- central body (primary): central body of a system such as the Sun within the solar system
- Central Bureau Electronic Telegram: see Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
- Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams: organization reporting transients and discoveries
- central compact object: see compact object
- central galaxy: see giant elliptical galaxy
- central limit theorem
- central peak: see complex crater
- central star (host star): the star associated with a planetary system
- central star of the planetary nebula: see planetary nebula
- central-peak crater: see complex crater
- Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg: repository of astronomical data
- SIMBAD: online database of astronomical objects
- Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing: research center at Swinburne University, Australia
- Centre for Research in Astrophysics of Quebec: astronomy collaboration of Quebec universities
- Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference: IAU initiative to address the issue of satellite constellations
- Centre national d'ètudes spatiales: French space agency
- Centre national de la recherche scientifique: French scientific research organization
- Centre Pédagogique Planète Univers: see GI2T
- centripetal force: whatever force keeps an object moving in circles
- Centro Astronómico Hispano-Alemán: German-Spanish Astronomical Center at Calar Alto.
- CEP (Cepheid variable): type of star that varies with a constant period
- Cepheid (Cepheid variable): type of star that varies with a constant period
- Cepheid P-L relation: see Cepheid variable
- Cepheid variable: type of star that varies with a constant period
- CEPS (Center for Earth and Planetary Studies): Smithsonian Institute research unit
- Ceres: dwarf planet and largest asteroid
- Dawn: explorer spacecraft sent to asteroids Vesta and Ceres
- dwarf planet: round like a planet, only smaller
- facula: bright spot on a planet or the Sun
- planet: round object orbiting a star that clears out its own orbital path
- protoplanet: simplest, least-developed object classified as a planet
- solar system object: the Sun, solar system planets, minor planets, comets, and moons
- Titius-Bode law: relationship between the distances between solar system planets
- CERGA observatory: see GI2T
- Cerro Armazones Observatory
- Cerro Chajnantor: see Llano de Chajnantor Observatory
- Cerro Chajnantor Atacama Telescope (CCAT): 25-meter submillimeter telescope plan for Chile
- Cerro Chajnantor Atacama Telescope, prime (Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope): 6-meter submillimeter survey telescope under construction in Chile
- Cerro Pachón
- Cerro Paranal: see Paranal Observatory
- Cerro Toco: see Llano de Chajnantor Observatory
- Cerro Tololo
- Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory: NOIRLab observatory in Chile with Blanco telescope
- CES: see ESO 3.6m Telescope
- CES: see New Technology Telescope
- CfA (Center for Astrophysics): Harvard and Smithsonian research and education organization
- CfA: see CfA Redshift Survey
- CfA digital speedometer: 1980s/90s spectrograph aimed at radial velocity measurements
- CfA Redshift Survey: 1970s-1990s surveys of galaxy redshifts
- CfA1 Survey: see CfA Redshift Survey
- CfA2 Great Wall (Great Wall): large slab of galaxies
- CfA2 Survey: see CfA Redshift Survey
- CFBDS: survey in search of brown dwarfs
- CFH telescope (Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope): 3.6-meter optical/infrared telescope in Hawaii
- CFH12k: see Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- CFHQS (Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey): 2000s distant quasar survey
- CFHT (Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope): 3.6-meter optical/infrared telescope in Hawaii
- CFHT-BD-Tau: see CFBDS
- CFHTLS: surveys of transients and stars
- AEGIS: early 2000s survey study of distant galaxies
- CFHTWIR-Oph: see rare designator prefixes
- CFL condition: see finite difference method
- CfP: call for proposals
- CFRS (Canada-France Redshift Survey): 1990s survey of galaxies to z = 1 to find associations of redshift to characteristics
- CFS: see Astrographic Catalog
- CFT (conformal field theory): a type of quantum field theory
- CG: see Bok globule
- CG: see Cos-B
- CG: see barycenter
- CG: see dwarf galaxy
- CG: see rare designator prefixes
- CGB (cosmic gamma ray background): gamma-ray radiation seen everywhere
- CGCG (Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies): list of galaxies/clusters assembled in 1960s
- CGCG 137-068
- CGCS: see carbon star
- CGCS: see rare designator prefixes
- CGI: see Roman Space Telescope
- CGM (circumgalactic medium): gas surrounding a galaxy
- CGMW: see rare designator prefixes
- CGO: see rare designator prefixes
- CGPG: see Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- CGRO (Compton Gamma Ray Observatory): 1990s space observatory for gamma ray observation
- CGS: metric system variant
- erg: CGS unit of energy
- gauss: measurement of magnetic field β
- magnetic flux: measure of magnetism passing through a surface
- magnetic flux density: vector field describing magnetism in relation to the Lorentz force
- SI: standardized metric system
- CGS4: see United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
- CGSS: see rare designator prefixes
- CH (Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment): radio telescope mapping distant neutral hydrogen
- CH (methylidyne): compound of one carbon and one hydrogen atom
- CH star: see chemically peculiar star
- methylidyne: compound of one carbon and one hydrogen atom
- CH3D: see methane
- CH4 (methane): compound of one carbon and 4 hydrogen atoms
- Cha: see rare designator prefixes
- Cha Halpha: see rare designator prefixes
- Chabrier IMF: see initial mass function
- CHAI: see CCAT
- CHAI: see Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope
- Chajnantor Observatory (Llano de Chajnantor Observatory): group of observatories on a high plateau of the Atacama Desert
- Atacama Desert: Chilean high-altitude, dry plateau with numerous observatories
- Chajnantor Plateau: see Llano de Chajnantor Observatory
- Challenger
- SPARTAN: series of astronomy satellites launched/retrieved by Space Shuttles
- Chandler wobble: shifting of the Earth's axis of rotation relative to the Earth itself
- Chandra (Chandra X-ray Observatory): space X-ray telescope
- Chandra Carina Complex Project: see Canadian Cluster Comparison Project
- Chandra COSMOS Survey: see Cosmic Evolution Survey
- Chandra Deep Field North: X-ray deep survey encompassing HDF region
- Chandra Deep Field South: X-ray deep survey encompassing HDF-South region
- Chandra Deep Fields
- Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations: software for analyzing Chandra X-ray data
- Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP): survey of X-ray sources in the Orion Nebula
- Chandra X-ray Observatory: space X-ray telescope
- ACIS: imaging spectrometer on Chandra X-ray telescope
- Chandrasekhar friction (dynamical friction): drag produced by gravitational interaction with surrounding objects
- Chandrasekhar limit: maximum mass of a white dwarf
- Chandrasekhar mass (Chandrasekhar limit): maximum mass of a white dwarf
- Chang'e 3
- ChaNGa: cosmological-simulation project active since circa 2015
- changing-look AGN: see active galactic nucleus
- chaos
- Lyapunov time: timescale beyond which a dynamical system is chaotic
- chaos theory: theory of systems highly sensitive to initial conditions
- CHARA: optical interferometer on Mount Wilson
- CHARA array (CHARA): optical interferometer on Mount Wilson
- characteristic age (pulsar characteristic age): approximate age determination of a pulsar based upon rotation rate
- characteristic magnetic field: see pulsar characteristic age
- characteristic strain: see gravitational wave strain
- Characterizing Exoplanet Satellite (CHEOPS): space telescope in development to measure radii of exoplanets
- charge
- charge barrier (electrostatic barrier): the problem that dust grains will repel and not join to form planet seeds
- barrier: challenging issue regarding planet formation
- charge exchange: see atmospheric escape
- charge-coupled device (CCD): type of electronic device to detect light
- charged black hole: see black hole model
- charged current interaction: see weak interaction
- charged particle
- Chariklo (10199 Chariklo): largest minor planet in the outer solar system
- centaur: asteroid-like body orbiting among the outer planets
- CHARIS: see Subaru Telescope
- charm: see flavor
- Charm N-body Gravity (ChaNGa): cosmological-simulation project active since circa 2015
- charm quark: see particle
- charm quark: see quark
- Charm++
- ChaNGa: cosmological-simulation project active since circa 2015
- Charon: see Pluto
- Earth: third solar system planet from the Sun
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- synchronous orbit: orbit with angular velocity matching the rotation of the orbited body
- CHE: see double star designation
- ChemCam: see Mars Science Laboratory
- chemical abundance ratio: see bracket notation
- chemical abundances (abundances): relative amounts of each chemical element
- chemical composition (abundances): relative amounts of each chemical element
- chemical composition of the universe: see abundances
- chemical differentiation
- chemical element (element): class of atom based on its number of protons
- chemical equilibrium: state where chemical makeup is unchanging
- chemical evolution: see abundances
- chemical kinetics: see chemical equilibrium
- chemical species: see reduction potential
- chemical tagging: using abundances to trace the origin of particular stars
- chemically peculiar star: star with SED showing presence metals unusual for stars
- chemisorption: see adsorption
- chemistry
- abiotic oxygen: oxygen from non-life sources
- abundances: relative amounts of each chemical element
- acetylene: compound of two carbon and two hydrogen atoms
- acidity: measure of the activity of hydrogen ions in a solution
- adsorption: adhesion to a surface
- aluminum: element, Al, atomic number 13
- amine: type of compound containing nitrogen
- ammonia: particular compound of nitrogen and hydrogen
- atomic number: number of protons in an atomic nucleus
- Avogadro's number: number of hydrogen atoms per gram
- bulk density: total mass divided by total volume
- calcium: element, Ca, atomic number 20
- carbon: element, C, atomic number 6
- carbon dioxide: compound of carbon atom and two oxygen atoms
- carbon monoxide: compound of carbon and oxygen, one atom each
- carbonate system: system governing water and CO2 in the presence of each other
- carbonate-silicate cycle: long-term cycle that sequesters Earth carbon
- chemical equilibrium: state where chemical makeup is unchanging
- chemical tagging: using abundances to trace the origin of particular stars
- chemodynamics: study of the dynamics of chemical reactions
- CHNOPS: six common elements in biological molecules
- CHON: four common elements in biological molecules
- clathrate: crystal lattice with voids that can trap molecules
- CO ladder: series of CO rotational spectral lines
- diffusion: the spreading of particles toward an even distribution
- electron shell: radius-level around an atomic nucleus at which electrons can orbit
- element: class of atom based on its number of protons
- energetic neutral atom: high-speed neutral atom
- equilibrium condensation model: chemical model explaining solar system planet abundances
- ethylene: compound of two carbon and four hydrogen atoms
- fractionation: separation of one chemical mixture into others
- fractionation factor: isotope-related ratio
- geochemistry: the chemistry of the Earth, planets, and moons
- glycine: smallest of the twenty common amino acids
- HCO+: ionized compound of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, one atom each
- helium: non-metallic element, He, atomic number 2
- hydrocarbon: any compound of just carbon and hydrogen
- hydrogen: most prominent element, atomic number 1
- hydrogen cyanide: compound of hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, one atom each
- hydrogen deuteride: hydrogen molecule with one deuterium atom
- hydroxyl: one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom bound together
- ice: solid state of water
- iron: metal, Fe, atomic number 26
- lithium: metal, Li, atomic number 3
- magnesium: element, Mg, atomic number 12
- mass number: number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus
- metallic hydrogen: a high-pressure state of hydrogen that is conductive
- methane: compound of one carbon and 4 hydrogen atoms
- methylidyne: compound of one carbon and one hydrogen atom
- Milky Way chemical evolution: process of the development of metals in the Milky Way
- mole: unit roughly the count of hydrogen atoms in a gram
- molecular handedness: mirror-imaged variants of some molecules
- neon: element, Ne, atomic number 10
- nickel: metal, Ni, atomic number 28
- nitrite: ion of a nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms with extra electron
- nitrogen: metal, N, atomic number 7
- nucleon: proton or neutron
- number density: number of objects per volume
- oxidation state: number of electrons loaned out by an atom in an ionic bond
- oxygen: element, O, atomic number 8
- PAH emissions: infrared emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in gas clouds
- particle number: number of particles
- phosphorus: metal, P, atomic number 15
- photochemistry: study of the chemical effects of light
- photodissociation: chemical reaction in which photons break chemical bonds
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon: hydrocarbons consisting of meshes of benzene rings
- Population I: stars with substantial metallicity
- Population II: stars with lower metallicity
- Population III: stars with no metallicity
- potassium/thorium ratio: indication of thermal history
- radiolysis: similar to photodissociation from higher energy photons
- reducing atmosphere: atmosphere lacking oxygen and other oxidizers
- reduction potential: measure of a chemical species' tendency to acquire electrons
- refractory material: material with high condensation temperature
- relativistic effect: a substantial fraction of the speed of light
- siderophile: material that dissolves in molten iron
- signatures of formation: qualities of a body that suggest how it was formed
- silicate: type of compound including silicon and oxygen
- silicate weathering feedback: feedback mechanism stabilizing carbon in Earth atmosphere
- silicon: metal, Si, atomic number 14
- silicon monoxide: compound of silicon and oxygen, one atom each
- sodium: metal, Na, atomic number 11
- SPECTRE: an interactive spectrum analysis software package
- stellar population: grouping of stars according to metallicity
- sulfur: metal, S, atomic number 16
- surface reaction: such as reactions between gas and adjacent liquid
- titanium: metal, Ti, atomic number 22
- titration: analyzing a chemical solution by color change
- UCLCHEM: code to simulate the chemical reactions due to heat
- volatile material: material with low condensation temperature
- water: compound of oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms
- water activity: measure of partial vapor pressure of water
- chemodynamics: study of the dynamics of chemical reactions
- Chenab stream
- CHEOPS: space telescope in development to measure radii of exoplanets
- Cherenkov
- Cherenkov cone
- Cherenkov detector: type of high energy photon or particle detector
- Cherenkov gamma-ray telescope: see Cherenkov detector
- Cherenkov radiation: radiation from the shock of a charged particle passing through a medium
- Cherenkov telescope (Cherenkov detector): type of high energy photon or particle detector
- Cherenkov Telescope Array: ground gamma-ray telescope array in development
- Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (Cherenkov Telescope Array): ground gamma-ray telescope array in development
- Chereul: see rare designator prefixes
- Chern-Simons general relativity (Chern-Simons gravity): one type of modified general relativity
- Chern-Simons gravity: one type of modified general relativity
- Chern-Simons metric: see Chern-Simons gravity
- Chern-Simons modified general relativity (Chern-Simons gravity): one type of modified general relativity
- Chern-Simons theory: see Chern-Simons gravity
- Chi Draconis A
- F-type star: spectral class of star a bit hotter than then Sun
- chi-squared
- chi-squared test: statistical significance test
- Chicago Air Shower Array: see CASA-MIA
- Chicagoland Observatory for Underground Particle Physics: see PICO experiment
- Chicxulub crater: ancient giant impact crater under Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico
- Chile
- CHIME (Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment): radio telescope mapping distant neutral hydrogen
- CHIME/FRB: see Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment
- CHIME/FRB Catalog: see Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment
- CHIMERA: see Hale Telescope
- CHIMERA: see atmospheric model
- China
- Chinese
- Chinese Academy of Sciences: Chinese national scientific organization
- Chinese Pulsar Timing Array: group of pulsars timed by FAST
- CHIP: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- CHIPS: small satellite to investigate ISM plasma
- CHIPSat (CHIPS): small satellite to investigate ISM plasma
- chiral EFT: see effective field theory
- chirality (molecular handedness): mirror-imaged variants of some molecules
- Chiron
- centaur: asteroid-like body orbiting among the outer planets
- chirp: burst of signal rising or falling in frequency
- chirp mass: a reduced-mass-like quantity that relates to gravitational waves
- chloride: see geochemistry
- chlorine
- geochemistry: the chemistry of the Earth, planets, and moons
- CHNOPS: six common elements in biological molecules
- CHON: four common elements in biological molecules
- chondrite: stony class of meteorites not modified by melting
- meteorite: rock found on Earth that is the remnant of a meteor
- chondrule: see chondrite
- CAI: calcium/aluminum specs in chondrites
- meteorite: rock found on Earth that is the remnant of a meteor
- chopper (chopping mirror): internal pivoting mirror to slightly change the instrument's aim
- chopping: see chopping mirror
- chopping mirror: internal pivoting mirror to slightly change the instrument's aim
- CHORD: see Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment
- Christie: see rare designator prefixes
- ChroMag: see Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory
- chromatic aberration: focusing different wavelengths differently
- chromatic dispersion: see disperser
- chromatic dispersion: see velocity dispersion
- chromium
- chromosphere: middle layer of the Sun's atmosphere
- Chromosphere Fine-Structure Study: see OSO 8
- chromospheric activity index: measure of magnetic activity of a star's chromosphere
- Chthonian: see atmospheric escape
- Chthonian planet: see atmospheric escape
- Chupina: see rare designator prefixes
- CHXR: see rare designator prefixes
- CHZ: see habitable zone
- CI
- Ci: see rare designator prefixes
- CIAO (Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations): software for analyzing Chandra X-ray data
- CIAO: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- CIAO: see Subaru Telescope
- CIB (cosmic infrared background): widespread infrared radiation not associated with known sources
- CIBER: sounding-rocket survey of near-infrared background
- cosmic background radiation: electromagnetic radiation coming from every direction
- PEP: survey aimed at star formation in early times
- CIBER: sounding-rocket survey of near-infrared background
- CIBER-1 (CIBER): sounding-rocket survey of near-infrared background
- CIBER-2: see CIBER
- CIBR (cosmic infrared background): widespread infrared radiation not associated with known sources
- CID: see Cosmic Evolution Survey
- CIDA: see Stardust
- CIG: initiative to produce Earth-science software
- CIG: see rare designator prefixes
- Cigar Galaxy (M82): nearby starburst galaxy
- CII (C+): ionized carbon missing one electron
- Cimolai
- CINDI (Coupled Ion-Neutral Dynamics Investigation): space weather investigation instruments on USAF spacecraft
- CINEOS (Campo Imperatore Near-Earth Object Survey): survey of near-Earth objects
- CIO (Catalog of Infrared Observations): collection of infrared observation data from numerous sources
- CIRCE: see Gran Telescopio Canarias
- Circinus Galaxy: nearest Seyfert galaxy
- circle: see conic section
- circle of latitude: circle around the Earth of points equidistant from a pole or the equator
- circular polarization: see polarization
- circular polarization radar: see circular polarization ratio
- circular polarization ratio: ratio of circular polarization handedness in reflected radar signal
- circular symmetry: see axisymmetric
- circumbinary disk: see circumstellar disk
- circumbinary planet: exoplanet orbiting two stars
- circumgalactic medium: gas surrounding a galaxy
- circumplanetary disk: disk of dust and gas around a planet
- circumstellar disk: disk or ring shaped accumulation of matter around a star
- disk: rotating disk-shaped object such as disk galaxy or circumstellar disk
- circumstellar envelope: shell-like cloud surrounding a star
- circumstellar habitable zone: see habitable zone
- circumstellar material
- circumstellar medium: see circumstellar envelope
- cirrus (infrared cirrus): cirrus-cloud-like infrared emissions from dust, etc.
- cirrus cloud
- CIRS: see Cassini
- CISCO: see Subaru Telescope
- CIT: see rare designator prefixes
- CITA (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics): national research organization at University of Toronto
- CIV: see ARGOS
- CIVA: see Rosetta
- CIZA: see rare designator prefixes
- CK: see rare designator prefixes
- CKM Matrix
- quantum mixing: means by which one particle spontaneously changes to another
- CKM Mixing
- quantum mixing: means by which one particle spontaneously changes to another
- CKS (California-Kepler Survey): follow-up to Kepler to determine stellar radii
- CL (galaxy cluster): large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- CL: see rare designator prefixes
- Cl: see Collinder Catalog
- Cl: see stellar cluster
- CLAES: see Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
- CLASH (Cluster Lensing and Supernova survey with Hubble): c2010 HST survey of galaxy cluster lensing
- CLASS (Cosmic Lens All-sky Survey): 1990s/2000s radio survey aimed at gravitational lensing
- CRATES: catalog of 8.4 GHz data on radio sources
- Class 0 YSO: see young stellar object
- Class I YSO: see young stellar object
- Class II YSO: see young stellar object
- Class III YSO: see young stellar object
- classical Cepheid: see Cepheid variable
- classical gravitational field: see gravitational field
- classical KBO: see Kuiper Belt
- classical Kuiper Belt object: see Kuiper Belt
- classical Lyot coronagraph (Lyot coronagraph): original coronagraph design
- classical mechanics: see mechanics
- classical nova: see nova
- classical T-Tauri star: see T-Tauri star
- classification
- classifier
- clathrate: crystal lattice with voids that can trap molecules
- clathrate hydrate: see clathrate
- Clay Telescope: see Magellan Telescopes
- CorMASS: near-infrared spectrograph
- CLC (Lyot coronagraph): original coronagraph design
- CLE: code to synthesize polarized emission lines of the solar corona
- CLEAN: algorithm to extract usable images from interferometry-produced images
- CASA: software package for radio interferometry image generation
- dirty image: image that includes the distortions of the beam and sampling
- clean image: see dirty image
- CLEAN: algorithm to extract usable images from interferometry-produced images
- clearing the neighborhood: see dwarf planet
- clearing the neighborhood: see planet
- CLF (conditional luminosity function): function characterizing luminosity of galaxies with a given halo mass
- climate
- climate change
- earthshine: reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation from Earth
- climate model
- Clio2: see MMT
- close binary: see contact binary
- close binary star: see binary star
- close stellar encounter: see flyby
- closed magnetic field lines
- closed universe: see critical density
- closure phase
- speckle masking: speckle suppression technique using a calculation of the bispectrum
- cloud: higher-density region of space
- cloud (galaxy cloud): substructure of a supercluster
- cloud droplet: see autoconversion rate
- cloud fragmentation: clumping in clouds due to gravitational instability
- cloud mass function: see dense core mass function
- cloud of galaxies (galaxy cloud): substructure of a supercluster
- cloud type
- clouds
- Cloudy: code to model the effect of gas and plasma on spectra
- CLS: see rare designator prefixes
- clump: see dense core mass function
- clump giant: see red clump
- clump mass function: see dense core mass function
- CLUPI: see Rosalind Franklin
- CLUST: see rare designator prefixes
- cluster (galaxy cluster): large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- cluster (stellar cluster): group of stars apparently formed by a single cloud
- cluster dark matter halo: see dark matter halo
- cluster environment: see galaxy environment
- cluster fitting (main sequence fitting): cluster star distance determined through fitting with the H-R diagram
- Cluster Lensing and Supernova survey with Hubble: c2010 HST survey of galaxy cluster lensing
- cluster radius: radius of a galaxy cluster
- CM (barycenter): center of mass of two orbiting bodies
- CM (color-magnitude diagram): graph plotting color index to magnitude
- CM: see rare designator prefixes
- CMA (cold mass accretion): stellar accretion through an accretion disk
- CMa Dwarf (Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy): small irregular galaxy in the Local Group
- CMa Overdensity (Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy): small irregular galaxy in the Local Group
- CMB (cosmic microwave background): microwave radiation coming from every direction
- CMB anisotropies: variations in the spectrum of the CMB
- CMB cold spot (cold spot): unusually colder spot in the CMB
- CMB dipole: CMB variation due to our velocity
- CMB dipole: see CMB anisotropies
- CMB experiments (CMB surveys): efforts studying the CMB
- CMB foreground: see cosmic microwave background
- C-BASS: 6 cm survey of the entire sky
- CMB lensing: gravitational lensing of the CMB
- CMB polarization: effects of scattering and lensing on the CMB
- PIXIE: satellite-concept to to survey CMB polarization
- CMB Stage-4: planned 2020s-generation of ground CMB observations
- CMB surveys: efforts studying the CMB
- CMB weak lensing: see weak lensing
- CMB-S4 (CMB Stage-4): planned 2020s-generation of ground CMB observations
- CMBFAST: software to calculate CMB anisotropies
- CMBR (cosmic microwave background): microwave radiation coming from every direction
- CMC (Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue): series of astrometric catalogs from 19th century on
- CMD (color-magnitude diagram): graph plotting color index to magnitude
- CMDM: see MMX
- CME (coronal mass ejection): mass of plasma ejected from the Sun
- CMF (conditional stellar mass function): function characterizing galaxies within a halo of a given mass
- CMF (dense core mass function): function describing range of masses of dense cores
- CMFGEN: RT code designed to handle significant stellar wind
- CMOS sensor: see CCD
- CN: see New General Catalogue
- CN: see nova
- Cn: see rare designator prefixes
- CN Leonis (Wolf 359): nearby red dwarf
- CNB (cosmic neutrino background): low-energy neutrinos left over from early universe
- CNES (Centre national d'ètudes spatiales): French space agency
- COROT: observatory-satellite to look for transiting exoplanets and stellar oscillations
- CNM: see HI region
- CNM: see interstellar medium
- CNN (convolutional neural network): type of image processing software
- CNO: see CNO cycle
- CNO cycle: fusion reaction chain turning hydrogen and nitrogen into helium and nitrogen
- CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche): Italian national research organization.
- CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique): French scientific research organization
- CNSR (Comet Nucleus Sample Return): concept study for comet mission
- CnuB (cosmic neutrino background): low-energy neutrinos left over from early universe
- CO (carbon monoxide): compound of carbon and oxygen, one atom each
- CO (compact object): dense astronomical body such as white dwarf or denser
- CO: see rare designator prefixes
- CO ice line: see snow line
- CO J ladder (CO ladder): series of CO rotational spectral lines
- CO ladder: series of CO rotational spectral lines
- CO Legacy Database for GASS (COLD GASS): survey of CO in nearby large galaxies
- CO Mapping Array Pathfinder: see COMAP
- CO Mapping Array Project (COMAP): high frequency radio telescope to map CO
- CO rotational ladder (CO ladder): series of CO rotational spectral lines
- CO to H2 factor: assumed ratio between observed CO emission lines and H2 mass
- CO(1-0): see CO ladder
- CO(2-1): see CO ladder
- CO(3-2): see CO ladder
- CO(4-3): see CO ladder
- CO(5-4): see CO ladder
- CO(6-5): see CO ladder
- CO(7-6): see CO ladder
- CO2 (carbon dioxide): compound of carbon atom and two oxygen atoms
- CO2 ice line: see snow line
- coalescence: merging together, becoming one thing
- COAST: optical interferometer in England
- COAST: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- coastal Kelvin wave: see Kelvin waves
- COB (cosmic optical background): widespread optical radiation not associated with known sources
- COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer): 1989 satellite for surveying the CMB
- COCO (Copernicus Complexio): high-resolution cosmological N-body simulation
- COCONUTS: survey to image companions of stars
- COCONUTS: survey to image companions of stars
- CoD: see Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog
- CODATA (Committee on Data): program publishing up-to-date determinations of physical constants
- code: astrophysical modeling computer program
- AREPO: cosmology simulation using moving mesh technique
- AstroBEAR: MHD simulation system
- ATLAS Stellar Model: computer model of a stellar photosphere
- ATMO: atmospheric code for exoplanets and brown dwarfs
- batman: code to calculate model transit lightcurves
- BPASS: evolution and population synthesis code for binary stars
- BSE: a code to model the evolution of a binary star system
- BT-Settl: model atmosphere of small stars and brown dwarfs
- Castro: hydrodynamics simulation software
- ChaNGa: cosmological-simulation project active since circa 2015
- CLE: code to synthesize polarized emission lines of the solar corona
- Cloudy: code to model the effect of gas and plasma on spectra
- CMFGEN: RT code designed to handle significant stellar wind
- COMPAS: SPS code for compact object binaries
- DISORT: simulation of radiative transfer in an atmosphere
- DustEM: code to calculate dust extinction and emission
- dynesty: code for comparing the applicability of multiple models
- Enzo: hydrodynamic simulation system
- EXOFAST: code to match model parameters with exoplanet observation data
- Fastest Fourier Transform in the West: code library implementing efficient FFT
- FLASH: hydrodynamic simulation system
- FORNAX: hydrodynamics simulation software
- FSPS: code library for stellar population synthesis
- GalDNA: code to estimate chemical abundances from galaxy emission lines
- Gasoline: an SPH code
- GR1D: core collapse supernova simulation in 1D with GR
- GYRE: a stellar oscillation code
- HARM: code to solve GRMHD problems
- HERMIT: code to carry out N-body simulations
- Hyperion: Monte Carlo radiative transfer code
- iSALE: code modeling the shock physics of impacts
- LA-COMPASS: MHD-capable hydrodynamic code
- MagIC: numerical code to for fluid dynamics including dynamos
- MATCH: SFH code
- MERCURY: code to carry out N-body simulations
- minkasi: code for processing MUSTANG-2 data
- MOCCA: code to model the evolution of stellar clusters
- NBODY: code to carry out N-body simulations
- PHOENIX stellar model: computer model of a stellar photosphere
- PICASO: rt code specifically for exoplanet transmission spectroscopy
- PLUTO Code: fluid-dynamic simulation code
- PROMETHEUS/VERTEX: hydrodynamic simulation system
- RADEX: radiative transfer code
- RAMSES: hydrodynamic simulation system
- RASCALL: efficient code to locate suspected molecular lines
- REBOUND: code to carry out N-body simulations
- RODEO: code for 2D disk simulation
- SIMBA: galaxy formation simulation code
- SpEC: code to solve general relativity problems
- SPOCK: code to determine stability of orbits
- STARFORGE: star formation simulation code
- STarSPot: code to model starspots
- StarTrack: stellar population synthesis code
- Tau-REx: spectral line retrieval code for exoplanet atmospheres
- TSUNAMI: few-body code
- Turtlebeach: radiative transfer code
- TYCHO: stellar evolution code
- UCLCHEM: code to simulate the chemical reactions due to heat
- Code for Anisotropies in the Microwave Background: see CMBFAST
- code type
- codes
- CODEX: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- CoDICE: see IMAP
- coefficient
- absorption coefficient: measure of how much light a substance absorbs
- J2: geopotential coefficient regarding a planet's oblateness
- coeval: the same age
- coherence: see coherent light
- coherent
- coherent dense core: see dense core
- coherent light: beam of light at a single frequency
- COHSI: see United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
- CoKu Tau: see rare designator prefixes
- Col: see Collinder Catalog
- Col-OSSOS: see Outer Solar System Origins Survey
- Colca Valley
- TAMBO: concept for neutrino detector in valley in Peru
- cold dark matter: one of three classes of "particle dark matter" theory
- cold dark matter: see dark matter
- cold disk accretion: see AGN accretion
- cold gas: gas cool enough to form galaxies and stars
- COLD GASS: survey of CO in nearby large galaxies
- cold mass accretion: stellar accretion through an accretion disk
- cold neutral medium: see HI region
- cold neutral medium: see interstellar medium
- cold pixel: see hot pixel
- cold spot: unusually colder spot in the CMB
- cold start: see giant planet formation
- cold trap: layer of atmosphere that prevents a gas from escaping by freezing it
- Colibrì: planned Canadian X-ray space telescope
- Colibri-S: see Colibrì
- Collaboration for Astronomy Signal Processing and Electronics Research (CASPER): initiative to design radio-astronomy instruments
- collapsar: neutron star or stellar black hole
- collapsar model: see superluminous supernova
- collapsar: neutron star or stellar black hole
- collecting area: cross-sectional area over which a telescope receives EMR
- collection area (collecting area): cross-sectional area over which a telescope receives EMR
- colliding-wind binary: see WR 140
- collimate: see collimator
- collimated light: see collimator
- collimator: device to align beams of light
- Collinder: see Collinder Catalog
- Collinder 50 (Hyades Cluster): nearest open cluster
- Collinder Catalog: 1930s catalog of 471 open clusters
- collision: see heating
- collision cross section: see cross section
- collisional: see stellar dynamics
- collisional broadening: line broadening due to nearby particles
- collisional broadening: see line broadening
- collisional cascade (Kessler syndrome): low-Earth-orbit debris growing out of control
- collisional erosion: removing a body's substance through impacts
- collisional growth: see planet formation
- collisionless Boltzmann equation: see Vlasov-Poisson equation
- collisionless damping: see Landau damping
- collisionless plasma: see plasma
- COLOR: see Copernicus Complexio
- color (color index): a number that characterizes the color of an object
- color charge: see strong force
- color excess: see color index
- color excess: see reddening
- color index: a number that characterizes the color of an object
- color temperature: temperature-measure of a source based on a color index
- color-color diagram: means of comparing characteristics of stars
- color-magnitude diagram: graph plotting color index to magnitude
- color-period diagram: means of comparing periods of stars at various wavelengths
- Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment (CUTE): CubeSat ultraviolet space telescope
- Colossus Telescope: concept for a 50-meter telescope using interferometry
- Colours of the Outer Solar System Origins Survey: see Outer Solar System Origins Survey
- column density: measure of the matter through which EMR is passing
- column mass density: see column density
- column number density: see column density
- COMA (Carbon Monoxide Mapping Array): planned experiment to observe epoch of reionization
- Coma
- Stardust: space mission that collected and returned comet coma dust
- coma: aberration where points of light show a tail
- coma: see comet
- Coma Berenices
- Coma Cluster
- Coma Filament: see galaxy filament
- Coma Supercluster: nearby supercluster
- Coma Wall (Great Wall): large slab of galaxies
- COMAP: high frequency radio telescope to map CO
- COMAP pathfinder: see COMAP
- comatic aberration (coma): aberration where points of light show a tail
- Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy: former array of radio telescopes in eastern California
- Combined Coudé Laboratory: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- combined differential photometric precision: calculated relation of photometric variation to SNR
- Combined Radio All-sky Targeted Eight-GHz Survey (CRATES): catalog of 8.4 GHz data on radio sources
- Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite: 1990s satellite investigating Earth's magnetosphere
- ComCam: see Giant Magellan Telescope
- comet: Sun-orbiting object with coma and possible tail
- Comet Astrobiology Exploration Sample Return (CAESAR): planned space mission to return a sample of a comet
- Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein (C/2014 UN271): very large comet discovered at a distance
- Comet Galaxy: unique spiral galaxy in cluster Abell 2667
- Comet Giacobini-Zinner
- Comet Halley: see comet
- Comet Nucleus Sample Return: concept study for comet mission
- Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 (Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9): comet that collided with Jupiter in 1994
- comet planet: planet with some characteristics of a comet
- Comet Rendezvous Asteroid Flyby: 1980s/1990s NASA comet exploration plan
- Comet Shoemaker-Levy
- comet: Sun-orbiting object with coma and possible tail
- Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9: comet that collided with Jupiter in 1994
- cometary globule: see Bok globule
- cometary hydrogen cloud: see comet
- cometary nebula: see reflection nebula
- comets
- COMICS: see Subaru Telescope
- commensal mode: telescope usage that accomplishes multiple observations simultaneously
- Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transients survey: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- commensurability: see orbital resonance
- Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
- Committee for Small-Body Nomenclature: early 2000s IAU division since replaced by WG-SBN
- Committee on Data: program publishing up-to-date determinations of physical constants
- Committee on Space Research: international collaboration established by International Council for Science
- Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy: AAS committee
- Common Astronomy Software Application (CASA): software package for radio interferometry image generation
- common envelope: binary star system surrounded by a single gas cloud
- common envelope: see post-common-envelope binary
- common envelope binary: see common envelope
- common envelope binary event: see common envelope
- common proper motion: see proper motion
- common-envelope binary: see post-common-envelope binary
- common-envelope-binary event: see post-common-envelope binary
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Community Science and Data Center: see NOIRLab
- community TOI: see Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
- comoving coordinates: see comoving units
- comoving density of star formation: see star formation rate
- comoving distance: see comoving units
- comoving horizon (particle horizon): furthest point from which light can reach us
- comoving SFR density: see star formation rate
- comoving SFRD: see star formation rate
- comoving space density: see comoving units
- comoving speed: see comoving units
- comoving star formation rate density: see star formation rate
- comoving units: units of measure that incorporate the scale factor
- comoving volume: see comoving units
- CoMP: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- compact binary: see binary star
- compact galaxy: see dwarf galaxy
- compact group: see galaxy group
- compact HII region: see HII region
- compact object: dense astronomical body such as white dwarf or denser
- collapsar: neutron star or stellar black hole
- compact object binary
- compact object merger: see compact object
- Compact Object Mergers: Population Astrophysics and Statistics (COMPAS): SPS code for compact object binaries
- compact objects
- COMPAS: SPS code for compact object binaries
- galactic binary: system of two object co-orbiting within the Milky Way
- Compact Objects with ASKAP: Surveys and Timing: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- compact star (compact object): dense astronomical body such as white dwarf or denser
- compact stellar nucleus: see stellar nucleus
- companion (binary companion): one of the two stars of a binary star
- companion star (binary companion): one of the two stars of a binary star
- comparator: device to compare the position of objects on plates
- COMPAS: SPS code for compact object binaries
- COMPLETE Survey: survey of star forming regions
- Completely Autonomous Service Telescope
- COAST: optical interferometer in England
- completeness: measure of how many of a survey's objects of a certain magnitude have been detected
- completeness limit: see completeness
- complex: see molecular cloud
- complex amplitude: see amplitude
- complex conjugate
- complex crater: crater with central high-point
- complex number: type of number that can be the square root of a negative number
- complex number system: see complex number
- complex numbers
- complex plane: see complex number
- complex visibility: see visibility
- composite boson: see particle
- composite remnant: see supernova remnant
- composite-spectrum binary (spectrum binary): binary star detectable because its spectrum looks like that of two stars
- compound
- acetylene: compound of two carbon and two hydrogen atoms
- amine: type of compound containing nitrogen
- ammonia: particular compound of nitrogen and hydrogen
- carbon dioxide: compound of carbon atom and two oxygen atoms
- carbon monoxide: compound of carbon and oxygen, one atom each
- ethylene: compound of two carbon and four hydrogen atoms
- glycine: smallest of the twenty common amino acids
- HCO+: ionized compound of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, one atom each
- hydrocarbon: any compound of just carbon and hydrogen
- hydrogen cyanide: compound of hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, one atom each
- hydrogen deuteride: hydrogen molecule with one deuterium atom
- hydroxyl: one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom bound together
- methane: compound of one carbon and 4 hydrogen atoms
- methylidyne: compound of one carbon and one hydrogen atom
- nitrite: ion of a nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms with extra electron
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon: hydrocarbons consisting of meshes of benzene rings
- silicate: type of compound including silicon and oxygen
- silicon monoxide: compound of silicon and oxygen, one atom each
- compound lens: see chromatic aberration
- compound lens: see spherical aberration
- Compressible Astrophysics (Castro): hydrodynamics simulation software
- COMPTEL: see Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
- Compton camera (Compton telescope): type of gamma ray telescope for 0.75-30 MeV range
- Compton cooling: see Compton scattering
- Compton effect: see Compton scattering
- Compton Gamma Ray Observatory: 1990s space observatory for gamma ray observation
- Compton hump: see Compton reflection
- Compton optical depth: see Thomson optical depth
- Compton parameter: see Compton scattering
- Compton reflection: recognizable emission due to a gas or plasma's Compton scattering
- Compton scattering: photon collision with a charged particle that emits a different photon
- Compton telescope: type of gamma ray telescope for 0.75-30 MeV range
- Compton thick: see Thomson optical depth
- Compton upscattering: see Compton scattering
- Compton wavelength: lower bound on a particle's possible de Broglie wavelength
- Compton Y-parameter: see Compton scattering
- Comptonization: see Compton scattering
- computation: see numerical methods
- computational astrophysics: astrophysical study through computer modeling
- HARM²: technique for parallelizing computations of radiation with hydrodynamics
- computational fluid dynamics
- Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG): initiative to produce Earth-science software
- computational physics
- computations (numerical methods): using equations through repetitive arithmetic
- computed tomography imaging spectrometer (CTIS): imaging spectrometer using CT algorithm to sort out overlapping orders
- computer
- Fugaku: Japanese petaflop/exaflop supercomputer
- Odyssey: research supercomputer at Harvard sometimes used for astrophysics simulations
- Stampede: research supercomputer at U. Texas
- computerized tomography scan
- tomography: observation of sections of a 3D object
- computing
- data cube: three-dimensional array of numerical data
- deep learning: description of machine learning using substantial neural networks
- exascale computing: exaFLOP computing capability, i.e., quintillion FLOPs
- GPU: type of CPU tailored to handling computer graphics
- Python: programming language used for a lot of astrophysics research
- concept
- Concept 1: see Origins Space Telescope
- Concept 2: see Origins Space Telescope
- CONCERTO: spectrometer aimed at mapping the [CII] line
- concordance model: see alternative cosmologies
- Concordia Station
- condensation: see refractory material
- condensation: see volatile material
- condensation temperature: see refractory material
- condensation temperature: see volatile material
- conditional luminosity function: function characterizing luminosity of galaxies with a given halo mass
- conditional mass function (conditional stellar mass function): function characterizing galaxies within a halo of a given mass
- conditional stellar mass function: function characterizing galaxies within a halo of a given mass
- conductance: see siemens
- conduction
- conductive hydrogen (metallic hydrogen): a high-pressure state of hydrogen that is conductive
- metal: in astrophysics, any element more massive than helium
- conductivity: see siemens
- confidence interval: see error bar
- configuration
- confirmation bias: see selection bias
- blind analysis: performing experimental analysis without knowing the data
- conformal field theory: a type of quantum field theory
- conformal mapping: see conformal field theory
- conformal transformation: see conformal field theory
- confusion: see confusion limit
- confusion limit: limit on telescope imaging due to too many sources in the same region
- confusion-limited image: see confusion limit
- conic section: orbit shapes, like the intersection of a plane and cone
- conjunction: see heliocentric system
- CONSERT: see Rosetta
- conservation law: property that remains unchanged by physical phenomena
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: Italian national research organization.
- consortium
- constant
- constellation: division of the celestial sphere
- asterism: easily recognizable star pattern
- Orion: well-known constellation in the northern hemisphere
- constitutive equations: see equation of state
- constitutive relations: see equation of state
- construction
- constructive interference
- contact binary: binary stars orbiting so close they are touching
- contact binary: see binary star
- contamination: see completeness
- continuous absorption: the absorption of a whole section of a spectrum
- continuous Galerkin method
- continuous gravitational wave: long-lasting repeating GWs such as from orbits
- continuous random variable: see probability density function
- continuous shock: see shock wave
- continuous spectrum: smooth spectrum or portion of spectrum with no lines
- continuous viewing zone: region of sky that can be viewed 7×24×365
- continuous-wave frequency-modulated: see frequency modulation
- continuum: portion of a continuous spectrum not affected by a spectral feature
- continuum (continuous spectrum): smooth spectrum or portion of spectrum with no lines
- continuum emission: continuous spectrum such as black-body radiation or bremsstrahlung
- CONTOUR: failed 2002 NASA astroid flyby mission
- convection: a heated fluid's flow due to its low density and buoyancy
- convection zone: region of a star transmitting energy through convection
- convective envelope (convection zone): region of a star transmitting energy through convection
- convective mantle
- dynamo: mechanism for generating magnetic fields around astronomical bodies
- convective overshoot: see convection
- convective parameterization: see subgrid-scale physics
- convective region (convection zone): region of a star transmitting energy through convection
- convective Rossby number: see Rossby number
- convective Urca process: see Urca process
- convective zone (convection zone): region of a star transmitting energy through convection
- convergent point: see moving-cluster method
- convergent point method: see moving-cluster method
- convolution: type of product function of two functions
- mixture: type of probability distribution resulting from two others
- convolutional neural network: type of image processing software
- U-Net: neural network software for image reconstruction
- COO: see double star designation
- cool carbon star: see carbon star
- Cool Companions on Ultrawide Orbits (COCONUTS): survey to image companions of stars
- cool galactic carbon star: see carbon star
- cooling flow: inward flow of ICM within galaxy clusters
- cooling flow problem: see cooling flow
- cooling function: function relating a gas's cooling rate to its temperature
- cooling timescale: see timescale
- Cooper pair: pair of electrons sharing a particular type of bond
- coordinate
- declination: direction coordinate above/below celestial equator
- epoch: when an object was at a particular set of celestial coordinates
- meridian: circle around the Earth passing through both poles
- right ascension: direction coordinate along celestial equator
- Terrestrial Time: current measure of time for astronomical observations on Earth
- coordinate distance: see comoving units
- coordinate system
- Coordinated Molecular Probe Line Extinction Thermal Emission Survey (COMPLETE Survey): survey of star forming regions
- coordinated universal time
- time standard: method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- coordinates
- Coordinates, Sizes, Magnitudes, Orientation, and Shapes: see SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey
- COP: see double star designation
- Copernicus: see Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
- Copernicus Complexio: high-resolution cosmological N-body simulation
- Copernicus Complexio Low Resolution: see Copernicus Complexio
- coplanar flip: see planetary migration
- COPSS: survey of CO from star forming epoch
- COR1: see STEREO
- COR2: see STEREO
- cor2
- Cordóba Observatory: see Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog
- Cordelia: see shepherd moon
- Cordoba Durchmusterung: see Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog
- core (dense core): dense molecular cloud
- core (stellar core): the middle of a star
- core: see core-cusp problem
- core accretion: see core accretion model
- core accretion model: model for the formation of giant planets
- core accretion model: see giant planet formation
- core barrier: see planet formation
- core collapse: results when the center of something loses its pressure
- core collapse progenitor: see core collapse supernova
- core collapse supernova: supernova resulting from the collapse of the core of a star
- core collapse supernova progenitor: see supernova progenitor
- core flash: see helium flash
- core mass function (dense core mass function): function describing range of masses of dense cores
- core-cusp problem: theories and observation show different dwarf galaxy rotation curves
- core-driven escape: see atmospheric escape
- core-mantle boundary: see cosmic microwave background
- core-powered mass loss: see Fulton gap
- Coriolis effect: see Coriolis force
- Hadley cell: circulation pattern of up at the equator, poleward, down, and back
- Coriolis force: apparent force in a rotating frame of reference
- CorMASS: near-infrared spectrograph
- Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope (CCAT): 25-meter submillimeter telescope plan for Chile
- Cornell Massachusetts Slit Spectrograph (CorMASS): near-infrared spectrograph
- Cornell University
- corner.py: Python library for scatter plot matrices
- corona: plasma surrounding a star
- corona (AGN corona): plasma surrounding or near an AGN
- corona size: see AGN corona
- coronagraph: telescope feature to block light from a specific body
- coronagraphy: see coronagraph
- coronal gas: see interstellar medium
- coronal hole: cool, low-density portions of the Sun's corona
- Coronal Line Emission Code (CLE): code to synthesize polarized emission lines of the solar corona
- coronal loop: visible loop extending out of the Sun's surface and back
- coronal mass ejection: mass of plasma ejected from the Sun
- Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory: proposed solar observatory
- Coronal Spectrographic Imager in the EUV (COSIE): EUV spectrograph to analyze the corona
- Coronal Spectropolarimeter for Airborne Infrared Research: see ASPIRE
- COROT: observatory-satellite to look for transiting exoplanets and stellar oscillations
- corotation resonance: orbit resonant with a nearby high-density portion of a disk
- corotation torque: a torque on a planet from co-orbiting planetary disk material
- corrected AIC: see Akaike information criterion
- correction: see gravity anomaly
- correction factor: see correction term
- correction term: term added to a formula to mitigate an imperfection
- Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement: see Hubble Space Telescope
- correlated: values of two functions having the same sign
- correlation function
- correlator: unit that interferes wave signals for interferometry
- Corvus
- COS: see Hubble Space Telescope
- COS: see rare designator prefixes
- Cos-B: 1970s satellite for studying gamma rays
- COSAC: see Rosetta
- COSI: 2000s balloon-based gamma ray telescope
- COSIE: EUV spectrograph to analyze the corona
- COSIMA: see Rosetta
- COSINE-100: dark matter detection experiment in South Korea
- COSINE-200: see COSINE-100
- COSMIC: see Hale Telescope
- Cosmic Anisotropy Polarization Mapper (CAPMAP): early 2000s array that surveyed CMB polarization
- Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope: 1990s interferometer to measure CMB variations
- Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey: early-universe survey by HST
- Cosmic Background Explorer: 1989 satellite for surveying the CMB
- Cosmic Background Imager: radio telescope in Chile observing the CMB
- Cosmic Background Imager 2: see Cosmic Background Imager
- cosmic background radiation: electromagnetic radiation coming from every direction
- cosmic censorship hypothesis (law of cosmic censorship): a singularity cannot be observed
- COSMIC DANCe (Dynamical Analysis of Nearby Clusters): survey of stars in stellar clusters
- COSMIC DANCe: see Dynamical Analysis of Nearby Clusters
- cosmic dawn: see dark age
- Cosmic Dawn Intensity Mapper: NASA concept for space telescope for intensity mapping
- cosmic distance
- cosmic distance ladder: sequence of methods of measuring distance to astronomical objects
- standard siren: transient whose gravitational waves indicate a specific distance
- cosmic distance scale: see cosmic distance ladder
- cosmic dust: dust in space such as interstellar dust
- Cosmic Dust Analyzer
- Cassini: explorer spacecraft sent to Saturn
- Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS): JWST early release observation program covering the EGS
- Cosmic Evolution Survey: investigation of dark matter and the universe's large scale structure
- Cosmic Explorer: concept for a very large LIGO-like GW detector
- Cosmic Explorer 1: see Cosmic Explorer
- Cosmic Explorer 2: see Cosmic Explorer
- cosmic gamma ray background: gamma-ray radiation seen everywhere
- cosmic high noon (peak star-formation epoch): around 10 billion years ago when star formation peaked
- Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer (CHIPS): small satellite to investigate ISM plasma
- Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer Satellite (CHIPS): small satellite to investigate ISM plasma
- cosmic inflation (inflation): theorized rapid expansion of the very early universe
- cosmic infrared background: widespread infrared radiation not associated with known sources
- CIBER: sounding-rocket survey of near-infrared background
- Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER): sounding-rocket survey of near-infrared background
- cosmic lens: see current sheet
- Cosmic Lens All-sky Survey: 1990s/2000s radio survey aimed at gravitational lensing
- cosmic light horizon (particle horizon): furthest point from which light can reach us
- cosmic microwave background: microwave radiation coming from every direction
- cosmic microwave background dipole: see CMB anisotropies
- cosmic microwave background radiation (cosmic microwave background): microwave radiation coming from every direction
- cosmic neutrino background: low-energy neutrinos left over from early universe
- cosmic neutrinos (cosmic neutrino background): low-energy neutrinos left over from early universe
- cosmic noon (peak star-formation epoch): around 10 billion years ago when star formation peaked
- cosmic optical background: widespread optical radiation not associated with known sources
- cosmic ray astronomy: see cosmic rays
- cosmic ray background: see cosmic rays
- cosmic ray spallation: see nucleosynthesis
- lithium: metal, Li, atomic number 3
- cosmic rays: very-high-energy particles from beyond the solar system
- cosmic ruler: see cosmic distance ladder
- cosmic scale factor (scale factor): relative size of the universe as a function of time
- cosmic string: rent in spacetime
- cosmic time: time since the Big Bang
- cosmic time dilation (cosmological time dilation): very distant events appear to take longer
- cosmic variance: density variation on a cosmic scale
- cosmic void (void): empty spaces between large scale structures
- cosmic web: hypothesized structure of the dark matter throughout the universe
- cosmic web (large scale structure): the universe's structure as in placement of clusters
- cosmic X-ray background: X-ray radiation coming from outside the Milky Way
- cosmic X-ray background radiation (cosmic X-ray background): X-ray radiation coming from outside the Milky Way
- Cosmic X-Ray Spectroscopy: see OSO 8
- cosmic X-ray survey: see X-ray
- cosmic year: see Milky Way
- COSMO (Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory): proposed solar observatory
- cosmogenic neutrino: see GZK limit
- cosmogony: see cosmology
- cosmological: see cosmology
- cosmological band shifting (band shifting): effect of redshift on photometry
- cosmological constant: force counteracting the universe's inward gravitational pull
- Big Bang: theoretical event when the universe expanded from a point
- cosmological distance: appreciable distance across the universe
- cosmological distance ladder (cosmic distance ladder): sequence of methods of measuring distance to astronomical objects
- cosmological EOS (cosmological equation of state): equation of state of dark matter
- dark energy: energy theorized to accelerate the expansion of the universe
- cosmological EOS parameter: see cosmological equation of state
- dark energy: energy theorized to accelerate the expansion of the universe
- cosmological equation of state: equation of state of dark matter
- cosmological equation of state: see wCDM
- dark energy: energy theorized to accelerate the expansion of the universe
- cosmological equation of state parameter: see cosmological equation of state
- dark energy: energy theorized to accelerate the expansion of the universe
- cosmological expansion (Hubble expansion): ongoing expansion of the universe
- cosmological horizon (particle horizon): furthest point from which light can reach us
- cosmological inflation (inflation): theorized rapid expansion of the very early universe
- cosmological lithium problem: see lithium
- cosmological model: model of the workings and history of the universe
- cosmological models
- cosmological principle: on a large scale the universe is the same everywhere
- cosmological redshift: redshift of distant objects due to the Hubble expansion
- Doppler shift: wave frequency difference due to relative velocity difference with source
- redshift: change to longer wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- tired light: an alternate theory explaining the cosmological redshift
- cosmological simulation: simulation of the history of the universe
- cosmological simulations
- cosmic web: hypothesized structure of the dark matter throughout the universe
- dark matter filament: hypothesized type of long, thin volume of dark matter
- Cosmological Structures On Medium Angular Scales (COSMOSOMAS): 1990s-2000s microwave survey
- cosmological time dilation: very distant events appear to take longer
- time dilation: relativity's ability to make time differ for different objects
- cosmological zoom simulation: cosmological simulation plus higher resolution simulations of selected space
- cosmologist: see cosmology
- cosmology: study of the life of the universe
- Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor: see Cosmic Lens All-sky Survey
- cosmology simulation (cosmological simulation): simulation of the history of the universe
- COSMOS (Cosmic Evolution Survey): investigation of dark matter and the universe's large scale structure
- COSMOS: see SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey
- COSMOS: see Víctor M. Blanco Telescope
- cosmos: alternate word for universe
- cosmos: see cosmology
- COSMOS AzTEC-3 (AzTEC-3): very distant starburst galaxy
- COSMOS Field: see Cosmic Evolution Survey
- COSMOSOMAS: 1990s-2000s microwave survey
- COSPAR (Committee on Space Research): international collaboration established by International Council for Science
- COSPIN: see Ulysses
- COSTAR: see Hubble Space Telescope
- COSTEP: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- COTS: commercial off-the-shelf
- COU: see double star designation
- coudé focus: see coudé focus telescope
- coudé focus telescope: type of Nasmyth telescope with additional mirrors
- Couder telescope
- coulomb
- tesla: unit of magnetic flux density
- Coulomb force: see Coulomb's law
- Coulomb scattering
- Coulomb's constant: see Coulomb's law
- Coulomb's law: static electrical force relation
- Council of German Observatories: German astronomy research council
- Council of Giants: twelve large galaxies surrounding the Local Group
- counterpart: image found at same coordinates using different EMR
- COUP: survey of X-ray sources in the Orion Nebula
- Coupled Ion-Neutral Dynamics Investigation: space weather investigation instruments on USAF spacecraft
- coupling constant: see quantum field theory
- COUPP: see PICO experiment
- Courant condition: see finite difference method
- Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy-condition: see finite difference method
- covalent bond
- cow: see AT2018cow
- Cox: see rare designator prefixes
- CP: see Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog
- CP: see millisecond pulsar
- CP: see rare designator prefixes
- CP 1919
- pulsar: type of astronomical body with EMR in regular cycles of seconds or less
- CP star (chemically peculiar star): star with SED showing presence metals unusual for stars
- CP symmetry
- axion: proposed light, electrically neutral elementary particle
- CP1: see chemically peculiar star
- CP2: see chemically peculiar star
- CP3: see chemically peculiar star
- CP4: see chemically peculiar star
- SIMP: 2000s infrared proper-motion survey
- CPC: see IRAS
- CPD: see Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog
- CPM: see AstroSat
- CPM: see rare designator prefixes
- CPO: see double star designation
- CPO: see rare designator prefixes
- CPR (circular polarization ratio): ratio of circular polarization handedness in reflected radar signal
- CPS (Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference): IAU initiative to address the issue of satellite constellations
- CPTA (Chinese Pulsar Timing Array): group of pulsars timed by FAST
- CR (cosmic rays): very-high-energy particles from beyond the solar system
- Cr (Collinder Catalog): 1930s catalog of 471 open clusters
- Crab Nebula: supernova remnant in Taurus
- Crab Pulsar: see Crab Nebula
- crab-type remnant: see supernova remnant
- CRAF (Comet Rendezvous Asteroid Flyby): 1980s/1990s NASA comet exploration plan
- CRAFT: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- CRaTER: see Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Crater II
- CRATES: catalog of 8.4 GHz data on radio sources
- CRB: see cosmic rays
- CRBR: see rare designator prefixes
- CRES (cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy): method of measuring the KE of beta particles
- CRES: see Project 8
- CRESST (Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers): a search for a candidate dark matter particle
- CRESST-I: see Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers
- CRESST-II: see Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers
- CRESST-III: see Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers
- CRIRES: high resolution IR echelle spectrometer
- CRIRES: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- CRIRES+: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- CRIS: see Advanced Composition Explorer
- CRISM: see Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- critical density: density of the universe which leaves it flat
- Big Crunch: theoretical end of universe drawn together by gravity
- critical density of the universe (critical density): density of the universe which leaves it flat
- critical point: see supercritical fluid
- critical radius: see circumbinary planet
- critical rotation: see stellar rotation
- critical velocity: see stellar rotation
- CRL: see AFGL Four Color Infrared Sky Survey
- cross dispersion spectrograph: echelle spectrograph with additional disperser crosswise to the first
- cross Dragone telescope: see Dragone telescope
- cross section: "area" representation of probability of an interaction of particles
- cross-staff: historical device for measuring angular distances
- crossed-Dragone design: see Dragone telescope
- crowd-sourcing: carrying out large efforts by combining that of many volunteers
- crowdsource
- Disk Detective: Zooniverse effort to find planets within protoplanetary disks
- Galaxy Zoo: crowdsourcing website to identify galaxy types from surveys
- Galaxy Zoo 2: crowd-sourced classification of hundreds of thousands of galaxies
- Hubble Asteroid Hunter: Zooniverse effort to find asteroids in HST images
- Planet Hunters: crowdsourcing website to identify galaxy types from surveys
- Zooniverse: effort supporting research through crowdsourcing
- CRRES (Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite): 1990s satellite investigating Earth's magnetosphere
- CRS: see Voyager
- crust
- crustal magnetism: magnetic fields independent of a world's core magnetic field
- crustal plates: sections of the Earth's crust that move
- cryogenic: colder than 120 kelvins
- Cryogenic Comet Nucleus Sample Return (Comet Nucleus Sample Return): concept study for comet mission
- Cryogenic Dark Matter Search: a search for a candidate dark matter particle
- Cryogenic Infrared Echelle Spectrometer (CRIRES): high resolution IR echelle spectrometer
- Cryogenic Nucleus Sample Return (Comet Nucleus Sample Return): concept study for comet mission
- Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers: a search for a candidate dark matter particle
- cryogenic spectroscopy: laboratory spectroscopy of materials cooled to cryogenic temperatures
- Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE): experiment to sense neutrinoless double beta decay
- cryolava: see cryovolcano
- cryovolcanism: see cryovolcano
- cryovolcano: eruption of substances that are liquid or gas at cold temperatures
- crystal ice
- snow line: distance from protostar so cool that water condenses
- crystal nucleation: see supercooling
- crystal nucleus: see supercooling
- crystalline ice: see ice
- CS: see tracer
- CS metric: see Chern-Simons gravity
- CS60: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- CSBN (Committee for Small-Body Nomenclature): early 2000s IAU division since replaced by WG-SBN
- CSDC: see NOIRLab
- CSE (circumstellar envelope): shell-like cloud surrounding a star
- CSI (Carl Sagan Institute): group researching finding life on other planets and moons
- CSI (Catalog of Stellar Identification): a compilation of the catalogs, BD, CD, and CPD
- CSI (Catalog of Stellar Identifications): 1970s catalog cross referencing existing star catalogs
- CSL: see rare designator prefixes
- CSM: see circumstellar envelope
- CSMF (conditional stellar mass function): function characterizing galaxies within a halo of a given mass
- CSN: see stellar nucleus
- CSO (Caltech Submillimeter Observatory): 10.4 meter submillimeter telescope previously in Hawaii
- CSO: see rare designator prefixes
- CSO-JCMT interferometer: see Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
- CSP (Carnegie Supernova Project): survey of supernovae lightcurves
- CSPN: see planetary nebula
- CSS (Catalina Sky Survey): survey of near-Earth objects
- CSS: see Hubble Space Telescope
- CSS: see rare designator prefixes
- CST: variable star type meaning it is currently thought non-variable
- CSV: see New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars
- CSWA (Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy): AAS committee
- CT scan
- tomography: observation of sections of a 3D object
- CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array): ground gamma-ray telescope array in development
- CTA: see rare designator prefixes
- CTAO (Cherenkov Telescope Array): ground gamma-ray telescope array in development
- CTB: see rare designator prefixes
- CTCV: see rare designator prefixes
- CTD: see rare designator prefixes
- CTIO (Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory): NOIRLab observatory in Chile with Blanco telescope
- CTIO 1.5m
- CTIO Schmidt Camera: see Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
- CTIO Upper-Scorpius OB Association Survey: survey of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs
- CTIS: imaging spectrometer using CT algorithm to sort out overlapping orders
- CTOI: see Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
- CTQ: see Calán/Tololo Supernova Survey
- CTS: see Calán/Tololo Supernova Survey
- CTSS: see rare designator prefixes
- CTTS: see T-Tauri star
- CTX: see Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- CubeSat: type of small satellite built around a set of modular parts
- CubIXSS: solar spectrometer satellite concept
- CUTE: CubeSat ultraviolet space telescope
- CubeSat Imaging X-ray Solar Spectrometer (CubIXSS): solar spectrometer satellite concept
- cubewano: see Kuiper Belt
- Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT): neutrino detector under construction in the Mediterranean Sea
- CubIXSS: solar spectrometer satellite concept
- CubeSat: type of small satellite built around a set of modular parts
- CUORE: experiment to sense neutrinoless double beta decay
- Curiosity: see Mars Science Laboratory
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- Mars 2020: Mars rover mission currently on Mars after 2021 landing
- MMRTG: power source for space probes
- curl: see mathematical field
- Poisson's equation: relates one function's Laplacian to another function
- polarization modes: curl- and divergent-like components of CMB polarization patterns
- vortensity: ratio of vorticity to surface mass-density
- vortex: fluid region where the flow is spinning
- current
- siemens: SI unit of electrical conductance
- current sheet: slender sheet within a magnetic field where current flows
- Curtis-Shapley Debate (Great Debate): historical debate regarding the nature of galaxies
- curvature: unflatness of space
- geodesic: equivalent to a straight line within curved space
- curvature fluctuation amplitude: see Lambda-CDM model
- curvature of field (field curvature): focusing to a curved surface rather than a plane
- curvature radiation: synchrotron-like radiation when particles follow curved field lines
- curvature scalar: see curvature
- curvature sensor: see wavefront sensor
- curve of growth: see line broadening
- curved space: see curvature
- wormhole: connection between two regions in a curved space
- cusp: see core-cusp problem
- cuspy halo problem (core-cusp problem): theories and observation show different dwarf galaxy rotation curves
- cut-off frequency: see thermal bremsstrahlung
- CUTE: CubeSat ultraviolet space telescope
- CV (cataclysmic variable star): star whose magnitude is much brighter on occasion
- CVZ (continuous viewing zone): region of sky that can be viewed 7×24×365
- CW: see rare designator prefixes
- CWFM: see frequency modulation
- CWI: see Hale Telescope
- CWISE: see Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- CWISEP: see Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
- CXB (cosmic X-ray background): X-ray radiation coming from outside the Milky Way
- CXBR (cosmic X-ray background): X-ray radiation coming from outside the Milky Way
- CXC: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- CXE: see HEAO-1
- CXO (Chandra X-ray Observatory): space X-ray telescope
- CXOGC: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- CXOM31: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- CXOU: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- CXOU+J232327.8+584842: see Cassiopeia A
- CXRB (cosmic X-ray background): X-ray radiation coming from outside the Milky Way
- cyanide: see hydrogen cyanide
- Cybele
- cycloalkane: see hydrocarbon
- cyclotron: see cyclotron radiation
- cyclotron frequency: see cyclotron radiation
- cyclotron radiation: radiation emitted when charged particles are accelerated
- cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy: method of measuring the KE of beta particles
- cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy: see Project 8
- Cygnus A: early-discovered radio galaxy showing a quasar
- Cygnus Loop: supernova remnant in Cygnus
- Cygnus OB2-12
- Cygnus Rift: see Cygnus-X
- Cygnus X Star Forming Region: see Dickel-Wendker-Bieritz Catalog
- Cygnus-X: well-studied massive SF region
- cylindrical radio telescope: see cylindrical telescope
- cylindrical telescope: telescope with cylindrical reflectors
- CYRA: see Big Bear Solar Observatory
- Cz (Czernik Catalog): list of open clusters
- Czernik: see Czernik Catalog
- Czernik Catalog: list of open clusters
- Czernik Open Cluster Catalogue (Czernik Catalog): list of open clusters
- CZTI: see AstroSat