Term Index (S)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter S.
- S (Poynting vector): measures directional energy flux density
- S (S-type star): type of star with lines indicating zirconium
- S (entropy): relative measure of the amount of usable energy available
- S (sensitivity function): function of wavelength giving the sensitivity of an instrument
- S (siemens): SI unit of electrical conductance
- S (source function): measure indicating the effect of a material on EMR passing through
- S (spectral flux density): flux or power of radiation per unit area per unit wavelength
- S (sulfur): metal, S, atomic number 16
- S: see Sharpless Catalog
- S: see double star designation
- S Cluster (S-Star Cluster): stellar cluster at the center of the Milky Way
- S Doradus variable (luminous blue variable): type of extremely bright variable stars
- S Doradus variable: see variable star
- S orbital: see electron orbital
- S star: see S-Star Cluster
- Sérsic index: see Sérsic profile
- Sérsic law (Sérsic profile): model of the relative surface brightness across a galaxy
- Sérsic model (Sérsic profile): model of the relative surface brightness across a galaxy
- Sérsic profile: model of the relative surface brightness across a galaxy
- S&T (Sky & Telescope): amateur astronomy publication
- S-class: see S-type star
- S-index (chromospheric activity index): measure of magnetic activity of a star's chromosphere
- s-process: synthesis of elements through neutron capture and beta decay
- neutron capture: combination of an atomic nucleus and a neutron
- r-process: synthesis of elements through neutron capture faster than beta decay
- S-Star Cluster: stellar cluster at the center of the Milky Way
- S-type star: type of star with lines indicating zirconium
- S/m: see siemens
- S/N (signal-to-noise ratio): ratio of the power of a signal to the power of the background noise
- S0 (lenticular galaxy): disk galaxy that has no spirals
- S0 galaxy (lenticular galaxy): disk galaxy that has no spirals
- S2: see S-Star Cluster
- S3MC: see Spitzer Space Telescope
- S5 (Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey): spectroscopic survey of seven southern-hemisphere stellar streams
- S5: see Strong Source Surveys
- S8: see sigma-8 tension
- S8 tension (sigma-8 tension): Lambda CDM anomaly regarding matter fluctuation
- S82 (Stripe 82): SDSS field in southern hemisphere
- S1: see Stokes parameters
- S2: see Stokes parameters
- S3: see Stokes parameters
- S4: see Stokes parameters
- S8 tension (sigma-8 tension): Lambda CDM anomaly regarding matter fluctuation
- SN: see globular cluster
- S5 (Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey): spectroscopic survey of seven southern-hemisphere stellar streams
- SA: see AGILE
- SA: see IRAS
- SA: see rare designator prefixes
- Sa: see rare designator prefixes
- SAA: see Van Allen belts
- SAAO (South African Astronomical Observatory): South African observatory with SALT telescope
- SAB: see galaxy classification
- SABOCA: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- SAC (Shapley-Ames Catalog): 1932 catalog of contemporary data on 1249 galaxies
- Sachs-Wolfe effect: gravitational redshift of the CMB
- Sacramento Peak
- SACS: see rare designator prefixes
- sad trombone: see fast radio burst
- SAF (Société astronomique de France): French non-profit astronomical society
- Sag A*: SMBH at the center of Milky Way
- Fermi bubbles: gamma-ray features associated with Milky Way center
- Sag DEG (Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy): satellite galaxy of the Milky Way
- SagDIG (Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy): most distant galaxy in the Local Group
- SAGE: survey of gas and dust in the Magellanic Clouds
- SAGE-Spec: see SAGE
- Sagittarius A* (Sag A*): SMBH at the center of Milky Way
- Sagittarius A*: see galactic center
- Sagittarius A* Cluster (S-Star Cluster): stellar cluster at the center of the Milky Way
- Sagittarius B2 (Sgr B2): GMC near the galactic center
- Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy: satellite galaxy of the Milky Way
- Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy: most distant galaxy in the Local Group
- Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy (Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy): satellite galaxy of the Milky Way
- Sagittarius Stream: see Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy
- Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search: transit search using HST time
- Sagittarius-Carina Arm: see spiral arm
- Sagnac effect: an effect of the movement of light beams regarding their interference
- Saha equation: equation relating ionization to temperature
- Saha ionization equation (Saha equation): equation relating ionization to temperature
- Saha-Langmuir equation (Saha equation): equation relating ionization to temperature
- Saiph
- Orion: well-known constellation in the northern hemisphere
- SALE: see iSALE
- Salpeter function: see initial mass function
- Salpeter IMF: see initial mass function
- Salpeter time (Salpeter timescale): timescale for black hole growth
- Salpeter timescale: timescale for black hole growth
- SALT (Southern African Large Telescope): 10-meter telescope in South Africa
- SALTICAM: see Southern African Large Telescope
- SALTUS: plan for a future far-infrared space telescope
- SAM (semi-analytic model): cosmological model combining analytic and other methods
- SAM: see Mars Science Laboratory
- SAM: see SOAR Telescope
- SAM QC: see Mars Science Laboratory
- SAM-FP: see SOAR Telescope
- SAM-QMS: see Mars Science Laboratory
- SAM-TLS: see Mars Science Laboratory
- SAMI: see Anglo-Australian Telescope
- SAMPEX: 1990s small satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- Sample Acquisition System: see CAESAR
- sampling bias: see selection bias
- sampling error: see selection bias
- Samuel Oschin Telescope (Palomar 48 Inch Telescope): 48 inch Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory
- SAN: see rare designator prefixes
- SAND: see rare designator prefixes
- sanity check: see back-of-the-envelope calculation
- Santa Barbara Instrument Group: old name of Santa Barbara Scientific, telescope instrument manufacturer
- Santa Cruz
- SAO: see Center for Astrophysics
- SAO: see SAO Star Catalog
- SAO Star Catalog: 1960s catalog
- SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (Astrophysics Data System): online astrophysics bibliography and paper archive
- SAPTA: see MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array
- SAR (synthetic aperture radar): method of using moving radar with a stationary target
- SARA (Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers): US organization
- SARAS: survey aiming at highly-redshifted 21-cm detection
- SARAS 1: see SARAS
- SARAS 2: see SARAS
- SARAS 3: see SARAS
- Sardinia Radio Telescope: Italian large single-dish radio telescope
- SARG: see Telescopio Nazionale Galileo
- SAS (XMM-Newton Science Analysis System): software designed to analyze XMM-Newton X-ray data
- SAS 1 (Uhuru): 1970 X-ray space telescope
- SAS 2 (Small Astronomy Satellite 2): 1970s NASA gamma ray space telescope
- SAS 3 (Small Astronomy Satellite 3): 1970s NASA X-ray space telescope
- SAS-A (Uhuru): 1970 X-ray space telescope
- SAS-B (Small Astronomy Satellite 2): 1970s NASA gamma ray space telescope
- SAS-C (Small Astronomy Satellite 3): 1970s NASA X-ray space telescope
- SAS-D (International Ultraviolet Explorer): 1980s ultraviolet space telescope
- Saskatoon: 1990s survey to measure CMB anisotropy
- SASS: see CubIXSS
- SASSy: see SCUBA
- SaSt: see rare designator prefixes
- SAT: see Simons Observatory
- SAT: see aperture synthesis
- satcon (satellite constellation): group of many coordinated satellites such as for communication
- Satech-01: Chinese experimental spacecraft
- satellite: see moon
- satellite constellation: group of many coordinated satellites such as for communication
- satellite constellation: type of communication system incorporating tens/hundreds of satellites
- satellite galaxies
- satellite galaxy: galaxy that orbits a larger galaxy
- satellite mega-constellation (satellite constellation): group of many coordinated satellites such as for communication
- satellite plane problem: satellite galaxies inexplicably tend to fall in a plane
- saturated Hanle effect: see Hanle effect
- saturation: see humidity
- Saturn: second largest planet in the solar system
- Cassini: explorer spacecraft sent to Saturn
- Dragonfly: Titan flying rover under development
- Enceladus: Saturn moon considered possible carrier of life
- Enceladus Life Finder: mission to search for life on Saturn moon Enceladus
- Enceladus Orbilander: concept for a NASA mission to Enceladus
- giant planet: planet of more than 10 Earth masses
- grand tack hypothesis: solar system formation model with Jupiter and Saturn migrating
- gravity sounding: measuring a planet's gravitation field by study of nearby probe flights
- helium rain: possible source of heat in giant planet atmospheres
- ring system: disk or set of rings orbiting a planet
- shepherd moon: small moon affecting outer edge of a planet's ring
- solar system object: the Sun, solar system planets, minor planets, comets, and moons
- TAM: non-gray-RT 3D model of Titan's atmosphere
- Titan: well-known Saturn moon
- Voyager: space probes to observe planets and the edge of the solar system
- Saturn II (Enceladus): Saturn moon considered possible carrier of life
- Saturn V
- Saturn VI (Titan): well-known Saturn moon
- Saurer: see rare designator prefixes
- SAURON: see William Herschel Telescope
- SAVAL (Sociedad Astronómica de Valparaíso y Viña del Mar): Chilean amateur astronomy society
- SaWe: see rare designator prefixes
- SAX: see BeppoSAX
- SAXO: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- SB (spectroscopic binary): binary star detected by movement indicated by Doppler shifts in the spectrum
- SB (surface brightness): brightness per unit area of a surface
- SB: see rare designator prefixes
- SB1: see double-line spectroscopic binary
- SB1: see spectroscopic binary
- SB2 (double-line spectroscopic binary): spectroscopic binary star where a specific line shows up at two different wavelengths
- SBB: see Big Bang
- SBF (surface brightness fluctuation): apparent indication of an elliptical galaxy's distance
- SBH: see supermassive black hole
- SBIG (Santa Barbara Instrument Group): old name of Santa Barbara Scientific, telescope instrument manufacturer
- SBIG STX-6303: see Las Cumbres Observatory
- SBNC (Small Bodies Names Committee): old name of IAU Committee for Small Body Nomenclature
- SBS (Second Byurakan Survey): 1970s-1990s survey of galaxies and quasars
- SBS 0335-052: blue compact galaxy
- SC (stellar cluster): group of stars apparently formed by a single cloud
- SC: see rare designator prefixes
- scalar boson
- scalar curvature: see curvature
- scalar field: see mathematical field
- scalar field dark matter (fuzzy dark matter): concept of extremely light dark matter particles
- scalar spectral index: see Lambda-CDM model
- scalar-tensor gravity: GR-like gravity that incorporates a scalar field
- scalar-tensor-vector gravity: see scalar-tensor gravity
- scale
- scale factor: relative size of the universe as a function of time
- scale height: measure of exponential falloff
- scale length: see scale height
- scaling relation: see standard candle
- scan pattern: see intensity mapping
- scan speed: the speed at which the telescope changes angle on the sky while observing
- scandium
- Am star: A-type star with metallic lines
- SCAP: 1980s balloon-borne ultraviolet telescope
- SCAP-1909: see SCAP
- SCAP-2000: see SCAP
- SCARLET: see atmospheric model
- scatter broadening: see fast radio burst
- scatter plot: plot of points within two dimensions
- scatter plot matrix: see scatter plot
- scattered disk
- scattered disk object
- scattered disk objects
- scattered Kuiper belt object
- scattered light: see stray light
- scattering: changing the direction of a particle's movement
- emission: addition of photons to a beam of EMR
- scattering angle: see cross section
- scattering coefficient: see absorption coefficient
- SCE: see Ulysses
- SCExAO: see Subaru Telescope
- SCF (supercritical fluid): state of matter at sufficient pressure and temperature
- Schönberg-Chandrasekhar limit: maximum stellar isothermal helium core mass
- Schechter function: see luminosity function
- Schechter luminosity function: see luminosity function
- Schiaparelli: see ExoMars
- Schiaparelli: see Trace Gas Orbiter
- Schiefspiegler: type of off-axis reflector telescope
- Schmidt camera: telescope type with a very wide field of view
- Schmidt corrector plate: see Schmidt camera
- Schmidt law (Kennicutt-Schmidt law): relation between gas density and star formation rate
- Schmidt telescope (Schmidt camera): telescope type with a very wide field of view
- Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope: see Schmidt camera
- Schmidt-Newton telescope: type of reflector telescope
- Schmidt-Newtonian telescope (Schmidt-Newton telescope): type of reflector telescope
- Schoenberg: see rare designator prefixes
- Scholz's Star: nearby binary star with red dwarf and brown dwarf
- Schrödinger equation: quantum-mechanical wave-equation-like equation
- Schrödinger-Newton equation (Schrödinger-Poisson equation): Schrödinger equation including a term for gravity
- Schrödinger-Poisson equation: Schrödinger equation including a term for gravity
- Schroedinger equation
- Schuster-Schwarzschild approximation (Schuster-Schwarzschild model): simplified model of a star's production of absorption lines
- Schuster-Schwarzschild model: simplified model of a star's production of absorption lines
- Schwarzschild black hole: see black hole model
- Schwarzschild density: see Schwarzschild radius
- Schwarzschild diameter: see Schwarzschild radius
- Schwarzschild lens: see gravitational lensing
- Schwarzschild metric: see metric
- Schwarzschild object: see black hole model
- Schwarzschild radius: radius of a black hole's event horizon
- black hole shadow: dark-disk appearance of a black hole viewed from a distance
- event horizon: surface-shape around a black hole through which light cannot escape
- Schwarzschild telescope: type of two-mirror reflector telescope
- Schwarzschild throat: see wormhole
- Schwarzschild wormhole: see wormhole
- Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope
- Schwarzschild-Couder telescope
- SCI: see Hayabusa2
- science
- abundances: relative amounts of each chemical element
- asteroseismology: study of stars through analysis of their pulsation
- astrobiology: study of extra-terrestrial life
- astrometry: precise measurement of the position and movement of stars
- astronomy: study of astronomical objects and their environments
- astrophysics: physics applied to astronomy
- basal: from the base or from below
- basalt: an igneous rock type that shows rapid cooling
- bathymetry: study and measurement of sea depths
- blind analysis: performing experimental analysis without knowing the data
- Committee on Data: program publishing up-to-date determinations of physical constants
- cosmology: study of the life of the universe
- cryogenic spectroscopy: laboratory spectroscopy of materials cooled to cryogenic temperatures
- decadal survey: type of once-a-decade planning report from NASA and the NAS
- director's discretionary time: telescope time whose use is chosen by the observatory's director
- European Research Infrastructure Consortium: science and technology initiative
- extragalactic astronomy: astronomy of other galaxies, galaxy clusters, AGNs, quasars, etc.
- fiducial: taken as a standard
- forward model: model producing potential observable values from parameters
- galactic astronomy: astronomy confined to the Milky Way
- geochemistry: the chemistry of the Earth, planets, and moons
- Goddard gravity model: gravity model produced by Goddard Space Flight Center
- gravimetry: measurement of gravity's strength
- hydrology: study of the movement of water
- in situ: on site
- interferometry: analysis of superimposed EMR waves
- interstellar astrophysics: astronomy of the ISM including dust and clouds
- Kavli Institute: any of a number of science institutes supported by Kavli Foundation
- low frequency radio astronomy: astronomy using the lower end of the radio spectrum
- millimeter astronomy: observation and analysis at wavelengths on the order of a millimeter
- optics: science and technology regarding visible light
- photochemistry: study of the chemical effects of light
- photometry: studying starlight using optical filters
- planetary protection: the principle of avoiding the contamination of planets with Earth life forms
- planetary science: study of planet characteristics
- plasma astrophysics: includes cosmology, IGM, ISM, HI regions
- polarimetry: measurement of polarization of EMR
- principal investigator: lead researcher in a scientific endeavor
- Python: programming language used for a lot of astrophysics research
- radio astronomy: astronomy observation and analysis of radio EMR
- radio science: radar and other methods of using radio to probe planets and moons
- relativistic astrophysics: physics applicable to cosmology and strong field gravity
- RMS astronomy: collective term for radio, millimeter, and submillimeter
- scale height: measure of exponential falloff
- search for extraterrestrial intelligence: search for radio signals sent from extraterrestrial sources
- selection bias: selection of a sample set that is not appropriately randomized
- sigma: indication of the confidence level of an experiment
- SIMSTACK: software to correlate intensity maps with sources
- solar physics: study of the physics of the Sun
- spectrography: charting the strengths of different electromagnetic wavelengths
- spectrometry: measuring the strengths of different electromagnetic wavelengths
- spectroscopy: measurement of light with various electromagnetic wavelengths
- stellar astronomy: astronomy of the birth, structure, variety, evolution, and fate of stars
- stratigraphy: study of rock layering
- submillimeter astronomy: astronomy observation and analysis of borderline infrared EMR
- synoptic: general, covering everything
- synthetic photometry: deriving photometry-style data from spectroscopy
- thermodynamics: physics of heat and energy
- time-domain astronomy: observing and analyzing changes in astronomical objects
- tomography: observation of sections of a 3D object
- tortuosity: describes something curved with many twists and turns
- transient astronomy: study of short-term astronomical phenomena
- ultraviolet astronomy: astronomy observation and analysis of UV
- Science and Engineering Research Council: old name of UK's EPSRC
- Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK: UK research agency
- Science Instrument Module: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Science Run: see LIGO
- scientific notation
- dex: a number or ratio's log base 10
- scintillation (twinkling): blinking, apparent movement and color changes of observed stars
- scintillation: see scintillator
- scintillation: see scintillometry
- scintillator: instrument part designed to respond to high-energy photons
- scintillometer: see scintillometry
- scintillometry: measuring of twinkling
- SciPy: Python library for scientific programming
- SCJ: see double star designation
- SCl: see supercluster
- SCl 117 (Coma Supercluster): nearby supercluster
- SCl 128 (Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster): near neighbor of Local Supercluster
- SCl 40 (Perseus-Pisces Supercluster): nearby supercluster
- SCM: see Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- SCM: see rare designator prefixes
- THEMIS: set of satellites studying the Earth's magnetic field
- Sco OB2 (Scorpius-Centaurus Association): nearby OB association
- Sco-Cen (Scorpius-Centaurus Association): nearby OB association
- SCORPIO: see Large Altazimuth Telescope
- SCORPIO-2: see Large Altazimuth Telescope
- Scorpius-Centaurus Association: nearby OB association
- Scott effect: bias toward finding clusters that have bright galaxies
- SCP (Supernova Cosmology Project): used supernova data to determine a history of the universe's expansion
- SCR: see SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey
- SCR: see solar energetic particle
- SCT: see Schmidt camera
- SCUBA: submillimeter instrument on James Clark Maxwell Telescope
- SCUBA-1: see SCUBA
- SCUBA-2: see James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
- SCUBA-2: see SCUBA
- AMUSE²: survey of ELANs
- JINGLE: survey of dust and gas in galaxies
- SCUBA-2 All Sky Survey: see SCUBA
- SCUBA-2 Ambitious Sky Survey: see SCUBA
- Sculptor Dwarf
- Sculptor Galaxy (NGC 253): spiral galaxy 11 million light-years away
- Sculptor Void
- Sculptor Wall: large slab of galaxies
- Scutum-Centaurus Arm: one of two spiral galaxy arms from the Milky-Way bar
- Scutum-Centaurus Arm: see spiral arm
- Scutum-Crux Arm (Scutum-Centaurus Arm): one of two spiral galaxy arms from the Milky-Way bar
- SD: see Type Ia supernova problem
- SD: see supernova progenitor
- sd (subdwarf): star less bright than the main sequence given its spectral class
- SD2: see Rosetta
- SDC: see Hale Telescope
- SDF (Subaru Deep Field): survey of a small region of the sky using the Subaru telescope
- SDI: see speckle suppression
- SDIC (Solar Influences Data Analysis Center): Royal Observatory of Belgium division on solar weather data
- SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory): 2010 satellite observing the Sun
- SDOR: see variable star
- SDOs
- SDP: see Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey): imaging survey of 500,000,000 objects in 35% of sky
- SDSS J065133.34+284423.4 (WD J0651+2844): binary pair of closely-orbiting white dwarfs
- SDSS photometric system (ugriz photometric system): photometric system used for SDSS
- SDSS Stripe 82 (Stripe 82): SDSS field in southern hemisphere
- SDSS-DR12 Quasars: catalog of quasar information in SDSS DR12
- SDSS-DR12Q (SDSS-DR12 Quasars): catalog of quasar information in SDSS DR12
- SDSS-DR16 Quasars: catalog of quasar information in SDSS DR16
- SDSS-DR16Q (SDSS-DR16 Quasars): catalog of quasar information in SDSS DR16
- SDSS-I: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- SDSS-II: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- SDSS-III: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- APOGEE: SDSS near-infrared survey of stars
- SDSS-IV: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- SDSS-V: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- SDSSp: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- SE: see double star designation
- sea level
- gravitational potential model: mathematical model of an astronomical body's gravitational field
- J2: geopotential coefficient regarding a planet's oblateness
- SEAAN (Southeast Asia Astronomy Network): astronomy research/education organization
- search for extraterrestrial intelligence: search for radio signals sent from extraterrestrial sources
- Search for Habitable Planets Eclipsing Ultra-cool Stars (SPECULOOS): search for Earth-like exoplanets orbiting nearby dim stars
- sec (arcsecond): a 3600th of an angular degree
- second (arcsecond): a 3600th of an angular degree
- second: see right ascension
- Second Byurakan Survey: 1970s-1990s survey of galaxies and quasars
- second dredge-up: see dredge-up
- second of arc (arcsecond): a 3600th of an angular degree
- second of right ascension: see arcsecond
- second order perturbation problem: see perturbation theory
- Second Palomar Observatory Sky Survey: see Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
- Second Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies: see Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies
- second-order TOF: see theory of figures
- secondary anisotropies: see CMB anisotropies
- secondary eclipse: eclipse of a body that also transits
- secondary mirror: see primary mirror
- secondary modes: see CMB polarization
- sectorial coefficients
- secular: occurring slowly over a long period of time
- Laplace radius: a radius for a stable orbit of a satellite around a planet
- secular evolution: see secular
- secular GI: see gravitational instability
- secular gravitational instability: see gravitational instability
- secular motion: see secular
- secular parallax: see parallax
- secular resonance: see orbital resonance
- secular variation: see secular
- SED (spectral energy distribution): function or plot of brightness at each wavelength in the spectrum
- SED fitting: see spectral energy distribution
- sedimentation: settling of heavier material to the bottom
- SEDM: see Palomar 60-inch Telescope
- Sedna: distant solar system planetoid discovered in 2003
- sednoid: see trans-Neptune object
- Sedov expansion: see blastwave
- Sedov length: see blastwave
- Sedov-Taylor expansion: see blastwave
- Sedov-Taylor phase: see supernova remnant
- SEDS (Spitzer Extended Deep Survey): survey of galaxy mass and black holes through life of the universe
- SEDS (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space): student-run organization focused on space exploration
- SEDs
- SEE: see TIMED
- SEE: see double star designation
- seeing: apparent blurring and twinkling of objects seen through atmosphere
- seeing limited: see diffraction limited
- seeing limited: see seeing
- seeing number: see seeing
- segmented mirror: a telescope mirror formed of an array of smaller mirrors
- SEGUE: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Segue: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Segue 1
- Segue 2
- Segue 3: faint star cluster i the constellation Pegasus
- SEGUE-2: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- SEI: see double star designation
- Seidel aberrations: see aberration
- Seidel errors: see aberration
- SEIS: see InSight
- seismic waves: waves broadcast through Earth from earthquakes
- seismograph: see quake
- seismology: see seismic waves
- seismometer: see quake
- selection bias: selection of a sample set that is not appropriately randomized
- selectron: see supersymmetry
- SELENE: 2007-2008 Japanese lunar probe
- Selenological and Engineering Explorer (SELENE): 2007-2008 Japanese lunar probe
- self-absorption: EMR absorption by the same substance that emitted it
- self-gravitating body: see self-gravitation
- self-gravitation: gravitational force holding a body together
- self-gravity (self-gravitation): gravitational force holding a body together
- self-interacting dark matter: see atomic dark matter
- semi-analytic model: cosmological model combining analytic and other methods
- semi-analytical model
- GALFORM: semi-analytic galaxy formation model
- semi-heavy water: see deuterium
- semi-major axis: maximum radius of an ellipse
- semi-minor axis: see semi-major axis
- semiconductor detector: see particle spectrometer
- semidetached binary: see binary star
- semidetached binary: see contact binary
- semimajor axis
- semiregular variable: see variable star
- sensitivity: see balanced accuracy
- sensitivity function: function of wavelength giving the sensitivity of an instrument
- sensor plane (focal plane): plane within optical system at which an image is in focus
- sensor tilt: see focal plane tilt
- SEP (solar energetic particle): high-energy particles from the Sun
- SEP: see MAVEN
- separation
- SEPIA: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- DeGaS-MC: APEX survey of potential star formation regions in the Magellanic Clouds
- SEPICA: see Advanced Composition Explorer
- SEPs
- SAMPEX: 1990s small satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- SEQUELS: see Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
- SEQUOIA: see Large Millimeter Telescope
- SERC (Science and Engineering Research Council): old name of UK's EPSRC
- IRAS: 1983 satellite that surveyed the sky in infrared
- UK Schmidt Survey: photographic survey of the southern hemisphere sky
- series: see series expansion
- series approximation: see series expansion
- series expansion: arithmetic series whose limit is equal to a function
- Serpens Cloud: molecular cloud with SF regions
- Serpens Main: see Serpens Cloud
- Serpens Molecular Cloud (Serpens Cloud): molecular cloud with SF regions
- Serpens South: see Serpens Cloud
- Serrurier truss
- Sersic: see rare designator prefixes
- service
- SERVS (Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey): infrared survey of some well-studied fields
- SESAME: see Rosetta
- SESN: see core collapse supernova
- SEST (Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope): 1990s 15 m submillimeter telescope in Chile
- SEST (Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope): former 15 m radio telescope array in Chile
- Set of Identifications, Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data (SIMBAD): online database of astronomical objects
- SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence): search for radio signals sent from extraterrestrial sources
- SETI Institute: see search for extraterrestrial intelligence
- Sextans: see rare designator prefixes
- Sextans Dwarf Spheroidal
- Seyfert
- Seyfert galaxy: visible active galaxy
- SF (star formation): theorized collapse of gas and dust into stars
- SF main sequence (galaxy main sequence): relation between galaxies' star formation and stellar mass
- SF rate (star formation rate): rate at which material such as gas is turned into stars
- SF region (star-forming region): area forming stars and/or ready for star formation
- SFA: see eXTP
- SFE: see star formation rate
- SFG: see galaxy main sequence
- SFG: see starburst galaxy
- SFH (star formation history): star formation rate as a function of time
- SFH Camera: see Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope
- SFM (synthetic field method): method of testing galaxy opacity
- SFO: see rare designator prefixes
- SFR (star formation rate): rate at which material such as gas is turned into stars
- SFR (star-forming region): area forming stars and/or ready for star formation
- SFRD: see star formation rate
- SFRG: see radio galaxy
- SFU: see IRTS
- SGB: see subgiant
- SGB: see supergalactic coordinate system
- SGD: see Hitomi
- SGF (SpaceGuard Foundation): private organization to discover and track NEOs
- SGL: see natural astronomical telescopes
- SGL: see supergalactic coordinate system
- SGR (soft gamma repeater): object that produces repeated gamma-ray bursts
- magnetar: neutron star with a strong magnetic field
- SGR 1935+2154: Milky Way SGR generating FRBs
- Sgr A* (Sag A*): SMBH at the center of Milky Way
- Sgr B2: GMC near the galactic center
- Sgr dE (Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy): satellite galaxy of the Milky Way
- Sgr dSph (Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy): satellite galaxy of the Milky Way
- SGR Dwarf (Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy): most distant galaxy in the Local Group
- Sgr I Dwarf (Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy): satellite galaxy of the Milky Way
- SGR J1745-2900: magnetar orbiting the Milky Way SMBH
- SGRB (short gamma-ray burst): GRB lasting less than two seconds
- SGRB: see gamma-ray burst
- SGRS: see rare designator prefixes
- SGW (Sloan Great Wall): large slab of galaxies discovered in SDSS
- Sh: see Herschel Double Star Catalog
- sh (shell star): type of star with broad and narrow absorption lines
- sh 2-276 (Barnard's Loop): emission nebula in Orion
- SH0ES: survey to increase the accuracy of the cosmic distance ladder
- Sh1: see Sharpless Catalog
- Sh2 (Sharpless Catalog): catalog of HII regions found on Palomar plates
- Shack-Hartmann sensor: see wavefront sensor
- Shajn: see rare designator prefixes
- Shakhbazian: see rare designator prefixes
- Shakura-Sunyaev disk (alpha disk): well-known model of an accretion disk
- ShAl: see rare designator prefixes
- shallow atmosphere models: see Juno
- shallow Mars-crosser: see Mars crosser
- SHAM: method of galaxy mock-catalog creation
- Shane Telescope: 3.05 m reflector telescope at Lick Observatory
- Shaped Antenna measurement of the background Radio Spectrum (SARAS): survey aiming at highly-redshifted 21-cm detection
- Shapiro delay: EMR delay due to passing near massive object
- Einstein delay: EMR delay due to relativistic effects of environment and motion
- Shapiro time delay (Shapiro delay): EMR delay due to passing near massive object
- Shapley: see rare designator prefixes
- Shapley-Ames Catalog: 1932 catalog of contemporary data on 1249 galaxies
- Shapley-Ames Catalog of Bright Galaxies (Shapley-Ames Catalog): 1932 catalog of contemporary data on 1249 galaxies
- Shapley-Curtis Debate (Great Debate): historical debate regarding the nature of galaxies
- SHARAD: see Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- SHARC: see Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
- SHARC II: see Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
- SHARDS: GTC survey in GOODS-N field for quenched galaxies at z = 1 to 2.3
- SHARK: see Large Binocular Telescope
- SHARK-NIR: see Large Binocular Telescope
- SHARK-VIS: see Large Binocular Telescope
- SHARP: see Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
- Sharpless 103 (Cygnus Loop): supernova remnant in Cygnus
- Sharpless Catalog: catalog of HII regions found on Palomar plates
- SHB: see double star designation
- shearing box: method of simulating 3D MHD in disks
- SHeFI: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- SHELA (Spitzer HETDEX Exploratory Large Area Survey): Spitzer-based survey of galaxies
- shell: hollow shaped region of some kind of ISM
- shell (electron shell): radius-level around an atomic nucleus at which electrons can orbit
- shell (mass shell): conceptual volume of mass shaped like a hollow sphere
- shell flash: see helium flash
- shell galaxy: galaxy with one or more surrounding layers of brightness
- shell star: type of star with broad and narrow absorption lines
- shell-type remnant: see supernova remnant
- shepherd moon: small moon affecting outer edge of a planet's ring
- shepherding moon (shepherd moon): small moon affecting outer edge of a planet's ring
- Sher: see rare designator prefixes
- SHERLOC: see Mars 2020
- SHFI: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- shielding effect: see electron screening
- shift-and-add: common speckle-suppression technique
- speckle imaging: method of combining short-term images to yield better resolution
- SHJ: see Herschel Double Star Catalog
- Shk: see rare designator prefixes
- SHOC: see rare designator prefixes
- shock (shock wave): abrupt propagating disturbance in a fluid
- shock capture scheme
- shock front (shock wave): abrupt propagating disturbance in a fluid
- shock heating: see shock wave
- shock tracer: see shock wave
- shock wave: abrupt propagating disturbance in a fluid
- shooting star: see meteoroid
- short gamma-ray burst: GRB lasting less than two seconds
- short gamma-ray burst: see gamma-ray burst
- short Rossby wave: see Kelvin waves
- short-period comet: see long-period comet
- shot noise (photon noise): variation in light measurement due to its quantum nature
- shot noise level: see photon noise
- showyourwork!: workflow software for reproducible research
- SHS: see SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey
- shudder speed (exposure time): time spent acquiring a signal
- Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for Astronomy (SPARTAN): series of astronomy satellites launched/retrieved by Space Shuttles
- SI: standardized metric system
- SI: see sulfur
- CGS: metric system variant
- joule: SI unit of energy
- kelvin: unit of temperature scale starting at absolute zero
- magnetic flux: measure of magnetism passing through a surface
- magnetic flux density: vector field describing magnetism in relation to the Lorentz force
- mole: unit roughly the count of hydrogen atoms in a gram
- siemens: SI unit of electrical conductance
- tesla: unit of magnetic flux density
- watt: SI unit of power
- Si (silicon): metal, Si, atomic number 14
- SID: see solar storm
- side lobe: see beam
- CLEAN: algorithm to extract usable images from interferometry-produced images
- dirty image: image that includes the distortions of the beam and sampling
- sidereal: relative to the fixed position of the stars
- sidereal day: see sidereal
- solar day: length of a solar system planet or Moon's day
- solar time: time based upon the position of the Sun in the Earth's sky
- Venus: second inner-most planet in the solar system
- sidereal month: see sidereal
- sidereal orbital period: see sidereal
- sidereal period: see sidereal
- orbital period: length of time for an orbiting object to complete one cycle
- synodic period: period until a planet returns to the same position relative to the Sun
- sidereal rotation period: see rotation period
- sidereal rotation period: see sidereal
- synodic period: period until a planet returns to the same position relative to the Sun
- sidereal time: see sidereal
- solar time: time based upon the position of the Sun in the Earth's sky
- sidereal year: see sidereal
- siderophile: material that dissolves in molten iron
- siderophile element (siderophile): material that dissolves in molten iron
- Siding Spring 2.3 m Telescope (ANU 2.3m Telescope): 2.3-m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory
- Siding Spring Observatory: observatory in New South Wales, Australia
- siemens: SI unit of electrical conductance
- siemens per meter: see siemens
- SiFAP2: see Telescopio Nazionale Galileo
- SIFS: see SOAR Telescope
- SIFUS: see SOAR Telescope
- SIGHT: see Hale Telescope
- sight line (line of sight): line between observer and observed object
- sigma: indication of the confidence level of an experiment
- sigma-8: see sigma-8 tension
- sigma-8 tension: Lambda CDM anomaly regarding matter fluctuation
- Sigma-D relation: see Faber-Jackson relation
- signal
- signal-to-noise: see signal-to-noise ratio
- signal-to-noise ratio: ratio of the power of a signal to the power of the background noise
- signature (spectral signature): spectral characteristics indicating the emitting material and conditions
- signatures of formation: qualities of a body that suggest how it was formed
- SII: see intensity interferometer
- SII: see sulfur
- silica
- basalt: an igneous rock type that shows rapid cooling
- geochemistry: the chemistry of the Earth, planets, and moons
- silicate: type of compound including silicon and oxygen
- silicate weathering feedback: feedback mechanism stabilizing carbon in Earth atmosphere
- silicon: metal, Si, atomic number 14
- silicon burning: alpha process fusion starting at silicon
- silicon dioxide
- silicon monoxide: compound of silicon and oxygen, one atom each
- silicon-burning shell: see silicon burning
- Silk damping (diffusion damping): a damping process within the plasma during recombination
- Silver Coin Galaxy (NGC 253): spiral galaxy 11 million light-years away
- Silver Dollar Galaxy (NGC 253): spiral galaxy 11 million light-years away
- SIM (Space Interferometry Mission): past space interferometer plan for parallax and exoplanet detection
- SIM: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- SIMBA: galaxy formation simulation code
- SIMBA: see Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope
- Simba (SIMBA): galaxy formation simulation code
- SIMBAD: online database of astronomical objects
- Simeis: see rare designator prefixes
- Simons Array: telescope array to map CMB polarization
- Simons Observatory: CMB observatory on Atacama Desert
- SIMP: 2000s infrared proper-motion survey
- SIMPLE: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- simple Bouguer correction: see Bouguer anomaly
- simple Bouguer reduction: see Bouguer anomaly
- simple crater: see complex crater
- simple stellar population (SSP): set of stars born at the same time with the same metallicity
- A-LIST: catalog of templates of H-band spectra for SPS
- simplex
- Simplified Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian: see iSALE
- SIMSTACK: software to correlate intensity maps with sources
- simulation
- AREPO: cosmology simulation using moving mesh technique
- ARTEMIS: simulations of Milky-Way-like galaxy halos
- Astrid simulation: cosmological simulation over z = 99 to 3
- AstroBEAR: MHD simulation system
- Bolshoi simulation: cosmological simulation
- Castro: hydrodynamics simulation software
- ChaNGa: cosmological-simulation project active since circa 2015
- Cloudy: code to model the effect of gas and plasma on spectra
- CMFGEN: RT code designed to handle significant stellar wind
- Copernicus Complexio: high-resolution cosmological N-body simulation
- EAGLE: simulation of galaxy formation and evolution
- Enzo: hydrodynamic simulation system
- FIRE Simulations: high resolution simulation of galaxies
- FLASH: hydrodynamic simulation system
- FORNAX: hydrodynamics simulation software
- GADGET-2: an n-body/SPH simulation computer program
- Gasoline: an SPH code
- GERLUMPH: hardware/software simulator of lensing light curves
- GR1D: core collapse supernova simulation in 1D with GR
- Hyperion: Monte Carlo radiative transfer code
- Illustris Project: 2013-2015 series of cosmological simulations
- LA-COMPASS: MHD-capable hydrodynamic code
- MOCCA: code to model the evolution of stellar clusters
- PLUTO Code: fluid-dynamic simulation code
- PROMETHEUS/VERTEX: hydrodynamic simulation system
- RADEX: radiative transfer code
- RAMSES: hydrodynamic simulation system
- RHAPSODY: simulation of galaxy cluster dark-matter halos
- Romulus simulations: cosmological-simulation project active since circa 2015
- STARBURST99: software to simulate star-forming galaxies
- STARFORGE: star formation simulation code
- Turtlebeach: radiative transfer code
- simulations
- simultaneity: see relativity
- Simultaneous Quad Infrared Imaging Device: NOAO instrument imaging in four infrared bands at once
- SINFONI: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- SINS: near-infrared study of distant luminous galaxies
- SINGG (The Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies): survey of HI in galaxies found through the H-alpha line
- Single Aperture Large Telescope for Universe Studies (SALTUS): plan for a future far-infrared space telescope
- single degenerate model: see Type Ia supernova problem
- single degenerate model: see supernova progenitor
- Single Star Evolution: see BSE
- single stellar population (SSP): set of stars born at the same time with the same metallicity
- single-line spectroscopic binary: see double-line spectroscopic binary
- single-line spectroscopic binary: see spectroscopic binary
- single-metallicity stellar population (SSP): set of stars born at the same time with the same metallicity
- single-object slitless spectroscopy: see James Webb Space Telescope
- single-photon avalanche diode (Geiger-avalanche photodiode): type of solid state photon sensor
- single-strand DNA (ssDNA): DNA without the double strand
- singly ionized carbon (C+): ionized carbon missing one electron
- SINGS: see Spitzer Space Telescope
- singular perturbation problem: see perturbation theory
- singularity (gravitational singularity): point where density and gravity reach infinity
- black hole: region of such high mass that light cannot escape
- SINS: near-infrared study of distant luminous galaxies
- SINS: near-infrared study of distant luminous galaxies
- Sinstro: see Las Cumbres Observatory
- SiO (silicon monoxide): compound of silicon and oxygen, one atom each
- SIPS: see rare designator prefixes
- SIR: see SMART-1
- Sirene 2: see Kvant 1
- SIRIUS: see Infrared Survey Facility
- Sirius: brightest star in the sky
- Am star: A-type star with metallic lines
- Sirius A: see Sirius
- Sirius B: see Sirius
- SIRTF (Spitzer Space Telescope): retired infrared space telescope
- SIS: see ASCA
- SIS: see Advanced Composition Explorer
- SIS: see superconducting tunnel junction
- site
- Site 300
- SITELLE: see Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- Siv: see rare designator prefixes
- Six-Degree Field Galaxy Survey (6dF Galaxy Survey): UKST survey of galaxies in the southern sky
- Sk: see rare designator prefixes
- SKA (Square Kilometre Array): planned radio telescope with square-kilometer collecting area
- SKA I-low: see Square Kilometre Array
- SKA I-mid: see Square Kilometre Array
- SKA Pathfinder: see Square Kilometre Array
- SKA Precursor: see Square Kilometre Array
- SKA-AAMID: see Square Kilometre Array
- SKA-LOW: see Square Kilometre Array
- SKA-MID: see Square Kilometre Array
- SKA1: see Square Kilometre Array
- SKA1-low: see Square Kilometre Array
- SKA1-mid: see Square Kilometre Array
- SKA2: see Square Kilometre Array
- SKAO (Square Kilometre Array): planned radio telescope with square-kilometer collecting area
- skeleton
- filament: linear volume of high molecular gas density within a galaxy
- SKHB: survey of globular clusters in M31
- SKI: see double star designation
- Skumanich law: see gyrochronology
- Skumanich relationship: see gyrochronology
- sky: see celestial sphere
- Sky & Telescope: amateur astronomy publication
- sky localization (localization): ability to identify location of a transient
- sky quality meter: device to measure the brightness/magnitude of the sky itself.
- sky subtraction: removing background radiation from a telescope observation
- SkyCam: see Liverpool Telescope
- Skylab
- SkyMapper: automated 1.35 m optical telescope in Australia
- SkyMapper Southern Sky Survey (SkyMapper Southern Survey): digital survey of the southern hemisphere sky
- SkyMapper Southern Survey: digital survey of the southern hemisphere sky
- SL (Spacelab): reusable laboratory that was an optional Space Shuttle payload
- SL: see rare designator prefixes
- SLED (spectral line energy distribution): function or plot of brightness of lines in a spectrum
- Slepian window function: see window function
- slew: rotating a telescope to point it
- slew survey: survey conducted by imaging during a telescope's repointings
- slew angle: see slew
- slew observation: see slew survey
- slew speed: see slew
- slew survey: survey conducted by imaging during a telescope's repointings
- commensal mode: telescope usage that accomplishes multiple observations simultaneously
- slew time: see slew
- SLF (super low frequency): electromagnetic radiation, frequency 30 Hz to 300 Hz
- slide rule: see numerical methods
- slim disk: see AGN accretion
- slingshot (gravity assist): method of boosting the speed of a spacecraft
- slit
- slitless spectrograph: spectrograph that does not utilize a slit
- slitless spectrograph: see multi-object spectrograph
- slitless spectrography: see slitless spectrograph
- slitless spectroscopy: see multi-object spectrograph
- Sloan 2.5m Telescope: telescope for SDSS in New Mexico
- Sloan Digital Sky Survey: imaging survey of 500,000,000 objects in 35% of sky
- Sloan Digital Sky Survey V
- Sloan Extended Quasar, ELG, and LRG Survey: see Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
- Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Sloan Foundation 2.5m Telescope (Sloan 2.5m Telescope): telescope for SDSS in New Mexico
- Sloan Great Wall: large slab of galaxies discovered in SDSS
- Sloan Supernova Survey: see supernova survey
- SLOTIS: see Livermore Optical Transient Imaging System
- slow irregular variable: see pulsating star
- slow neutron-capture process (s-process): synthesis of elements through neutron capture and beta decay
- r-process: synthesis of elements through neutron capture faster than beta decay
- slow quenching: see quenched galaxy
- slow shock: see shock wave
- slowly-pulsating B-star: B-star with pulsation periods of more than half a day
- SLR: see double star designation
- SLS (Space Launch System): launch rocket in development, e.g., for future astronomical projects
- SLS: see SPIRou
- SLSN (superluminous supernova): stellar explosion larger than a supernova
- SLSN-I: see superluminous supernova
- SLSN-II: see superluminous supernova
- SLSN-R: see superluminous supernova
- SLX: see rare designator prefixes
- SM: see SkyMapper Southern Survey
- Sm: see rare designator prefixes
- SM0313
- SMA (Submillimeter Array): radio interferometer in Hawaii
- SMA: see double star designation
- SMACS: see Massive Cluster Survey
- Small Aperture Telescope: see Simons Observatory
- Small Astronomical Satellite 1 (Uhuru): 1970 X-ray space telescope
- Small Astronomical Satellite program
- Small Astronomy Satellite 2: 1970s NASA gamma ray space telescope
- Small Astronomy Satellite 3: 1970s NASA X-ray space telescope
- Small Bodies Names Committee: old name of IAU Committee for Small Body Nomenclature
- small body (SSSB): solar system body smaller than a dwarf planet
- Small Explorer Program: NASA program for small science spacecraft
- Small Explorers
- NASA: includes space-based astronomy research
- Small IRAIT: see Infrared Telescope Maffei
- Small Magellanic Cloud: dwarf galaxy in the Local Group
- Small Missions for Advanced Research in Technology-1 (SMART-1): Swedish lunar orbiter operational 2003-2006
- small satellite: NASA term for a satellite of 1200 kg or less
- small solar system bodies
- small solar system body (SSSB): solar system body smaller than a dwarf planet
- minor planet: lesser solar system body without comet characteristics
- Small-Sized Telescope: see Cherenkov Telescope Array
- smallsat (small satellite): NASA term for a satellite of 1200 kg or less
- Smart Lander for Investigating Moon: see XRISM
- SMART-1: Swedish lunar orbiter operational 2003-2006
- SMBBH (binary SMBH): co-orbiting supermassive black holes
- SMBH (supermassive black hole): black hole with a mass of millions to billions of solar masses
- SMBH binary (binary SMBH): co-orbiting supermassive black holes
- SMBH formation: process by which SMBHs form
- SMBHB (binary SMBH): co-orbiting supermassive black holes
- SMC (Small Magellanic Cloud): dwarf galaxy in the Local Group
- SMC: see rare designator prefixes
- SMC AB: see rare designator prefixes
- SMC X-1: high-mass X-ray binary with X-ray pulsar
- SMC-N: see rare designator prefixes
- SME (Solar Mesophere Explorer): 1980s Earth atmospheric ozone research satellite
- Smethells: see rare designator prefixes
- SMEX (Small Explorer Program): NASA program for small science spacecraft
- SMEX 15 (PUNCH): 4 microsatellites to observe the Sun
- SMEX-1 (SAMPEX): 1990s small satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- SMEX-6 (RHESSI): 2000s small satellite studying solar flares
- SMG (submillimeter galaxy): galaxy that produces significant submillimeter radiation
- SMI: see SPICA
- Smith Cloud: high-velocity cloud on collision course with Milky Way
- Smith's Cloud (Smith Cloud): high-velocity cloud on collision course with Milky Way
- Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory: see Center for Astrophysics
- Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog (SAO Star Catalog): 1960s catalog
- Smithsonian Institute
- SMM (Solar Maximum Mission): 1980s satellite to study the Sun during solar maximum
- SMM: see submillimeter galaxy designator
- SMNS: see hypermassive neutron star
- smoking gun: convincing piece of evidence
- smooth migration: see planetary migration
- smoothed-particle hydrodynamics: computational method for simulating fluid flows
- SMP: see Hayabusa2
- SMP: see rare designator prefixes
- SMS (supermassive star): star more massive than stars normally form
- SMSS (SkyMapper Southern Survey): digital survey of the southern hemisphere sky
- SMSS 2003-1142 (SMSS J2003-1142): unusual giant star in Milky Way halo
- SMSS J2003-1142: unusual giant star in Milky Way halo
- SMT (Submillimeter Telescope): 10-meter far-infrared telescope
- smuon: see supersymmetry
- SMY: see double star designation
- SN (supernova): stellar explosion larger than a nova
- SN: see signal-to-noise ratio
- SN 1054: see Crab Nebula
- SN 1572: Type Ia supernova noted in 1572 by Tycho Brahe
- SN 1604 (Kepler's Supernova): Type Ia supernova observed in 1604 by Johannes Kepler
- SN 1667: see Cassiopeia A
- SN 1671: see Cassiopeia A
- SN 1680: see Cassiopeia A
- SN 185: supernova recorded in China in AD 185
- SN 1972E
- SN 2014J: Type Ia supernova in Messier 82, the Cigar Galaxy
- SN 1987A: supernova in February 1987 rare for being visible by the naked eye
- SN 1998bw: 1998 supernova with a coincident GRB
- SN 2011fe: see Pinwheel Galaxy
- SN 2014dj
- SN 2014J: Type Ia supernova in Messier 82, the Cigar Galaxy
- SN 2014J: Type Ia supernova in Messier 82, the Cigar Galaxy
- SN 2018cow (AT2018cow): unusual 2018 optical transient
- SN 2018zd
- SN 2019fdr: see AT2019dsg
- SN 2020eyj
- SN 2023af: see International Liquid Mirror Telescope
- SN feedback: see star formation feedback
- SN Hubble diagram: see Hubble diagram
- SN impostor (supernova impostor): extreme stellar explosion that does not destroy the star
- SN light curve (supernova light curve): changing intensity of light following a supernova
- SN progenitor (supernova progenitor): the star or star system that produces a supernova
- SN remnant (supernova remnant): nebula of debris resulting from a supernova
- SN-GRB (GRB-supernova): supernova that produces a GRB
- SNAP (Snapshot Program): short HST observation program aimed to fit between more substantial programs
- Snapshot Program: short HST observation program aimed to fit between more substantial programs
- Snell's law: optical principle of refraction
- refraction: redirection of light passing from one medium to another
- refractive index: measure of how much a material slows down light
- Snell-Descartes law (Snell's law): optical principle of refraction
- sneutrino: see supersymmetry
- SNEWS: see supernova survey
- SNF: see Nearby Supernova Factory
- SNfactory (Nearby Supernova Factory): survey that scanned transient data for supernovae
- SNLS (Supernova Legacy Survey): detect and monitor supernovae to measure the effects of dark energy
- SNO (Sudbury Neutrino Observatory): Canadian underground neutrino detector
- SNO+: see Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
- SNOLAB: see PICO experiment
- snow line: distance from protostar so cool that water condenses
- ice: solid state of water
- Snow Solar Tower: see Mount Wilson Observatory
- Snowmass: initiative recommending the next decade's particle physics strategy
- snowplow phase: see supernova remnant
- SNR (signal-to-noise ratio): ratio of the power of a signal to the power of the background noise
- SNR (supernova remnant): nebula of debris resulting from a supernova
- SNR 3C 397 (3C 397): supernova remnant discovered as a radio source
- SNR G111.7-02.1 (Cassiopeia A): supernova remnant visible for 300 years
- SNR G184.6-05.8 (Crab Nebula): supernova remnant in Taurus
- SNR G260.4-03.4 (Puppis A): supernova remnant bright in X-ray
- SNR G263.9-03.3 (Vela supernova remnant): nearby supernova remnant
- SNR G276.5+19.0 (Antlia SN Remnant): dispersed supernova remnant in the constellation Antlia
- SNR G315.0-02.3: see SN 185
- SNT (Schmidt-Newton telescope): type of reflector telescope
- SNU (solar neutrino unit): unit for the detection rate of neutrino detectors
- SO (Simons Observatory): CMB observatory on Atacama Desert
- SO: see rare designator prefixes
- SO2
- Venus: second inner-most planet in the solar system
- SOAR (SOAR Telescope): 4.1 m reflector telescope in Chile
- SOAR Telescope: 4.1 m reflector telescope in Chile
- SOARD (Steward Observatory Asteroid Relational Database): 1980s/1990s repository of asteroid data
- Sobolev approximation: tractable model used in specific kinds of spectral line analysis
- Sobolev length: see Sobolev approximation
- Société astronomique de France: French non-profit astronomical society
- Sociedad Astronómica de Valparaíso y Viña del Mar: Chilean amateur astronomy society
- Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers: US organization
- SODART: see Spektr-RG
- sodium: metal, Na, atomic number 11
- globular cluster: spherical group of stars orbiting a galaxy
- nitrite: ion of a nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms with extra electron
- sodium hydroxide
- hydroxyl: one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom bound together
- sodium lamp
- light pollution: light from cities that interferes with astronomical observation
- sodium layer: see sodium
- sodium nitrite: see nitrite
- SOFI: see New Technology Telescope
- PESSTO: NTT survey following up on transients
- SOFIA: aircraft-based infrared observatory
- soft
- Heggie-Hills law: hard binary stars generally get harder when encountering a third star
- soft binary: see hardness
- soft EoS: see equation of state
- soft gamma repeater: object that produces repeated gamma-ray bursts
- soft gamma-ray repeater
- magnetar: neutron star with a strong magnetic field
- soft X-ray: see X-ray
- XEUV: electromagnetic radiation in the range of 0.15-124 nm
- soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet (XEUV): electromagnetic radiation in the range of 0.15-124 nm
- Soft X-ray Background Radiation Investigation: see OSO 8
- soft X-ray source: see X-ray source
- soft X-ray transient: see transient
- softness: see hardness
- software
- ADAM: procedure to retrieve the shape of an asteroid
- ADAM::THOR: computerized system for discovering asteroids in observation data
- AREPO: cosmology simulation using moving mesh technique
- Astrid simulation: cosmological simulation over z = 99 to 3
- AstroBEAR: MHD simulation system
- Astrocats: software to create and manage an astronomy catalog
- Astronomical Image Processing System: software for processing radio astronomy data
- Astrophysics Multi-spectral Archive Search Engine: 1990s search tool
- astropy: general Python package for astrophysical research
- ATLAS Stellar Model: computer model of a stellar photosphere
- Bolshoi simulation: cosmological simulation
- BT-Settl: model atmosphere of small stars and brown dwarfs
- CASA: software package for radio interferometry image generation
- Castro: hydrodynamics simulation software
- Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations: software for analyzing Chandra X-ray data
- ChaNGa: cosmological-simulation project active since circa 2015
- CMBFAST: software to calculate CMB anisotropies
- CMFGEN: RT code designed to handle significant stellar wind
- code: astrophysical modeling computer program
- COMPAS: SPS code for compact object binaries
- corner.py: Python library for scatter plot matrices
- DAOPHOT: 1980s CCD photometry software
- DISORT: simulation of radiative transfer in an atmosphere
- dynesty: code for comparing the applicability of multiple models
- EAGLE: simulation of galaxy formation and evolution
- Enzo: hydrodynamic simulation system
- ExoCTK: collection of software for exoplanet observation and analysis
- FIRE Simulations: high resolution simulation of galaxies
- FLASH: hydrodynamic simulation system
- FORNAX: hydrodynamics simulation software
- GADGET-2: an n-body/SPH simulation computer program
- GaiaHub: software to extract proper motions form Gaia and HST data
- Gala: galaxy-formation and evolution software package
- GALLUMI: automated cosmological analysis software
- Gasoline: an SPH code
- GitHub: online software development repositories
- Glue: visualization software good for astrophysical data
- GR1D: core collapse supernova simulation in 1D with GR
- Guide Star Astrometric Support Package: software to assist in using guide stars for HST observations
- HEALPix: type of map projection for spheres
- Hyperion: Monte Carlo radiative transfer code
- IDL: interactive vector-oriented programming language
- Illustris Project: 2013-2015 series of cosmological simulations
- Image Reduction and Analysis Facility: NOAO-developed image manipulation/viewing software
- Jupyter: notebook-style programming interface used with Python
- JWST ETC: Python-based exposure time calculator for JWST
- LA-COMPASS: MHD-capable hydrodynamic code
- LasDamas: simulations of large scale evolution of dark matter and galaxies
- lightkurve: software to analyze time series data
- Matplotlib: Python library for plotting
- MESA: collection of stellar astrophysics codes
- MITgcm: well-known general circulation model
- mlmapper: software for maximum-likelihood mapmaking
- MOSFiT: code to match light-curves with light-curve models
- NumPy: Python library for numerical programming with arrays
- OpenSpace: visualization software aimed at astrophysical data
- orbitize: planet orbit-fitting software for direct image observations
- Partiview: visualization software aimed at 4D data
- Period04: software to identify periods in time series data
- PHOENIX stellar model: computer model of a stellar photosphere
- PLUTO Code: fluid-dynamic simulation code
- PROMETHEUS/VERTEX: hydrodynamic simulation system
- PyMC: Python package for Bayesian statistical modeling
- RADEX: radiative transfer code
- RAMSES: hydrodynamic simulation system
- RASCALL: efficient code to locate suspected molecular lines
- RHAPSODY: simulation of galaxy cluster dark-matter halos
- ROCKE-3D: rocky-planet-oriented general circulation model
- SciPy: Python library for scientific programming
- showyourwork!: workflow software for reproducible research
- SIMBA: galaxy formation simulation code
- SIMSTACK: software to correlate intensity maps with sources
- Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System: software designed for analysis of HST data
- SPECTRE: an interactive spectrum analysis software package
- STARBURST99: software to simulate star-forming galaxies
- StarTrack: stellar population synthesis code
- SWMF: software package of tools for modeling space weather
- TAM: non-gray-RT 3D model of Titan's atmosphere
- Turtlebeach: radiative transfer code
- U-Net: neural network software for image reconstruction
- Uniview: planetarium software
- WSA-Enlil: computer model of heliosphere for space weather prediction
- XGBoost: machine learning software
- XMM-Newton Science Analysis System: software designed to analyze XMM-Newton X-ray data
- yt: analysis and display software
- software telescope: telescope that depends more than normal upon software for analysis
- software type
- SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory): satellite observing the Sun
- SOI: see SOAR Telescope
- Sojourner: see Mars Pathfinder
- Sol: see Mars
- Sol: see solar day
- solar
- solar activity: see stellar activity
- Solar and Heliospheric Observatory: satellite observing the Sun
- Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX): 1990s small satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- solar antapex: see solar apex
- solar apex: direction that the Sun is moving compared to nearby stars
- solar arcade (magnetic arcade): series of arch-like magnetic flux lines on the Sun
- solar atmosphere: see stellar atmosphere
- solar cell
- photodiode: class of solid state device to detect EMR
- solar circle: Sun's orbit around the Milky Way
- solar constant: flux from the Sun at 1 AU
- solar core: see stellar core
- solar corona: see corona
- solar cosmic rays: see solar energetic particle
- solar cycle: see sunspot
- solar day: length of a solar system planet or Moon's day
- solar time: time based upon the position of the Sun in the Earth's sky
- synodic period: period until a planet returns to the same position relative to the Sun
- Venus: second inner-most planet in the solar system
- Solar Dynamics Observatory: 2010 satellite observing the Sun
- solar dynamo: see dynamo
- solar eclipse: eclipse consisting of the Moon blocking the Sun from view
- solar energetic particle: high-energy particles from the Sun
- solar energetic particle event (solar particle event): episode of higher velocity solar wind
- solar energetic particles
- SAMPEX: 1990s small satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- solar eruption: sudden brightening of the Sun
- solar event (solar storm): general term for events on the Sun
- solar flare: sudden brightening of the Sun
- solar galactocentric distance: see solar circle
- solar gravitational lens: see natural astronomical telescopes
- Solar Influences Data Analysis Center: Royal Observatory of Belgium division on solar weather data
- solar irradiance (insolation): solar energy received per unit area in given time
- solar limb: see limb
- solar lithium problem: see lithium
- solar luminosities: see watt
- solar luminosity: luminosity unit representing the luminosity of the Sun
- energy: physical state needed to do something
- Sun: star at center of solar system
- watt: SI unit of power
- solar mass: mass unit representing the mass of the Sun
- solar mass: see mass
- Sun: star at center of solar system
- solar mass parameter: see standard gravitational parameter
- solar mass: mass unit representing the mass of the Sun
- solar maximum: see sunspot
- coronal loop: visible loop extending out of the Sun's surface and back
- Solar Maximum Mission: 1980s satellite to study the Sun during solar maximum
- Solar Mesophere Explorer: 1980s Earth atmospheric ozone research satellite
- solar minimum: see sunspot
- solar model
- solar motion: see solar apex
- solar nebula: cloud of gas and dust that formed the solar system
- solar nebular disk model
- solar neighborhood: Milky Way in the vicinity of the Sun
- solar neutrino: neutrino from the Sun
- solar neutrino problem: see Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect
- solar neutrino problem: see solar neutrino
- solar neutrino unit: unit for the detection rate of neutrino detectors
- solar neutrinos
- solar noon (local noon): time at a locality when the Sun is at its highest
- solar noon: see solar time
- equinox: point-in-time when tilt of Earth is neither toward nor away from the Sun
- Solar Orbiter: space probe investigating the Sun's surface and the heliosphere
- solar particle: particles from the Sun such as the solar wind
- solar particle event: episode of higher velocity solar wind
- solar physics: study of the physics of the Sun
- solar powered satellite: concept for a satellite to collect and transfer energy to Earth
- Solar Probe (Parker Solar Probe): space probe investigating solar corona
- Solar Probe Plus (Parker Solar Probe): space probe investigating solar corona
- Solar Probe+ (Parker Solar Probe): space probe investigating solar corona
- solar prominence: see solar eruption
- solar proton event (solar particle event): episode of higher velocity solar wind
- solar radius: see Sun
- solar science (solar physics): study of the physics of the Sun
- solar seismology: see asteroseismology
- solar storm: general term for events on the Sun
- space weather: varying conditions in space affecting Earth and humans
- Solar Storm of 1859 (Carrington event): solar storm September 1-3 1859
- solar switchback (magnetic switchback): Z-shaped magnetic field lines
- solar system: the Sun and what's gravitationally bound to it
- solar system body (solar system object): the Sun, solar system planets, minor planets, comets, and moons
- solar system ephemerides: see ephemeris
- solar system object: the Sun, solar system planets, minor planets, comets, and moons
- solar telescope: telescope designed to observe the Sun
- Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO): two-satellite system to observe the Sun
- solar time: time based upon the position of the Sun in the Earth's sky
- solar transition region (transition region): middle layer of the Sun's atmosphere
- solar variation: see sunspot
- solar weather: see space weather
- solar wind: charged particles emanating from the Sun
- Advanced Composition Explorer: satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- aurora: light produced by atmosphere and solar wind
- DISCOVR: space weather satellite
- Genesis: NASA spacecraft that returned solar wind particles
- heliopause: boundary between solar wind and the interstellar medium
- heliosheath: outer layer of the heliosphere beyond its termination shock
- Parker wind: model of the solar wind
- RHESSI: 2000s small satellite studying solar flares
- SAMPEX: 1990s small satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- solar particle event: episode of higher velocity solar wind
- space weather: varying conditions in space affecting Earth and humans
- stellar wind: gas or plasma emanating from a star
- Voyager: space probes to observe planets and the edge of the solar system
- Solar-flux monitor
- solar-like oscillations: see asteroseismology
- solar-wind particles: see solar wind
- SoLEXS: see Aditya-L1
- solid angle: three-dimensional analog of an angle
- field of view: angular measure of how much an optical instrument can view
- solid state detector: see particle spectrometer
- SolO (Solar Orbiter): space probe investigating the Sun's surface and the heliosphere
- SoloHI: see Solar Orbiter
- SOLSTICE: see Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
- solstice: moment when Sun reaches its northern- or southern-most position
- Soltan argument: distant quasars imply SMBHs still exist
- Sombrero Galaxy: striking spiral galaxy with very large bulge
- Son of X-Shooter
- PESSTO: NTT survey following up on transients
- Sondage Infrarouge de Mouvement Propre (SIMP): 2000s infrared proper-motion survey
- SONEAR (Southern Observatory for Near Earth Asteroids Research): private telescope tracking NEOs
- sonic Mach number: see Mach number
- SOSS: see James Webb Space Telescope
- sound: see sounder
- sound speed: speed at which compression waves traverse a gas
- sound horizon: see baryon acoustic oscillations
- sound speed: speed at which compression waves traverse a gas
- sounder: device to measure something at another depth
- sounding: see sounder
- sounding rocket: sub-orbital rocket to carry out measurements
- source: astronomical object producing some observed signal
- source (radio source): astronomical object producing observable radio
- source confusion: see confusion limit
- source counts (radio source counts): using radio source population characteristics to determine curvature
- source function: measure indicating the effect of a material on EMR passing through
- South Africa
- South African Astronomical Observatory: South African observatory with SALT telescope
- South African Pulsar Timing Array: see MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array
- South Atlantic Anomaly: see Van Allen belts
- south galactic pole: see galactic north
- South Korea
- COSINE-100: dark matter detection experiment in South Korea
- south node: see orbital element
- South Pole
- ACBAR: instrument used in a CMB survey
- BICEP2: survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- CMB Stage-4: planned 2020s-generation of ground CMB observations
- DASI: 2000-2003 South Pole CMB telescope
- IceCube: neutrino detector at the South Pole
- QUaD: survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- South Pole Station: science station at the South Pole
- South Pole Telescope: a millimeter/microwave telescope at South Pole
- South Pole Station: science station at the South Pole
- BICEP2: survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- QUaD: survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- South Pole Telescope: a millimeter/microwave telescope at South Pole
- Southeast Asia Astronomy Network: astronomy research/education organization
- Southern African Large Telescope: 10-meter telescope in South Africa
- Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope (SOAR Telescope): 4.1 m reflector telescope in Chile
- Southern Great Wall (Sculptor Wall): large slab of galaxies
- southern lights: see aurora
- Southern Observatory for Near Earth Asteroids Research: private telescope tracking NEOs
- Southern Ring Nebula (NGC 3132): PN of interest in southern sky
- Southern Sky Atlas: see UK Schmidt Survey
- Southern Sky Redshift Survey: 1980s/1990s redshift survey of southern galaxies
- Southern Sky Survey (SkyMapper Southern Survey): digital survey of the southern hemisphere sky
- Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey: spectroscopic survey of seven southern-hemisphere stellar streams
- Southern Supercluster
- Southern Wall (Sculptor Wall): large slab of galaxies
- southern zone of avoidance: see zone of avoidance
- Southwest Research Institute: Texas research organization
- SoXS: see New Technology Telescope
- PESSTO: NTT survey following up on transients
- SP: see SELENE
- SP: see rare designator prefixes
- SP77: see rare designator prefixes
- space
- space debris (space junk): no-longer-used spacecraft and pieces still in space
- GNOSIS: initiative to explore the problem of space debris
- Kessler syndrome: low-Earth-orbit debris growing out of control
- Space Flyer Unit: see IRTS
- Space Force (United States Space Force): US space-related military organization
- Space Infrared Interferomic Telescope: see SPICE
- Space Infrared Telescope Facility (Spitzer Space Telescope): retired infrared space telescope
- Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA): plan for a future space IR telescope
- Space Interferometer for Cosmic Evolution (SPICE): plan for a future far-infrared space interferometer
- Space Interferometry Mission: past space interferometer plan for parallax and exoplanet detection
- space junk: no-longer-used spacecraft and pieces still in space
- Space Launch System: launch rocket in development, e.g., for future astronomical projects
- Space Research Organization of the Netherlands: national research institution
- Space Shuttle
- Space Studies Board: National Academy of Sciences unit re astronomy an research via spacecraft
- Space Studies Institute: organization promoting interest in and use of space technology
- Space Surveillance Network (United States Space Surveillance Network): US survey-effort of space objects of interest
- Space Surveillance Telescope: 3.5-m US telescope to discover and monitor objects in space
- LINEAR: survey of near-Earth objects
- Space Telescope (Hubble Space Telescope): observatory-satellite with 2.4-meter reflective telescope
- Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System: software designed for analysis of HST data
- Space Telescope Science Institute: science operator of space telescopes
- MAST: archive of data from surveys and missions
- Space Transport System: early NASA plan for a Space-Shuttle-like vehicle
- space weather: varying conditions in space affecting Earth and humans
- ESA Vigil: plan for space-weather warning satellite at L5
- solar storm: general term for events on the Sun
- WSA-Enlil: computer model of heliosphere for space weather prediction
- Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF): software package of tools for modeling space weather
- space weathering: see weathering
- space-like: see spacetime diagram
- geodesic: equivalent to a straight line within curved space
- spacecraft
- Spaceguard Centre: UK private observatory dedicated to NEOs
- SpaceGuard Foundation: private organization to discover and track NEOs
- Spacelab: reusable laboratory that was an optional Space Shuttle payload
- spacetime: four dimensions: time and the three space dimensions
- curvature: unflatness of space
- geodesic: equivalent to a straight line within curved space
- worldline: path of an object through space and time
- spacetime diagram: graph of simplified spacetime, with fewer space dimensions
- spacetime interval: see relativistic invariance
- spacetime interval: see spacetime
- SPACEWATCH: survey to study minor planets
- Spacewatch 1.8-m telescope: see SPACEWATCH
- SpaceX
- SPAD (Geiger-avalanche photodiode): type of solid state photon sensor
- spaghettification: see tidal force
- Spain
- SPAN: see Parker Solar Probe
- Spanish
- spar: see solar telescope
- SPARC: see MITgcm
- SPARC/MITgcm: see MITgcm
- SpARCS: see Spitzer Space Telescope
- spark chamber: type of ion detector
- SPARSEPAK: see WIYN 3.5m Telescope
- SPARTAN: series of astronomy satellites launched/retrieved by Space Shuttles
- SPARTAN: see SOAR Telescope
- sparticle: see supersymmetry
- spatial correlation function (N-point function): general term for analyses-techniques of spatial data
- spatial direction: see imaging spectrometer
- spatial Fourier transform
- spatial frequency (wavenumber): reciprocal of wavelength
- spatial heterodyne spectrometer: see heterodyne spectrometer
- spatial pixel: see spaxel
- data cube: three-dimensional array of numerical data
- spatial resolution (angular resolution): measure of a telescope's ability to distinguish spatial detail
- spaxel: like an image-pixel but with a SED for the location
- data cube: three-dimensional array of numerical data
- SPB (slowly-pulsating B-star): B-star with pulsation periods of more than half a day
- SPB: see SuperBIT
- SPC: see Parker Solar Probe
- SPD (spectral power distribution): function of power versus wavelength or frequency
- SPE (solar particle event): episode of higher velocity solar wind
- SpEC: code to solve general relativity problems
- Special Breakthrough Prize: Breakthrough Prize award in addition to the year's annual awards
- special relativity: physics explaining how the speed of light can be constant
- special relativity: see relativity
- blue shift: shortening of wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- cosmological redshift: redshift of distant objects due to the Hubble expansion
- Lorentz transformation: equations describing the effect of relative motion on length and velocity
- mass: object's quality that determines the effects of forces and gravity
- quantum field theory: reworking of quantum mechanics incorporating fields
- redshift: change to longer wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- spacetime: four dimensions: time and the three space dimensions
- worldline: path of an object through space and time
- specific angular momentum: absolute angular momentum divided by mass
- specific heat: ratio of added temperature to added heat for a material
- specific heat capacity (specific heat): ratio of added temperature to added heat for a material
- specific humidity: see humidity
- specific intensity: intensity per unit wavelength or frequency
- specific mean intensity: see specific intensity
- intensity: power reaching a surface from a specific source
- specific star formation rate: see star formation rate
- specific volume: ratio of volume to mass
- specification
- specificity: see balanced accuracy
- Speckle: see Large Altazimuth Telescope
- speckle imager: see speckle imaging
- speckle imaging: method of combining short-term images to yield better resolution
- speckle interferometry (speckle masking): speckle suppression technique using a calculation of the bispectrum
- speckle masking: speckle suppression technique using a calculation of the bispectrum
- speckle noise: see speckle suppression
- speckle suppression: methods of reducing noise in telescope observations
- speckles: image flaws such as extraneous spots
- spectral band: set of related, closely-packed spectral lines
- spectral brightness (specific intensity): intensity per unit wavelength or frequency
- flux density: measure of the strength of a radio signal
- radiance: measure of EMR to/from a solid angle through an area
- spectral class: overall classification of stars based upon spectral features
- A-type star: star with spectral characteristics of around 8500 K
- B-type star: star with spectral characteristics of around 10000-30000 K
- carbon star: star with more carbon than oxygen in its atmosphere
- F-type star: spectral class of star a bit hotter than then Sun
- G-type star: stars spectrally similar to the Sun
- K-type star: spectral class of star a bit cooler than the Sun
- L-type star: spectral type of star cooler than an M-type star
- M-type star: spectral class of star with a temperature in the vicinity of 2500 K
- O-type star: star with spectral characteristics of above 30000 K
- S-type star: type of star with lines indicating zirconium
- spectral type: classification of stars based upon spectral features
- T-type star: brown dwarf with a temperature in the vicinity of 1000 K
- Y-type star: brown dwarf with a temperature less than 700 K
- spectral classification (spectral class): overall classification of stars based upon spectral features
- spectral continuum (continuum): portion of a continuous spectrum not affected by a spectral feature
- spectral correlator: correlator that also functions as a spectrograph
- spectral density: strength of power or energy as a function of frequency
- spectral differential imaging: see speckle suppression
- spectral direction: see imaging spectrometer
- spectral disentangling: see blended spectra
- Spectral Einstein Code (SpEC): code to solve general relativity problems
- spectral emissivity: see emissivity
- spectral energy distribution: function or plot of brightness at each wavelength in the spectrum
- spectral energy distribution fitting: see spectral energy distribution
- Spectral Energy Distribution Machine: see Palomar 60-inch Telescope
- spectral feature: recognizable feature of a spectrum
- spectral feature extraction: see spectral feature
- spectral flux: see radiant flux
- spectral flux density: flux or power of radiation per unit area per unit wavelength
- spectral flux density (flux density): measure of the strength of a radio signal
- spectral index: power by which an object's flux depends on frequency
- Spectral Infrared Interferometric Telescope: see SPICE
- spectral intensity (specific intensity): intensity per unit wavelength or frequency
- spectral irradiance (flux density): measure of the strength of a radio signal
- spectral line: dark or bright line in a spectrum
- spectral line broadening (line broadening): processes causing a spectral line to have width
- spectral line designation: labels used to identify spectral lines
- spectral line designator: see spectral line designation
- spectral line energy distribution: function or plot of brightness of lines in a spectrum
- spectral line index
- Lick indices: defined set of spectral line indexes for stars
- spectral line profile: see Voigt profile
- spectral line shape: yields information about source
- spectral line shape: see line shape function
- spectral line tomography (line tomography): using double-peaked spectral lines to place constituents of a disk
- spectral method: method of numerically solving differential equations
- spectral photometry: see photometry
- spectral photon distribution: see spectral power distribution
- spectral pixel: see spaxel
- data cube: three-dimensional array of numerical data
- spectral power distribution: function of power versus wavelength or frequency
- spectral radial velocity: see radial velocity
- spectral radiance (specific intensity): intensity per unit wavelength or frequency
- spectral radiance: see intensity
- spectral radiance: see radiance
- spectral resolution: measure of a spectrograph's ability to resolve features of the spectrum
- spectral retrieval: see retrieval
- spectral signature: spectral characteristics indicating the emitting material and conditions
- spectral temperature: temperature-measure of a source based on a spectrum
- spectral type: classification of stars based upon spectral features
- spectral class: overall classification of stars based upon spectral features
- spectral-line mapping
- SPECTRE: an interactive spectrum analysis software package
- Spectro-photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization, and Ices Explorer (SPHEREx): all-sky spectral survey space-mission plan
- Spectro-polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research (SPHERE): VLT instrument for imaging exoplanets
- spectro-z: see photometric redshift
- spectrograph: device to record the spectrum of incoming light
- CfA digital speedometer: 1980s/90s spectrograph aimed at radial velocity measurements
- CorMASS: near-infrared spectrograph
- COSIE: EUV spectrograph to analyze the corona
- CRIRES: high resolution IR echelle spectrometer
- Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument: new instrument for measuring red-shift of distant objects
- ESIS: EUV spectrograph for solar corona observation
- G-CLEF: spectrograph on the GMT
- HARMONI: spectrograph planned for E-ELT
- HARPS: high-precision spectrograph for exoplanet searches
- HARPS-N: high-precision spectrograph for exoplanet searches in Canary Islands
- HERMES: four-channel spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope
- Interstellar Medium Absorption Profile Spectrograph: 1980s/1990s UV spectrometer
- Keck Planet Finder: Keck I spectrograph for RV measurements
- KMOS: 2-micron spectrograph on ESO VLT
- MARVEL: array of four telescopes sharing RV spectrograph
- Mimir: multi-function near-infrared instrument on Perkins Telescope
- Multi-object Optical and Near-IR Spectrograph: advanced spectrograph under development for VLT
- NEWS: planned near-infrared spectrometer on Discovery Channel Telescope
- NIRPS: near-infrared extension to HARPS spectrograph
- NIRSpec: near infrared spectrograph on JWST
- spectrography: charting the strengths of different electromagnetic wavelengths
- spectrometer: device to measure light by wavelength across its spectrum
- spectroscope: device to study the spectrum of incoming light
- spectroscopy: measurement of light with various electromagnetic wavelengths
- SpeX: a medium-resolution infrared spectrograph
- Subaru PFS: multi-object spectrograph in development for the Subaru telescope
- TAIPAN: multi-object spectrograph with robot fiber-positioner
- TripleSpec: near-infrared spectrograph on the Hale Telescope
- WEAVE: multi-object spectrograph on the WHT
- WFC3: general purpose camera/spectroscope on HST
- Wide-field Multi-object Spectrograph: proposed instrument to detect baryon acoustic oscillations
- WINERED: near-infrared non-cryogenic spectrograph
- spectrography: charting the strengths of different electromagnetic wavelengths
- spectrometer: device to measure light by wavelength across its spectrum
- spectrometers
- spectrometry: measuring the strengths of different electromagnetic wavelengths
- spectrometer: device to measure light by wavelength across its spectrum
- Spectropolarimètre infrarouge (SPIRou): CFHT spectropolarimeter for exoplanet research
- spectropolarimeter: see spectropolarimetry
- Spectropolarimeter for Planetary Exploration
- SpeX: a medium-resolution infrared spectrograph
- spectropolarimetry: measurement of light's polarization by wavelength
- spectroscope: device to study the spectrum of incoming light
- 4MOST: spectrograph in development for VISTA telescope
- spectrograph: device to record the spectrum of incoming light
- spectrometer: device to measure light by wavelength across its spectrum
- spectroscopy: measurement of light with various electromagnetic wavelengths
- TIM: planned balloon-borne 2-m telescope and spectrometer
- Spectroscopic and Photometric Landscape of Andromeda's Stellar Halo (SPLASH): survey of M31's Giant Stellar Stream
- spectroscopic binary: binary star detected by movement indicated by Doppler shifts in the spectrum
- Spectroscopic Imaging Survey in the Near-infrared with SINFONI (SINS): near-infrared study of distant luminous galaxies
- spectroscopic parallax: stellar distance determined through spectroscopy
- spectroscopic phase curve: see phase curve
- Spectroscopic Planet Observatory for Recognition of Interaction of Atmosphere (Hisaki): retired Japanese space ultraviolet telescope
- Spectroscopic Properties of Cool Stars: analysis of spectroscopic data of 7000+ M and L stars
- spectroscopic redshift: see photometric redshift
- spectroscopic retrieval: see retrieval
- Spectroscopic Survey Telescope (Hobby-Eberly Telescope): 10-meter telescope in Texas
- Spectroscopic Terahertz Airborne Receiver for Far-infrared Exploration (TIM): planned balloon-borne 2-m telescope and spectrometer
- Spectroscopic Terahertz observatory: see GUSTO
- Spectroscopic Time-Resolving Observatory for Broadband X-rays (STROBE-X): space X-ray telescope plan
- spectroscopy: measurement of light with various electromagnetic wavelengths
- absorption: removal of photons from a beam of EMR
- spectrograph: device to record the spectrum of incoming light
- spectrometer: device to measure light by wavelength across its spectrum
- spectroscope: device to study the spectrum of incoming light
- spectrum
- absorption line: dark line within a spectrum
- Balmer series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 2 to n = 2
- Brackett series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 4 to n = 4
- collisional broadening: line broadening due to nearby particles
- continuous absorption: the absorption of a whole section of a spectrum
- continuous spectrum: smooth spectrum or portion of spectrum with no lines
- Doppler broadening: broadening of spectral lines due to movement of the sources of photons
- emission line: narrow frequency-region of a spectrum with higher intensity
- extreme ultraviolet: electromagnetic radiation in the range of 10-124 nm
- extremely low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3 Hz to 30 Hz
- far infrared: infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 30-450 μm range
- gamma rays: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10 picometers and less
- H-alpha: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 3 to n = 2
- H-beta: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 4 to n = 2
- high frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3-30 MHz
- Humphreys series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 6 to n = 6
- infrared: light with wavelength too long for our eyes to sense
- integral field unit: instrument to allow a spectrograph to capture data over a 2D field
- K-line: iron X-ray line
- line blanketing: so many bunched spectral lines that they cannot be distinguished
- line broadening: processes causing a spectral line to have width
- Lyman alpha: first line in the Lyman series
- Lyman beta: second line in the Lyman series
- Lyman series: hydrogen series from electrons settling from n > 1 to n = 1
- magnesium lines: spectral lines specific to magnesium
- microwave: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 300 MHz to 300 GHz
- mid infrared: infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 7.5-25 μm range
- natural broadening: line broadening due to uncertainty principle
- near infrared: electromagnetic radiation in the range of 750-2500 nm
- nuclear spectral line: spectral lines produced by nuclear processes
- OIR: "band name" that means both visible light and infrared
- oxygen lines: spectral lines specific to oxygen
- Paschen series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 3 to n = 3
- Pfund series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 5 to n = 5
- radio: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3 kHz to 300 GHz
- spectral line: dark or bright line in a spectrum
- spectral line designation: labels used to identify spectral lines
- spectral line shape: yields information about source
- spectral power distribution: function of power versus wavelength or frequency
- subradio: electromagnetic radiation, frequency below 3 kHz
- super low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 30 Hz to 300 Hz
- telluric line: absorption line in ground observation due to Earth atmosphere
- thermal bremsstrahlung: type of EMR produced by thin, hot plasma
- tremendously low frequency: presumably electromagnetic radiation, frequency below 3 Hz
- ultra low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 300 Hz to 3 kHz
- ultra-high-energy gamma rays: energetic gamma rays with more than 100 TeV photon energy
- ultraviolet: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10-400 nm
- UVOIR: a spectral "band name" covering UV, visible light, and IR
- very low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3-30 kHz
- very-high-energy gamma rays: energetic gamma rays with 100 GeV to 100 TeV photon energy
- visible light: electromagnetic radiation that our eyes can sense
- water lines: spectral lines specific to water
- X-ray: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 0.01 to 10 nanometers
- XEUV: electromagnetic radiation in the range of 0.15-124 nm
- spectrum analysis
- SPECTRE: an interactive spectrum analysis software package
- spectrum binary: binary star detectable because its spectrum looks like that of two stars
- spectrum synthesis
- Cloudy: code to model the effect of gas and plasma on spectra
- Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma
- eROSITA: Russian/German space X-ray telescope launched in 2019
- Spectrum-X-Gamma (Spektr-RG): Russian-German X-ray observatory launched in 2019
- SPECULOOS: search for Earth-like exoplanets orbiting nearby dim stars
- SPECULOOS Northern Observatory: see SPECULOOS
- SPECULOOS Southern Observatory: see SPECULOOS
- SPEDE: see SMART-1
- speed of light: fundamental constant measured as the speed at which light travels
- refraction: redirection of light passing from one medium to another
- refractive index: measure of how much a material slows down light
- speed of light in a vacuum (speed of light): fundamental constant measured as the speed at which light travels
- speed of sound (sound speed): speed at which compression waves traverse a gas
- SpeedyMC: see spectral energy distribution
- Spektr-R: 10-m space radio telescope
- Spektr-RG: Russian-German X-ray observatory launched in 2019
- eROSITA: Russian/German space X-ray telescope launched in 2019
- SpeX: a medium-resolution infrared spectrograph
- SpeX: a medium-resolution infrared spectrograph
- SpeX: see IRTF
- SPF: see star formation
- SPH (smoothed-particle hydrodynamics): computational method for simulating fluid flows
- SPHERE: VLT instrument for imaging exoplanets
- SPHERE: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- sphere
- spheroid: sphere-like shape that is flattened or elongated
- SPHEREx: all-sky spectral survey space-mission plan
- spherical aberration: mis-focusing by spherically-curved mirrors and lenses
- spherical astronomy (positional astronomy): calculation methods for relating sky position to position in space
- astrometry: precise measurement of the position and movement of stars
- spherical cow: see back-of-the-envelope calculation
- spherical galaxy
- galaxy: gravitationally-bound group of stars
- spherical harmonic order
- spherical harmonics: harmonic functions on the surface of a sphere
- spherical mirror
- spherical shell: see three dimensional model
- spheroid: sphere-like shape that is flattened or elongated
- paraboloid: circularly-symmetric 3D surface based on parabola
- spheroidal (dwarf spheroidal galaxy): spheroidally-shaped dwarf galaxy lacking star formation
- SPICA: plan for a future space IR telescope
- SPICAM: see Mars Express
- SPICAV: see Venus Express
- SPICE: plan for a future far-infrared space interferometer
- SPICE: see Solar Orbiter
- SPICE 2: see SPICE
- spicule: small temporary jet from Sun's surface
- SPIDER: 2015 balloon-borne observatory to observe CMB polarization
- Taurus: balloon-borne polarimeter to study the CMB
- spin: an angular-momentum quantum number
- spin: see particle
- spin quantum number (spin): an angular-momentum quantum number
- spin-down
- spin-down energy
- spin-down luminosity: pulsar's energy extracted from slowing rotation
- spin-down time
- spin-down timescale
- spin-flip transition: see 21-cm line
- spin-orbit resonance: see tidal locking
- Spindle Galaxy: disk galaxy for which we have an edge-on view
- spinel
- CAI: calcium/aluminum specs in chondrites
- spinning dust: see spinning dust emission
- spinning dust emission: source of microwave signal
- spiral
- spiral arm: long, winding visible structure within a spiral galaxy
- spiral density wave: spiral structure that can form in disks
- spiral galaxies
- spiral galaxy: flat galaxy with spiraling arms
- spiral galaxy formation: see spiral galaxy
- spiral nebula
- Kapteyn universe: early 20th century model of the universe centered on the Milky Way
- spiral structure
- SPIRE: see Herschel Space Observatory
- Spirit: see Mars Exploration Rover
- SPIRIT III: see Midcourse Space Experiment
- SPIRITS: Spitzer survey designed to find transients
- SPIRou: CFHT spectropolarimeter for exoplanet research
- SPIRou Legacy Survey: see SPIRou
- Spitzer (Spitzer Space Telescope): retired infrared space telescope
- Spitzer Extended Deep Survey: survey of galaxy mass and black holes through life of the universe
- Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey: infrared survey of some well-studied fields
- Spitzer HETDEX Exploratory Large Area Survey: Spitzer-based survey of galaxies
- Spitzer Infrared Intensive Transient Survey (SPIRITS): Spitzer survey designed to find transients
- Spitzer IRAC Shallow Survey (IRAC Shallow Survey): Spitzer survey of moderately wide field
- Spitzer ISS (IRAC Shallow Survey): Spitzer survey of moderately wide field
- Spitzer Space Telescope: retired infrared space telescope
- Spitzer Warm Mission: see Spitzer Space Telescope
- SPLASH: survey of M31's Giant Stellar Stream
- splashback
- splashback radius: see cluster radius
- SPOCK: code to determine stability of orbits
- SPOCS (Spectroscopic Properties of Cool Stars): analysis of spectroscopic data of 7000+ M and L stars
- SPOL: see MMT
- spontaneous emission: see emission
- spontaneous symmetry breaking: see symmetry breaking
- SPRAT: see Liverpool Telescope
- SPRINT-A (Hisaki): retired Japanese space ultraviolet telescope
- Sprite
- Starshot: plan for mission to fly by Alpha Centauri
- SPS (solar powered satellite): concept for a satellite to collect and transfer energy to Earth
- SPS (stellar population synthesis): using spectral characteristics of galaxies to characterize their stellar populations
- SPS: see rare designator prefixes
- A-LIST: catalog of templates of H-band spectra for SPS
- SPS code (stellar population synthesis code): software to perform stellar population synthesis
- SPT (South Pole Telescope): a millimeter/microwave telescope at South Pole
- SPT-3G: see South Pole Telescope
- SPT-CL: see South Pole Telescope
- SPT-SZ: see South Pole Telescope
- SPTpol: see South Pole Telescope
- SQM (sky quality meter): device to measure the brightness/magnitude of the sky itself.
- neutron star: stellar remnant consisting entirely of solar masses of neutrons
- square arcminute: see solid angle
- square degree: see solid angle
- Square Kilometre Array: planned radio telescope with square-kilometer collecting area
- Square Kilometre Array Observatory (Square Kilometre Array): planned radio telescope with square-kilometer collecting area
- Square Kilometre Array Organization: see Square Kilometre Array
- square radian: see solid angle
- squark: see supersymmetry
- SQUID: very sensitive magnetometer
- SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device): type of very sensitive magnetometer using Josephson junctions
- Squid Galaxy (Messier 77): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- SR (special relativity): physics explaining how the speed of light can be constant
- SR: see rare designator prefixes
- SR: see relativity
- SRG (Spektr-RG): Russian-German X-ray observatory launched in 2019
- eROSITA: Russian/German space X-ray telescope launched in 2019
- SRGA: see Spektr-RG
- SRON (Space Research Organization of the Netherlands): national research institution
- SRR: see MDR/SRR
- SRS: see EnVision
- SRS: see rare designator prefixes
- SRT (Sardinia Radio Telescope): Italian large single-dish radio telescope
- SS (symbiotic binary): giant star transferring mass to a somewhat distant companion
- SS: see Case-Hamburg Survey
- SS: see rare designator prefixes
- SS 433: first microquasar discovered
- SSA: see rare designator prefixes
- SSA22
- SSB (Space Studies Board): National Academy of Sciences unit re astronomy an research via spacecraft
- SSC (synchrotron self-Compton): charged particle cloud scattering its own synchrotron-produced photons
- SSC: see Stardust
- SSD: see particle spectrometer
- ssDNA: DNA without the double strand
- SSE: see BSE
- SSE: see ephemeris
- SSFR: see star formation rate
- SSI (Space Studies Institute): organization promoting interest in and use of space technology
- SSI: see Ariel 5
- SSI: see Galileo
- SSI: see Mars Polar Lander
- SSI: see Phoenix
- SSM: see AstroSat
- SSN (United States Space Surveillance Network): US survey-effort of space objects of interest
- SSO (Siding Spring Observatory): observatory in New South Wales, Australia
- SSO (solar system object): the Sun, solar system planets, minor planets, comets, and moons
- SSP: set of stars born at the same time with the same metallicity
- SSP: see Cassini
- SSP: see Subaru PFS
- A-LIST: catalog of templates of H-band spectra for SPS
- SSP Survey: see Subaru PFS
- SSRS (Southern Sky Redshift Survey): 1980s/1990s redshift survey of southern galaxies
- SSRS2: see Southern Sky Redshift Survey
- SSS (SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey): survey of stars and galaxies from legacy plates
- SSS (Swope Supernova Survey): survey of low-redshift Type Ia SN light curves
- SSS: see Catalina Sky Survey
- SSS: see HEAO-2
- SSSB: solar system body smaller than a dwarf planet
- minor planet: lesser solar system body without comet characteristics
- SSSPM: see SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey
- SST (Hobby-Eberly Telescope): 10-meter telescope in Texas
- SST (Space Surveillance Telescope): 3.5-m US telescope to discover and monitor objects in space
- SST (Spitzer Space Telescope): retired infrared space telescope
- SST: see Cherenkov Telescope Array
- SST: see Roque de los Muchachos Observatory
- SSV: see rare designator prefixes
- ST: see double star designation
- ST: see rare designator prefixes
- St (Stokes number): measure of a particle's tendency to follow the flow of a fluid
- Stömgren radius: see Strömgren sphere
- Stability of Planetary Orbital Configurations Klassifier (SPOCK): code to determine stability of orbits
- stability radius: see isolation mass
- stable isotope: see isotope
- stacking: combining images of the same object
- Stampede: research supercomputer at U. Texas
- standard and normal evolution
- standard atomic weight: see element
- standard Big Bang: see Big Bang
- standard candle: astronomical object whose brightness can be determined
- standard cosmology: see alternative cosmologies
- standard deviation (sigma): indication of the confidence level of an experiment
- error bar: feature of a graph to indicate accuracy
- RMS: square root of the average of the squares of some values
- velocity dispersion: statistical dispersion of velocities of a group of objects
- standard error of the mean
- error bar: feature of a graph to indicate accuracy
- standard gravitational parameter: a body's mass times the universal gravitational constant
- standard gravity: see surface gravity
- standard main sequence (zero-age main sequence): describes stars that just began hydrogen fusion
- standard model: model of elementary particles including quarks
- standard model (Lambda-CDM model): Big-Bang cosmological model with a cosmological constant and cold dark matter
- cosmological model: model of the workings and history of the universe
- fiducial: taken as a standard
- flavor: subtype of some type of particle
- quark: type of elementary particle incorporated in protons and neutrons
- standard model of a flare: description of how solar flares function
- standard model of particle physics (standard model): model of elementary particles including quarks
- axion: proposed light, electrically neutral elementary particle
- supersymmetry: extension to standard model of particle physics
- standard reduction potential: see reduction potential
- standard ruler: astronomical phenomenon whose size can be determined
- standard siren: transient whose gravitational waves indicate a specific distance
- standard solar model
- standard source: see photometry
- standard star (telluric star): star of known spectrum used for calibration
- standard star: see photometry
- Stanford University
- Kavli Institute: any of a number of science institutes supported by Kavli Foundation
- star: astronomical body shining from fusion energy
- STAR Academy: Arecbio pre-college program
- star and planet formation: see star formation
- star catalog: see astronomical catalog
- astrometry: precise measurement of the position and movement of stars
- star catalogue: see astronomical catalog
- star class
- star cloud: lighter region of the night sky consisting of a high density of stars
- star cluster (stellar cluster): group of stars apparently formed by a single cloud
- field star: star that is not part of a star cluster
- star clusters
- star count: surveys of stars counting them according to some criteria
- star formation: theorized collapse of gas and dust into stars
- star formation efficiency: see star formation rate
- star formation feedback: mechanisms whereby star formation regulates its own rate
- star formation history: star formation rate as a function of time
- Star Formation in Gaseous Environments (STARFORGE): star formation simulation code
- star formation law (Kennicutt-Schmidt law): relation between gas density and star formation rate
- star formation main sequence (galaxy main sequence): relation between galaxies' star formation and stellar mass
- star formation rate: rate at which material such as gas is turned into stars
- star formation rate density: see star formation rate
- star forming filament (filament): linear volume of high molecular gas density within a galaxy
- star system: a gravitationally bound set of a few stars
- star type
- star-formation rate stellar-mass ratio: ratio between a galaxy's stellar mass and its SF rate
- star-forming galaxy: see galaxy main sequence
- star-forming galaxy: see starburst galaxy
- star-forming radio galaxy: see radio galaxy
- star-forming region: area forming stars and/or ready for star formation
- STAR-X: plan for a future X-ray space telescope
- StarBug: see TAIPAN
- starburst: see starburst galaxy
- AzTEC-3: very distant starburst galaxy
- HFLS3: very distant starburst galaxy
- M82: nearby starburst galaxy
- NGC 253: spiral galaxy 11 million light-years away
- starburst galaxy: galaxy forming stars at a very high rate
- STARBURST99: software to simulate star-forming galaxies
- StarChip
- Starshot: plan for mission to fly by Alpha Centauri
- Stardust: space mission that collected and returned comet coma dust
- stardust: see presolar grain
- STARE: array of radio telescopes monitoring radio transients
- STARE Telescope: see Teide Observatory
- starfield: see asterism
- STARFIRE (TIM): planned balloon-borne 2-m telescope and spectrometer
- STARFORGE: star formation simulation code
- Stargazer: see Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
- Stark broadening: see Stark effect
- Stark effect: electric field influence on spectral lines
- Starlight Attenuation & Reddening Survey of Multiple Occulting Galaxies (STARSMOG): survey of dust in galaxies
- starquake: see quake
- stars
- 8 pc: survey of stars within 8 parsecs, using coronagraph
- A-LIST: catalog of templates of H-band spectra for SPS
- accretion: enlargement of an astronomical body by gravitationally attracting additional mass
- accretion disk: disk around an astronomical body of material that is accreting
- age-metallicity relation: older stars generally have lower metallicity
- age-velocity-dispersion relation: relation between stellar age and peculiar velocity
- Aitken Double Star Catalogue: 1932 catalog with both multiple-star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- All-Sky Compiled Catalogue: 2001 catalog compiled from modern sources
- American Association of Variable Star Observers: organization of amateur observers of variable stars
- APASS: down to 16 magnitude
- asterism: easily recognizable star pattern
- asteroseismology: study of stars through analysis of their pulsation
- Astrographic Catalog: historical star catalog of the whole sky to magnitude 11
- Astronomische Gesellschaft Katalog: 19th/20th century astrometric catalog
- ATLAS Stellar Model: computer model of a stellar photosphere
- atmosphere: gas surrounding astronomical object
- Balmer jump: abrupt change in stellar spectrum at the Balmer series wavelength limit
- BaSTI: database relating isochrones to stellar parameters
- BATC: photometric survey of Milky Way stars
- Bayer designation: star designation consisting of a Greek letter and constellation name
- BCool: project studying stellar magnetism
- Bibliographic Catalog of Variable Stars: listing of references to variable stars
- bipolar outflow: streams of matter from the poles of a protostar
- Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog: well-known astrometric catalog from late 1800s
- Boss General Catalog: 1936 catalog of 30,000 stars
- Bright Star Catalog: early 20th century catalog of 9000 stars
- BRITE-Constellation: five small satellite telescopes observing stars
- Bruce Proper Motion Survey: 1941 southern-hemisphere survey catalog of Luyten's
- BT-Settl: model atmosphere of small stars and brown dwarfs
- bulge: denser group of stars within a larger group
- Burnham Double Star Catalogue: 1906 catalog with multiple star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- calcium-rich gap transient: type of explosive event larger than a nova and smaller than a supernova
- California-Kepler Survey: follow-up to Kepler to determine stellar radii
- candidate companion: possible object apparently orbiting a known object
- Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue: series of astrometric catalogs from 19th century on
- Case-Hamburg Survey: 1950s-1970s survey(s) of OB stars
- Catalog of Azzopardi & Vigneau: probable stars in the SMC
- Catalog of Circumpolar Stars: list of over 4000 stars in northern part of the sky
- Catalog of Components of Double and Multiple Stars: 1994 catalog of 74000 such double-star components
- Catalog of Stellar Identification: a compilation of the catalogs, BD, CD, and CPD
- Catalog of Stellar Identifications: 1970s catalog cross referencing existing star catalogs
- Catalogue of Southern Double Stars: 1955 catalog with multiple star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- Catalogues of Fundamental Stars: series of astrometric catalogs from 19th century on
- CFHTLS: surveys of transients and stars
- Chandrasekhar limit: maximum mass of a white dwarf
- chromosphere: middle layer of the Sun's atmosphere
- chromospheric activity index: measure of magnetic activity of a star's chromosphere
- circumstellar disk: disk or ring shaped accumulation of matter around a star
- circumstellar envelope: shell-like cloud surrounding a star
- cold mass accretion: stellar accretion through an accretion disk
- color-color diagram: means of comparing characteristics of stars
- color-magnitude diagram: graph plotting color index to magnitude
- color-period diagram: means of comparing periods of stars at various wavelengths
- convection zone: region of a star transmitting energy through convection
- core collapse supernova: supernova resulting from the collapse of the core of a star
- corona: plasma surrounding a star
- coronal hole: cool, low-density portions of the Sun's corona
- coronal mass ejection: mass of plasma ejected from the Sun
- COROT: observatory-satellite to look for transiting exoplanets and stellar oscillations
- CTIO Upper-Scorpius OB Association Survey: survey of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs
- Dartmouth Stellar Evolution Database: database relating isochrones to stellar parameters
- debris disk: circumstellar disk of dust and debris around a star
- Deep Multicolor Survey: 1990s optical and infrared deep survey
- delay time distribution: characterization of interval from star formation until some type of event
- dredge-up: stellar convection bringing up fused material
- Dunlop Double Star Catalogue: 1829 catalog of double stars viewed from Australia
- dwarf nova: flash of a cataclysmic variable star
- Dynamical Analysis of Nearby Clusters: survey of stars in stellar clusters
- Eddington approximation: approximation of a star's internal EMR's divergence from isotropic
- Eddington luminosity: maximum luminosity at which radiation force overcomes gravity
- ejection: forcing or throwing something out
- electron capture supernova: supernova from collapse of iron-free stellar cores
- evolutionary track: H-R diagram track of the life of a star
- field: adjective meaning "in this field of view but unrelated"
- Flamsteed designation: star designation system dating from 1700s
- flux-weighted gravity-luminosity relationship: method of determining luminosity of distant stars
- Frank Ross's Catalog: high-proper-motion and variable stars catalogued by Frank Ross
- fusor: 2003 proposed term for astronomical objects capable of carrying out fusion
- Güdel-Benz relation: relation between X-rays and radio from stars
- G-dwarf problem: lack of metal-poor G dwarfs in the Milky Way
- Gaia: astrometry survey satellite launched in 2013
- gaia-kepler.fun: website with Gaia data on Kepler target stars
- GaiaHub: software to extract proper motions form Gaia and HST data
- galactic disk: the "disk" portion of a disk galaxy
- Galactic O Star Catalog: 2000s catalog of O-type stars
- galaxy main sequence: relation between galaxies' star formation and stellar mass
- General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities: 1950s century catalog of 15000 stars with their radial velocities
- General Catalogue of Trigonometric Parallaxes: 1950s catalog of stars with parallax measures
- General Catalogue of Variable Stars: 20th/21st century catalog of 58000 variable stars
- Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars: 1950s catalog of stars within 20 parsecs
- Gliese-Jahreiss Catalog: 1991 catalog of stars within 25 parsecs
- globular cluster: spherical group of stars orbiting a galaxy
- Gould's Belt: ring of stars around the sky
- GRB-supernova: supernova that produces a GRB
- Groupe Europáen Observations Stellaires: European organization of variable star observers.
- Guide Star Catalog: catalog of stars to help aim HST
- GYRE: a stellar oscillation code
- gyrochronology: means of estimating stellar age from rotation
- H-R diagram: diagram relating effective temperature to luminosity
- H3 Survey: spectroscopic survey of Milky Way halo stars
- H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey: survey targeting water masers
- Hamburg/ESO Survey: 1990s southern hemisphere survey aimed at finding quasars
- Hayashi limit: limit on the temperature of a star dependent upon its mass and luminosity
- Hayashi track: H-R diagram track of evolution of some pre-main-sequence stars
- Heggie-Hills law: hard binary stars generally get harder when encountering a third star
- helium flash: helium ignition in a star
- helium runaway: helium fusion positive feedback through its generated heat
- Henry Draper Catalog: early 20th century spectroscopic catalog of stars
- Henyey track: H-R diagram track of stellar evolution after the Hayashi track
- Herschel Double Star Catalog: series of early double star catalogs
- Herz catalog: list of 3000 stars in a strip of the southern sky
- Hess diagram: diagram relating effective temperature to luminosity
- HK Survey: 1985 search for metal poor-stars using calcium lines
- host star: the star associated with a planetary system
- hypercompact stellar system: SMBH with no galaxy but has a tight stellar cluster
- Information Bulletin on Variable Stars: former 1961-2019 publication on variable stars
- initial mass function: function describing initial mass of stars
- instability strip: region of H-R diagram where stars are unstable
- International Variable Star Index: variable star catalog by AAVSO
- interstellar magnetic field: galactic magnetic field between that of stars
- isochronal fitting: method of estimating stellar age from retrievable parameters
- isochrone: line of equal ages on an HRD
- isothermal core: core region of a body of all the same temperature
- Japan Amateur Photoelectric Observers Association: past amateur astronomy collaboration
- kappa mechanism: stellar instability caused by opacity increasing with temperature
- Kepler-Swift Active Galaxies and Stars Survey: X-ray/UV survey of objects within the Kepler field
- kilonova: transient associated with merging neutron stars
- Lépine Shara Proper Motion catalog: 2000s catalog of stars with proper motion
- Lacaille Star Catalog: 1700s catalog of about 10,000 southern hemisphere stars
- LaSilla-QUEST Variability Survey: survey for transients
- Lick indices: defined set of spectral line indexes for stars
- Local Group Galaxy Survey: photometric survey of stars in a number of local group galaxies
- Lowell Proper Motion Survey: 1950s-1970s catalogs of stars with proper motion
- luminosity class: classification of size/luminosity of stars
- luminosity function: function giving number of stars or galaxies at different luminosities
- luminous red nova: red-colored event theorized to be a merger of two stars
- Luyten Double Star Survey: 1940s-1970s catalog of double stars
- Luyten Half-second Catalog: 1979 catalog of 4000 stars with high proper motion
- Luyten Palomar Survey: 1970s catalog of stars with high proper motion
- Luyten Two-Tenths Arcsecond Catalog: 1960 catalog of 9000+ stars with proper motion
- Magellanic Catalogue of Stars: 1980s/1990s survey of stars in Magellanic Clouds
- magnetorotational supernova: type of core collapse supernova
- main-sequence lifetime: length of time that a star remains within the main sequence
- MaNGA Stellar Library: catalog of SEDs of representative stars
- mass fraction: measure of a constituent of a star, cloud, etc.
- mass loss: a star's reduction in mass
- mass-luminosity relation: model relating stellar mass and luminosity
- mass-radius relation: model relating stellar mass and radius
- mass-to-light ratio: measure of a population of stars or region
- MATCH: SFH code
- Max Wolf's catalog of stars with proper motion: early 20th century catalog of 1500 stars
- mean molecular weight: measurement of a gas usual for approximating in gas models
- MESA: collection of stellar astrophysics codes
- microquasar: stellar-sized black hole with quasar-like activity
- Milky Way Mapper: SDSS spectrographic survey of Milky Way stars
- MISAO project: search for variable stars and transients
- moving group: observed group of stars with similar motion
- moving-cluster method: method of measuring distance to a nearby star cluster
- multiplicity fraction: fraction of star systems that are multiple-star systems
- MUSCLES: HST UV survey of some M Dwarfs that host exoplanets
- N30 Catalog: 1950s catalog collecting proper motion data from older catalogs
- near-Earth supernova: supernova near enough to Earth to affect it
- New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars: catalog from latter half of 20th century catalog
- NOMAD: astrometric star catalog
- north polar sequence: set of stars previously used to define magnitudes
- nova: white dwarf explosion
- OB association: stellar association including O and/or early B class stars
- Oort constants: two constants characterizing local Milky-Way motion
- open cluster: group of stars within a galaxy apparently formed by a single cloud
- pair-instability supernova: type of large supernova
- Palomar-Haro-Luyten Catalog: 1960s catalog of faint blue stars
- Panoramic Imaging Survey of Centaurus and Sculptor: survey of extended halos of two nearby galaxies
- Parker wind: model of the solar wind
- partial ionization zone: portion of some stars where gas is partially ionized
- PHOENIX stellar model: computer model of a stellar photosphere
- photosphere: layer of star from which light propagates
- Pico dos Dias Survey: survey aimed to find T-Tauri stars
- plane-parallel atmosphere: simplified atmosphere model ignoring its curvature around the body
- planetary nebula: glowing gas shell ejected by a red giant
- planetary system: all the planets orbiting a star
- PPM Star Catalogue: 1991 astrometric catalog with proper motions
- protoplanetary nebula: short AGB phase before planetary nebula
- protostar: contracted mass of gas that will become a star
- pseudobulge: like a galaxy bulge only flatter
- quadratic field strength: a measure of a star's varying magnetic field
- quasar: distant, bright object that appears something like a star
- Radcliffe Observatory Magellanic Clouds Catalogue: catalog of stars in
- radiation zone: region of a star transmitting energy through radiative diffusion
- radio supernova: supernova that includes a detectable radio emission
- RECONS: consortium for research on stars near the Sun
- reddening: red appearance of astronomical objects because blue light is attenuated by dust
- Rosseland mean opacity: a useful weighted average of opacities at all the frequencies
- SAO Star Catalog: 1960s catalog
- Schönberg-Chandrasekhar limit: maximum stellar isothermal helium core mass
- Schuster-Schwarzschild model: simplified model of a star's production of absorption lines
- seismic waves: waves broadcast through Earth from earthquakes
- SIMP: 2000s infrared proper-motion survey
- snow line: distance from protostar so cool that water condenses
- solar neighborhood: Milky Way in the vicinity of the Sun
- Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey: spectroscopic survey of seven southern-hemisphere stellar streams
- spectral class: overall classification of stars based upon spectral features
- spectral type: classification of stars based upon spectral features
- spectroscopic parallax: stellar distance determined through spectroscopy
- Spectroscopic Properties of Cool Stars: analysis of spectroscopic data of 7000+ M and L stars
- SPLASH: survey of M31's Giant Stellar Stream
- SSP: set of stars born at the same time with the same metallicity
- star cloud: lighter region of the night sky consisting of a high density of stars
- star count: surveys of stars counting them according to some criteria
- star formation: theorized collapse of gas and dust into stars
- star system: a gravitationally bound set of a few stars
- STARBURST99: software to simulate star-forming galaxies
- STarSPot: code to model starspots
- stellar activity: transient behavior of a star
- stellar age determination: methods of estimating a star's age
- stellar association: like a large open cluster but even less tightly bound
- stellar astronomy: astronomy of the birth, structure, variety, evolution, and fate of stars
- stellar atmosphere: photosphere and above
- stellar birth rate function: function describing the birth rate of stars by mass
- stellar cluster: group of stars apparently formed by a single cloud
- stellar core: the middle of a star
- stellar demographics: statistics regarding the number of stars
- stellar designation: identifiers for stars
- stellar distance determination: methods by which the distance to a star is determined
- stellar dynamics: stars' gravitational interaction
- stellar encounter: stars passing close to each other
- stellar evolution: the pattern of a star's changing structure over its life
- stellar flare: sudden brightening of a star
- stellar halo: the lesser number of nearby stars surrounding a galaxy
- stellar kinematics: science of the movement of stars
- stellar luminosity determination: methods by which the luminosity of a star is determined
- stellar mass determination: methods by which the mass of a star is determined
- stellar merger: two stars combining into one
- stellar model atmosphere: simulation of the star's production of emitted EMR
- stellar overdensity: portion of galactic halo with more stars than normal
- stellar parameter determination: methods by which the parameters of stars are determined
- stellar population synthesis: using spectral characteristics of galaxies to characterize their stellar populations
- stellar population synthesis code: software to perform stellar population synthesis
- stellar radius determination: methods by which the radius of a star is determined
- stellar rotation: rotation of a star around an axis through the middle
- stellar stream: long group of co-moving stars
- stellar structure: the presumed internal structure of stars
- stellar temperature determination: methods by which the temperature of a star is determined
- stellar wind: gas or plasma emanating from a star
- stellar-mass black hole: black hole that is a stellar remnant
- Struve Catalogs: two catalogs of double stars
- substellar point: point on a body such that a particular star is at the zenith
- sunspot: temporary darker region of the Sun's surface
- SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey: survey of stars and galaxies from legacy plates
- superluminous supernova: stellar explosion larger than a supernova
- supernova: stellar explosion larger than a nova
- supernova impostor: extreme stellar explosion that does not destroy the star
- surface abundance: quantity such as mass per surface area
- surface gravity: measure of gravity at the surface of a body
- surface temperature: temperature of the surface of a star or planet
- synthetic spectrum: simulated spectrum, e.g., of a type of star
- T association: stellar association with T-Tauri stars
- T4 Automated Photometric Telescope: automated 75-cm telescope to a long-term star monitoring survey
- Taurus-Auriga Complex: nearby star-forming region
- thermal pulse: pulse in an AGB star due to helium fusion in a shell
- thermal runaway: situation where heat triggers more heat production
- tidal capture: bodies entering orbit through dissipation of energy by tides
- Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit: maximum mass of a neutron star
- traditional approximation of rotation: approximation of waves on a rotating body
- turn-off point: point in H-R diagram of a cluster where stars turn red
- Two Micron All-sky Survey: near-infrared survey of both hemispheres
- Two Micron Sky Survey: 1969 infrared catalog produced by Caltech
- two-stream approximation: approximation of a star's internal EMR's divergence from isotropic
- Type Ia supernova: type of supernova for which distance can be determined
- USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog: USNO star catalog including proper motions
- variable star designation: Bayer system variant for variable stars
- velocity kick: substantial acceleration from a supernova
- velocity-metallicity relation: higher stellar velocity correlates with lower metallicity
- VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey: VLT spectroscopic survey of massive stars
- Vogt-Russell theorem: proposition that a star's structure depends on its mass and makeup
- Washington Double Star Catalog: modern database of double stars
- Whole Earth Telescope: international initiative to gather variable star lightcurves
- Wilson-Bappu effect: a relation between a star's spectral line and luminosity
- wind-momentum luminosity relationship: method of determining luminosity of distant stars
- WINGS: all-sky survey investigating known galaxy clusters
- Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature: IAU group on terminology regarding planetary systems
- XZ Catalog of Zodiacal Stars: 1977 catalog of stars near the ecliptic
- Yale Observatory Zone Catalog: mid-20th century catalogs totaling 400,000 stars
- Zanstra method: method of determining temperature of a hot star within a nebula
- zero-age main sequence: describes stars that just began hydrogen fusion
- [α/Fe] versus [Fe/H] diagram: diagram indicating stars' degrees of alpha enhancement
- StarScan machine: see plate measuring machine
- starshade: spacecraft to block light from a specific body
- Starship
- Starshot: plan for mission to fly by Alpha Centauri
- STARSMOG: survey of dust in galaxies
- STarSPot: code to model starspots
- starspot: see sunspot
- StarTrack: stellar population synthesis code
- state of excitation: energy level of something above the minimum
- state of ionization: difference in an ion's electron count versus proton count
- state of matter
- static limit: see black hole
- static surface: see black hole
- statics: see mechanics
- station keeping (stationkeeping): spacecraft operation to keep it in its orbit
- stationkeeping: spacecraft operation to keep it in its orbit
- statistical dispersion: see velocity dispersion
- statistical equilibrium: see local thermodynamic equilibrium
- statistical isotropy (isotropy): uniformity in all directions
- statistical mechanics: mechanical behavior based upon probability
- statistical physics (statistical mechanics): mechanical behavior based upon probability
- statistical regression
- statistical weight (degeneracy weight): number of quantum states with same energy level
- statistics
- stau: see supersymmetry
- steady state model: see alternative cosmologies
- steady-state universe: see Big Bang
- steam atmosphere: see water vapor planet
- steam phase: see atmosphere formation
- steam planet (water vapor planet): planet showing water vapor in its atmosphere
- steam world (water vapor planet): planet showing water vapor in its atmosphere
- Stefan's constant (Stefan-Boltzmann constant): relates radiation power to temperature and surface area
- Stefan-Boltzmann constant: relates radiation power to temperature and surface area
- Stefan-Boltzmann equation: see Stefan-Boltzmann constant
- Stefan-Boltzmann law: see Stefan-Boltzmann constant
- Stein: see double star designation
- STELLA: two robotic telescopes in Canary Islands
- Stellar Activity (STELLA): two robotic telescopes in Canary Islands
- stellar activity: transient behavior of a star
- stellar age
- stellar age determination: methods of estimating a star's age
- stellar association: like a large open cluster but even less tightly bound
- stellar astronomy: astronomy of the birth, structure, variety, evolution, and fate of stars
- stellar atmosphere: photosphere and above
- stellar BH (stellar-mass black hole): black hole that is a stellar remnant
- stellar birth rate function: function describing the birth rate of stars by mass
- stellar black hole (stellar-mass black hole): black hole that is a stellar remnant
- black hole: region of such high mass that light cannot escape
- collapsar: neutron star or stellar black hole
- stellar evolution: the pattern of a star's changing structure over its life
- stellar cluster: group of stars apparently formed by a single cloud
- stellar collision (stellar merger): two stars combining into one
- stellar core: the middle of a star
- stellar demographics: statistics regarding the number of stars
- stellar designation: identifiers for stars
- stellar distance
- stellar distance determination: methods by which the distance to a star is determined
- stellar dynamics: stars' gravitational interaction
- stellar encounter: stars passing close to each other
- stellar envelope (stellar atmosphere): photosphere and above
- stellar evolution: the pattern of a star's changing structure over its life
- stellar evolution model: see stellar evolution
- stellar feedback (star formation feedback): mechanisms whereby star formation regulates its own rate
- stellar flare: sudden brightening of a star
- stellar flyby: see flyby
- stellar halo: the lesser number of nearby stars surrounding a galaxy
- galactic halo: spherical region around a galaxy with gas, dark matter, etc.
- stellar intensity interferometer (intensity interferometer): interferometer based upon interference from intensity variations
- stellar intensity interferometry: see intensity interferometer
- stellar isochrone: see isochrone
- stellar jet: see jet
- stellar kinematics: science of the movement of stars
- stellar lifetime (main-sequence lifetime): length of time that a star remains within the main sequence
- stellar luminosity
- stellar luminosity class (luminosity class): classification of size/luminosity of stars
- stellar luminosity determination: methods by which the luminosity of a star is determined
- stellar magnetic field: see magnetic field
- stellar mass
- stellar mass determination: methods by which the mass of a star is determined
- stellar mass loss (mass loss): a star's reduction in mass
- stellar merger: two stars combining into one
- stellar metallicity
- stellar model (stellar structure): the presumed internal structure of stars
- stellar model atmosphere: simulation of the star's production of emitted EMR
- stellar nucleosynthesis: see nucleosynthesis
- stellar nucleus: group of many stars at the center of a galaxy
- stellar nursery (star-forming region): area forming stars and/or ready for star formation
- stellar occurrence rate (stellar demographics): statistics regarding the number of stars
- stellar oscillation
- GYRE: a stellar oscillation code
- stellar overdensity: portion of galactic halo with more stars than normal
- stellar parallax: see parallax
- stellar parameter determination: methods by which the parameters of stars are determined
- Stellar Planet Survey: astrometric search for planets around nearby stars
- stellar population: grouping of stars according to metallicity
- stellar population synthesis: using spectral characteristics of galaxies to characterize their stellar populations
- A-LIST: catalog of templates of H-band spectra for SPS
- BPASS: evolution and population synthesis code for binary stars
- COMPAS: SPS code for compact object binaries
- FSPS: code library for stellar population synthesis
- StarTrack: stellar population synthesis code
- stellar population synthesis code: software to perform stellar population synthesis
- stellar population synthesis code: software to perform stellar population synthesis
- stellar population synthesis model: see stellar population synthesis
- stellar pulsation: see pulsating star
- stellar radio source (radio star): star emitting much radio
- stellar radius
- stellar radius determination: methods by which the radius of a star is determined
- stellar remnant: leftovers from a mainstream star
- stellar remnant BH (stellar-mass black hole): black hole that is a stellar remnant
- stellar remnant black hole (stellar-mass black hole): black hole that is a stellar remnant
- stellar rotation: rotation of a star around an axis through the middle
- stellar seismology (asteroseismology): study of stars through analysis of their pulsation
- stellar spot: see sunspot
- stellar stream: long group of co-moving stars
- stellar streams
- stellar structure: the presumed internal structure of stars
- stellar structure model (stellar structure): the presumed internal structure of stars
- stellar system: see solar system
- stellar system: see star system
- stellar temperature
- stellar temperature determination: methods by which the temperature of a star is determined
- stellar velocity: see stellar kinematics
- stellar wind: gas or plasma emanating from a star
- CMFGEN: RT code designed to handle significant stellar wind
- Parker wind: model of the solar wind
- stellar-cluster collapse
- stellar-mass BH (stellar-mass black hole): black hole that is a stellar remnant
- stellar-mass black hole: black hole that is a stellar remnant
- stellar-mass star-formation rate ratio (star-formation rate stellar-mass ratio): ratio between a galaxy's stellar mass and its SF rate
- stellar-structure equations: see stellar structure
- stellar-wind bubble: see stellar wind
- Stelle Doppie: online database of double stars
- stencil: pattern of input to numerical solutions at a point
- Steph: see rare designator prefixes
- Stephan's Quintet: five galaxies grouped in the sky
- STEPS (Stellar Planet Survey): astrometric search for planets around nearby stars
- steradian: see solid angle
- STEREO: two-satellite system to observe the Sun
- sterile neutrino: see neutrino
- Sternberg Astronomical Institute
- Sterncatalog für die Zone von 6° bis 10° südlicher Declination für das Aequinoctium 1890 (Herz catalog): list of 3000 stars in a strip of the southern sky
- Steward observatory
- Steward Observatory 0.9-meter Spacewatch telescope: see SPACEWATCH
- Steward Observatory Asteroid Relational Database: 1980s/1990s repository of asteroid data
- STF: see Struve Catalogs
- STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK): UK research agency
- STH: see double star designation
- StHA: see rare designator prefixes
- stiff EoS: see equation of state
- stimulated emission: emission triggered by received photons
- stimulated emission: see emission
- Einstein coefficients: a substance's probabilities of emission and absorption
- maser: electromagnetic radiation amplified by stimulated emission
- STIS: see Hubble Space Telescope
- STIS: see SWFO-L1
- STIS: see rare designator prefixes
- STIX: see Solar Orbiter
- STJ (superconducting tunnel junction): type of Josephson junction usable in EMR sensors
- Stk (Stokes number): measure of a particle's tendency to follow the flow of a fluid
- StKM: see rare designator prefixes
- STN: see double star designation
- STO: see GUSTO
- STO2: see GUSTO
- stochastic background (gravitational wave background): combination of weak gravitational waves such as from distant sources
- Stock: see rare designator prefixes
- Stokes map: see Stokes parameters
- Stokes number: measure of a particle's tendency to follow the flow of a fluid
- Stokes parameters: means of describing a polarization state
- Stokes shift: see fluorescence
- stop: see Lyot stop
- STPSat 6: see UVSC Pathfinder
- STR: see rare designator prefixes
- Str: see Duus-Newell catalog
- Strömgren photometric system: four-color photometric system devised in 1950s
- Strömgren sphere: sphere of ionized hydrogen around an OB star
- strain (gravitational wave strain): a measure of the magnitude of a gravitational wave
- Strand: see rare designator prefixes
- strange: see flavor
- strange matter: see quark matter
- strange quark: see particle
- strange quark: see quark
- exotic star: term for theoretical stars not made of atoms/ions
- hyperon: exotic type of baryon
- quark matter: matter not made of protons and neutrons but of quarks
- standard model: model of elementary particles including quarks
- strange quark matter: see quark matter
- exotic star: term for theoretical stars not made of atoms/ions
- neutron star: stellar remnant consisting entirely of solar masses of neutrons
- strange star: see exotic star
- strange star: see quark matter
- Strasbourg Astrophysical Data Center (Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg): repository of astronomical data
- Strasbourg-ESO Catalog of Galactic Planetary Nebulae: 1992 catalog of 1820 objects
- stratigraphy: study of rock layering
- stratopause: see atmospheric temperature profile
- stratosphere: see atmospheric temperature profile
- Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA): aircraft-based infrared observatory
- Stratospheric UV Demonstrator of an Imaging Observatory (STUDIO): balloon-borne 0.5-m ultraviolet telescope
- stray light: unintended light reaching a telescope's sensors
- stray light mitigation: see stray light
- StrayCats: survey of X-ray sources detectable in NuSTAR stray light
- streaming instability: type of interplay between disk gas and solids that brings solids together
- radial drift: inward drift of objects within a protoplanetary disk
- Strehl ratio: measure of optical aberration
- strewn field: region with fragments of a meteor impact
- strewn-field (strewn field): region with fragments of a meteor impact
- strewnfield (strewn field): region with fragments of a meteor impact
- striae: parallel ridges
- string: see string theory
- string theory: type of physics theory bringing together current models
- Stripe 82: SDSS field in southern hemisphere
- stripped SN: see core collapse supernova
- stripped star: star with substantial material removed by a binary companion
- stripped supernova: see core collapse supernova
- stripped-envelope star (stripped star): star with substantial material removed by a binary companion
- stripped-envelope supernova: see core collapse supernova
- STROBE-X: space X-ray telescope plan
- Stromlo: see rare designator prefixes
- strong cosmic censorship: see law of cosmic censorship
- strong CP problem
- axion: proposed light, electrically neutral elementary particle
- strong encounter: see stellar dynamics
- strong encounter: see stellar encounter
- strong force: force that holds quarks and nuclei together
- strong gravitational encounter: see stellar dynamics
- strong gravitational interaction
- strong gravitational lens: see gravitational lensing
- strong gravitational lensing: see weak lensing
- strong interaction (strong force): force that holds quarks and nuclei together
- strong interaction: see N-body problem
- strong lensing: see weak lensing
- strong r-process: see r-process
- Strong Radio Source Surveys (Strong Source Surveys): series of 1970s/1980s 5 GHz surveys
- Strong Source Surveys: series of 1970s/1980s 5 GHz surveys
- strong stellar encounter: see stellar encounter
- strong-field gravity: gravity much stronger than in the solar system such as near a black hole
- strong-field gravity physics
- strongly-coupled QFT: see quantum field theory
- strongly-coupled quantum field theory: see quantum field theory
- strontium
- Am star: A-type star with metallic lines
- Ap star: peculiar type of A star
- StRS: see rare designator prefixes
- structure (stellar structure): the presumed internal structure of stars
- structure formation: formation of dark matter halos, galaxy clusters, and galaxies
- structure of the universe (large scale structure): the universe's structure as in placement of clusters
- Struve: see Struve Catalogs
- Struve 1341 B b (HD 80606 b): hot Jupiter discovered in 2001
- Struve Catalogs: two catalogs of double stars
- STS (Space Transport System): early NASA plan for a Space-Shuttle-like vehicle
- STScI (Space Telescope Science Institute): science operator of space telescopes
- MAST: archive of data from surveys and missions
- STSDAS (Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System): software designed for analysis of HST data
- STSI (Space Telescope Science Institute): science operator of space telescopes
- MAST: archive of data from surveys and missions
- STSP (STarSPot): code to model starspots
- STT: see Struve Catalogs
- STTA: see Struve Catalogs
- Students for the Exploration and Development of Space: student-run organization focused on space exploration
- STUDIO: balloon-borne 0.5-m ultraviolet telescope
- StWr: see rare designator prefixes
- Styx: see Pluto
- sub-brown dwarf: see planetary mass object
- sub-Chandrasekhar mass: see supernova progenitor
- sub-GeV dark matter: a more-massive type of CDM
- sub-halo abundance mapping (SHAM): method of galaxy mock-catalog creation
- sub-halo mass function: see halo mass function
- sub-Neptune (mini-Neptune): planet with characteristics a bit like Earth but more like Neptune
- sub-Neptune: see super-Earth
- sub-threshold gravitational wave: see GW detection
- sub-threshold GW: see GW detection
- Subaru (Subaru Telescope): 8.2-meter telescope in Hawaii
- Subaru Deep Field: survey of a small region of the sky using the Subaru telescope
- Subaru PFS: multi-object spectrograph in development for the Subaru telescope
- Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (Subaru PFS): multi-object spectrograph in development for the Subaru telescope
- Subaru Strategic Program: see Subaru PFS
- Subaru Telescope: 8.2-meter telescope in Hawaii
- Subaru XMM Deep Survey (Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Survey): survey using the Subaru telescope and XMM-Newton
- Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Field: see Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Survey
- Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Survey: survey using the Subaru telescope and XMM-Newton
- subduction zone
- Europa: well-known Jupiter moon
- subdwarf: star less bright than the main sequence given its spectral class
- subgiant: slightly larger than normal star
- subgiant branch: see subgiant
- subgrid physics (subgrid-scale physics): shortcuts handling physics on a smaller scale than a simulation's grid
- subgrid-scale physics: shortcuts handling physics on a smaller scale than a simulation's grid
- subgroup (galaxy subgroup): a major galaxy and its satellites
- subgroup: see galaxy group
- subhalo: see dark matter halo
- sublimation: single material phase transition from solid to gas
- submillimeter
- Submillimeter Array: radio interferometer in Hawaii
- submillimeter astronomy: astronomy observation and analysis of borderline infrared EMR
- far infrared: infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 30-450 μm range
- submillimeter galaxy: galaxy that produces significant submillimeter radiation
- submillimeter galaxy designator: designation system of submillimeter galaxies
- Submillimeter Probe of the Evolution of Cosmic Structure: see SPICE
- submillimeter source: see source
- Submillimeter Telescope: 10-meter far-infrared telescope
- Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite: submillimeter space telescope operating 1998-2004
- submillimeter-selected galaxy (submillimeter galaxy): galaxy that produces significant submillimeter radiation
- submillimetre astronomy (submillimeter astronomy): astronomy observation and analysis of borderline infrared EMR
- Submillimetre Common-user Bolometer Array (SCUBA): submillimeter instrument on James Clark Maxwell Telescope
- submoon (subsatellite): object orbiting a moon
- Suborbital Polarimeter for Inflation Dust and the Epoch of Reionization (SPIDER): 2015 balloon-borne observatory to observe CMB polarization
- subradio: electromagnetic radiation, frequency below 3 kHz
- subsatellite: object orbiting a moon
- subsolar point: see substellar point
- subsonic
- substar (substellar object): star-like object with less mass than a star
- substar: see brown dwarf
- Substellar and Planetary Atmospheric Radiation and Circulation: see MITgcm
- substellar object: star-like object with less mass than a star
- substellar point: point on a body such that a particular star is at the zenith
- subsumption band: see Europa
- SUDA: see Europa Clipper
- Sudbury Neutrino Observatory: Canadian underground neutrino detector
- sudden ionospheric disturbance: see solar storm
- sugars
- Lego principle: principle that life is associated with a skew in molecule abundances
- SUGRA (supergravity): combination of general relativity and supersymmetry
- SUGRA: see supersymmetry
- SUIT: see Aditya-L1
- sulci: see Enceladus
- sulfide: see geochemistry
- sulfur: metal, S, atomic number 16
- sulfur dioxide
- Venus: second inner-most planet in the solar system
- Sulfur II: see sulfur
- sulfuric acid
- Venus: second inner-most planet in the solar system
- SUMER: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- summer solstice: see solstice
- Sun: star at center of solar system
- Sun surface features: features on the Sun's surface
- Sun-grazing comet: see long-period comet
- SUNGG: see The Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies
- sunquake: see quake
- SUNRISE: balloon-borne 1-meter solar telescope
- sunspot: temporary darker region of the Sun's surface
- sunspot cycle: see sunspot
- Sunspot Index Data Center (Solar Influences Data Analysis Center): Royal Observatory of Belgium division on solar weather data
- sunspot number: see sunspot
- Sunspot Solar Observatory
- sunspots
- Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array: array of eight 3.5-meter microwave telescopes
- Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect: type of distortion of the CMB
- super giants: see extra-solar planet
- Super Kamiokande Neutrino Detection Experiment: see Kamioka Observatory
- super low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 30 Hz to 300 Hz
- super Mercury: like the planet Mercury only larger
- super rotation: see zonal flow
- super-Earth: exoplanet more massive than Earth but substantially less than Neptune
- 55 Cancri e: super-Earth orbiting a Sun-like star
- GJ 1214 b: super-Earth extrasolar planet discovered in 2009
- K2-18b: super-Earth in a habitable zone
- Kepler-452b: Earth-like exoplanet discovered in 2015
- LHS 3844 b: rocky planet in habitable zone of a red dwarf
- mini-Neptune: planet with characteristics a bit like Earth but more like Neptune
- OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb: probable rocky planet orbiting red dwarf
- Proxima b: exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri
- super-Eddington accretion: see Eddington luminosity
- super-Eddington accretion: see accretion
- super-Eddington luminosity: see Eddington luminosity
- super-Jupiters: see extra-solar planet
- Super-K: see Kamioka Observatory
- Super-Kamiokande: see Kamioka Observatory
- Super-LOTIS: see Livermore Optical Transient Imaging System
- super-Neptunes: see extra-solar planet
- super-pressure balloon: see SuperBIT
- Super-pressure Balloon-borne Imaging Telescope (SuperBIT): balloon-borne 0.5-m telescope
- super-puff: see super-Earth
- SuperBIT: balloon-borne 0.5-m telescope
- SUPERBLINK: see Lépine Shara Proper Motion catalog
- superbubble: see shell
- superbubble: see supershell
- SuperCam: see Mars 2020
- SuperCDMS: see Cryogenic Dark Matter Search
- SuperCDMS SNOLAB: see Cryogenic Dark Matter Search
- SuperCDMS Soudan: see Cryogenic Dark Matter Search
- supercluster: cluster of galaxy clusters
- supercluster complex: see galaxy filament
- superclusters
- superconducting fluid
- neutron star: stellar remnant consisting entirely of solar masses of neutrons
- superconducting quantum interference device: type of very sensitive magnetometer using Josephson junctions
- superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID): very sensitive magnetometer
- superconducting tunnel junction: type of Josephson junction usable in EMR sensors
- superconductivity: see Cooper pair
- superconductor
- flux freezing: magnetic field lines becoming attached to plasma they pass through
- superconductor-isolation-superconductor: see superconducting tunnel junction
- supercooled state: see supercooling
- supercooling: cooling water below freezing point without it freezing
- SuperCOSMOS: see SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey
- SuperCOSMOS Hα Survey: see SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey
- SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey: survey of stars and galaxies from legacy plates
- SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys (SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey): survey of stars and galaxies from legacy plates
- supercritical fluid: state of matter at sufficient pressure and temperature
- superearth (super-Earth): exoplanet more massive than Earth but substantially less than Neptune
- superflare
- superfluid: fluid with no viscosity
- superfluidity: see superfluid
- supergalactic coordinate system: celestial coordinate system system based upon the supergalactic plane
- supergalactic latitude: see supergalactic coordinate system
- supergalactic longitude: see supergalactic coordinate system
- supergalactic plane: see supergalactic coordinate system
- supergiant: very large giant star
- supergiant elliptical galaxy: see giant elliptical galaxy
- supergiant star (supergiant): very large giant star
- supergranulation: see Sun
- supergranule: see Sun surface features
- supergravity: combination of general relativity and supersymmetry
- supergravity: see supersymmetry
- superionic ice: odd state of water at high temperature and pressure
- superionic water (superionic ice): odd state of water at high temperature and pressure
- superionic water ice (superionic ice): odd state of water at high temperature and pressure
- superior conjunction: conjunction of an "superior planet", Mars, Jupiter, etc.
- superior planet: see heliocentric system
- synodic period: period until a planet returns to the same position relative to the Sun
- superluminal motion: faster-than-light movement
- superluminous SN (superluminous supernova): stellar explosion larger than a supernova
- superluminous supernova: stellar explosion larger than a supernova
- supermassive BHMF: see black hole mass function
- supermassive binary black hole (binary SMBH): co-orbiting supermassive black holes
- supermassive black hole: black hole with a mass of millions to billions of solar masses
- binary SMBH: co-orbiting supermassive black holes
- black hole: region of such high mass that light cannot escape
- BlackHoleCam: European project to study black holes
- NGC 1600: elliptical galaxy with large supermassive black hole
- Romulus simulations: cosmological-simulation project active since circa 2015
- supermassive black hole binary (binary SMBH): co-orbiting supermassive black holes
- supermassive black hole mass function: see black hole mass function
- supermassive black holes
- supermassive neutron star: see hypermassive neutron star
- supermassive star: star more massive than stars normally form
- SuperNEMO: see KM3NeT
- supernova: stellar explosion larger than a nova
- AT2018cow: unusual 2018 optical transient
- Kepler's Supernova: Type Ia supernova observed in 1604 by Johannes Kepler
- PSR B0950+08: young pulsar
- SN 1572: Type Ia supernova noted in 1572 by Tycho Brahe
- SN 185: supernova recorded in China in AD 185
- SN 1987A: supernova in February 1987 rare for being visible by the naked eye
- SN 1998bw: 1998 supernova with a coincident GRB
- SN 2014J: Type Ia supernova in Messier 82, the Cigar Galaxy
- Supernova Acceleration Probe
- Supernova Cosmology Project: used supernova data to determine a history of the universe's expansion
- supernova designator: typical designation of supernovae
- Supernova Early Warning System: see supernova survey
- Supernova Factory Galaxy (NGC 2770): spiral galaxy that has shown a number of supernovae
- Supernova H0 for the Equation of State (SH0ES): survey to increase the accuracy of the cosmic distance ladder
- supernova Hubble diagram: see Hubble diagram
- supernova impostor: extreme stellar explosion that does not destroy the star
- Supernova Legacy Survey: detect and monitor supernovae to measure the effects of dark energy
- supernova light curve: changing intensity of light following a supernova
- supernova nucleosynthesis: see nucleosynthesis
- supernova progenitor: the star or star system that produces a supernova
- supernova remnant: nebula of debris resulting from a supernova
- supernova search (supernova survey): survey to identify and/or study supernovae
- supernova survey: survey to identify and/or study supernovae
- supernovae
- superparticle: see supersymmetry
- neutralino: proposed type of particle that might include WIMPs
- superposition: see linear theory
- superradiance: exotic quantum-mechanics light-amplification phenomenon
- superrotating jet: see superrotating wind
- superrotating wind: wind traveling in the same direction as the planet is rotating
- supershell: very large ISM shell-shaped region
- supershell: see shell
- supersonic
- supersonic parachute
- drogue chute: parachute to slow something moving at high speed
- superstring theory: version of string theory including supersymmetry
- supersymmetry: extension to standard model of particle physics
- neutralino: proposed type of particle that might include WIMPs
- PICO experiment: a search for a candidate dark matter particle
- supergravity: combination of general relativity and supersymmetry
- supervoid
- void: empty spaces between large scale structures
- SuperWASP: broad Earth-based search for transiting planets
- WASP-12b: retrograde hot Jupiter discovered in 2008
- WASP-43b: hot Jupiter with especially small orbit
- SuperWASP North
- WASP-33b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2010
- SuperWASP-North: see SuperWASP
- SuperWASP-South: see SuperWASP
- superwind: see stellar wind
- supply-limited weathering: see weathering
- supramassive neutron star: see hypermassive neutron star
- suprathermal: having more energy than would be created by thermal excitation
- suprathermal electron: see suprathermal
- suprathermal ion: see suprathermal
- suprathermal particle: see suprathermal
- suprathermal tail: see suprathermal
- Suprime-Cam: see Subaru Telescope
- Suprime-cam
- surface
- surface abundance: quantity such as mass per surface area
- surface brightness: brightness per unit area of a surface
- surface brightness fluctuation: apparent indication of an elliptical galaxy's distance
- surface brightness fluctuations method: see surface brightness fluctuation
- surface brightness profile: curve of a galaxy's brightness from center to edge
- surface brightness profile: see Sérsic profile
- surface brightness sensitivity: see point source sensitivity
- surface density: quantity such as mass per unit area
- surface error: see wavefront error
- surface gravity: measure of gravity at the surface of a body
- surface gravity determination: see surface gravity
- surface of last scattering: sphere around us from which CMB photons are just reaching us
- surface plasmon: see plasmon
- surface reaction: such as reactions between gas and adjacent liquid
- surface temperature: temperature of the surface of a star or planet
- survey (astronomical survey): project collecting astronomical data
- Survey and Time-domain Astrophysical Research Explorer (STAR-X): plan for a future X-ray space telescope
- survey depth: indication of how far a survey reaches
- survey field: portion of the celestial sphere where a survey's observations aim
- Survey for High-z Absorption Red & Dead Sources (SHARDS): GTC survey in GOODS-N field for quenched galaxies at z = 1 to 2.3
- Survey for Transient Astronomical Radio Emission (STARE): array of radio telescopes monitoring radio transients
- Survey of Ultraviolet Emission in Neutral-Gas Galaxies: see The Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies
- Survey Probe Infrared Celestial Experiment: see SPICE
- survey region (survey field): portion of the celestial sphere where a survey's observations aim
- survey-based designator: astronomical object designators based on name of survey
- Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution (SAGE): survey of gas and dust in the Magellanic Clouds
- surveys
- astronomical catalog: list of observed astronomical bodies including characteristics
- astronomical survey: project collecting astronomical data
- blind survey: survey conducted independently of prior information
- cadence: period between observations
- CMB surveys: efforts studying the CMB
- completeness: measure of how many of a survey's objects of a certain magnitude have been detected
- deep field: survey field subject to lengthy observation to identify distant galaxies
- deep survey: survey using lengthy observation to identify distant galaxies
- Fsky: fraction of the sky, e.g., what a survey covers
- Hα survey: survey looking for the Hα line, typically to find star formation
- intensity mapping surveys: efforts mapping the intensity of spectral lines across the sky
- legacy survey: phrase sometimes used in survey names
- MAST: archive of data from surveys and missions
- QUEST: sixteen square-degree survey camera
- redshift space: concept of space using redshift as the radial dimension
- redshift survey: survey of the universe aiming at three dimensions
- scan speed: the speed at which the telescope changes angle on the sky while observing
- slew survey: survey conducted by imaging during a telescope's repointings
- Snapshot Program: short HST observation program aimed to fit between more substantial programs
- star count: surveys of stars counting them according to some criteria
- supernova survey: survey to identify and/or study supernovae
- survey depth: indication of how far a survey reaches
- survey field: portion of the celestial sphere where a survey's observations aim
- survey-based designator: astronomical object designators based on name of survey
- well-known survey fields: well-known fields used by multiple surveys
- SUSI: optical interferometer in Australia
- SUSI-1: see New Technology Telescope
- SUSI-2: see New Technology Telescope
- SUSIM: see Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
- SUSY (supersymmetry): extension to standard model of particle physics
- Sutherland Observatory: see South African Astronomical Observatory
- Sutherland Observing Station: see South African Astronomical Observatory
- Sutherland Station: see South African Astronomical Observatory
- SUTRI: see Satech-01
- SuWt: see rare designator prefixes
- Suzaku: space X-ray telescope
- SVS: see rare designator prefixes
- SW: see rare designator prefixes
- SW effect (Sachs-Wolfe effect): gravitational redshift of the CMB
- SWA: see Solar Orbiter
- SWAN: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- SWAP: see New Horizons
- SWAS (Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite): submillimeter space telescope operating 1998-2004
- SWASP (SuperWASP): broad Earth-based search for transiting planets
- SWCam: see CCAT
- SWE (Sachs-Wolfe effect): gravitational redshift of the CMB
- SWE: see IMAP
- SWEAP: see Parker Solar Probe
- Sweden
- Swedish
- SMART-1: Swedish lunar orbiter operational 2003-2006
- Swedish Solar Telescope: see Roque de los Muchachos Observatory
- Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope: 1990s 15 m submillimeter telescope in Chile
- Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope: former 15 m radio telescope array in Chile
- sweep signal (chirp): burst of signal rising or falling in frequency
- SWEEPS (Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search): transit search using HST time
- SWeffect (Sachs-Wolfe effect): gravitational redshift of the CMB
- SWEPAM: see Advanced Composition Explorer
- SWFO-L1: future NOAA space-weather warning satellite
- ESA Vigil: plan for space-weather warning satellite at L5
- SWI: see JUICE
- SWI: see double star designation
- SWICS: see Advanced Composition Explorer
- SWICS: see Ulysses
- Swift: satellite for studying gamma-ray bursts
- Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission (Swift): satellite for studying gamma-ray bursts
- Swift/BAT6 (BAT6): sample of long GRBs
- SWIMS: see Advanced Composition Explorer
- SWIMS: see Subaru Telescope
- SWIMS: see University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory
- swing-by (gravity assist): method of boosting the speed of a spacecraft
- SWiPS: see SWFO-L1
- SWIRC: see MMT
- SWIRE: see Spitzer Space Telescope
- Swiss T70 Telescope: see TRAPPIST
- switchback (magnetic switchback): Z-shaped magnetic field lines
- SWMF: software package of tools for modeling space weather
- SWOOPS: see Ulysses
- Swope Supernova Survey: survey of low-redshift Type Ia SN light curves
- Swope Telescope: see Las Campanas Observatory
- Swordy plot: well-known diagram plotting cosmic ray flux to particle energy
- cosmic rays: very-high-energy particles from beyond the solar system
- SWP: see International Ultraviolet Explorer
- SWR: see International Ultraviolet Explorer
- SwRI (Southwest Research Institute): Texas research organization
- SWS: see Infrared Space Observatory
- SWS: see International Ultraviolet Explorer
- SX Arietis variable: see variable star
- SX Phoenicis variable: see variable star
- SXARI: see variable star
- SXC: see High Energy Transient Explorer
- SXDF: see Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Survey
- SXDS (Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Survey): survey using the Subaru telescope and XMM-Newton
- SXG (Spektr-RG): Russian-German X-ray observatory launched in 2019
- SXI: see Hitomi
- SXP: see rare designator prefixes
- SXPHE: see variable star
- SXR: see X-ray
- SXR: see X-ray source
- SXS: see Hitomi
- SXT: see AstroSat
- SXT: see Hitomi
- SXT: see Yohkoh
- SXT: see transient
- Sy (Seyfert galaxy): visible active galaxy
- Sy 1: see Seyfert galaxy
- Sy 2: see Seyfert galaxy
- Sy 3: see Seyfert galaxy
- LINER: galaxy nucleus emitting spectral lines for ionized and neutral atoms
- SY-1 (Satech-01): Chinese experimental spacecraft
- Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey: see MOST
- Sydney University Stellar Interferometer (SUSI): optical interferometer in Australia
- symbiotic binary: giant star transferring mass to a somewhat distant companion
- symbiotic star (symbiotic binary): giant star transferring mass to a somewhat distant companion
- symbol
- Z+: symbol for ion or ion charge
- symbolic regression: automated model-building by tinkering with formulae
- symmetric mass ratio: see chirp mass
- symmetry breaking: loss of symmetry, such as due to loss of stability in a regime change
- symmetry energy: see valley of beta stability
- synapse
- synchro-Compton (synchrotron self-Compton): charged particle cloud scattering its own synchrotron-produced photons
- synchro-Compton catastrophe: see synchrotron self-Compton
- synchronous orbit: orbit with angular velocity matching the rotation of the orbited body
- synchronous rotation: see rotation period
- synchronous rotation: see synchronous orbit
- synchrotron
- synchrotron emission (synchrotron radiation): radiation emitted when high-speed charged particles are accelerated
- synchrotron luminosity: see synchrotron radiation
- synchrotron maser: see maser
- synchrotron radiation: radiation emitted when high-speed charged particles are accelerated
- synchrotron self-absorption: see self-absorption
- synchrotron self-absorption: see synchrotron radiation
- synchrotron self-Compton: charged particle cloud scattering its own synchrotron-produced photons
- synchrotron self-scattering: see synchrotron radiation
- synestia model: see Moon formation
- synodic day (solar day): length of a solar system planet or Moon's day
- synodic period: period until a planet returns to the same position relative to the Sun
- orbital period: length of time for an orbiting object to complete one cycle
- sidereal: relative to the fixed position of the stars
- synodic rotation period (solar day): length of a solar system planet or Moon's day
- synodic rotation period: see rotation period
- synodic period: period until a planet returns to the same position relative to the Sun
- synoptic: general, covering everything
- synoptic astronomy (time-domain astronomy): observing and analyzing changes in astronomical objects
- synoptic astronomy: see synoptic
- synoptic meteorology: see synoptic
- Synthése d'Ouverture en Infra Rouge avec Deux Telescopes: see GI2T
- synthesis (nucleosynthesis): creation of atomic nuclei
- synthesis imaging (aperture synthesis): interferometry to simulate a larger aperture telescope
- Synthesis Telescope
- synthetic aperture radar: method of using moving radar with a stationary target
- synthetic aperture telescope: see aperture synthesis
- synthetic field method: method of testing galaxy opacity
- synthetic photometry: deriving photometry-style data from spectroscopy
- synthetic spectrum: simulated spectrum, e.g., of a type of star
- SYO: see double star designation
- Sys-Rem: algorithm to remove systematics from light curve data
- SysRem (Sys-Rem): algorithm to remove systematics from light curve data
- System Requirements Review: see MDR/SRR
- systematic error: errors with non-random characteristics
- sigma: indication of the confidence level of an experiment
- systematics: see systematic error
- systemic redshift: see systemic velocity
- systemic velocity: average velocity of grouped objects, such as a galaxy
- syzygy: see opposition
- SZ (Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect): type of distortion of the CMB
- Sz: see rare designator prefixes
- SZ Array (Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array): array of eight 3.5-meter microwave telescopes
- SZ effect (Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect): type of distortion of the CMB
- SZ/CMB-Pol: see Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope
- SZA (Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array): array of eight 3.5-meter microwave telescopes
- SZE (Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect): type of distortion of the CMB